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pot5 going thru NOTHER round of mass exodus...


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As one of the elders of Pot5 (along with Sir Marty, Sir Copperfield, Exile and Shutdown aka Shutdownx) i can say this has been caused for 3 reasons:


-First, people offering free transfers due to the "refer a friend" rewards system.


-The fact Ranked Arenas have become completely retarded, if you don't play an operative healer, a PT hybrid or a Smasher (and ofc their mirrors) you are pretty much done. Imperials, as usual, have increased the already unexistant balance to a whole new level taking advantage of Bioware's lack of courage to nerf those classes.


-And last but not least, the fact that every single imperial player is becoming a "gunship pro" taking down people with 1-2 shots and exploiting wall shots and spawn-mid-spawn tactics.



Just take a second and think about it, is it Imp fleet that is getting empty or is it Pub fleet?



see what i'm saying, thanks for your time gl.

Edited by Osoygatitalove
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if ur gonna continue wiht ur attacks i will ignore the rest of ur posts in this thread, clearly u dont want discussion w/ constructive dialouge but idk wat ur game is here, im just here as a valued customer to voice my critiques


if bw cant save the pvp community, swtor (at least pvp side) will be 100% dead by summer of 2014 and that's a fact, no 1 can argue tht


LMAO! Ok... so a few things.


First and foremost, the game will be alive in well this coming summer. How do I know? A large majority aren't a part of your inquisition. And yes... that includes PvP'ers. This is a Star Wars game dude. The name alone will keep this game going.


Do you want another reason? Ok. The game is profitable and is becoming more profitable. Despite your arguments about player pop etc. etc. the game is making EA and BW money. Profitability is a leading indicator.


And last... lets drop all the pretense shall we? You aren't here to critique the game. You aren't here to have a meaningful discussion on the games flaws and its merits. Yours is a full blown Jihad but your ego won't allow you to become a martyr. You just continue to return with some satisfaction that you are stirring things up here on the forums. But... those who have been here long enough know who you are. And those that don't know figure it out very quickly. You don't have a following. What you do have is forum PvP which while entertaining is irrelevant.


So, I guess I have fallen into your trap as I have taken the time to respond to you. But, I really don't care. The more you post the more you make clear who you are and the less credible your arguments become. Please, by all means, feel free to ignore me.


See you this summer. I will be here. And somehow I get the feeling that you will too. Lol! Thanks btw. I haven't had a good laugh in a while.

Edited by Rafaman
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"Mass exodus" lol some people are so melodramatic. That guy's thread is hilarious. He takes himself so seriously.


Giggle, and they are all like moths to flame going to the game with the bestest brightest shinyest visuals Wildstar.

Edited by Sphinxes
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I always find it funny that SWG's NGE which was basically a poor- no a pathetic attempt at becoming a Theme Park MMO like WoW is still superior than SWG's opening state as an MMO.


I couldn't get into it at the beginning, and gave it until Nov before quitting. I despised the boring terminal mission system, and the lack of space combat. I went back in late 2007, and split play time with WOW until I quit WOW permanently. Combat/skill system being gone aside, I found it much more engaging with the additions they made after I left. I loved the addition of quest chains/hubs, and space.


I never saw the CU, or beginning of the NGE, and have no experience of how the game played at that time. My long time friends who stayed for the full duration said it was awful, and I have no reason to doubt them. Even though I left the game after a few months, I never left my friends, and still spent a lot of time in vent with them several days a week.

Edited by Hambunctious
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I'm only surprised there's enough hardcore pvpers left for a another mass exodus...


I mean most can't still be staying for the pvp content, not when it's so rudimentary compared to what others offer... no bgs, no scenarios, no teritorial tug of wars, nada.


Can't believe BW doesn't simply play to their strengths. Ok you can't do perfect 1v1 balancing with a mmo so complex (and no I don't consider the modern trends of having 4 abilities a favorable tradeoff for more "balance") and the engine can't handle massive battles.


But you've got hutball, the only genuinely successful pvp concept they came up with/implemented.


Why on earth BW doesn't crank out 2-3 more maps of that and does a CROSS SERVER ranked league for HB teams I'll never know.

Other games are shoehorning rvr concept into season pointing formats and here you have a perfect fit but naaah.

Edited by aeterno
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I've stopped taking this poster seriously a long time ago. Not sure if he's a troll because he might actually mean it from his point of view, but all in all I don't consider him, let's say, reliable.


I am sure you play imp side, this post applies 99% for pub players.


Imp side has no problem with this, noone gets bored of easy kills/EZ mode in a pvp server

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well apparntly theres another maxx exodus occuring in swtor, namely pot5. somethin tells me this wasn't the first, but bw what are you going to do to keep your players around longterm? The elder scrolls, wildstar and next wow expac will severly drop swtor's sub. the CM will get less support. you'll need to start developing some real multiplayer content bc cutscenes arent really a thing in multiplayer games. Ppl want to play mmos not sp games, get with the program plz


If that's really the case you probably didn't get the memo. PvP servers always bite the dust first... something to do with a lame community.

Edited by demotivator
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I am sure you play imp side, this post applies 99% for pub players.


Imp side has no problem with this, noone gets bored of easy kills/EZ mode in a pvp server


Hey Osoygatitalove. This has always been the case. A pvp server becomes faction dominate on one side. From my experience in wow. People gravitate towards the servers that favor their faction. That is why most pvp servers are heavily horder or alliance. in BC the horde to alliance ratio was close to 1:1, but now according warcraft realms the ratio is 1:110 or active ration of 1:27.9. That's means you can level out in the wild never see an alliance leveling a character.

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If that's really the case you probably didn't get the memo. PvP servers always bite the dust first... something to do with a lame community.


It has more to do with mmorpg design for pve with pvp as an after though. It will be the same case in wildstar or whatever mmorpg that comes along. PvPers are playing the wrong game if they only focus is pvp. Swtor doesn't have any professional tournaments. I'm not sure if wow has any more arenas tournaments, but their payouts are insignificant compared to other pvp centric games. There is no point other than pvping casually in mmorpgs, whch makes hardore pvp a hogwash.

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I couldn't get into it at the beginning, and gave it until Nov before quitting. I despised the boring terminal mission system, and the lack of space combat. I went back in late 2007, and split play time with WOW until I quit WOW permanently. Combat/skill system being gone aside, I found it much more engaging with the additions they made after I left. I loved the addition of quest chains/hubs, and space.


I never saw the CU, or beginning of the NGE, and have no experience of how the game played at that time. My long time friends who stayed for the full duration said it was awful, and I have no reason to doubt them. Even though I left the game after a few months, I never left my friends, and still spent a lot of time in vent with them several days a week.


The truth is that had SWG been released in a state close to the NGE people would have loved it.


The game faced a real backslash not because of the NGE itself but the way it was fed to the community with a double finger from SOE.

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I am sure you play imp side, this post applies 99% for pub players.


Imp side has no problem with this, noone gets bored of easy kills/EZ mode in a pvp server


I have characters on both sides but I don't even play on that server, so that has nothing to do with it. Just from what I've seen him posting on this forum, I just don't trust his judgments. I am not saying that it's not true what he is telling us, I just don't see him as a reliable source.


PvP servers are more in danger of people leaving anyway, because generally it ends up that one side is stronger than the other and then the losing side just gives up and leaves. Then the other side has no one left to fight so they start leaving etc. This happened in Aion as well till the amount of servers was reduced to a bare minimum and they basically only had pvp servers.


In essence PvP servers are gank servers because that's the only thing that they add beyond PvE servers. I never saw the appeal of that and I think SWTOR actually doesn't need them. Besides the best PvP in the game currently is called galactic starfighter.

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I couldn't get into it at the beginning, and gave it until Nov before quitting. I despised the boring terminal mission system, and the lack of space combat.


See, the best time for the game was between launch of JTL up until CU.


They started to have shorter shuttle times, more actual content besides just missions, better PvP stuff and so on. The game was a disaster at launch, I don't think anyone can argue that, however, even the devs themselves admitted that the change to CU and later NGE was the biggest mistake they made and it's been dubbed the dumbest move by an MMO, ever.


People are still angry at SOE for firstr giving a carrot to people to work towards for MONTHS and then just removing it. I know people who will not touch a SOE product ever again precicely because of the NGE.

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See, the best time for the game was between launch of JTL up until CU.


They started to have shorter shuttle times, more actual content besides just missions, better PvP stuff and so on. The game was a disaster at launch, I don't think anyone can argue that, however, even the devs themselves admitted that the change to CU and later NGE was the biggest mistake they made and it's been dubbed the dumbest move by an MMO, ever.


People are still angry at SOE for firstr giving a carrot to people to work towards for MONTHS and then just removing it. I know people who will not touch a SOE product ever again precicely because of the NGE.


Sorry, but I do not understand any acronym in here. Care to explain what is:





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