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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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Many of you posters are so predictable. You throw around the t-word like candy on christmas. You accuse others of the very activities you engage in. You dont care about the game, the people who play it or the people who make it. The forums themselves are a game to you. There is just one problem, you dont decide who the t-words are, the moderators do.


Try to stay on topic and put away your obvious straw mans and ad hominem attacks. This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.


And because the majority of people don't agree with you like you want, you start bashing everyone. GREAT argument! ... NOT!!


The game will look like whatever the game will look like. You and your highly insecure girlfriend will have to deal with it or find another game that doesn't have it. (Go play DC Online ... and tell me the female toons with bewbs down to the floor are ok ... ;) )


(On a minor note here ... If my Husband started yelling at me over pixels ... I would start HIGHLY questioning my marriage at that point because it is so childish and controlling that I probably wouldn't even be able to process it.)

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Some things never cease to amaze me.


Most science fiction has a skin element or some sexualization.


Its actually fairly offensive when someone comes on and makes generalized demands on the half of other players. It just seems so Jerry Farwell.


If someone is getting bent out of shape over a little and I will call it PG skin in a video game there are serious real life problems that should be addressed first instead of playing a game.


Maybe someone will make a video game where all the woman are wearing petticoats and hoods and have quests like get me a sandwich woman or scrub under the fridge for level up.


Its nice when someone says that they represent a couple of thousand people, which I have serious doubts, but if numbers are to be believed that have been thrown around this board that's still in the massive minority, so maybe if they don't like the dress code they can go find a mmo with armored chastity belts, and as one person here mentioned Burqas. they'll be happier there, but don't sit there and dictate to a community as a whole what we can or can't see or play.

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i'm sorry but is this guy from like the Landover Baptist Church Compound or something, cause if he's not trolling that's the only other explanation i can find for him complaining about nothing more than a Tube Top, i man really, he can't be serious, does he not go to the gym, the pool, a beach, something...

i for one love my Relaxed outfits and i don't mind the Bikini bottoms either as they make for great beach-styled looks on places like Tatooine... i'm sorry but the best assassin is one that does not look like an assassin...

there's 3 possibilities, either he's trolling, in which case get him out of here; it's satire, to which we should be grading his performance; or he's serious, which is just plain scary if he is...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Anyone else notice they have now censored then old Dancer bikini bottoms?

They now sit higher at the rear which in turn has created a sort of square "Action Figure" butt on them.


Odd, we now have same sex flirting and have always had the suggestion of sexual encounters, even if it was with a blacked out screen but careful how much butt we show.

If they haven't got the balls to stick to their guns or, if they never intended people to wear the legs like bikini bottoms then give up and make the "skirt" part of the dancers outfit part of the legs rather than part of the top (I never really understood why it wasn't, tbh but exploited the fact so I could "exploit" my female companions:p)


Wonders if the new owners of the franchise have had a chat with them about showing the vaguest hint of butt crack.

Or are there more people complaining about this in game.


Decline of the Western Civilisation, Part 3: The MMO Years

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i'm sorry but is this guy from like the Landover Baptist Church Compound or something, cause if he's not trolling that's the only other explanation i can find for him complaining about nothing more than a Tube Top, i man really, he can't be serious, does he not go to the gym, the pool, a beach, something...

i for one love my Relaxed outfits and i don't mind the Bikini bottoms either as they make for great beach-styled looks on places like Tatooine... i'm sorry but the best assassin is one that does not look like an assassin...

there's 3 possibilities, either he's trolling, in which case get him out of here; it's satire, to which we should be grading his performance; or he's serious, which is just plain scary if he is...


you do know we completely eliminated world hunger, all sickness, and poverty. What else is left to fix but virtual clothing on poorly detailed female models?

Edited by illgot
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Many of you posters are so predictable. You throw around the t-word like candy on christmas. You accuse others of the very activities you engage in. You dont care about the game, the people who play it or the people who make it. The forums themselves are a game to you. There is just one problem, you dont decide who the t-words are, the moderators do.


In just this part of your comments you show the following attributes:



Finger pointing


Holier-than-thou attitude


Where exactly do you think you have a moral high ground?


Try to stay on topic and put away your obvious straw mans and ad hominem attacks. This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.


Ad hominem attacks do not require profanity. You called people predictable and that is also an ad hominem.


This thread is NOT about what the game should look like. It's about what YOU think it should look like and as we can tell, most people disagree with you. Just because you think you are right, doesn't actually give you the right to claim the truth.


Personally I find people who present their case while attacking people who disagree with them and undermine their own credibility by post like this one you made, very bad advocates for their opinions.


You are clearly not interested in discussing your ideas but rather imposing your ideas and trying to gain support for your views.


Since BW have added SOME gear that is rather more revealing and people here mostly disagree with you as far as I can tell, the conclusion must be that you are a minority voice.


Again, you seem to have no issue with murder and torture but come here to complain about a few skimpy outfits as if it's the end of the world. Your sense of morality seems rather unbalanced in my view. You say it's not like Star Wars, even though plenty of examples have been given of skimpy outfits in the SW universe.


They are out there but perhaps you didn't see them before and this is the problem. You base your "Star Wars feeling" on the few things you have seen. Well a lot of people are aware of more that's out there and SWTOR is not out of line with that.


You are like the guy who lives in a world where all is black and white and when someone says there's red and other colours you can't accept it simply because you never saw them before, but guess what? They've always been there, you just didn't see it. And because of that limited view, your idea of what something should be is also rather limited....and THAT's what this is really about.


The pictures that show that there are SW characters in this thread are the only actual arguments that prove you are essentially wrong. You have no evidence, just opinion, so of course as long as you refuse to accept the evidence, the only thing left is opinions and ad hominems. You said it's not Star Warsy and people showed you pictures that prove the opposite. End of the actual discussion, the rest is just going in circles because you find your opinion more valid than actual evidence. That's just being silly.

Edited by Tsillah
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@Elly_Dawn Ah thanks, didn't think to check there, Doh :)


Well, thinking of how long it took them to fix the skin textures on some of the companions, just so they were no longer invisible I won't hold my breath. I still think there has been cover up patch as someone decided the bottoms were a bit too "lo-rise" but be nice to lose the action figure butt joints ;)

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@Elly_Dawn Ah thanks, didn't think to check there, Doh :)


Well, thinking of how long it took them to fix the skin textures on some of the companions, just so they were no longer invisible I won't hold my breath. I still think there has been cover up patch as someone decided the bottoms were a bit too "lo-rise" but be nice to lose the action figure butt joints ;)


Nah, the companion issues were different - at least assuming you are talking about some looking weird in outfits that showed skin.

Those textures had to be made. I imagine this one just needs to have some numbers adjusted - so it shouldn't take that long.

Edited by Callaron
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@Elly_Dawn Ah thanks, didn't think to check there, Doh :)


Well, thinking of how long it took them to fix the skin textures on some of the companions, just so they were no longer invisible I won't hold my breath. I still think there has been cover up patch as someone decided the bottoms were a bit too "lo-rise" but be nice to lose the action figure butt joints ;)


some companions still have an issue.


I have the rackgoul skin for my companions and when they wear those + an outfit that shows any skin the revealed skin in this brown texture...

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You are going to lose a lot of good paying customers over this BioWare, me and my guild for starters. Enough of this crap, do something about this BW. We have a profanity filter, how about a sleaze filter? Make it client only, allow us to freaking turn it off or something. And please, please remove sleaze-wars from RP servers.


For the record, I am not alone in these sentiments. I lead a multi-gaming community with over 2,000 members in WoW, Guild Wars 2, PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR. The leaders and officers of our guilds are in broad agreement with me on this. We have a lot of couples and families in our organization. Our organization is a family-friendly organization and we will not support any game that is not family-friendly.


I can see this playing out in 3 different ways:


1. Bioware does exactly what you ask for and customizes the game so that you can check a box in the preferences and all sleazy armour and hair now shows as non-offensice basic model on your screen, Or maybe the normal censor mechanism where it just shows big black box.


2. All the players agree with your views and just stops using sleazy arnour and hair.


3. Nothing changes and Bioware keeps adding more sleaze to the game which forces you and your 2000 followers to quit this game.

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Please show me in the Star Wars canon where the Jedi paraded around like some of the avatars I see now on Carrick station. I have read ALL of the ToR novels and graphic novels and I can tell you with assurance that the only characters who dressed like club dancers were in clubs, cantinas or the palaces of the Hutts.




One only needs a precedence.

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I can see this playing out in 3 different ways:


1. Bioware does exactly what you ask for and customizes the game so that you can check a box in the preferences and all sleazy armour and hair now shows as non-offensice basic model on your screen, Or maybe the normal censor mechanism where it just shows big black box.


2. All the players agree with your views and just stops using sleazy arnour and hair.


3. Nothing changes and Bioware keeps adding more sleaze to the game which forces you and your 2000 followers to quit this game.


I dont expect BioWare to do anything but it was worth a try.

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And because the majority of people don't agree with you like you want, you start bashing everyone. GREAT argument! ... NOT!!


The game will look like whatever the game will look like. You and your highly insecure girlfriend will have to deal with it or find another game that doesn't have it. (Go play DC Online ... and tell me the female toons with bewbs down to the floor are ok ... ;) )


(On a minor note here ... If my Husband started yelling at me over pixels ... I would start HIGHLY questioning my marriage at that point because it is so childish and controlling that I probably wouldn't even be able to process it.)


And you clearly speak for the majority. A majority of one. Newsflash, you cant speak for everyone, only yourself. Anything more is arrogance.

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It's pretty clear the majority does not agree with you.


I think that when people start making posts like this one, it is time to close the thread. Thank you to those of you who did make constructive posts, whether you agreed with me or not.

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I think that when people start making posts like this one, it is time to close the thread. Thank you to those of you who did make constructive posts, whether you agreed with me or not.

Now we see the way you think: "Too many people disagree with me, much to my chagrin, so it's time to shut down the discussion."

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