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Class Story replay with higher difficulty.


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So basically New Game +.


I loved the class story and the companion romance and those literally made the game for me. So when I got my characters to 55, I was bummed out that I won't get to repeat it. So why not make the class story replayable to either re-live the awesomeness as the Jedi you always wanted to look like, or choose to do things a little differently.


Heroics are repeatable and those are good for comms, but for us people who enjoy solo play as much as group content and don't want to do the cheap grind that has no purpose, why not make the entire class stories re-playable but you need to reach level 55 to unlock?


Thanks guys, hope you see this :)

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So basically New Game +.


I loved the class story and the companion romance and those literally made the game for me. So when I got my characters to 55, I was bummed out that I won't get to repeat it. So why not make the class story replayable to either re-live the awesomeness as the Jedi you always wanted to look like, or choose to do things a little differently.


Heroics are repeatable and those are good for comms, but for us people who enjoy solo play as much as group content and don't want to do the cheap grind that has no purpose, why not make the entire class stories re-playable but you need to reach level 55 to unlock?


Thanks guys, hope you see this :)


Diablo 3 did that. Wasn't quite as fun as you think.

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Diablo 3 did that. Wasn't quite as fun as you think.


Diablo III isn't that great of a game. I just want an excuse to replay the story and watch the cutscenes, do things in the conversations I didn't do the first time around but do it with the character I invested so much time into and not have to go through the slog of sidequests again.


I mean the killer is the side quests when you're leveling because you NEED to do them in order to be strong enough to do the next mission and the next mission. Well what if I just wanted to run the story again start to finish and get some comms for it? And have on the ship the "Do you want to replay the companion story?"


And make it interesting:


Replaying the companion subplot also resets the affection bar to 0 so you have to build it up over again and earn those moments. Heck you can reset it for cartel coins for all I care. It would give people the option to replay if they wished without having to make another character, waste a slot, and have to slog the grind. Again.

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I'm all for it if it doesn't reset companion affection to 0.


you posted this as I was typing xD.


Well we disagree on the affection thing. But anything really to have an excuse to replay the story. Nothing doing story missions, your daily grind, and gifts can't build back up if need be.

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you posted this as I was typing xD.


Well we disagree on the affection thing. But anything really to have an excuse to replay the story. Nothing doing story missions, your daily grind, and gifts can't build back up if need be.


Yeah but I spent a fortune on purple gifts to max out affection. You shouldn't lose it, since you earned it already.

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To be able to replay my class story is my number 1 wanted feature, but I wonder how they would do it as much of the class stories involves meeting and getting new companions.


I guess you could go to a mission terminal and acquire the quest to start chapter 1,2 or 3. And when you do you have to return to the planet you start on and all companions are disabled while you have the quest active or something.


Would be difficult, and I doubt this will ever happen with the minuscule budget that Bioware seems to have for this game. They can't even make a hood toggle, this is beyond their abilities I think.

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Replaying story would be great, but I'm not sure it should effect your moral standing of companion affection. There could be some reward, but nothing drastic.


Cosmetic Gear. Stuff like:


JEDI KNIGHT: Armor similar to Obi-Wan's armor he wore during the clone wars

JEDI CONSULAR: Real jedi robes

SMUGGLER: Something either like Atton Rand's armor or Han Solo's traditional gear

TROOPER: Clone Trooper Armor


SITH WARRIOR: Vaders Armor (Helmet replaced with Darth Malaks)

SITH INQUISITOR: Palpatines Robes

AGENT: I dunno, but something really awesome

BOUNTY HUNTER: Boba Fetts Armor.

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Cosmetic Gear. Stuff like:


JEDI KNIGHT: Armor similar to Obi-Wan's armor he wore during the clone wars

JEDI CONSULAR: Real jedi robes

SMUGGLER: Something either like Atton Rand's armor or Han Solo's traditional gear

TROOPER: Clone Trooper Armor


SITH WARRIOR: Vaders Armor (Helmet replaced with Darth Malaks)

SITH INQUISITOR: Palpatines Robes

AGENT: I dunno, but something really awesome

BOUNTY HUNTER: Boba Fetts Armor.


One word: anachronism

Edited by Sadishist
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Diablo 3 did that. Wasn't quite as fun as you think.


I don't know what you expected, sure it didn't meet expectations and wasn't quite the worthy successor of D2, but it was fun enough for me. Many people probably think Diablo is an mmo franchise... which it isn't



But OT aside: I'm all for replay of the story, and also some form of useful reward for each chapter you complete. (like a few commendations).

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Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with a desire to see the class stories replayed. Plus I don't see why the character's can't be used, I mean it's just cutscenes and maybe a few fights featuring them and the companion is just a companion at that point. The only trick I can think of they'd have to pull off is if you have a companion who interacts in the cutscene and he's the same companion as the one you interact with.


Companion: blah blah blah




Same companion starts interacting after he already left?


That'd be a trick.


Or maybe they can make the character unavailable per chapter. So in Chapter 1, the companion is unavailable for quest missions. So when you enter a phase, the majority of companions to that point become unavailable. Not unlike the "skill drop" to level scale with players of drastically different levels who want to play together. I'm sure they can retrofit the technology for class story replay. If anything it would give you a reason to use and beef your other companions beyond the one or two you use regularly.

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As much as I like the idea — any idea that expands end-game content with other things than fights-with-little-or-no-story — I think the encounters with your companions are important events in the storyline (think of e.g. Khem Val, SCORPIO, Gault). So, having the option to re-run the storyline, would imho necessitate dismissing *all* companions until the storyline will lead you to the encounter that brings them into your crew.
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That would actually be kind of interesting ... sort of like a "reincarnate" experience for a character ... but starting over in a harder alternate universe or something?


I have NO IDEA how they might (rationally) work THAT ONE out ...

but i do know that other MMOs offer reincarnation storyline arcs for characters...


As long as we didn't reset or start over at level 1 ... that would suck bad.

I'd be curious to see how this kind of thing might happen, BUT ONLY if it was by player choice, and NOT automatic.


So basically New Game +.

I loved the class story and the companion romance and those literally made the game for me. So when I got my characters to 55, I was bummed out that I won't get to repeat it. So why not make the class story replayable to either re-live the awesomeness as the Jedi you always wanted to look like, or choose to do things a little differently.

Heroics are repeatable and those are good for comms, but for us people who enjoy solo play as much as group content and don't want to do the cheap grind that has no purpose, why not make the entire class stories re-playable but you need to reach level 55 to unlock?

Thanks guys, hope you see this :)

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As much as I like the idea — any idea that expands end-game content with other things than fights-with-little-or-no-story — I think the encounters with your companions are important events in the storyline (think of e.g. Khem Val, SCORPIO, Gault). So, having the option to re-run the storyline, would imho necessitate dismissing *all* companions until the storyline will lead you to the encounter that brings them into your crew.


Well I said that in my above post, stating that the game would make companions you had not earned at that point unavailable. But just in that instance. Since all story missions take place in instances, this is entirely plausible to do. In the outside world you're still doing regular content and the story progresses, but the idea would be that you can replay the story out for fun and to have fun only the reward this time is for comms or something else just as satisfying.

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That would actually be kind of interesting ... sort of like a "reincarnate" experience for a character ... but starting over in a harder alternate universe or something?


I have NO IDEA how they might (rationally) work THAT ONE out ...

but i do know that other MMOs offer reincarnation storyline arcs for characters...


As long as we didn't reset or start over at level 1 ... that would suck bad.

I'd be curious to see how this kind of thing might happen, BUT ONLY if it was by player choice, and NOT automatic.


I would call it "re-incarnation" so much as "remembering" what happened. Because ALL class missions take place in instances so when you're out and about in the world, you're doing your thing, levelling, all companions are accessible, etc etc. But when you enter these instances, it's like entering a "memory" you once had of this place. And since most people remember their current selves in these re-tellings, it would allow you access to your character at 55 and with all your gear. But by proxy the enemies would be just as tough, to make them "as you remember them."

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I support this idea. and personally have no issues with bizzare wierd things like having kiras with me while talking to Kira. maybe it's gonna be a bit odd at times sure but it's easy eneugh for people to manage it themselves if they so choose to


I'm with you on that one, but I think a lot of people would get irritated, so logically it'd be cooler if they just added a phase blocker to say "this companion is unavailable in this instance."

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Well I said that in my above post, stating that the game would make companions you had not earned at that point unavailable. But just in that instance. Since all story missions take place in instances, this is entirely plausible to do. In the outside world you're still doing regular content and the story progresses, but the idea would be that you can replay the story out for fun and to have fun only the reward this time is for comms or something else just as satisfying.

Okay. I must say I like the idea.


I also found an additional personal reason: some of the unfriendly remarks (when you have an option between two or three things to say) are incredibly funny!! So, it would be cool if could play my BH again and be a total jerk to Mako and Gault :D (Without actually losing afection, that is)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Okay. I must say I like the idea.


I also found an additional personal reason: some of the unfriendly remarks (when you have an option between two or three things to say) are incredibly funny!! So, it would be cool if could play my BH again and be a total jerk to Mako and Gault :D (Without actually losing afection, that is)


Which I argue is why this would be a good thing and get people to either re-sub or replay the game :) I mean maybe they can give it an incentive: "Subscribers won't lose affection while FTPers WILL be affected."

Edited by Timarick
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