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(S)olution to ~ Damage Meter(s)


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Copy the scoreboard shown at the end of Warzones to appear after a boss fight in a given Flashpoint/Operation.


Never have to worry about kids spamming it, just close it after the boss fight if you don't like it (or disable it from popping up in the UI). Replace the objectives/kills/deaths columns with mechanics relative to the boss fight.


Problem solved, everyone wins.

Edited by GGTeMpLaR
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tbh i think most people don't want people to spam damage meters because on WoW it was your top dps or you were a noob. and people don't want to get that started on here.


I have to admit I was one of those people who would kick people out of the group for low dps, BUT I only kicked people if we couldn't down a boss.

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tbh i think most people don't want people to spam damage meters because on WoW it was your top dps or you were a noob. and people don't want to get that started on here.


I have to admit I was one of those people who would kick people out of the group for low dps, BUT I only kicked people if we couldn't down a boss.


In this system, there is no meter spam.

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I remember the days where playing wasn't about stroking your epeen with numbers


no, but in a raiding guild it helps you maximize your personal performace.


Just give the readings out to each member, so they know what they did, allowing them to work out the best rotations or see if a new way to DPS etc.

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It makes no sense to present only your damage because everyone's going just going to ask "how much dmg/heal did you do?" anyways and get the data regardless (with the inclusion of unreliability).


They present everyone's stats at the end of the BG, they should do the same for FPs & OPs. It makes no sense not to.

Edited by GGTeMpLaR
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tbh i think most people don't want people to spam damage meters because on WoW it was your top dps or you were a noob. and people don't want to get that started on here.


I have to admit I was one of those people who would kick people out of the group for low dps, BUT I only kicked people if we couldn't down a boss.


I smell bipolar player here....


I like DMG Meters to increase my performance, and to know "where I stand"


To kick player if they "don't know better" is pretty fail! If you are a good player you can give em tipps...


Kicking players who "just don't care" and do crappy dmg, is ok for me! (Like in WoW people who don't enchant their gear and stuff)




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It makes no sense to present only your damage because everyone's going just going to ask "how much dmg/heal did you do?" anyways and get the data regardless (with the inclusion of unreliability).


They present everyone's stats at the end of the BG, they should do the same for FPs & OPs. It makes no sense not to.


Here's the deal, though.....Overall damage can be misleading.


Some classes have better burst and look very impressive on the overall damage meter because they are able to burst down weak enemies very quickly. Other classes have strong AoE damage and look very impressive on the overall meter because they can nuke the crap out of weak trash pulls to get big numbers.


Classes which don't have good burst but do have strong damage over time will perform better on longer fights against enemies with larger HP pools. This is why people who knew how to make good use of their damage meters in WoW would have theirs set to show the current fight only.

Edited by belialle
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Damage meters has nothing to do with stroking your epeen. Its more about finding out who not to group with. Was in a Taral V FP the other day and i swear the scoundrel(dps) was just auto attacking and throwing a bomb every once in a while. Would be nice if there was a way to prove it. He was saying it was my fault, i said it was his, the group lead didn't want to kick anyone so we trudged on. It sucked. Now if there were damage meters/heal meters, stuff like that can be avoided.

It isn't an elitist thing, it's a logic thing.

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Using a damage meter to judge others is elitist. Using a damage meter to work out where your dps comes from and how to maximise it is just refining your knowledge of your char.


An in game dps meter that display a real time dps of only your dps would be great. As soon as it shows you the groups it opens up a world of el;elitism and non-cooperation.

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99% of people don't want meters to epeen flex so this solves nothing. We want to optimize our rotation.


Then what we need is a damage meter that works just on ourself and not others? Without the ability to spam the results in group/general chat?


I think 99% is a little over exaggerated... lets try something more realistic like 20% :)

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A damage sheet at the end of a boss fight tells you nothing, the best part about damage meters is that you can see every little detail, who gives a **** about just the number?



Doing high damage in a raid does show skill, and it is required if you do hard content. I played for the sole purpose of simply coming top on damage, in a high end progression guild and that competition was the main motivation for me to play, I enjoyed being the best and competing against others. But we posted logs to websites for people to check, in game people used their recount addons for their personal use to help quickly analyse the fights.


I can't remember the last time some "kid" spammed damage meters, and even when it happened it didnt happen often. Using them to kick out the dude doing the less damage than the tank is perfectly valid.




I have no interest in a warzone style damage sheet, I want detailed information.

Edited by Bigbazz
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Damage meters are necessary for two reasons. 1) To improve yourself. 2) To weed out under-performers in flashpoints/operations. Think that is elitist? Too bad. I think it is selfish to expect other players to carry you through content.
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How is not wanting someone in your group who is bad being an elitist?


I apologize if I don't like wanting to ram my head into my desk repeatedly because some idiot doesn't know how to play.


If your attitude is everyone should get a long and play nice with each other then you can go hug a tree. Most people don't play MMO's to help carry complete strangers through things only to have them take a piece of loot in the end.


And if your attitude is that piece of gear will help them become better, then you're wrong, the only thing that is going to help someone like that are DPS meters. That way he can gauge what does what, and when to do it.


Give us Damage meters, if you don't like them, then don't download them. If you feel as though you are being shunned away from groups because of it, then I suggest downloading it, kill 100 mobs that are your level, then look at what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong, that way you can better yourself as a player and be a greater asset to the community. Thank you.

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You do realize the best thing about an add on like recount is the wide variation of information it gives.

Damage is a small part of it and healing can be ignored unless you got a log to read.


You don't wipe because one guy does a bit less damage (though you do wipe if he does less damage than the tank).

You wipe when people DPS the wrong targets,stand in junk or don't interrupt.


Recount is a great tool for this type of games , in some cases required.


I've played a wide range of MMO's and I never met one where people spammed me with a damage meter.

You're talking about some special cases.

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Here's the deal, though.....Overall damage can be misleading.


Some classes have better burst and look very impressive on the overall damage meter because they are able to burst down weak enemies very quickly. Other classes have strong AoE damage and look very impressive on the overall meter because they can nuke the crap out of weak trash pulls to get big numbers.


Classes which don't have good burst but do have strong damage over time will perform better on longer fights against enemies with larger HP pools. This is why people who knew how to make good use of their damage meters in WoW would have theirs set to show the current fight only.


Overall damage is only misleading to incompetents with the inability to interpret them correctly.

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Using a damage meter to judge others is elitist. Using a damage meter to work out where your dps comes from and how to maximise it is just refining your knowledge of your char.


An in game dps meter that display a real time dps of only your dps would be great. As soon as it shows you the groups it opens up a world of el;elitism and non-cooperation.


No it isn't. Comparing yourself to and competing with others is not elitist, it's human.

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99% of people don't want meters to epeen flex so this solves nothing. We want to optimize our rotation.


This helps optimize your rotation: other same class does more damage than you at the end of the fight so you ask them what they're doing and it turns out it's something different from you.


You try it their way and end up doing more dmg - optimization.

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A damage sheet at the end of a boss fight tells you nothing, the best part about damage meters is that you can see every little detail, who gives a **** about just the number?



Doing high damage in a raid does show skill, and it is required if you do hard content. I played for the sole purpose of simply coming top on damage, in a high end progression guild and that competition was the main motivation for me to play, I enjoyed being the best and competing against others. But we posted logs to websites for people to check, in game people used their recount addons for their personal use to help quickly analyse the fights.


I can't remember the last time some "kid" spammed damage meters, and even when it happened it didnt happen often. Using them to kick out the dude doing the less damage than the tank is perfectly valid.




I have no interest in a warzone style damage sheet, I want detailed information.


You're wrong to argue it tells you nothing. Sure a damage meter might be the best of our world, but I would definitely rather have the scoreboard at the very least over nothing.

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