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Have the Devs mentioned a ranked Q for GSF coming??? Because I've had about enough.


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Any kind or, unkind advice on this one?


Last night I flew with a PvP-premade for the first time since I played SWG. I've always preffered solo queues. We went up against premades, Imp and Repub, that were using in Voice Comms. We still rolled them. We ended up queuing 2 4man groups and facing each other, none of us used voice comms (atleast that I'm aware of lol).


My point is this: no matter where you go, what you are doing (ground or space), you will find premades. I don't know if you are Repub or Imp; if you're Imp then I'm sorry, you guys have a huge issue in GSF there, if you're Repub then hit me up, hell I'll fly with ya.


Last night we had a 8man op queueing as 2 4man groups facing each other, one fight I died 5-7 times. Was the most fun I've had in GSF in a while. And none of us were using TS/Vent/Mumble. It was the first time since I left SWG that I PvP'd with a premade group lol.

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I hate being on the winning team with headsets, and I hate being on the losing team because either way, the gameplay is focus fire garbage by bad players who couldn't hold their own and it drives me bat-****!


I really am torn, I have never gone a month without subbing since launch, and I feel like a used and abused meat-bag sitting in this situation...


Any kind or, unkind advice on this one?


Do I wait???

Am I being fooled by the Harbinger's apparent headset-premade free game experience?

Are there really more subscribers on the Harbinger???


If I re-sub just to find out that all servers are dominated by team headset, then I may get so put off, I stop giving a damn about February.



My brain hurts!



Just pretend those four 'bad players' are one good player?


I have a friend who, like you, hates losing games to players he thinks are worse than he is, but I don't really understand it at all. What difference does it make if their team was good enough to beat yours? Just get better yourself and/or get better teammates.

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I'll disagree here. The Progenitor has a bunch of very good rep pilots and the Empire has a bunch of headless chickens :D


QFT. Sunrage, Republic here.


OP, how the hell do you know they are on headsets? Imagine, with the early access, there is really very limited amount of players queueing. If a good pilot Xyz pops in the enemy team, it is not rare that experienced players in the other team yell out "focus Xyz, he is good". Only once I have seen two gunships coordinately focusing people. Other than that, not so much.

If you get shot by 3 guys, it is not always voicecom. They might have noticed that you have quite a kill streak. They might have noticed that you are shooting turrets on remote beacon, trying to solo cap it. Or they noticed that you don't hang much with your teammates and as such are insanely easy kill.

No need to see enemy advantage behind every death you can't explain.

I am sometimes queuing with guildies, on voicecom, and it is mostly like "so, I have tried to put pork instead of beef into the chilli--- who the f..k is guarding A? Someone get it! ---and yeah, that chilli was eatable, but not that good-- you have something on your six, Sunny! ---yet still husband wanted more and more, so I call success..."

Other than that I only once tried voice comm with other pilots, and we were mostly discussing builds, not who to burn down.

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I am sometimes queuing with guildies, on voicecom, and it is mostly like "so, I have tried to put pork instead of beef into the chilli--- who the f..k is guarding A? Someone get it! ---and yeah, that chilli was eatable, but not that good-- you have something on your six, Sunny! ---yet still husband wanted more and more, so I call success..."

Other than that I only once tried voice comm with other pilots, and we were mostly discussing builds, not who to burn down.


Very different from my voice comm experiences, where we often call out where we're headed, what needs help, and why we can't leave our current satellite. Also, the occasional "Holy f--k, <name>" when that guy has four or five guys on his six... usually followed by blowing two of them out of the sky because they're tunneling too hard.

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Very different from my voice comm experiences, where we often call out where we're headed, what needs help, and why we can't leave our current satellite. Also, the occasional "Holy f--k, <name>" when that guy has four or five guys on his six... usually followed by blowing two of them out of the sky because they're tunneling too hard.


Not just that, but when you queue with the same players match after match after match you learn to coordinate very well because you know what they are going to do. You know where your Gunship buddy like to sit (and that he's in a gunship at all), and can protect him. You know how your Scout buddy will draw enemies into the open to be shot. You know that you can move as a team and dominate and support each other, making you far more effective than your raw numbers. And so forth.


Right now the only thing I can do vs premades is to feint them a lot. Kill a couple of turrets and you see them move as a single group like they are formation flying. Then you simply assault the one they left and can sometimes cap it. It's a losing strat, but it's better to lose 1000-150 than 1000-8.

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Last night I flew with a PvP-premade for the first time since I played SWG. I've always preffered solo queues. We went up against premades, Imp and Repub, that were using in Voice Comms. We still rolled them. We ended up queuing 2 4man groups and facing each other, none of us used voice comms (atleast that I'm aware of lol).


My point is this: no matter where you go, what you are doing (ground or space), you will find premades. I don't know if you are Repub or Imp; if you're Imp then I'm sorry, you guys have a huge issue in GSF there, if you're Repub then hit me up, hell I'll fly with ya.


Last night we had a 8man op queueing as 2 4man groups facing each other, one fight I died 5-7 times. Was the most fun I've had in GSF in a while. And none of us were using TS/Vent/Mumble. It was the first time since I left SWG that I PvP'd with a premade group lol.


this is sound thinking, you don't need to be on voicecom to roll organized teams. as long as you pick out people at your same skill level, whisper them, group with them often, you'll, all of you, become used to eachother's playstyle and be able to close the gap between you and the other premades.



also, i'm tired of people saying that individuals in premades are all bad and have to work together to get anything done, in my experience, we group together because we all know how to get things done on our own, but like to be together, you know, like a team? (we tend to roll the groups that actually try to coordinate all their actions, like the OP suggests happens on voice channels)

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Just pretend those four 'bad players' are one good player?


I have a friend who, like you, hates losing games to players he thinks are worse than he is, but I don't really understand it at all. What difference does it make if their team was good enough to beat yours? Just get better yourself and/or get better teammates.


I don't care if my team loses at all that is just the thing.

What I care about is lame unfair gameplay.

Usually my team does win, it think my win loss is about 96% win, that is not the issue for me at all.


It is "everyone ******** this guy, now ******** that guy, hey im in a dogfight come ******** the guy circling me" etc etc


This is not fair because any other player would have to fly in a straight line long enough to type said requests/kill orders and get fragged into scrap.


It is BS gameplay. When I know my teammates are doing it to others, I avoid their airspace/don't help the team in the event their node is getting capped because in my eyes, DAMN good on the other team for blasting their way through the odds and they deserve a fair cap.


Call me Mr. "e-peen" or whatever the correlating troll insult of the month is, but I think everyone should be equal, and playing like a coward should never = win.

Gang stomping solo players = cowardice, not "smart playing".


This is why I hate headset players, because they don't play in their own arena, they come into one where everyone is solo with an unfair advantage and turn their fail playing into winning via cowardice.


I would rather go play Baldur's Gate again and kick it oldschool or something than dive onto that.


What can be done?

I'm sure they will never grow a pair, so nothing can be done other than limiting premades, which sucks because premades are not the issue here, the headsets are.

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My point is this: no matter where you go, what you are doing (ground or space), you will find premades. I don't know if you are Repub or Imp; if you're Imp then I'm sorry, you guys have a huge issue in GSF there, if you're Repub then hit me up, hell I'll fly with ya.


I was flying with you earlier, and have many times.

That will never change the fact that headset players have an unfair advantage, and I am a crazy bastard who doesn't like it one single bit.


They ruin the experience for new players, choke up the queue, force you to do the same or "put up with it" and only do it in the first place because they are units.

They aren't doing it to improve the gameplay, or add a level of depth, they are doing it for an unfair advantage.

When they see another headset squad repub side, they get out of the match pm them and turn their 4 man dom squad into an 8 man!



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I see the problem here. What you're calling "BS gameplay" Is actually tactical combat.


When I see a high threat known factor ( Yes, I AM looking at you SilentWinter) on the other side I let my team know about it. If I'm under attack by superior numbers, I let my team know about it. If i see a bogey closing on a wingmate, I tell him about it, PUG or premade, It's a team game, if you want solo or co-op gameplay I'd suggest activities not so PvP oriented.


I understand not wanted to need a 3rd party voice system, or a mic and headset to play, but these are a fact of life, especially in online games. They are faster than typing, people are going to use them.



I maxed my Plasma Railgun 1st, because I figured that DOT damage would pay off in the long run. Then I fell victim to the Ion/Slug combo, and saw how lethal it was. I switched. I, and many others, didn't run crying nerf to the forums.


At the risk, of sounding trollish, and I'm really not trying to troll here, Maybe the problem is you. Maybe you're the one that needs to change. I've been on teams that of won matches 1000 to 10, PUG and premade, and I've been on teams that have been absolutely dominated, PUG and Premade.


Demanding a separate queue for Premades is a little silly, in my opinion. Especially when your main concern is use of voice comms, which has been common practice for over a decade with online games.

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I was flying with you earlier, and have many times.


When they see another headset squad repub side, they get out of the match pm them and turn their 4 man dom squad into an 8 man!


Honestly? It seems like you've already made up your mind about it. Now you just want people to agree with you. You said you were flying with me earlier, we may have been on the same team but we never talked and weren't flying together; we just got matchmake'd into the same group.


I don't know what all the premades do, or when they do it. I know last night there was atleast 3 groups running at one point. We fought 2v1 a few times, at the end it was always one of our groups vs the other group of ours. We qeren't queue dodging or anything. When it came up us vs ourselves we slaughtered each other like we would anyone else then laughed about it.


Only thing I can say is if you can't or don't want to use Voice thats up to you. Grouping or not is up to you. But its a CHOICE YOU are making. I've ran solo in games for years now. Here, Rift, EvE, GW2, if you decide to play a MMO in single player, theres some things you just have to accept.

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That will never change the fact that headset players have an unfair advantage,


I would simply like to point out that everyone with a computer has the option of using voice chat (even if they don't have a mic, they can sit in the VC room and listen. Still effective). Since this is the case, there is nothing 'unfair' about the advantage voice chat affords.

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Communication is integral to any combat game. Play any FPS game and you will come up against clans running with voice comms on both sites, it is inevitable.


Whilst I can appreciate that it is not necessarily enjoyable to be up against a group on voice comms, at the end of the day they are still just 4 players, and your team (usually) has just as many. If they're ganging up on one person at a time, that just means that one player on your team has managed to take 4 opponents out of combat so you can start picking off the rest of their team.


I regularly play as a group, sometimes 2 four man groups from the guild. We aren't a serious PvP guild, nor even a serious guild full stop, but we use grouping for GSF as a way of having a laugh, and if that means that we win the match decisively because in-between chatting about the next operation coming up and what we had for dinner we as for some help on a point so be it. I've not once seen players use the chat to say anything about where enemies are after the fight has started - why not just post there when you die "Watch out for xxx, he's good" or "There are gunships above A, be careful". There's usually a little downtime between dying and the respawn.

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Personally, when i fly with my guild, we just give people areas to fly in, we never tell people just to attack one certain guy. Also, its rare for you to face an entire team premade, because you can only que groups of four, not an entire ops group, and more likely than not we get put in seperate ones, even against each other.
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True stuff all, It is my choice not to join a headset rape squad, so I choose to let my legacy die.


My experience today showed me that Harbinger is no better than Colony, only difference is the players on Colony are MUCH better.

Shooting Harbinger players was like fish in a barrel every single game compared, and of course I was playing on fully un-upgraded ships, and even chose the imperial side just to make sure I got the worst of it, so you can only imagine what the headset pre-made few were doing to the many poor souls flying around in there :s




I have made up my mind about this from the realization that, yes, GSF is functioning as intended, this is the design, and as said, I am the one thinking the environment should be different, when it never will be.

Thanks all for your opinions.


I am staying un-subbed.


May the force be with you all!


Good luck, and Good-bye!

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True stuff all, It is my choice not to join a headset rape squad, so I choose to let my legacy die.


My experience today showed me that Harbinger is no better than Colony, only difference is the players on Colony are MUCH better.

Shooting Harbinger players was like fish in a barrel every single game compared, and of course I was playing on fully un-upgraded ships, and even chose the imperial side just to make sure I got the worst of it, so you can only imagine what the headset pre-made few were doing to the many poor souls flying around in there :s




I have made up my mind about this from the realization that, yes, GSF is functioning as intended, this is the design, and as said, I am the one thinking the environment should be different, when it never will be.

Thanks all for your opinions.


I am staying un-subbed.


May the force be with you all!


Good luck, and Good-bye!


Obligatory Troll post:


Can I have your stuff?


(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

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