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Anti social much?


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Want to know why?


Because of the first game you listed.


And yet that game still has chat bubbles, and this game, does not. WoW was, is and always will be better than SWTOR. Their reason for this game not having chat bubbles is because it would lag. The HeroEngine can't handle chat bubbles. Let me rephrase that. BioWare's implementation and version of the HeroEngine can't handle chat bubbles. HeroEngine shouldn't get a bad name because the worst MMO and gaming company of all time have horrible programmers and coders. When this game inevitably shuts down after EA has wrung every cent they can muster from it's playerbase, the fan boy, white knight and biodrone tears will blot out the sun. Then, and only then, do all you diehards have my permission to QQ.

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It always amazes me how many people can be anti-social in an MMORPG, when the very nature of the game is to be immersed in an online experience with other people. I don't know if this is every server, but it blows my mind when you can be on a planet that has 60-90 players currently there, yet chat is absolutely vacant for hours on end.


FYI, people not socializing with perfect strangers has nothing to do with anti-social behaviors. As an example, I hardly pay any attention to general chat on fleet or planets most of the time, except for the occasional grouping or ops opportunities. Let's face it, most conversations that occur there are just inane comments and arguments which I view as utterly pointless and foolish to the core so why would I participate?


Secondly, keep in mind that there are many people in this world who have to deal with people in their day jobs. I meet with clients every single day at work and by the time I get home, I am for the most part "talked out". Now don't get me wrong, that does not mean I am going to actively avoid chit-chat when I log on. I simply prefer to do it with people I already know such my guildmates and other in-game friends via the use of guildchat, TS3 or vent. That type of socializing is something a random stranger on fleet or whatever planet can not see.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Look at a lot of the chat, most of it is horrid.


Why would I to participate in it?


When I see someone asking for help, when I don't have chat closed that is, I do open it from every once and a while just in case people are asking for help and an intelligent conversation is going on, I do help them.


Most of the time it is is closed how ever. In ops, PvP, Flashpoints, I obviously keep it open.


I miss the days when I didn't have to do this in MMOs. Always happens when MMOs go F2P.

Edited by mecher
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I'm sorry for not typing my thoughts about the weather or what happened in Kwaliqualstan while trying to kill Imperial Trooper #7 or trying to rush through the same storyline for the 3rd or 10th time. If I wanted to chat I'd go to fleet where most go to wait for queues or troll.


Anyways, I see chats going on all the time on different planets. 90% of them are forgettable. I have irl friends if I wanna go gossip girl.

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I think there is an easy fix for all the problems. In a guild with an A team there is always a group of people that feel excluded. That group can organize together to create their own raids or socialize in any other form. For some reason everyone is looking for someone else to do it. What this community needs are strong leaders. No amount of complaining and discussion can fix that.


I believe casual players are not interested in learning the hard way and want to spend time with seasoned players to learn, while at the same time veterans rarely want to spend time with casuals as they see it as a waste of their time.

Edited by ELRunninW
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It always amazes me how many people can be anti-social in an MMORPG, when the very nature of the game is to be immersed in an online experience with other people. I don't know if this is every server, but it blows my mind when you can be on a planet that has 60-90 players currently there, yet chat is absolutely vacant for hours on end.

Back when I played WoW, I was on a high pop PvP server, and chat was always going, no matter which zone you were in. You could be in Icecrown with 10 people and everyone is chatting, yet it's definitely not like this in TOR. It bugs me a little, as part of the reason I play MMO's is for the social aspect of it, and when a game doesn't have that, I get discouraged.


Anyways my point is, you're playing an MMO, be social, be active, don't be a hermit.


As theonetruebleed mentions a few posts below yours, it doesn't matter if it's an MMO or not. I don't play MMOs because they are MMOs, I play them because I enjoy the actual game. I am grateful that current gen MMOs (starting with the original GW) were made to be more single-player friendly. It gives me the choice on how social I want to be at any particular time. Personally speaking, I will actually attempt to give a non-troll answer to questions (if I know the answer - otherwise I remain silent). I don't feel I should be punished for wanting to play a really good game just because it's an MMO and I am forced into being more "social" than I have a desire to be.

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It always amazes me how many people can be anti-social in an MMORPG, when the very nature of the game is to be immersed in an online experience with other people. I don't know if this is every server, but it blows my mind when you can be on a planet that has 60-90 players currently there, yet chat is absolutely vacant for hours on end.

Back when I played WoW, I was on a high pop PvP server, and chat was always going, no matter which zone you were in. You could be in Icecrown with 10 people and everyone is chatting, yet it's definitely not like this in TOR. It bugs me a little, as part of the reason I play MMO's is for the social aspect of it, and when a game doesn't have that, I get discouraged.


Anyways my point is, you're playing an MMO, be social, be active, don't be a hermit.


Hi OP,

I am actually super shy and I prefer to socialize with the people I know in guild, or my friends I've gained from playing over the years. If I don't talk in chat, it's because I'm nervous, not because I'm anti-social.


I honestly feel a little bit insulted. Trust me, I'd love to be a social butterfly. It would make my life a whole lot easier, but there's too much anxiety there for me :(


TL;DR OP needs to drop his assumptions and stop being a babby about nobody talking in chat. If you want a conversation, maybe you should try to be friendly and start one instead of sitting there waiting for banter to happen, otherwise you're a hypocrite.

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What you are also overlooking is that a number of players in TOR never even wanted to play an MMO. They wanted to play KOTOR 3 and this took over that. So many people never wanted anything but a single player game in the first place.


Yep, this me in a nutshell.:o


Its not that I'm anti-social, its mostly because I'm busy playing . I don't do flashpoints or anything that involves teaming up with other people because I never know whether I'm going to play for the next 5 hours or the next 5 seconds if life "happens". I have never even considered joining a guild and doubt I ever will. I have several level 55's and I'll keep getting more and I'll be content doing it all by myself at a rate that I can comfortably do without interfering with actual life.


The other reason is that.............. I............type.............really.............really...............slow!:p

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I miss the days when I didn't have to do this in MMOs. Always happens when MMOs go F2P.


I'll just put a LOL here because I don't want to get banned. I'll throw in a rolleyes emoticon too since we dont have one that's puking its guts out.



LOL :rolleyes:

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And yet that game still has chat bubbles, and this game, does not. WoW was, is and always will be better than SWTOR. Their reason for this game not having chat bubbles is because it would lag. The HeroEngine can't handle chat bubbles. Let me rephrase that. BioWare's implementation and version of the HeroEngine can't handle chat bubbles. HeroEngine shouldn't get a bad name because the worst MMO and gaming company of all time have horrible programmers and coders. When this game inevitably shuts down after EA has wrung every cent they can muster from it's playerbase, the fan boy, white knight and biodrone tears will blot out the sun. Then, and only then, do all you diehards have my permission to QQ.


so many subjective opinions in this post, so many inflammatory insults... defensive much?


I'm going to address just one of your statements


OP is talking about general chat. you know that chat that encompases entire planet? the one that's not proximity based, like chat bubbles are? chat bubbles and general chat are two very VERY different things. (and btw, I've always ALWAYS had those disabled, and it didn't stop me from occasional random socializing, back before chat got taken over politics, religion and/or insults and pointless callouts inside major cities - silence with occasional lfg/lfm outside of them)

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