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If Thundering Blast was instant cast, many of our issues would disappear.


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It will solve many lightning sorc issues to no longer have to hardcast it. It won't much of a boost either in dmg potential, just to make lightning fun to play. Yes needs new animation to match it. Maybe you could also increase the cooldown to 12 seconds to make up for it.


It will make us able to proc free chain lightning while moving, thereby give us some extra slows also if talented for that.


It would just be good overall, without giving us too much.


EDIT: Alternatively change a talent to provide thundering blast with immunity to interrupts, knockbacks and stuns while casting. That would be tactical and players have to pay attention instead of facerolling you, as else their abilties will be wasted on your immunity.

Edited by Duco
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It will solve many lightning sorc issues to no longer have to hardcast it. It won't much of a boost either in dmg potential, just to make lightning fun to play. Yes needs new animation to match it.


It will make us able to proc free chain lightning while moving, thereby give us some extra slows also if talented for that.


It would just be good overall, without giving us too much.


Not really sure if this is a troll post but :mon_trap:......... This will never happen.

Edited by ClockworkSoldier
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Well it can also be done by a talent that will make you immune to interrupts, pushbacks and stuns while channeling Thundering Blast. That will make it tactical and give you an advantage, that if an enemy player chooses to stun/interrupt/pushback you while you are casting thundering blast, he will waste his ability. That gives you power and makes you feared because they cannot simply faceroll and must pay attention to counter you.


And no, this is no troll, either of these will be just excellent, other classes have other lame overpoweredness.

Edited by Duco
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You'd need to rebalance cooldown or damage a bit.


Otherwise its one extra TB per minute + 1 extra lightning strike every 3 TB (0,5 sec not being casted)


It would be a substancial dps increase, altough I'm starting to agree other rdps are running way ahead lately in live fights.

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36 Point Talents for sorcs are bad except Revivification. Affliction does as much damage as creeping terror minus the root and TB only hits for about 5-6k and it's single target with a long cast time and a cooldown. It should be instant for the cooldown. Death Field is and it hits 5 targets and does more damage TB is a joke.
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It will solve many lightning sorc issues to no longer have to hardcast it. It won't much of a boost either in dmg potential, just to make lightning fun to play. Yes needs new animation to match it. Maybe you could also increase the cooldown to 12 seconds to make up for it.


It will make us able to proc free chain lightning while moving, thereby give us some extra slows also if talented for that.


It would just be good overall, without giving us too much.


EDIT: Alternatively change a talent to provide thundering blast with immunity to interrupts, knockbacks and stuns while casting. That would be tactical and players have to pay attention instead of facerolling you, as else their abilties will be wasted on your immunity.


I can see how this would be considered too strong though the thought appeals to me. In any case, having two main abilities with a 2 second cast and no way to bring them down other than alacrity is simply sadistic and bad game design.


Something needs to be done with mind crush and turbulence indeed.

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These so called lightning issues are your opinion...I don't find any issues with lightning..Madness is high mobility low burst and Lightning is lower mobility and bursty...You want mobility play madness...and please don't tell me Snipers and mercs are more DPS...then go play them..Sorcerer has a utility tax just like WoW! You want to be bale to heal to full..cleanse..pull..bubble..range mez..range interrupt..force speed..AE knock back in a cone 15m ahead of you and much more as well as burst and dps like a sniper that cant do half of that ....We all want to be like Mike I know,,, Edited by Cempa
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These so called lightning issues are your opinion...I don't find any issues with lightning..Madness is high mobility low burst and Lightning is lower mobility and bursty...You want mobility play madness...and please don't tell me Snipers and mercs are more DPS...then go play them..Sorcerer has a utility tax just like WoW! You want to be bale to heal to full..cleanse..pull..bubble..range mez..range interrupt..force speed..AE knock back in a cone 15m ahead of you and much more as well as burst and dps like a sniper that cant do half of that ....We all want to be like Mike I know,,,


Except Merc can heal to full, cleanse (arguably more useful things like sniper root), ranged mez and interrupt, sure they can't pull but they can electronet, they got a better knockback, heavy armour, aaaaaand it's okay for them to have more dps???


Nah. Sorc dps should be on par with merc.

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Except Merc can heal to full, cleanse (arguably more useful things like sniper root), ranged mez and interrupt, sure they can't pull but they can electronet, they got a better knockback, heavy armour, aaaaaand it's okay for them to have more dps???


Nah. Sorc dps should be on par with merc.


What are you willing to give up for it?


* Force Speed?

* Bubble?

* Bubble others?

* Instant self heal?

* Ranged AE?


Just to name a sew, the list can go in....You want to play like a merc...play a merc!

Edited by Cempa
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What are you willing to give up for it?


* Force Speed?

* Bubble?

* Bubble others?

* Instant self heal?

* Ranged AE?


Just to name a sew, the list can go in....You want to play like a merc...play a merc!


While on paper bubbling others is great, in practice its not that awesome due to the force cost and if you have a sorc healer he'll handle it with a stronger bubble.


Force speed is great also on paper, but easy to counter in PvP, and Mercs have their own version with hydraulic override.


The instant self heal is meant as a survivability band-aid since sorc were having major issues.


The truth is, we have a utility tax but we lack superior utility, and lack defensive tools.


Sniper utility is currently considered better than sorcs due to the strenght of the shield in soft enrage phases on most bosses. Merc's cleanse is more practical since physical/tech effects are a lot more common than force/mental ones.


So currently sorc could sure use some loving. Lightning is viable, but trails a bit behind about what it can offer over a merc or sniper to a serious raid team. Its also more vulnerable to pushback since crushing darkness and Force Lightning have none (barrage proc lose half their damage if hit while channeling).


I agree just removing the cast from TB will probably make it a bit to powerful. This is why either the cooldown should be slightly increased or damage slightly reduced.

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Lower it's cast time to 1.5 and make it instant proc on Lightning Storm with an 8 second cooldown added to Light Storm instead of 10 seconds. Make knockback AoE and Lightning would at least be in a much better place both for pve and pvp.


Why make it 1,5 sec cast rather than instant with the GCD? You'd at least adress some mobility issues. And imo lightning has enough proc, damage is rollercoasterish enough already.

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What are you willing to give up for it?


* Force Speed?

* Bubble?

* Bubble others?

* Instant self heal?

* Ranged AE?


Just to name a sew, the list can go in....You want to play like a merc...play a merc!


I've got one every AC, I want to play a sorc, not a merc, warrior, operative healer, powertech, sniper. I would like us to be on par with other ACs, not overly hybrid-taxed for ultimately "sub-par utility". You know, I want to feel like the "force master" the class is advertised as.

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  • 6 months later...
Either instant cast with longer cooldown with 10-12 seconds or make the cast 1 second cast so the facerollers don't feel to sad about being screwed in the face for attacking the sorc in the first place and have a chance to interrupt, also Static Barrier should give a 6 second damage reduction like 15% to 20%, also increase base damage of lightning strike because 1.7k-1.9k is a bit low in in my opinion and in some others as well. Also Shock is meager base damage I hit for 1.2k-1.6k and crits for 2k-3k crit, MEAGER, Less long cast times that can be interrupted every time you try to cast an ability, Also Polarity Shift should have a cool-down equal to Recklessness 1 minute and 30 seconds. Thundering Blast should be a feared ability if allowed to be cast at a target and rightfully it should for its suppose to be you most powerful and best ability, I have no issues with chain lighting as it does good damn for a AOE instant cast with TB and Lighting Strike, as for shock maybe with lightning Strike putting a debuff on the target making him get hit harder by Shock with 10%-15% more damage, as a stationary force caster and having little to no armor or damage reduction some mobility is required to stay alive and as being a weak but hard hitting target you should hit like a truck when its needed to fight off assaults, as of right now in patch 2.8 Shien warriors and Knights can force charge and do master strike/ Ravage can nearly one shot or damn near kill you and 1 or 2 more abilities kill you shutting you down with little to no effort at all!, Sorcs/sages need a buff and needs one now for being a "master of the force" you should be atleast living up to the name.
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Casting time is necessary because the casting animation is a nice looking and different from all other sorcerer mundane lightning animations.+ the ''gathering storm'' sound effect of the ability is too good to remove.


However if there was a knowdown similar to the former Operative Hidden Strike, it would be awesome because of the many implications,and it wouldn't make it overpowered.(Lightning isn't going to be the ultimate pvp choice anyway)

Edited by Kaedusz
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Thundering Blast even tho its a awesome looking ability has to long of a cast time to even be equal its potential damage, I believe the cast time should be reduced to at least 1 second or close to it so its has pvp capability. Lightning Strike needs a boost in base damage as well its to low for a 1.5 cast time and force lightning does that damage plus some in 3 seconds so lightning strike our main ability needs a boost. Same with Barrier more absorb and a damage reduction for 5 to 7 seconds after its bursts to equal damage taken to help survive.
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Casting time is necessary because the casting animation is a nice looking and different from all other sorcerer mundane lightning animations.+ the ''gathering storm'' sound effect of the ability is too good to remove.


However if there was a knowdown similar to the former Operative Hidden Strike, it would be awesome because of the many implications,and it wouldn't make it overpowered.(Lightning isn't going to be the ultimate pvp choice anyway)


A knock down would be nice but whats worth the knock down with its 2 second cast time? Instant Cast Thundering Blast would be preferable as the other classes are out dpsing us and can kill us before our rotation is complete, Instant cast now looks a bit better then 1 second cast but I wouldn't have a problem with 1 second cast Thunder Blast as well. Not only Thundering Blast should be buffed and changed to see the needs for sorcs, but living is an issue, seeing as Guardians and Juggs now have a second life ability they can not only out dps us and take down or hold 2+ people alone, adding the defensive cooldowns they have. we need better defensive cooldowns, to be honest I don't find Force barrier a defensive cooldown I see it as a bite in the *** every time I use it because it just making the end last longer and a waste, remove Force barrier and give a better cooldown that makes sense and or replace it with a damage boost ability thats makes all our damage increase 50% and ignores armor and shields. Just do something Bioware that can make sorcs feared again and a playable class because at his point I don't see sorcs as a threat at all and are easy kills and a downer for the entire group/ops/warzone. Being a fully Obroan Geared and fully augmented level 55 sorc I find it hard to continue playing this class or this game unless you stop worrying about the stupid Cartel Market items and start improving game quality, and yes that means listen to the players and BALANCE all the classes and start thinking of a new expansion and new races/ classes to choose from make the game subscribtion based again throw EA out the door and start growing a pair, make this game rival World of Warcraft and regain your reputation. I love Star Wars and I'm not the only one and god knows that these people will forever hate you for messing up a good idea for Star Wars and allowing whats going on now to continue to destroy a once amazing story. I'm not saying this because I'm a sorc and I'm mad at the fact the class is easy to shut down and easy to kill I have 6 other 55's I play but I want sorcs to be a good class as it was the first class I used to play the game since Launch and stop choosing flavor of the month classes and make everyone equal.

Edited by Gramm
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