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GSF story, how did it happen?


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GSF has a lot of pros and a lot of cons, but the biggest complaint would be the story. how did all of the classes, most of which aren't even part of their faction's military, get fancy starships and participate in vital operations. SWTOR is just one massive story, so why isn't there a simple explanation for their second-ever expansion? anyway this isn't that big of a deal, but it would be nice considering SWTOR is all about quality. Edited by CyberneticDucks
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So there's the huge Galactic Republic, right? And there's the Sith Empire, founded by a bunch of butthurt guys who got kicked out because they couldn't play nice, right? So the Empire built its strength for, like 300 years, and then it invaded.


And this is why Rep and Imp pilots shoot eachother in space. The end. :D

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GSF has a lot of pros and a lot of cons, but the biggest complaint would be the story. how did all of the classes, most of which aren't even part of their faction's military, get fancy starships and participate in vital operations. SWTOR is just one massive story, so why isn't there a simple explanation for their second-ever expansion? anyway this isn't that big of a deal, but it would be nice considering SWTOR is all about quality.


The devs said that when GSF is fully released there will be a FP that addresses all of your points. (This is just "early access" aka glorified beta testing of the most essential components).


Arguably on the Republic side the only class that isn't Republic military is the smuggler, in Star Wars Lore the Jedi typically seem to become Generals when war breaks out which could be seen as making them part of the military reserve at the minimum. Likewise I think for the Empire the bounty hunter would be the only one without some ties to the military as it seems the Sith serve in a military capacity similar to the Jedi when war breaks out.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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in Star Wars Lore the Jedi typically seem to become Generals when war breaks out which could be seen as making them part of the military reserve at the minimum.


Conversations in the Jedi storylines (mostly judging from Consular though) make it look like the Jedi in OR are explicitly outside the military chain of command. They have massive influence, but they are not bound so much by what the senate or military say; much rather, they see the whole "Republic" thing as an entity with a shared interest and compatible ideals. I'd much rather compare the Jedi and the Sith to something like the Shadows and the Vorlons in Babylon 5; they're orders rooted in a past and ideals much older than the petty politics that are driving the galaxy, taking all chances to further their ideals. (On that note, I, personally, wouldn't call either side "good".)


Ultimately, it makes sense for the secular military to put them to use, since people who can make proton torpedoes take 90° turns down a gullet are obviously useful.

Edited by Laurreth
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Likewise I think for the Empire the bounty hunter would be the only one without some ties to the military as it seems the Sith serve in a military capacity similar to the Jedi when war breaks out.


Mandalorians are mercenaries by definition in this time period, so they'd know some guys that knew some guys.

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So there's the huge Galactic Republic, right? And there's the Sith Empire, founded by a bunch of butthurt guys who got kicked out because they couldn't play nice, right? So the Empire built its strength for, like 300 years, and then it invaded.


And this is why Rep and Imp pilots shoot eachother in space. The end. :D


LOL. Best story ever.

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Conversations in the Jedi storylines (mostly judging from Consular though) make it look like the Jedi in OR are explicitly outside the military chain of command. They have massive influence, but they are not bound so much by what the senate or military say; much rather, they see the whole "Republic" thing as an entity with a shared interest and compatible ideals.


Jedi are frequently given actual field command (although it seems even in those cases they aren't fully integrated into the military, e.g. they probably aren't put on payroll and don't usually have normal officer ranks) and even more frequently given a lot of deference; it looks like most of the time if a Jedi shows up and says "hey I need you guys to do this" the troops will go "sweet! a Jedi!" and try to help. Also, when the military wants to do something big it will say "you know, a Jedi would be pretty useful here" and ask the Order to lend some.


Some particular examples that I think illustrate this:


  1. In Black Talon, Master Satele is commanding her own battleship.
  2. In Taral V/Maelstrom, Oteg takes charge of an entire fleet to execute what is pretty clearly a Jedi mission.
  3. In the Imperial Balmorra storyline, some Jedi are major leaders of the invasion force. In the Consular Balmorra storyline, you are pretty much put in charge of the entire resistance (IIRC, been a while since I played that).
  4. A Jedi Master was commander of Strike Team Oricon.

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GSF has a lot of pros and a lot of cons, but the biggest complaint would be the story. how did all of the classes, most of which aren't even part of their faction's military, get fancy starships and participate in vital operations. SWTOR is just one massive story, so why isn't there a simple explanation for their second-ever expansion? anyway this isn't that big of a deal, but it would be nice considering SWTOR is all about quality.


dude, read the articles more often. If you had bothered to read the articles you would know that the story for gsf is coming in February with the full release of GSF.



skip down to the "But wait, There's more" section

Edited by Sangrar
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So there's the huge Galactic Republic, right? And there's the Sith Empire, founded by a bunch of butthurt guys who got kicked out because they couldn't play nice, right? So the Empire built its strength for, like 300 years, and then it invaded.


And this is why Rep and Imp pilots shoot eachother in space. The end. :D


Awesome. +1 to you, great post. :)

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GSF has a lot of pros and a lot of cons, but the biggest complaint would be the story. how did all of the classes, most of which aren't even part of their faction's military, get fancy starships and participate in vital operations. SWTOR is just one massive story, so why isn't there a simple explanation for their second-ever expansion? anyway this isn't that big of a deal, but it would be nice considering SWTOR is all about quality.


Galaxy is at war. How's that for "story"?

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In February for our full Launch, we add a new role (the Bomber) plus 10 more Starfighters for a grand total of 24 ships to customize and take into battle. Add to that an incredible new dynamic Flashpoint that is level and role neutral called Kuat Driveyards which ties our ground game story directly into the space PvP action with a new Starfighter area on the fleet and you begin to see that full scope of what we’re delivering.


Taking it one step beyond, we have already laid out significant plans for Space PvP to support it far into the future, so there will be regular releases of content to keep our Starfighters happy for a good long time to come. As with everything in our game, we will be listening raptly on all available channels for YOUR input to shape what Starfighter becomes as it evolves. Thank you for your ongoing support. It means the world to us.

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dude, read the articles more often. If you had bothered to read the articles you would know that the story for gsf is coming in February with the full release of GSF.



skip down to the "But wait, There's more" section


i know when the release is for the other levels of account status. i have already read that link before, but it doesn't mention anything the the actual story, it just talks about the features and what you do in it. if it does and i read over it then im sorry for making an honest mistake and made a non-threatening thread pointing it out.

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In February for our full Launch, we add a new role (the Bomber) plus 10 more Starfighters for a grand total of 24 ships to customize and take into battle. Add to that an incredible new dynamic Flashpoint that is level and role neutral called Kuat Driveyards which ties our ground game story directly into the space PvP action with a new Starfighter area on the fleet and you begin to see that full scope of what we’re delivering.


Taking it one step beyond, we have already laid out significant plans for Space PvP to support it far into the future, so there will be regular releases of content to keep our Starfighters happy for a good long time to come. As with everything in our game, we will be listening raptly on all available channels for YOUR input to shape what Starfighter becomes as it evolves. Thank you for your ongoing support. It means the world to us.


wow, thats really cool, i am looking forward to that. i wonder what a bomber would do, considering everything is in space (unless...:eek:.) although i don't have a gunship because i was two or three days late, even though i am a subscriber and purchase cartel coins frequently, but i snoozed and i loosed.

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