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BH Hot Key layout help


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I have a rather odd question but some good feedback would drastically improve my game play experience.


I'm currently playing a Power tech Bounty Hunter. Haven't settled on a spec, right now he's mostly in advanced prototype, as I'm not sure I want to level as a DPS or Tank...


Regardless my real question is how do you guys lay out your hot keys? I find I keep re-arranging my hot key layouts trying to find some thing that won't cause me to spend so much time searching for the right button to push. I play WASD and mouse look, so the 1-5 keys tend to be the stuff I use the most but some thing about the bounty hunter feels awkward.


Help me out here, toss some screens or what not, I'd love some advice on how to streamline my Bounty Hunting.

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I have them set up as 1 through 6, then 2 of the mouse buttons (mouse 4 and 5), F, Q, E and ~.


On the bottom bar, I find it very easy to use the Shift modifier and then whatever key is on the upper bar. I.E. Shift +1, Shift + Q etc. Some combinations are really odd with this, such as Shift + ~ but I usually put something I don't use that often.


Hope this helps.


edit: Shift key also works with mouse buttons combinations.

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At level 24 I currently have:


1: Rocket Punch

2: Railshot

3: Flame Sweep (this is set to flame burst if its a single target like a boss)

4: ExplosiveDart (single target or group as its nice damage either way)



I set 4 to unload and 3 to flame burst if im doing group pulls where people are using CC


R: Unload

MiddleMouse: Rapid Shots

MiddleMouse + Shift: Grapple


Then I have a few bits linked to


Shift+1: Reload + Regen the health regen

Shift+2: ElectroDart

Shift+3: Shield


Also have vent heat and oilslick on the hot bars to click along with death from above and neural dart (taunt)


Single target tanking stuff then I use do rocket punch, railshot, flame burst, electrodart flame burst and at any point heat is 40 I use rapidshots.


After that just land rocket punch railshot and electrodart when they are off CD and use flameburst as filler as long as heat is less than 40 else use rapid shots.

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I like to have the keys maximally accessible to both hands. My first five abilities are 1-5, with Shift 1-5 for the bottom toolbar. The last several I map to the numeric keypad in the same fashion.


So, when I'm using the mouse, my best 10 abilities are easily accessible to the left hand. When I don't need to use the mouse as much, it's very easy to move with WASDQE and use my right hand to keypad-cycle through things.


The only downside is that the keypad method doesn't work very well with Death From Above, since I invariably have to use the mouse to position it.

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I like to have the keys maximally accessible to both hands. My first five abilities are 1-5, with Shift 1-5 for the bottom toolbar. The last several I map to the numeric keypad in the same fashion.


So, when I'm using the mouse, my best 10 abilities are easily accessible to the left hand. When I don't need to use the mouse as much, it's very easy to move with WASDQE and use my right hand to keypad-cycle through things.


The only downside is that the keypad method doesn't work very well with Death From Above, since I invariably have to use the mouse to position it.


I have found BH hotkeying to be a little weird since I can't find an exact rotation. Can't imagine macroing for it, but I do pretty much the same thing. I set my Death From Above at 0 because I find it easier to actually click the ability and position it faster then the keystroke.

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I use 1-6 regular and holding shift for main abilities. 7 - = regular and shift for less often but still used abilities and alt 1 - = for buffs and cylinders and stuff. Im hughly considering using shift + Q,E,F,R for some skills to, but havent bothered to do it yet. Iys not that hard to manage all the skills if you refuse to let yourself click. Kind of like forcin urself to use hotkeys in starcraft 2.
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Bottom-Center quickslots ENABLED.

Left quickslots ENABLED.


Keys 1 thru = (top bar)

Ranged abilities, med packs


Keys F1 thru F12 (bottom bar)

Melee abilities, Vent Heat


Left quickslots

Keep most toggle skills here, including Ion Gas Cylinder, Sprint, Speeder, etc. Other stuff that doesn't get used as often.


I use a Logitech Darkfield mouse, which has a couple extra buttons near the thumb. I have Rapid Shots and Rail Shot bound to those. I moved Rapid Shots off my main toolbar, since there's no need to look at it. Rail Shot is in the = slot, so that I can monitor the CD.

Edited by TheronFett
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I always use ESDF instead of WASD, that frees up two easy reachable keys on the left and reaching the shift-key is still comfortable and i use a mouse with two additional side buttons.


Mouse button 4+5 (+Shift): Most used abilities

QAWRTG (+Shift): Other main abilities

Number keys: Long cooldown ablities, medpack etc.

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I use 1 2 3 4 Q E R F MB4 MB5 and their shift variants.


E is for heatless abilities, Q is for single target powerhouses, R is for other single target abilities, F is for AoE, MB4 is gap closers, MB5 is taunts, and 1 2 3 4 are cooldowns, channels, and interrupts.


Determination is set to mousewheel button, Recharge and Reload is on `, and my speeder is on Shift+`. Buffs and toggles are on the left action bar without any keybinds.

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There are so many abilities for PT, I strongly suggest getting a razer naga mouse with the 12 button keypad on the side. I wish I could say that I'm being paid to advertise for them, but I can't make that claim. Anyway, seriously check it out. I've got single target ranged dps from 1-3 single target melee dos 4-6. aoe 7-9 and taunts on 10-12. A few other misc abilities are on 1-4 keyboard, and then a few others on keys around wasd with f r c q e z t g v x.
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This won't directly help you, but it makes for good reading and may indirectly help you work it out:


Guide to binding and strafing




This helped me tremendously. In my previous game before SWTOR I was a clicker. I was new to MMO's and didn't realize that's not the optimal way to play. Unfortunately I was too set in my ways to change, but I took SWTOR as an opportunity for a fresh start at trying it out.


I read and watched the guide, so I was ready for launch and started planning it out all from level 1. It made the transition much more manageable for me and now I could never go back to being a clicker. Not only am I a better player for it, but my gaming is much more enjoyable because of it. I can pay attention to the action on the screen instead of looking at what I am clicking.


I would highly recommend that guide to anyone interested in how to go about key binding so it's a much more welcoming experience.

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I have a rather odd question but some good feedback would drastically improve my game play experience.


I'm currently playing a Power tech Bounty Hunter. Haven't settled on a spec, right now he's mostly in advanced prototype, as I'm not sure I want to level as a DPS or Tank...


Regardless my real question is how do you guys lay out your hot keys? I find I keep re-arranging my hot key layouts trying to find some thing that won't cause me to spend so much time searching for the right button to push. I play WASD and mouse look, so the 1-5 keys tend to be the stuff I use the most but some thing about the bounty hunter feels awkward.


Help me out here, toss some screens or what not, I'd love some advice on how to streamline my Bounty Hunting.


Goodluck deciphering my keybindings. This is the huge advantage a Razer Naga has using the numlock option. Would never play another mmo without it.



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Off the top of my head, I think it's something like this (Shieldtech)...


1 - Rapid Shot

2 - Rocket Punch

3 - Flame Burst

4 - Rail Shot

5 - Explosive Dart

6 - Neural Dart


Shift 1 - Unload

Shift 2 - Shoulder Slam

Shift 3 - Flame Sweep

Shift 4 - Flamethrower

Shift 5 - Death from Above

Shift 6 - Sonic Missile


Middle Mouse - Determination

Q - Energy Shield

E - Electro Dart

R - Quell

T - Jet Charge

F - Grapple

G - Seismic Grenades

Z - Speeder

X - Kolto Overload


C, V - reserved for future use


Stuff like Recharge and Reload, Vent Heat, etc. are on my bars but just not bound to any keys


Edit: Corrected ability names

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1 Rapid Shots

2 Explosive Dart

3 Flame Burst

4 Rocket Punch

5 Flame Sweep

6 Rail Shot


Shift 2 Death From Above

Shift 3 Stun Dart

Shift 4 Unload

Shift 5 Flamethrower


E Taunt

F Interrupt

C Jet Charge

V AOE Taunt

G Grapple

Q saved for Heat Dump at 40


Shift C PVP Trinket

Shift E Tank temp buff

Shift R Kolto Heal

Shift V Oil Spill

Shift F Heat Vent




I've seen that page about remapping those keys but I find it very unnecessary. I have S planned to remove for keybinding when it becomes needed (It's not bound to anything atm) and A/D for side movemeny + W for forward. I permanently have Right mouse button clicked for A/D strafing and use W to move forward. I find tab targetting horribly inefficient in fast-paced PVP so I'd rather not have my left mouse button permanently tied to movement when it only gives me 1 keybind that isn't required at all. Having to stop movement just to pick a new target is not my idea of fluid PvP. Plus it hurts my fingers to hold both buttons for hours on end.

Edited by Kinvalar
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  • 3 months later...
I've been trying to change my controlss to allow me to use both of my center bars via the keyboard. Can't seem to get it to work. The main toolbar uses the 1 to = keys, and I'd like the bottom bar to use the same keys plus shift. Can't figure out how to get that to work. Any ideas?
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In general I follow a certain system for all my characters where numbers/letters have a certain "theme" as do the modifier keys. The idea is that I break down an ability to 2 defining attributes (i.e. Jet Charge is a movement-related ability and a primary attack) and I can then locate it on my bar without much thought.



1-5: Main damage abilities, including resource-less filler attack, ordered by spammability (least used ability, such as a DoT, is 5)


6: Utility damage ability purposely placed out of reach until I need it


1-6, Q, E, R, T, G, V: Primary abilities, mostly damage with some utility

Shift-: Control and longer cooldown abilities, where 1-3 are Interrupt, 4 second stun (if applicable), AOE stun and 4-5 are Taunt and AOE taunt (or roots/snares/60 second sleeps if the class is not a tank class)

Alt-: Defensive and general quality of life abilities

Q: Movement related

E: AOE related

R: Single target high damage nuke

T: Channels

G: Buffs, relics, etc

V: Class resource related


Advanced Prototype Binds

As AP I use the following binds following the above schema/template:


1: Rapid Shots

2: Flame Burst

3: Rocket Punch

4: Immolate

5: Retractable Blade

6: Missile Blast (for AOE PvP cap stoppage)

Q: Hydraulic Overrides (movement)

E: Flame Sweep (spammable AOE)

R: Rail Shot (high damage nuke)

T: Flame Thrower (primary channeled attack)

G: Relic (temporary buff)

V: Vent Heat (resource degeneration)


S-1: Quell (Interrupt)

S-2: Electro Dart (4 second Stun)

S-3: Carbonize (AOE Stun)

S-4: Neural Dart (Single target Taunt)

S-5: Sonic Missile (AOE Taunt)

S-6: Stealth Scan (I need to find a better place to put this; it's too out of reach)

S-Q: Grapple (movement-related control)

S-E: Explosive Dart (AOE on a cooldown)

S-R: Shoulder Slam (high damage nuke for PvE with excessive cooldown)

S-T: Unload (secondary channeled attack for low health runners and/or when I'm rooted)

S-G: Explosive Fuel (temporary buff, easy to chain with Relic since they both use 'G')

S-V: Thermal Sensor Override (resource-free ability)


A-1: Determination (CC breaker)

A-2: Energy Shield (primary defensive CD for my spec/class)

A-3: Kolto Overload (secondary defensive CD for my spec/class)

A-4: Warzone Medpack

A-5: Warzone Adrenal

A-6: Quick Travel (QoL bind, I almost never actually use the key combo)

A-Q: Death from Above (other classes have 3 movement abilities, so I put DFA here instead of in A-E)

A-E: Throw Huttball

A-R: Bind is not possible in the game; this is an unbound Heroic Moment slot

A-T: Recharge and Reload (QoL and channel), might make more sense to put into A-V

A-G: Hunter's Boon (class buff)

A-V: Vehicle (QoL and travel related), this is here because I used to have Sprint bound to V and the "V" class of keys were my travel keys. I might move the vehicle to A-T so I keep the "resource related" theme with the "V" key


The theme of each set of keys helps me recall which key I need to press to get a task done: this is demonstrated by the fact that I remembered all of the keys above without having access to the game. Try out and see if it works for you so that you don't have to fumble trying to figure out what each key does. If you are looking to Grapple, you can break the ability down as a movement/physics ability (Q, Shift-Q, or Alt-Q) and a control ability (Shift-), so that means it will be activated via Shift-Q. In essence I have created a 2D "matrix" that lets me find what I am looking for on demand.

Edited by Mapex
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IMO buy a razer. Best gaming peripheral I've EVER bought. Keys may seem a bit counterintuitive, but they're based on which buttons I get to most easily. I also have abilities that I don't want to waste or that are more strategic based on cooldowns a bit harder to reach so I don't hit them accidentally.


numpad 1-10

1: railshot macroed in front of rapid shots, never miss a railshot cd

2: flame burst

3: quell

4: rocket punch

5: all buffs macroed in front of incendiary missile

6: flame thrower

7: explosive dart

8: flame sweep

9: death from above

10: vanilla rapid shots (for heat management)

11: single taunt

12: aoe taunt

alt+numpad8: oil slick

alt: numpad4: unload


r: jet charge

g: carbonize

f: grapple

`: electro-dart

x: throw huttball

z: stealth scan

t: vent heat

1: determination

2: energy shield

3: kolto overload

4: medpack


I'm sure that sounds crazy, and maybe it is, but it works awesome. I typically get top medals, top protection and dps within the top 3 as st/pt hybrid. I think you guys call it something to do with parrots? Dunno, I've been running it since launch before it became a big thing on the forums.

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