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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Taral V - General Edikar - Requesting Nerf

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I think the title says it. For any of you that have had the chance to enter Taral V, I'm sure you'd agree that it is an amazing flashpoint. However, for those of you who have been able to clear most of the dungeon, you might have encountered an issue with....killing General Edikar.


The fight itself is just a DPS race with respawning droid adds and General Edikar becomes Enraged after some time ( 3 minutes?) doing 200% more damage. I've tried tanking this fight twice at level 32-33 and just now at 36. I've interrupted all of his casts / reloads - I've drawn aggro on all the droids - We've killed all the turrets - Now it's time to DPS right? Oh wait my healer just got one shotted. :eek: Oh no. We all just got one shotted! :confused:


At first I thought this was due to the fact of not interrupting one of his casts, or that we didn't kill him fast enough.. but now that I've assembled a group of competent 32+ characters, the fact that we destroyed everything up until this particular fight, and that we just can't figure out what we're doing wrong, I'm starting think there's an issue. I'm sure more will agree as more and more people start to do all of the flashpoints. BUT if anyone can confirm a strategy other than "You're not killing him fast enough" please share it with us!!!


BW, I love this flashpoint regardless.

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I've duo'd most flashpoints (all but colicoid, turrets are mean for two! :-P) so far with a buddy and companions while leveling, this one no exception. What I found worked best was to not fight him in his room, but to pull him out into the hall around the corner. This allows you to group the droids together and spam aoe on them, as well as all area abilities that stun/disorient/etc weak mobs will be effective.


Pool resources when they spawn, wait till they round the corner together, then bomb them with aoe.


I strongly feel people calling for nerfs in the first week of launch is setting a bad precedent. Reading through posts on these forums fills me with a sense of worry; I really do not want to see a repeat of what has happened in WoW, where everything is so simple and trivial and the player base as a whole degrades. Some degree of difficulty forces us all to learn to play our classes and the game, and improves the level of play from the community as a whole. If you are never challenged, or attempt to overcome those challenges, you'll never improve!!


I sincerely wish people had more the mentality of, "If I/we can't do this and someone else can, then let's keep trying to figure out how to do it!" instead of, "I can't do this, the game must clearly be at fault and needs to be nerfed!". Nerfing content should be the LAST consideration we make when encountering obstacles, and only if absolutely necessary. Not the first.


This is not directed at you, OP. This is more an expression of my thoughts when I look through the first page of threads here clamoring for nerfs on content that in my opinion and experience does not need to be. I feel the attitude of so many posting is not the best for our community at large. Bioware, we don't need nerfs to flashpoints, just maybe the occasional bug fix here and there!! ^_^


I hope your next attempt goes better in there, OP!

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We tried him last night, and once the healer figured out he could remove the grenade fire debuff things went a lot smoother. However we didn't kill him, our healer had just dinged 30 and one of the DPS likewise, so we decided to come back when we had a full group of 33+ and give it a try.


Our tactic was to use the console to destroy 2 of the turrets before the fight, I was tanking and interrupting as many of his Full-Autos as possible. Droids were CC'd 2 at a time and killed before the general finished reloading. We got him to about 10% health but our healer was out of Force power usually by that time.


Really enjoyable flashpoint, and LARGE!

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I (JG) was there with 3 smugglers and we managed to do it after few wipes. At 50% when the boss spawns the second wave of droids the smugglers cc'd 3 of them. We killed the 4th droid and then just nuked the boss down.


We managed to get him under 25% before the reloading was complete and becouse of that he did not spawn the 3rd wave of droids. After 25% it was just more nuke until he was dead :)

Edited by Zailou
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I totally agree with you, Caress. It's just that it seems you hit a roadblock on that boss after steamrolling through everything else. I agree, I totally enjoy the game being challenging like it is. I will try the "hallway" method next time. :)
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Nerf? no need, I did this yesterday took us a few wipes but we clear the whole place including the annoying Lord Hasper, but this last boss it's a DPS race, we were able to kill him by killing the first set of adds and ignoring the 2nd , well I c 2 of the droids and ignore the other 2.

don't ask for nerf so early , try to find ways to kill him, it took us 5 wipes before we figured out that this is a dps race.

I'll make a video of him tonight and have it ready by tomorrow.

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Once I started using restoration on that fire dot the general dishes it out my group beat him. We had wiped several times before realizing about the fire.


You can do it if you deal with that fire dot, many classes have an ability to do so I believe.

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I like hard games, but this is pretty ridiculous. We wiped on that guy like 8 times before we called it last night, it was way past my bedtime, the group was level 33 and we had a 36 tank. Even on our best attempt, he enraged at 30% and started one shotting everyone.


I don't know how good the two dps we had were, but really, we don't all get to run with guildmates who know their character well when we're 33...


Honestly pretty disappointed and frustrated about this, frankly now I'm rethinking grouping at all in this game, when I'm usually a group/raid player. Between that and level 28 heroic quests that wipe a group of 30+ in seconds with 5 elite spawnings... meh.

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I think the jump in difficulty is a little extreme, the game does seem to have clear steps where they just turn up the difficulty on the player, rather than a smooth curve that helps the player learn and adapt.


The General is a prime example of this, along with the bonus boss, they are both significantly harder than anything else in the game up to that point.


Using the scenery to basically exploit the mechanics of the fight is not how it should be done, yet it is the best way to deal with both of these bosses, which to me says that they do perhaps need a little tuning.

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I like hard games, but this is pretty ridiculous. We wiped on that guy like 8 times before we called it last night, it was way past my bedtime, the group was level 33 and we had a 36 tank. Even on our best attempt, he enraged at 30% and started one shotting everyone.


I don't know how good the two dps we had were, but really, we don't all get to run with guildmates who know their character well when we're 33...


Honestly pretty disappointed and frustrated about this, frankly now I'm rethinking grouping at all in this game, when I'm usually a group/raid player. Between that and level 28 heroic quests that wipe a group of 30+ in seconds with 5 elite spawnings... meh.


I have done this fight a couple times on-level. I suspect your DPS were not very good. If the DPS are worth their salt, when the third set of adds come out, General Edikar should have a very brief existence. Damage up to that point is very manageable for the tank and healer.


Simply put, you had bad DPS. If we had DPS meters, you could have replaced the bads and not wasted any time.


edit: To add, I love how we're getting mid level DPS and heal checks. Other games do not include this and only when you reach the cap is your knowledge of the class developed. But when we're doing it at mid-level? You form better habits. I only hope this will lead to less bads at 50.


I think the jump in difficulty is a little extreme, the game does seem to have clear steps where they just turn up the difficulty on the player, rather than a smooth curve that helps the player learn and adapt.


The General is a prime example of this, along with the bonus boss, they are both significantly harder than anything else in the game up to that point.


Using the scenery to basically exploit the mechanics of the fight is not how it should be done, yet it is the best way to deal with both of these bosses, which to me says that they do perhaps need a little tuning.


While I agree there is a jump in difficulty, I wouldn't say it is "significantly harder." Both fights are still very easy.


I disagree vehemently that using the scenary is the best way to deal with the bosses. Then again, like in the case of Lord Hasper, I don't see running in one direction to be remotely challenging. I'm surprised at how many bad DPS I've had (and read on the forums) who just don't get this. My favourite was a DPS who walked, slowly, backwards (in Lord Hasper) and then proceeded to rag on the healer for "no heals."


As for General Edikar? Healing can't faceroll but he/she shouldn't have trouble with this either. If your DPS aren't terrible, it's a straightforward fight.

Edited by Mavery
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General Edikar? The tubby black guy at the end of Taral V? I've done that instance 3 times with groups ranging from excellent to horribad and he is incredibly easy. Never wiped, never even had a person die for that matter.


What the hell are you people talking about, "dps race"? His enrage timer is 3 minutes and he has 60k health. I could practically do that much damage by myself as a shield spec vanguard

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General Edikar? The tubby black guy at the end of Taral V? I've done that instance 3 times with groups ranging from excellent to horribad and he is incredibly easy. Never wiped, never even had a person die for that matter.


What the hell are you people talking about, "dps race"? His enrage timer is 3 minutes and he has 60k health. I could practically do that much damage by myself as a shield spec vanguard


It just goes to show you how bad some DPS are in this game, eh? Perhaps some tanks as well. I also have the same experience. Even in groups where I know the DPS were bad, we still comfortably beat the enrage timer.


Never underestimate the bads, tho. :p

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My group wiped several times trying it the normal way, so instead what we did was kite him to the entrance of the instance and kill him there. The tank did die once and had to run back in, but once we got him to the first reload we were able to dps him down very easily from there.


Afterwards we killed the two groups of adds and the turrets.

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I'm extremely confused. How is this fight so difficult? I tanked him where he stood, we killed the adds when they came, and we killed him. Didn't hit any enrage timer.


Killed him on the first shot my first time there. Probably the easiest one in the entire flashpoint.

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the last boss is fairly easy, you just need to remind a few things.


healer = remove the grenade dot from people.

tank / dps = interupt the full auto attack.

tank / dps = kill adds => keep them off the healer so he can bring you guys back up to 90+% to begin again.


healer = control your force, ( advice to all healers ) i always have medpacs with me to use after i used my skill to get force back :).


tip: for healers and ranged dps ( stand on max range ) the grenade wont hit you.


anyway: i think this boss is perfectly fine, but its a very nice challange ^^ and i do agree we whiped there also twice, but once you got the hang of it its a walk in the park, comminication is the key.

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No need for nerf.


Did this with pretty weak tank and dps wasn't definitely not good since other dps was tank specced too. Only problem was the fire dot that dropped tank during enrage unless I dispelled it before the tick. Took me a wipe to realize it is dispellable. Then few wipes because my bad dispelling since the bloody enrage took ages due low dps.


So it's hard but definitely doable if healer is just on top of dispelling the dot.

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I've duo'd most flashpoints (all but colicoid, turrets are mean for two! :-P) so far with a buddy and companions while leveling, this one no exception. What I found worked best was to not fight him in his room, but to pull him out into the hall around the corner. This allows you to group the droids together and spam aoe on them, as well as all area abilities that stun/disorient/etc weak mobs will be effective.


Pool resources when they spawn, wait till they round the corner together, then bomb them with aoe.



Was this resently? I just got finished trying to beat this guy and tank could not get him to move from the center. We were doing seemingly well and then - BAM - Everyone was one shotted. Which is odd because we weren't even near each other.


I'm thinking we need to 60 sec stun multiple droids. Wondering if that console can be used again to kill 2 droids. Healer and one of the DPs left so couldn't try a 3rd time.


I'll probaly outlevel it next time I do it as I'm going back to doing class quests. I'm not too keen on sitting around wating for groups so I usually don't do flashpoints, but I really wanted to complete this one. Oh well.



On another note, did anyone have issues fighting Lord Hasper, the bonus boss? I'm wondering if the tank simply wasn;t using his interrupt or if he is immune. I tried freezing him but he did his super move regardless where he sucks everyon in and force lightnign AOEs everyone for like 70% of our health.

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A huge problem with most players that struggle with content (and this isn't at the OP, just in general) is that they do not interrupt or dispel anything. It happens in every mmo. It's even worse in pvp.


If you let his full auto attack go the entire time, you're gonna get wrecked. Also not dispelling will also ruin your day.


There's nothing to nerf. It's teaching people that not interrupting or not dispelling, is not ok and WILL kill you if you don't learn how to properly do it.

Edited by Maxiim
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The problem with this guy is not his difficulty per se, but in relation to the rest of the FP. My group absolutely facerolled all of it up to him, and then suddenly the difficulty spikes IMMENSELY. Yes, he's the final boss, and that should show, but a more linear curve would be way better.
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