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Make Light Side Jaesa Willsaam Romance-able


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At this point I would go with how Salsa describes it. This isn't to say you are wrong. Just different opinions.

To me the Jedi Order doesn't allow for emotions. In fact they like to get Jedi Young as close to birth so they can expunge that instinct of being connected to someone else as much so as they can. It's having connections that allow us to live and to be a part of life. To take that equation out amounts to the person becoming nothing more than a piece of equipment.

When you love someone then that teaches you to try and correct your bad habits because you don't want to hurt them. This is how I see the Light Sided Sith. They have either learned to love life or loved life from the start thus they want to protect it.

If an action is wrong and causes pain and suffering then to not take action is also wrong. The way it seems to me is the Jedi are all about trying to keep "Change" from happening even if that "Change" results in long term benefits.

The Dark Sided Jedi seem to understand that sometimes "Change" is good as do Light Sided Sith.

Dark Sided Sith seem to be the group of Sith that seem to just care about what benefits them the most and serves them the best.

My Sith Warrior has taken on the attitude of "Only the Strong Survive" and see's the top rung of the Empire as some of the weakest as they care only about themselves and nobody else.

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Here's the way I play:


I am not a Sith. I am not a Jedi. I am a Free Force Sensitive. I do what I want, when I want. I usually gear more towards the light side though for 4 reasons:


1. I no longer feel comfortable playing as dark (I made it all the way to dark 4 before I changed my mind and went back; I am almost light 1 now, but I'm trying to stay nuetral. Killing people because they question my reasoning gets old after a while... ;) )


2. My 'master' wants me to be dark. The Empire wants me to be dark. I am a friggin rebel! I mainly play as light simply to do the opposite of what Baras and the rest of the Empire want me to. They get sooo mad! (TROLOLOL)


3. I want/ have a blue lightsaber. Two of them, in fact.


4. Vette likes it. :)


With that said:


I wanted to convert Jaesa as light because I want her to do the same. I want her to aid me on my quest to annoy, confuse, anger, and ultimately destroy the Empire from within. I have Vette, IDK about anyone else, but I find Twi'leks very sexy, particularly Vette. So I am cool with marrying her instead of Jaesa. But that's just me. And who knows, me and Jaesa could always still do things on the side, you know? ;) OR maybe Vette and Jaesa with the shock collar at the same time!! :D I'll stop there.

Edited by MasterValorum
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Sith teachings were created by Dark jedi. Sith teachings are inherently dark sided. The vast majority of Sith who have embraced the teachings of their order have gone to the dark side. The only notable Sith Lord introduced in the game to have embraced the light has been dead for over a thousand years, is entombed in the dark temple, and has a collection of teachings so radically different from what the Sith learn, that it has been labled (and I quote): "Heresy."


Dark Sided Jedi do not follow Jedi teachings. At all. A Dark Jedi is a person who used to be a Jedi Knight, and has become something else entirely. The term 'Dark Jedi' is for ease of labeling that lets us immediately identify what something is. "He's a Dark Jedi. He used to be a Jedi, be he went to the Dark Side. He's bad news." A Dark Jedi character in TOR is pretending to still be loyal to the order while bidding his time and waiting for an opportunity to seize power.




Jedi do not scorn emotion. Their training is designed to control how they react to their emotions. The whole point is to keep from going overboard and making mistakes that can prove harmful to other people, not because they are scared to feel. A sith feels anger and then destroys what caused him to be angry. A Jedi feels anger, but refuses to let it affect his behavior, and moves on. In time, he'll transcend anger itself through training, and won't have to bother controlling his reaction because the anger itself won't be there to upset him or disturb his balance.




Again, for the Jedi it's about controlling their reaction to emotion, not about avoiding it altogether. Jedi are people. People feel love. Love is not negative in and of itself, but it leads inevitably to attachment. Jedi should not have attachments because a desire to have something leads to a fear of losing it. The more attached you are, the greater your fear. The greater your fear, the greater your chances of overreacting. The greater your overreaction, the more likely you go to the Dark Side.




Light side Sith have transcended the teachings of their order and no longer obey them, or follow Sith culture. A light sided Sith is trying to subvert the Empire and 'change it from within.' A light Jedi is ultimately loyal to the Jedi order, and the Republic. What is a Light sith loyal to? Not to his order, and not to his Government. He's a traitor, no getting around it. The only logical thing to do at this point is to stop calling yourself a Sith and move on. The game just doesn't allow for it. Yet.




It's a cultural difference, simple as that. Jedi take the long-view in everything they do. I'm not sure where you find hypocrisy in their actions, because 'positive results' can be very subjective. The Jedi buzz word is 'balance.' Where helping and influencing one person doesn't lead to the detriment of others. The Jedi defend the twi'lek settlement from flesh raiders. That's good. Why not just wipe out the flesh raiders and be done with it? Because then there would be an imbalance caused by the act that would have repercussions no one could see. The Jedi want to keep things in harmony.


Sith, on the other hand do not care about harmony. They do not care about balance. In fact, they support any kind of imbalance that leads to them being on top. It's one of the reasons why being a Sith is so much fun.




Jedi don't suppress their feelings, they control them. Light side Sith actively work to destabilize their own government. You can't maintain a strong focus on yourself and remain accepting of all others. Being accepting of all others inherently means removing your very 'self' from the equation. Anyone who can do this is a Saint.


Since none of us are Saints, It'd be much more accurate to say "They try not to be judgmental."





The thing is you are reading Sith culture as though this Sith Empire is made up of a bunch of fallen jedi or regular people who learned Sith teachings. The SW is a member of the Sith Race. Whether that means they are a Sith Pureblood or a Zabrak. They are Sith. They are decendants of the many survivors of the Great Hyperspace War and the purge that followed.


Its true that Dark Side teachings are the primary focus that the Sith value. Its to be expected that Hatred and Anger, which are both carnal emotions, are the emotions that are easiest to tap into. But it takes a true master of Sith teachings to tap into Love and other positive emotions. Using these emotions a Sith can become an even greater beacon of light than a Jedi. Walking hand in hand with the Force. Neither dominating the Force nor letting the Force dominate them.


But Light Side teachings hamper and cause issues as well. The desire to show hesitancy and not include themselves earlier in the Mandalorian conflict, even though the Madnolorians were slaughtering and conquering planets and threatened the Galactic stability, thus leading to people like Revan and Malik, who were not masters, to rebel in order to fulfill the age old promise of the Jedi. To uphold and protect the Republic.


A LS-SW accepts that there are faults. It accepts that there is a way to improve the Empire. Youy even have the choices to become a follower of the teachings of Revan, knowing that the Light and Dark mingle to closely to truly ever be separated. They can even work to restore the LS teachings via the Holocron in the Dark Temple.

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Sith teachings were created by Dark jedi. Sith teachings are inherently dark sided. The vast majority of Sith who have embraced the teachings of their order have gone to the dark side. The only notable Sith Lord introduced in the game to have embraced the light has been dead for over a thousand years, is entombed in the dark temple, and has a collection of teachings so radically different from what the Sith learn, that it has been labled (and I quote): "Heresy."


Dark Sided Jedi do not follow Jedi teachings. At all. A Dark Jedi is a person who used to be a Jedi Knight, and has become something else entirely. The term 'Dark Jedi' is for ease of labeling that lets us immediately identify what something is. "He's a Dark Jedi. He used to be a Jedi, be he went to the Dark Side. He's bad news." A Dark Jedi character in TOR is pretending to still be loyal to the order while bidding his time and waiting for an opportunity to seize power.




Jedi do not scorn emotion. Their training is designed to control how they react to their emotions. The whole point is to keep from going overboard and making mistakes that can prove harmful to other people, not because they are scared to feel. A sith feels anger and then destroys what caused him to be angry. A Jedi feels anger, but refuses to let it affect his behavior, and moves on. In time, he'll transcend anger itself through training, and won't have to bother controlling his reaction because the anger itself won't be there to upset him or disturb his balance.




Again, for the Jedi it's about controlling their reaction to emotion, not about avoiding it altogether. Jedi are people. People feel love. Love is not negative in and of itself, but it leads inevitably to attachment. Jedi should not have attachments because a desire to have something leads to a fear of losing it. The more attached you are, the greater your fear. The greater your fear, the greater your chances of overreacting. The greater your overreaction, the more likely you go to the Dark Side.




Light side Sith have transcended the teachings of their order and no longer obey them, or follow Sith culture. A light sided Sith is trying to subvert the Empire and 'change it from within.' A light Jedi is ultimately loyal to the Jedi order, and the Republic. What is a Light sith loyal to? Not to his order, and not to his Government. He's a traitor, no getting around it. The only logical thing to do at this point is to stop calling yourself a Sith and move on. The game just doesn't allow for it. Yet.




It's a cultural difference, simple as that. Jedi take the long-view in everything they do. I'm not sure where you find hypocrisy in their actions, because 'positive results' can be very subjective. The Jedi buzz word is 'balance.' Where helping and influencing one person doesn't lead to the detriment of others. The Jedi defend the twi'lek settlement from flesh raiders. That's good. Why not just wipe out the flesh raiders and be done with it? Because then there would be an imbalance caused by the act that would have repercussions no one could see. The Jedi want to keep things in harmony.


Sith, on the other hand do not care about harmony. They do not care about balance. In fact, they support any kind of imbalance that leads to them being on top. It's one of the reasons why being a Sith is so much fun.




Jedi don't suppress their feelings, they control them. Light side Sith actively work to destabilize their own government. You can't maintain a strong focus on yourself and remain accepting of all others. Being accepting of all others inherently means removing your very 'self' from the equation. Anyone who can do this is a Saint.


Since none of us are Saints, It'd be much more accurate to say "They try not to be judgmental."


At last someone who understands the sith/jedi teachings and order. The dark side incarnation of the sith warrior even says that the sith warrior is no longer sith and when you try and say that you are and followed the ways of the sith to the letter. The dark side version of you gets pissed and says stop lying to yourself. Plus after playing a dark side jedi knight you would be insane to call them a jedi after some of the evil acts you can do as a dark jedi.


I won't deny that LS sith are not interesting to play but what I don't like is when people say that LS sith its the same with dark jedi they are no longer following the teachings of their respective orders. Storywise you are hiding your true alignment from your peers so you can change the empire from within0 cause if other sith find out that you are light side they will destroy you. Since as a LS sith to the sith order you are now tainted/ a heretic.

Dark jaesa spoilers



Hell dark jaesa lands a job to use her powers to hunt light side sith in the sith order. If there is any warhammer fans out there jaesa pretty much becomes a inquisitor for the sith order.




I do think its quite unfair that you cannot romance light jaesa because I can understand that quite a lot of people don't like romancing aliens. I personally think that romancing light jaesa does not make much sense after playing a ls sith but there is nothing wrong with having more options in a game. :D

Edited by lokdron
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The thing is you are reading Sith culture as though this Sith Empire is made up of a bunch of fallen jedi or regular people who learned Sith teachings. The SW is a member of the Sith Race. Whether that means they are a Sith Pureblood or a Zabrak. They are Sith. They are decendants of the many survivors of the Great Hyperspace War and the purge that followed.


Its true that Dark Side teachings are the primary focus that the Sith value. Its to be expected that Hatred and Anger, which are both carnal emotions, are the emotions that are easiest to tap into. But it takes a true master of Sith teachings to tap into Love and other positive emotions. Using these emotions a Sith can become an even greater beacon of light than a Jedi. Walking hand in hand with the Force. Neither dominating the Force nor letting the Force dominate them.


But Light Side teachings hamper and cause issues as well. The desire to show hesitancy and not include themselves earlier in the Mandalorian conflict, even though the Madnolorians were slaughtering and conquering planets and threatened the Galactic stability, thus leading to people like Revan and Malik, who were not masters, to rebel in order to fulfill the age old promise of the Jedi. To uphold and protect the Republic.


A LS-SW accepts that there are faults. It accepts that there is a way to improve the Empire. Youy even have the choices to become a follower of the teachings of Revan, knowing that the Light and Dark mingle to closely to truly ever be separated. They can even work to restore the LS teachings via the Holocron in the Dark Temple.


So why are Cyborg and Human playable races for the Sith Warrior? They can have sith blood in them, which according to a boss in the Foundry, up to 97.8% of the Empire's total population has.

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i completley gree, i was dissapointed when i found out you cant romance the light sided jaesa, i could of made her dark side but then she becomes a crazy freak -_- i would definatley like bioware to change this cause its pretty annoying



Edited by gorskum
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I went dark side only because it was the only way to romance Jaesa. I honestly would rather go for her as a light-side sith. The only dark decisions I'm likely to make is stuff that involves money; otherwise I enjoy rebelling against my dark masters and doing things my way.

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While I agree that you guys should be given the option, or at least get an in-game warning beforehand, you could always roll a new toon like everyone did for ME, DA, or Fallout to see the other endings.


I just rolled a new DS SW a week ago for this. Surprisingly, it actually didn't take that long to do. If you really think about it, the only thing really holding you back is yourself.


Might also add that in the 2 months the threads been out, you would have made it too...lol

Edited by exccw
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Absolutely! I mean, Revan had a romance with his jedi counterpart, and its a similar story here. Why not have a romance, especially considering the story. A sith and a jedi fighting to bring the mysteries of the light into the Empire? C'mon! That's totally a romantic storyline, in the same strain as in classic star wars. Edited by Degrepski
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While I agree that you guys should be given the option, or at least get an in-game warning beforehand, you could always roll a new toon like everyone did for ME, DA, or Fallout to see the other endings.


I just rolled a new DS SW a week ago for this. Surprisingly, it actually didn't take that long to do. If you really think about it, the only thing really holding you back is yourself.


Might also add that in the 2 months the threads been out, you would have made it too...lol


Except then we have to play the exact same character again and do all those FPs/Heroics to get ourselves geared up again.

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I honestly don't believe it would be THAT difficult to implement either. From my limited game design experience, I can't see what's holding them back other than working a script into the current story line. And if that's the case its a writer's issue. From what I've played up to so far (level 33), I've found that the story is very well written, but I was disappointed to hear that LS Jaesa can't be romanced as it takes out an essential and very deep part of a Sith's passion. While the main character may be Lightside as a result to get Lightside Jaesa, Revan was a major example in that you don't have to be a ***** Sith. You can utilize a Sith's passion (good or bad) for that power and stabilize it with the control and meditation that the Lightside offers.


It's not like I was looking for some kind of ultimate power or anything, the whole Lightside decision trend started with me liking to piss Baras off and the undeniable fact that to gain affection with Vette you can't really pick a whole lot of Dark Side choices unless you wanna stand around for an hour and keep handing her gifts.


Point is, romance is a passion and passion is a part of the Sith code. The hero is not denying the Sith Code outright by making a decision to follow a just moral compass aka the Light Path.. And you can't tell me the player doesn't feel some awkward sexual tension when they're listening to Jaesa's story but not able to Flirt without recieving negative affection points.


I remember seeing a video from the developers on Youtube talking specifically about companions saying that wanted the player to be immersed in the side stories of their companions and ultimately become attached to them because not only are they going to feel like unique people to you that you form a bond with because you learn more about them as the story goes on but they're also a vital asset to you on the battlefield. Without a romance option specifically for Jaesa, it feels like all the build up for her character is utterly wasted after she joins up with you because none of the other companions got a whole Act leading up to their reveal, and I understand they don't want to make any companion stand above the rest and each has its own unique attributes. But Jaesa is the only lightsaber user a Sith Warrior can have as a companion and the fact that she's a human gives her a much stronger desirability over Vette. And I don't know about everyone else but I'm extremely distanced by the unappealing sex-craved and sadistic DS Jaesa. "Queen of Freaky" as Vette puts it about sums it up. Some people might dig that but meh... It don't do it for me.

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