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Promising Start for Starfighter Expansion, but beware the kill ninjas.


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Spot the guy that doesn't play on vent with his friends.


When victory is guaranteed and you're good enough to compete for top of the leaderboard, there is absolutely such a thing as a sure kill, and plenty of fun to be had in joshing your friends for stealing yours.


That said, if you're queueing solo, yeah, there's no point in complaining.


Like where's Waldo?

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For goodness sake I was not complaining


Oh really.


taking credit for your kill... ruining the playing experience... infuriating...


But you were not complaining. :rolleyes:


You reveal your own arrogance yet further.


And step down from your high horse. You are no bastion of maturity. In all my (previous) posts, i addressed what you wrote, not what you are. You wrote nonsense, and i told you that. But nowhere did i attack you personally.


You on the other hand have made personal ad-hominem attacks against my person in every post you wrote, insinuating i am not intelligent, cannot respect opinions, am arrogant, etc. etc. Instead of addressing why you do not agree with my point that 'killstealing' is fine, you attacked me personally.


If you think that's a mature and intelligent way to lead a discussion, you are mistaken.

Edited by Sharee
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As I recall, the 'killing shot gets credit' has sometimes been how it works in real life air combat as well, so I have no problem with that - if/when it becomes you get more rewards for kills than assists, that would be annoying. Frankly, it never occurs to me to ponder who's gonna get credit for the kill, as long as my target turns into a puff of smoke.

I'm no ace [gunship] pilot, but I do fairly well if others are providing some cover rather than chasing kills halfway across the map.

But I suppose that's one reason why I suck at regular pvp; I pay too much attention to objectives and team score, and not enough at hotdogging and minmaxing and exploiting...not that I'm bitter or anything :rolleyes:

Edited by Lord_Thorne
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This is happening time and time again, there seems to be a culture growing in SF where a number of pilots only shoot down enemies with little health left.


Taking down the enemies that have little health left but are still shooting is a valuable contribution to the team and should be acknowledged accordingly.

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Taking down the enemies that have little health left but are still shooting is a valuable contribution to the team and should be acknowledged accordingly.


Exactly..........if I'm defending a sat and two scouts are coming in but one is at 1/2 health and the other is full I'm targeting the damaged one first.

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The current match type for GSF is more Team focussed than Individual focussed.


It will be interesting when they add pure 'Team Deathmatch' (which they talked of in the January Insider) whether that will change but even when I have played 'Team Deathmatch' in other games I have never been one to care if someone else landed a killing blow on someone. Namely because the word Team is still in the match type and as long as more enemies are dead in comparison to the Team I am on, it shouldn't matter who got most kills as long as they aren't the "I carried the team" attitude types of players (specially when the other members have the team have loads of assists).


As a wise man once said "There is no I in TEAM!" ;)

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The current match type for GSF is more Team focussed than Individual focussed.


It will be interesting when they add pure 'Team Deathmatch' (which they talked of in the January Insider) whether that will change but even when I have played 'Team Deathmatch' in other games I have never been one to care if someone else landed a killing blow on someone. Namely because the word Team is still in the match type and as long as more enemies are dead in comparison to the Team I am on, it shouldn't matter who got most kills as long as they aren't the "I carried the team" attitude types of players (specially when the other members have the team have loads of assists).


As a wise man once said "There is no I in TEAM!" ;)

There's a "ME" in a team, though.:D

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Kill ninja?! Wow...I assure you, never have I EVER killed an enemy ship, just to get a "kill steal"...EVER! Hell, most players end a match with 0 or 1 kills as it is...I honestly don't believe YOU have ever encountered a "kill ninja" either.
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Kill ninja?! Wow...I assure you, never have I EVER killed an enemy ship, just to get a "kill steal"...EVER! Hell, most players end a match with 0 or 1 kills as it is...I honestly don't believe YOU have ever encountered a "kill ninja" either.


I... I have a confession to make.


Imagine this situation: ally is chasing an enemy. Enemy has a decent amount of shields left, half hull or less. Sometimes just a sliver of hull. Ally has done good, strong work towards getting this kill.


Enemy zips by me, going approximately half the speed of light. He's on my screen for maybe half a second, and before he got there, I had no idea he even existed.


Twitch. Click. Burst laser crit with shield piercing.


This happens more often than it really should.


I in no way deserve these kills.

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I... I have a confession to make.


Imagine this situation: ally is chasing an enemy. Enemy has a decent amount of shields left, half hull or less. Sometimes just a sliver of hull. Ally has done good, strong work towards getting this kill.


Enemy zips by me, going approximately half the speed of light. He's on my screen for maybe half a second, and before he got there, I had no idea he even existed.


Twitch. Click. Burst laser crit with shield piercing.


This happens more often than it really should.


I in no way deserve these kills.


You *%$#@! That was ME you probably killed...and yes...you should feel bad...next time, please look away from the Pub racing by you ;)


I see where you're going with this...but like you said, it's a "twitch" kill, not a LULZ IMA GUNNA KILL STEEL type of kill. Kill credit probably should be adjusted...I agree with that.

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Im sorry OP, did you really just write a 10 page essay whining about kill stealers? Come on... Get some perspective man. No one is waiting in the shadows to steal your kills. Everyone is flying around trying to shoot stuff or win matches. Your post is ridiculous. Edited by Docmal
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I have had a couple noobs literally fly around chasing ME and nabbing MY kills, BUT oh wait a minute, they are my WINGMEN and they are new, trying to get a handle on things and are shooting at my targets.

At first I thought, *** seriously guys? lol until one messaged me a little cudos message and asked for some tips.

Naturally I did all the initial damage, after all, I am good, in a nice ship, and the other guy supporting me is bad, in a new ship and landed a few kill shots.


I don't get mad at it as everyone shares the kills at the end of the day via TAB.


Anyone worth their salt hugs bases and just tabs enemies within the danger zone when not dealing with enemy ACES who are the only targets anyone has an excuse for chasing out of danger zone for any length of time.


If people are stealing your kills, first consider TAB's role in the situation, second consider the new player trying to help you and not even thinking about stealing anything, and if none of that works for ya, then feel FLATTERED people think you are so awesome that they choose you to follow around for free kills.

This can earn ya one thing, you have a wingman if you get ganged on.


Kill count in GSF should be called Killing Blows, so don't take the numbers to heart, just win and be helpful, grab some requisition, and everyone is happy.

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