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One time only advance class change!


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This game has an incredibly fast leveling speed, just reroll.


It's not like old WoW where it's an investment, you can pump out a 50 in no time in SWTOR.


Best part, it's fun, not a terrible grind.


Amazing piece of opinion you have there, Clearly my time is worth substantially more than yours. I suppose if I had no life, it would be no big deal. Go me for having a life.


And you should really rethink your definition of "in no time." 'Cause that is my definition of a long, rather boring, time.

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As it stands right now, my guild and my server are both lacking in range dps. I am wanting to switch to sniper from operative (even though I like being an operative) to help balance it out. I think by opening a support ticket, asking for a change of advance class, once and only once, no take backs, no excuses, none of the bs involved, should be a relatively easy request.
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It would need to be "2 times only" because you might just end up hating what you change to.



On another note, god I wish marauders had a tank spec.


The classes have been around enough now that if you haven't seen a class you probably aren't playing much, so you should know what the play is like on that specific AC.

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I dont see what all the flame is about. Things change. Your flaming him for having a change of opinion. So he wants to respec into a different adv class? He's arguing that a one time change would be pretty nice. I agree....Is that really that hard to grasp? Or are you waiting in Q with nothing better to do but to be a pain?


You pretty much took the words right out my mouth.


Yes, we all know it took someone weeks to get to level whatever in that one game 10 years ago with...wait why should we care? Please stop bleeding nerd nostalgia all over the place. Let one repec. Or dual spec even. Maybe that would weed out those intent on telling people how they should spend time playing a game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It says before you choose an Advanced Class that you are making a decision that can not be reversed. You were shown the fine print. Get over it.


Indeed, you have to make a permanent commitment to an advanced class you've never played, with a vague description. Sure, I have a general idea of what the IA sniper playstyle is like, I have a gunslinger. Fine. But leveling up a character to 15-20 and realizing it doesn't suit your playstyle, and having to reroll and play content that you've either just finished, in addition to my case, already gone through several times, isn't necessarily enjoyable.


There is no reason to belittle the original poster for questioning why this is problematic, and asking for a one-time change if your choice isn't suiting you.


I agree, the ability to change once should be added.


How would you like to be stuck playing your Ret pally from vanilla to now? How was the ability to change specializations in WoW a detriment? How many former players posting in this forum found it to be problematic or opted to never use it?


Just saying.

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If I'm not mistaken, the two advanced classes are completely different in playstyle from eachother (haven't dabbled away from mine yet, I knew what I was getting into) so how could you not know what you were getting yourself involved with?


It's not like if I roll a healing class that I should feel cheated if the class actually heals. You have the ability to check your talents before you choose your AC, you can read about it on fora/guides/blogs/whatnot, ... There's more than plenty of information on every AC.


"Hi, I rolled a paladin but I actually want a rogue. Mind giving me a free swap?"


That's what you basically just said.



Not quite. It's like being locked into Holy when you realize Protection is more fitting.


Moreover, Rolling a maurader and realizing that, being a primarily solo PVE player, you'd actually have a better time leveling with a juggernaught in dps spec; but you don't realize that until content becomes a bit more challenging to solo, as everything beforehand is a pretty quick kill. Then you're invested to say, level 20-30, and then, the idea of rerolling through Korriban, Dromund Kaas and Balmorra makes you want to vomit. Especially when you've already done them on your Sorcerer, your BH and Imperial Agent (hutta, obvs). NOT fun.

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You pretty much took the words right out my mouth.


Yes, we all know it took someone weeks to get to level whatever in that one game 10 years ago with...wait why should we care? Please stop bleeding nerd nostalgia all over the place. Let one repec. Or dual spec even. Maybe that would weed out those intent on telling people how they should spend time playing a game.




Seriously, any wow reference anyone makes is essentially obsolete, as one can ding 85 within a few weeks of running straight dungeon finder, even sooner with BoAs and Guild XP bonuses. No grindy quests. AND you can respec anyway, yet you don't hear anyone complaining about it. It's a good feature. Albeit, I understand why SWTOR made it this way; it's to serve as an entirely different class to make up for the fact that they offered limited main classes. I get it.


However, I rolled an IA sniper, as I had played the gunslinger class on my smuggler. I love it. However, I watched a friend play his operative and it actually looked really fun and more suited to my playstyle; do I want to reroll and do all of that content over? NO. Did the talent tree tell me much about the playstyle? Nope. Do you get to see the tranable abilities of the classes before choosing? Nope. Maybe allowing the players to see the abilities available to either class (in addition to the talents, er... skills) they could make a more informed decision. But I see nothing wrong with allowing an advanced class change. Does it REALLY impact anyone if some player on their server decided tanking wasn't their forte, and the dps build was unsatisfying, and opted to change from Assassin to Sorcerer? They wouldn't even notice.

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what ever happened to reading up on all the classes and finding one that you like the sound of and playing it.


do kids not read these days?


People only read to see what's the most OP, then they get shocked when it gets nerfed and need a respec. Anyways respec already provided in game, it just restarts you at level 1 with a new character.

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That is definately the stupidest thing said so far in this thread......


Funny it's so stupid that BW designed the game with it in effect. It's so stupid that it's not being changed anytime soon. It's so stupid that some people agree with it.

All this I don't like my class nonsense, when it's really some one found out the other spec is the new FoTM.

Guess what MMO devs tell people when they aren't going to do something, they say we're thinking about it. They say it may happen and don't give a time table. All the people who want it point to that as saying it's coming. Can any of the people who are so sure it's coming point out when and how? I mean a date and method, not them saying they may, because get what ...they may not.

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Yeah, respecs and dual spec so that you can respecialize every time your build becomes inconvenient for a certain task, defeating the purpose of specialization... Making it so there are virtually no pros or cons outside of your class (because you can just respec everytime a con becomes bothersome).



And now you MMORPG noobs want to respec advanced classes?





I wish you people would just stick to call of duty.


This is a little ignorant. I don't support AC respecs at all, nor am I a min/maxer, but there are a couple of realities that make dual spec, and even affordable respecs an extremely desirable feature.


There are two facts of mmo's to consider; there are in essence two styles of play going on, pvp and pve, each with very specific needs and mechanics. While I totally believe that if you wan to play a different story you should reroll, and if you want to play different class, reroll. But I don't think you should have to reroll to experience content that isn't intrinsically tied to the progression or story of the world. Maybe that's a double standard, but it is what it is.


Secondly, and more importantly, while I'm not a nerd and reroll kind of guy, these games are fluid. They are balanced, tweaked and refined for the entirety of their time running. There's. Now follow closely here, there is a way to maximize your role and class capabilities, and the only way to make this viable with ever changing numbers and interactions, is by allowing people to be a little fluid as well.


Looking at the spec options of wow and rift I prefered the one in wow, for the very reason you raise. Rift made my class and role feel somehow meaningless. I prefered the class restriction in wow that allowed me a little bit of wiggle room, but rift was just too open for me.


TL:DR - no AC respec, your class is your class. But make dual spec and respec for more accesible.


Dual spec, for those who seem to miss it, is simply the ability to have two different talent point layouts, that can be swapped between when out of combat. Same class, same tress, different point selection. The most common use for this is to have your character tuned to be effective in both pve and Pvp, though some use it for encounter specific tuning.

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Funny it's so stupid that BW designed the game with it in effect. It's so stupid that it's not being changed anytime soon. It's so stupid that some people agree with it.

All this I don't like my class nonsense, when it's really some one found out the other spec is the new FoTM.

Guess what MMO devs tell people when they aren't going to do something, they say we're thinking about it. They say it may happen and don't give a time table. All the people who want it point to that as saying it's coming. Can any of the people who are so sure it's coming point out when and how? I mean a date and method, not them saying they may, because get what ...they may not.


Got a pay pal account? Friendly wager? I'm willing to bet dual spec and respec price adjustments will be in by the end of the year. More than likely sooner.


AC respec I doubt we'll ever see, which suits me fine.

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Funny it's so stupid that BW designed the game with it in effect. It's so stupid that it's not being changed anytime soon. It's so stupid that some people agree with it.

All this I don't like my class nonsense, when it's really some one found out the other spec is the new FoTM.

Guess what MMO devs tell people when they aren't going to do something, they say we're thinking about it. They say it may happen and don't give a time table. All the people who want it point to that as saying it's coming. Can any of the people who are so sure it's coming point out when and how? I mean a date and method, not them saying they may, because get what ...they may not.


With that logic I guess they're also not likely to be implementing a legacy system, or new flashpoints, or fixing PvP balance, or fixing Ilum...


Point was, Stephen Reid acknowledged that people wanted it, and they're looking at ways to incorporate it.


This has nothing to do with flavor of the month; I already have those characters, and never have I seen dps readings/meters measuring output. I simply enjoy playing those classes. After rolling on my first pvp server, and realizing on my level 15 IA Sniper, that not only do operatives get stealth (which, yes, I knew) that would come in handy, but I could run up and stab things. IN contrast with my sniper in which I barely get a shot off in a group before the mob is down. Which not only means I hardly can contribute with 1.5-3 second cast times, but I'm really only handy in boss fights or soloing. Those are things, cast times and such, that aren't explained when choosing your class. Is it unreasonable to at least ask to see the trainable abilities before hand? Then you see dps numbers, cast times, energy costs, etc. and can better evaluate a permanent decision.

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With that logic I guess they're also not likely to be implementing a legacy system, or new flashpoints, or fixing PvP balance, or fixing Ilum...


Point was, Stephen Reid acknowledged that people wanted it, and they're looking at ways to incorporate it.


This has nothing to do with flavor of the month; I already have those characters, and never have I seen dps readings/meters measuring output. I simply enjoy playing those classes. After rolling on my first pvp server, and realizing on my level 15 IA Sniper, that not only do operatives get stealth (which, yes, I knew) that would come in handy, but I could run up and stab things. IN contrast with my sniper in which I barely get a shot off in a group before the mob is down. Which not only means I hardly can contribute with 1.5-3 second cast times, but I'm really only handy in boss fights or soloing. Those are things, cast times and such, that aren't explained when choosing your class. Is it unreasonable to at least ask to see the trainable abilities before hand? Then you see dps numbers, cast times, energy costs, etc. and can better evaluate a permanent decision.


Did they say they MAY implement those things? Reid didn't say AC respecs were coming did he? All the other things you mentioned are confirmed to occur, just not when. AC respec is in the MAY occur category. But don't let what's actually written deter you.

Also no offense, but level 15 isn't really all the far to re roll.

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Got a pay pal account? Friendly wager? I'm willing to bet dual spec and respec price adjustments will be in by the end of the year. More than likely sooner.


AC respec I doubt we'll ever see, which suits me fine.


I don't get where I said either of those things weren't coming. I'm saying they never confirmed that AC respec was coming as some people appear to have concluded. I'm sure the other things will occur, the AC respec I will bet against. Devs have an interest in people re rolling as it extends content. Certainly not giving that away for free folks. You may not consider re rolling valid, but from their perspective it sure is.

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How do people justify the comparison of switching Powertech<->Mercenary to Warrior<->Mage?


Last I checked, mages and warriors don't have 60% of their abilities identically shared with each other. I mean, if you want to be against AC changes, that's fine. But don't use ridiculous arguments.

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I don't see any major problems by letting people change their AC once, when they don't enjoy it anymore, or isn't what they expected.


Making them start all over again is a bit harsh.


It's not like a Jedi Knight changing to Jedi Consular, AC's have the same core abilities.



No, it's not really the same. Sure they have the same core abilities, but they both done use them the same. You're going to see a Powertech/Vanguard using Rocket punch/Stockstrike a lot more than a Merc/Commando.


Only time I've seen a merc/commando use that is in pvp with that slight knockback ability in the middle tree.

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It was originally possible to switch advanced class (basically at will if you had credits) and there's countless threads/replies full of reasons why it should be made so again.


Naysayers haven't really been bringing any meaningful reasons along with their "No.", some rp or personal preference arguments are all they can come out with, but as far as PRACTICAL reasons go, advanced class switching needs to happen.

Edited by AzKnc
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