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pot5 going thru NOTHER round of mass exodus...


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idk wat ur talking about, i'm a harvard law graduate top 1% tvym


Im just saying this seems liek it isnt its 1st and wat is bw doing to retain subs longterm? oh rite... absolutely nothing tbis game had loads of potental to be an 'esports' game but guess all eaware cares about is gouging playerbase w/ the CM and yawn cutscenes


Nah brah.... your cover is blown once again. The topic here is no longer what is BW going to do, but what are going to do next.


BTW, for your future account as you continue to sub, but not in support of the game... quit trying so hard with your syntax. I doesn't work at all and it is very obvious. Hire someone to do your dirty work using their own words. That should do it for awhile. Well, at least until your next slip up.

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The overwhelming majority of the game was still sandbox, and had way more freedom than this game, or WOW ever will. They changed the combat system, whoop dee doo. There was still more, and different things to do in NGE SWG than any other MMO to date.


Hahahaha, if you say so.


Thanks for proving you never actually played pre-NGE now. As it wasn't the combat system that was just changed, it was the class system as well, and a lot more.

Edited by mecher
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Nah brah.... your cover is blown once again. The topic here is no longer what is BW going to do, but what are going to do next.


BTW, for your future account as you continue to sub, but not in support of the game... quit trying so hard with your syntax. I doesn't work at all and it is very obvious. Hire someone to do your dirty work using their own words. That should do it for awhile. Well, at least until your next slip up.

if ur gonna continue wiht ur attacks i will ignore the rest of ur posts in this thread, clearly u dont want discussion w/ constructive dialouge but idk wat ur game is here, im just here as a valued customer to voice my critiques


if bw cant save the pvp community, swtor (at least pvp side) will be 100% dead by summer of 2014 and that's a fact, no 1 can argue tht

Edited by IStillWantMySWG
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idk wat ur talking about, i'm a harvard law graduate top 1% tvym


Im just saying this seems liek it isnt its 1st and wat is bw doing to retain subs longterm? oh rite... absolutely nothing tbis game had loads of potental to be an 'esports' game but guess all eaware cares about is gouging playerbase w/ the CM and yawn cutscenes


You are somewhat entertaining. I will have to start a count of how many times you have felt the need to trot out your supposed credentials, and yet are unable to even use an acronym correctly.

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if bw cant save the pvp community, swtor (at least pvp side) will be 100% dead by summer of 2014 and that's a fact, no 1 can argue tht

And the rest of the game will survive that and hardly anyone except for the die hard pvp fans will notice.


Oh and no MMO ever made it to be an ESPORTs game... none even remotely tried to be that. There are other (purely instanced) games for that purpose.

Edited by JPryde
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The overwhelming majority of the game was still sandbox, and had way more freedom than this game, or WOW ever will. They changed the combat system, whoop dee doo. There was still more, and different things to do in NGE SWG than any other MMO to date.


So you've read a wiki article about pre-NGE SWG, nice nice. Stop posting, you're just making a complete fool of yourself.

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Considering it's Pot5, the most toxic and self destructive server we have, then it's no big loss... i feel bad for the handful of good people on that server though, they get screwed out of PvP pops cause some players/guilds only care about their ego and not the community at large... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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well apparntly theres another maxx exodus occuring in swtor, namely pot5. somethin tells me this wasn't the first, but bw what are you going to do to keep your players around longterm? The elder scrolls, wildstar and next wow expac will severly drop swtor's sub. the CM will get less support. you'll need to start developing some real multiplayer content bc cutscenes arent really a thing in multiplayer games. Ppl want to play mmos not sp games, get with the program plz


Not this baloney again. There was no mass exodus after that facebook group's petition was (rightly) ignored and there will be no mass exodus this time. However few people are actually in that facebook group are inconsequential and represent very little of the player base on Pot5 - certainly not all of the best PvPers (no matter how much they come back and try to claim they are). Most of them have ALREADY left, so there is no real threat here...


A handful of guys at best and no one will notice.


Also, if they're going to Wildstar, I just cancelled my plans to play that game with those complainers.

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Guys, guys, guys. This is just a false alarm. They are not really leaving because if they were, they wouldn't have anything star wars related to come to these forums to complain and troll about. It's like an addiction, they can't help it.


Wildstar is going to end up like every other mmo.

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if ur gonna continue wiht ur attacks i will ignore the rest of ur posts in this thread, clearly u dont want discussion w/ constructive dialouge but idk wat ur game is here, im just here as a valued customer to voice my critiques


if bw cant save the pvp community, swtor (at least pvp side) will be 100% dead by summer of 2014 and that's a fact, no 1 can argue tht


My eyes. They burn. Can't. Read. It. Aaarrrrrrgh.

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Awww, how quaint. Looks like my guess was correct. Tell me, do you tell people you have an education as well after reading a wiki article?


It's adorable of you to care so much, but I don't feel the need to prove anything. I know which version I enjoyed more, and that's all that matters. Whatever contest you think you're going to win with me is a pointless endeavor, and you're pushing the wrong buttons anyway.

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Oh please, another round of the Tor apocalypse crowd is leaving. I have been playing ever since launch and I have heard that numerous games were going to be the death of Tor since then. GW2 was supposed to kill this game, lol nope. I highly doubt that Eso and wildstar are going to do any worse.


Heres a secret, a secret which explains why Tor won't roll over and die like some want it too. The secret is that this game is based off of a giant, popular franchise with a large following. The second part is that this game was developed by a company that excels in story based games, Bioware. Like it or not, Bioware has made a game so rich in story, setting and character development that unless Bioware itself were to come out with another mmo, this game won't fail. I believe it was Andrayah who coined the term "MMO nomads", people who jump from mmo to mmo because the previous one didn't satisfy their needs.

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You went full retard man, never go full retard.


His ban must be up he can't help it. He has to spread the hate from his misrable vajaj less life. What better place to do then one he can keep making accounts for to slander a game that musta utterly wounded his fragile ego for him to go to such lengths.

Edited by Avicii
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I'm kind of looking forward to the release of Wildstar. Oh, I'm not going to play it or anything, but I figure we'll get about a week while the elite awesome super PVPers and their 'we are facebook, resistance is futile' decide they hate it and start back up again.


One glorious week. It will be bliss.

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I'm looking forward to WildStar too.. cause I'll be playing it. But guess what? I'll be playing TOR too. Just play what you enjoy and shut up. They're just video games.


The people that make threads like this and the "Mass Exodus" thread are such entitled losers. They seriously have issues.

Edited by Atma
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Does it count as another when it is the same crew that posted an ultimatum a few months back?


I guess it's some sort of "virtual" exodus of some sort. Which effectively means you and reboot and rinse and repeat it over and over again on the internetz. Yet the PoT5 server continues to chug along. :)


A quick check of torstatus for PoT5 for the last 60 days clearly shows no measurable exodus last time this silly stuff was percolated like a designer brew of delight in the forum. http://www.torstatus.net/prophecy-of-the-five/trends/60d

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