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Nerf battlecruisers


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I like to play a scout as my main ship. I love to play gunship killer as well. I can't tell you how many times I've been hammering a gunship in the midfield of a battle only to have them use every cooldown they have and fly back to the spawn point and let the battlecruiser kill for them.


This is the same thing as running back to mommy so she can protect you. In no other type of PVP can you run back to the spawn point and let the computer do what you cannot: kill your enemy. I have sat behind an asteroid for most of a match pinning a gunship to its spawn point but do we really need a deus ex machina to win for us? If you can't compete for yourself then don't PVP.

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umm in alderaan ground PVP there are turrets that protect the speeder drop off point that will one shot any warrior/powertech/vanguard/Jedi Knight that jumps on that platform or anyone grappled up there too.


What you need to look at is the objective of domination, control points and Capital ships are nowhere near each other so anyone hanging around them for either team is a waste. Play the objectives and Cap ship turrets are not a problem.

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I like to play a scout as my main ship. I love to play gunship killer as well. I can't tell you how many times I've been hammering a gunship in the midfield of a battle only to have them use every cooldown they have and fly back to the spawn point and let the battlecruiser kill for them.


This is the same thing as running back to mommy so she can protect you. In no other type of PVP can you run back to the spawn point and let the computer do what you cannot: kill your enemy. I have sat behind an asteroid for most of a match pinning a gunship to its spawn point but do we really need a deus ex machina to win for us? If you can't compete for yourself then don't PVP.


If you are flying a Scout then perhaps you'll be wanting not to chase Gunships all around the map, but instead hit up some turrets and cap some objectives. That is, after all, the role of a Scout fighter. Leave the Gunship killing to the more armed Strikers.

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This is one of my favorite things to do in a gunship:

1. See a group of defenders guarding a satellite.

2. Hit a turret with my AOE upgraded ion gun.

3. Swing around as the defenders rush towards me.

4. Run back to my capitol ship, trailing a group of strikers and scouts like a fat man running from a swarm of bees.

5. Get them killed by the spawn turrets

6. Allies pop the undefended satellite turrets and steal the node


I've only managed to do it a handful of times, but it felt great. :p

Edited by MCaliban
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lol yea I love the vanity of some people they get fixatedon you and its on well im in it to win and if kiteing 4 of the enemy around and eventually there deaths well that is there own stupidity its not crying to mommy it is playing smart and to win because wil 1 or 5 are chaseing 1 person it handycaps there teams and is a very sound strategy if you want to win to keep them off the nodes so id say swing that gs right toward mommy and let daddys big guns eat the newbs
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If you are flying a Scout then perhaps you'll be wanting not to chase Gunships all around the map, but instead hit up some turrets and cap some objectives. That is, after all, the role of a Scout fighter. Leave the Gunship killing to the more armed Strikers.





o wait, you're serious?



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There is no need to change spawn protection. Everyone who hides there can be considered killed. In fact be glad they run away. If you kill them they respawn with everything filled up (hull strength, shields, etc.). If they hide there is at least a lack of shield strength and if you have done a decent attack they lack hull strength.

So just let them run and hide. They cannot do anything from the spawnpoints.

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I like to play a scout as my main ship. I love to play gunship killer as well. I can't tell you how many times I've been hammering a gunship in the midfield of a battle only to have them use every cooldown they have and fly back to the spawn point and let the battlecruiser kill for them.


This is the same thing as running back to mommy so she can protect you. In no other type of PVP can you run back to the spawn point and let the computer do what you cannot: kill your enemy. I have sat behind an asteroid for most of a match pinning a gunship to its spawn point but do we really need a deus ex machina to win for us? If you can't compete for yourself then don't PVP.


so you fell for a clear trap and now its the battleships fault? just make the gunship run and don't go after him, usually once they start running they don't stop. If you just randomly chase them and get blown up by the turrets its pretty much your fault. The gunship as it is is not winning by running to the ship, and the excuse of " he will just shoot you from the ship" is mute considering how far away the ship is from the nodes, so yeah, everytime the gunship runs he is letting down his team unless of course the other team is dumb enough to chase him until they are blown up while also getting those enemies off the node.

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so you fell for a clear trap and now its the battleships fault? just make the gunship run and don't go after him, usually once they start running they don't stop. If you just randomly chase them and get blown up by the turrets its pretty much your fault. The gunship as it is is not winning by running to the ship, and the excuse of " he will just shoot you from the ship" is mute considering how far away the ship is from the nodes, so yeah, everytime the gunship runs he is letting down his team unless of course the other team is dumb enough to chase him until they are blown up while also getting those enemies off the node.



QFT. I fell for it once. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. If they run...and they do run, boost back to a sat or teammates and keep an eye behind you for when he comes back

Edited by reclipsed
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As long as you did some hull damage you'll get him when he comes back. Make him come back to you, and keep an eye on your radar. Don't get tunnel vision.


You're actually lucky. The guys who run back to their spawn are usually the worst gunship pilots out there. When you come up against the good ones, you might not even get a chance to pursue.

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If you are flying a Scout then perhaps you'll be wanting not to chase Gunships all around the map, but instead hit up some turrets and cap some objectives. That is, after all, the role of a Scout fighter. Leave the Gunship killing to the more armed Strikers.


Please don't spread misinformation. Thanks.

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umm in alderaan ground PVP there are turrets that protect the speeder drop off point that will one shot any warrior/powertech/vanguard/Jedi Knight that jumps on that platform or anyone grappled up there too.


In alderaan a player who is losing a fight can not run back to his spawn point and have the turret finish his opponent for him simply because he cannot return to the dropoff point after jumping down the ledge.


@OP: Attack the gunship when he does not expect it. Use light lasers(or burst laser) and rocket pods(not any lock-on missiles), as to not give him any warning before he starts taking damage. Fire both at once while he is charing up a shot to shoot someone else. Don't forget to switch power into weapons before firing. Often you will kill him before he has a chance to get away.

Edited by Sharee
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If you are flying a Scout then perhaps you'll be wanting not to chase Gunships all around the map, but instead hit up some turrets and cap some objectives. That is, after all, the role of a Scout fighter. Leave the Gunship killing to the more armed Strikers.


According to the dev update on the scout (http://www.swtor.com/blog/developer-update-scout-class-starfighter) that class of ship is intended for recon, capping of neutral sats ("getting them to objectives before their enemies"), creating chaos among the enemy with hit and run tactics, and perform the role of space superiority/interceptor ("ship to ship combat"). By its very nature this means scouts are not intended to have the capability to be multirole starfighters.


Conversely the striker (http://www.swtor.com/blog/developer-update-strike-fighter-class-starfighter) is described has being equally good at destroying stationary targets (currently limited to turrets) and dogfighting (this versatility defining what a multirole starfighter is supposed to be and it's intended roles).


This is not to say scouts are supposed to lack any offensive capability to destroy them but they are clearly not intended to be able to destroy things like turrets anywhere close to as effectively as a striker because it is not the intended role of the scout. (The devs make it clear that the striker is intended to be the multirole fighter not the scout). Based on the base stats presumably strikers are intended to have both an offensive edge via weapons like torpedoes and heavy blasters over scouts when it comes to performing the job of multirole starfighter and more critically have the defensive strength to make such attacks regularly survivable.


So to recap gunship hunting is supposed to be the role of the scout as that clearly falls under space superiority/interceptor whereas turret busting/capping enemy held sats is not their intended role but in fact the intended role of the striker.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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The combination of Barrell Roll, upgraded Ion Rail Guns, and the cruiser fire all together IMO is the problem. It makes it too easy for a gunship to run away if they park in certain areas of the map. Chase them and they run, and then if you turn away to avoid the cruiser fire they can zap you with the Ion Rail Gun and kill you, if not kill you outright with their Slug Rail gun. Don't chase them and they dominate certain areas of the map, which includes satellite points. If they are organized and have another ship for support then they might as well be immortal.
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The combination of Barrell Roll, upgraded Ion Rail Guns, and the cruiser fire all together IMO is the problem. It makes it too easy for a gunship to run away if they park in certain areas of the map.


While not a solution per se I would like it if they added a HUD alarm (similar to the missile lock warning) that goes off when you get within 3K meters of the outter edge of an enemy cruiser's turbolasers (as you got closer the warning would get filled in/brighter the same way the missile lock indicator gets filled in/brighter as the enemy ship gets closer to establishing a lock). That way pilots would know to break off pursuit before the turbolasers open up on them.

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While not a solution per se I would like it if they added a HUD alarm (similar to the missile lock warning) that goes off when you get within 3K meters of the outter edge of an enemy cruiser's turbolasers (as you got closer the warning would get filled in/brighter the same way the missile lock indicator gets filled in/brighter as the enemy ship gets closer to establishing a lock). That way pilots would know to break off pursuit before the turbolasers open up on them.


They do need something to help pilots find their bearings on the outside of the maps, since it can be a bit confusing at times.


But I think the solution would be twofold:


1. Change the Ion Rail Gun mechanic so you don't get the full effect from even a minimal power shot


2. Remove Barrel Roll as one of the evasive maneuvers from Gunships sine right now Gunships seem too mobile for their power




1. Make the capital ships much farther away so that running back to them is not a viable tactic. Fighters launched from the capital ships would get a temp speed boost to make up that extra distance.

Edited by ptwonline
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I'd rather they moved the capitol ships back and add a "dereliction of duty" zone that kicks people from the match if they stay too close to either of the spawn points for more than 30 seconds. This solves running gunships and leechers both without reducing the playable area.
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so you fell for a clear trap and now its the battleships fault? just make the gunship run and don't go after him, usually once they start running they don't stop. If you just randomly chase them and get blown up by the turrets its pretty much your fault. The gunship as it is is not winning by running to the ship, and the excuse of " he will just shoot you from the ship" is mute considering how far away the ship is from the nodes, so yeah, everytime the gunship runs he is letting down his team unless of course the other team is dumb enough to chase him until they are blown up while also getting those enemies off the node.


had to say it again

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had to say it again


Please stop spamming, we all know what you think by now. It's hardly a clever trap, nor does it require any skill to pull off.


Personally, I just think capitol ship turrets are dumb in general. They don't really solve any problems, but they add a few like this. Also, they're too easy to game with Distortion Field.

Edited by Armonddd
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