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The Gunship One-Shot kills take a lot of the fun out of this


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One-shotting is still a joke.


Gunships can only one shot underskilled ships, or those ships piloted by people who cant do anything but fly in a straight line.


Blindside or flank a gunship and you will laugh how easily they are killed. They are either in Weapon or engine 'stance' so the shields are pretty much non existant. And by the time they activate the laughable feedback shield ability, you should have their shields to almost zero and have them dead or limping off ready to be eaten alive.


The ONLY real advantage a gunship has is its range and strong weapons. Unless the pilot is very skilled, enjoy your free kill.


Dont blame the game because you didnt think ahead.

Edited by renegadeimp
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I hunt and kill gunships all the time. I regularly spend entire games hunting gunships. That being said, the only games that I have considered quitting out of because of how not-fun they were, were games with gunships that had a good support team.


Don't get me wrong, I understand that an organized team is probably going to win anyway. I also understand that there are things you can do against them - I was doing those things in those games - but they still sucked. They were really not enjoyable at all.


In my mind, that is a much bigger problem than whether or not gunships are OP. Playing against competent gunships is much more likely to be unenjoyable. Hell, even effectively fighting against them isn't enjoyable when that turns into a constant running spawn game.

Edited by Dustotepp
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Keep in mind, someone just playing GSF or in an non-upgraded ship might play with a full upgrade GS atm. The matchmaking system is not really kicking in atm.


So theres also that. Still see people every day saying this is first match what do I do....

Edited by Wuxtry
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You do know that you can fly in more than just a straight line, right?


Unless I'm the only one circling a node, if a gunship hit me and I see where it is, I turn into a *********** hornet and hunt that gunship down untill it's dead :D

Edited by Imaslicer
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Yep, it isn't as easy as people think for a gunship to one-shot people, they actually need to fly straight long enough - and the weapon needs to charge up as well after each shot, or it will just tickle.


Are we playing the same game?

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If you think you've been one-shotted by a GS you are:


A: Lagging

B: an Idiot

C: Fallen victim to the infamous synchro-shot from two gunships

D: All of the above.



Jokes aside, I have pulled off synchronized shooting (near instantaneous hits) with other gunships. It can appear to be a one shot kill, but that is not the case. More than likely, you've been hit by two gunships, that are either very good, or very lucky, but more than likely, a little bit of both.

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The common one shot technique for a Gunship is someone rolling Bypass + Slug Railshot with at least Tier 3 (Ignore Armor) on. . . I do it plenty when I play a gunship. However, It's a Gunships wet-dream when you and your friends ignore their snipes. You need to rush them if you notice a Gunship in the area.



You are only at fault if you get repeatedly one shotted by the same ship multiple times. After the first one shot (It happens to all of us Scouts from time to time). . . . You should be Barrel Rolling to the Target with this strat. . .



Burst Laser + Concentrated Fire + Target Telem/Overpower Blasters. . . Gunship will be your b**** from there on in.

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If you think you've been one-shotted by a GS you are:


A: Lagging

B: an Idiot

C: Fallen victim to the infamous synchro-shot from two gunships

D: All of the above.



Jokes aside, I have pulled off synchronized shooting (near instantaneous hits) with other gunships. It can appear to be a one shot kill, but that is not the case. More than likely, you've been hit by two gunships, that are either very good, or very lucky, but more than likely, a little bit of both.




You're wrong.


Nice try with the condescending attitude, though.

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I don't get where all this "straight line" stuff is coming from. That certainly makes things easier but a good portion of my railgun hits are against people dogfighting or hugging satellites. I miss plenty but it's not like movement makes you immune to railgun hits.


From easiest to hardest:


  • Stationary
  • Straight line
  • Satellite hugging
  • Dogfighting someone else
  • Dogfighting me
  • Boosting across my field of view (straight line)
  • Boosting and actively juking to avoid fire


If you think you've been one-shotted by a GS you are:


A: Lagging

B: an Idiot

C: Fallen victim to the infamous synchro-shot from two gunships

D: All of the above.

E: Got critted by a fully-charged slug.


The Bypass copilot ability helps too, though I prefer Wingman (accuracy buff) for my gunship.

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Gunships can only one shot underskilled ships, or those ships piloted by people who cant do anything but fly in a straight line.


Blindside or flank a gunship and you will laugh how easily they are killed. They are either in Weapon or engine 'stance' so the shields are pretty much non existant. And by the time they activate the laughable feedback shield ability, you should have their shields to almost zero and have them dead or limping off ready to be eaten alive.


The ONLY real advantage a gunship has is its range and strong weapons. Unless the pilot is very skilled, enjoy your free kill.


Dont blame the game because you didnt think ahead.


thats total bs a maxed gunship can oneshoot all maxed out scouts face it its a broken ship need an overhoul or remove it alltogheter never shoulde went live as is

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Gunships can one-shot a scout. I've done it and had it done to me, plenty of times both sides. Whether it happens isn't in question. Whether you think that's fine is a legitimate issue to disagree about.


Gunships are strong, particularly when left to snipe at will, but once you get onto them they're probably the easiest ships to take down. This makes them , in my opinion, the class that are hardest on newbies. People who haven't flown them or learnt how to counteract them fly carelessly around the warzone - and get repeatedly blown out of the air. Then they do it again.


Gunships add a valuable new angle to combat in GS and there is no way they should be ditched. I'm on the fence about whether their damage is too high (particularly once upgraded), and would like to see a bit more play first before deciding. Then you have the "ion tap" whcih definitely needs to be "fixed", at least so that its debuffs scale with charge, as damage does.


You definitely can fight gunships. There are a couple of things that need fixing (auto stop from barrel roll, ion tapping) and their upgraded damage abilities may need nerfing, but they should not be removed and their damage must remain scary, or they have no role and we'll have lost a dimension in space combat.


TL;DR: Fix what's specifically broken and give it a bit of time to decide whether their upgraded damage needs a reduction.

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Allow me to re-state my position...ONE SHOT KILLS take fun out of the game.

I don't claim that GUNSHIPS take fun out of the game.

In response to some of the comments (I'm not going to bother to quote them all)...

Yes, when you find a gunship, they aren't hard to kill, unless they have a buddy. But having a buddy is TEAMWORK, and I have NO problem with that.

Yes, effective sniping in a gunship isn't always easy, I know.

Yes, if you and your teammates mob a gunship as soon as you are aware of it, you remove a lot of its power.

Yes, flying in a straight line gets you killed. By everything, not just gunships.

Yes, scouts are, by their very nature, thin-skinned. I don't expect my Blackbolt or Sting to have "survivability".


I just dislike the "dead without a chance to evade or respond" part of the souped-up railgun. We get a tone for missile lock, how about a tone for "railgun charging"? Then at least you'd have a CHANCE at evading.

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We get a tone for missile lock, how about a tone for "railgun charging"? Then at least you'd have a CHANCE at evading.

CAn understand wanting it, but it can't work. You've no reasonable way of knowing it's you the gunship is targetting. With missiles, they hit the targetted player, and you need to get a lock on that player. So a warning tone works


Railguns don't work like that, they shoot wherever the targetting reticule is like other blasters. You can hit (or not) anyone under the reticule. Doesn't matter who you have targetted.

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CAn understand wanting it, but it can't work. You've no reasonable way of knowing it's you the gunship is targetting. With missiles, they hit the targetted player, and you need to get a lock on that player. So a warning tone works


Railguns don't work like that, they shoot wherever the targetting reticule is like other blasters. You can hit (or not) anyone under the reticule. Doesn't matter who you have targetted.


Maybe not a tone but how about a visual cue like a red, green or blue dot from a laser sight?

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Gunships can only one shot underskilled ships, or those ships piloted by people who cant do anything but fly in a straight line.


Blindside or flank a gunship and you will laugh how easily they are killed. They are either in Weapon or engine 'stance' so the shields are pretty much non existant. And by the time they activate the laughable feedback shield ability, you should have their shields to almost zero and have them dead or limping off ready to be eaten alive.


The ONLY real advantage a gunship has is its range and strong weapons. Unless the pilot is very skilled, enjoy your free kill.


Dont blame the game because you didnt think ahead.



You must be kidding me with that. Where do you people come from? It doesn't matter how you fly. You can flank or do anything you want to. Gunships was a completely stupid idea to begin with and had no need to even be in game...period. It was the dumbest idea Bioware has came up with yet.


This is my first post on this space crap since it came out...and gunships are stupid easy to play and stupid hard to get up close to. When you see 18 kills, 15 assists and zero death...and you see this quite frequently, it's always a damn gunship getting these stupid high numbers. Don't sit there and trying to sugar coat it with "Player skill issue" That's like saying the Indians had lack of skill when the whites were shooting them down with rifles compared to their bows.


You obviously either A, play on a derp server, of B, fly a gunship yourself. I play on two servers, gunships are not an issue on the PvE servers...players don't have quite the skill they do on PvP servers. On a PvP server, where players are working with the best builds and have theory crafted the best strats, you are NOT sneaking up and flanking a gunship. Get real.


Gunships did not belong in space PvP, but the Devs for whatever reason felt like space PvP needed an extremely hard hitting class that sits back from outside your radar range to one shot you. No ship should be one shotting anybody, I don't care what type ship you have or what type armor. That's a load of crap right there. People like you kill me with you're, "It's a player skill issue" crap.

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Whats funny is the only people that are complaining about gunships are those that want to dogfight without consequence.


You NEED to change up your tactics. If you know theres a gunship around, then get away from there, find them and kill them. Asking for gunships to be nerfed or removed from the game simply because you are too lazy, dumb or whatever, to counter them is laughable at best.

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thats total bs a maxed gunship can oneshoot all maxed out scouts face it its a broken ship need an overhoul or remove it alltogheter never shoulde went live as is


Two words. Prove it. I'll wait. Good luck getting ANY gunship one shotting a full maxed scout when that scout is moving or actually being played correctly. Even with power to weapons, full charge and bypass, a GS cannot one shot that scout.


Now, if the scout was under geared and flown by an incompetent player ( which is 90% of all scouts, and consequently the complainers here.....)

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Whats funny is the only people that are complaining about gunships are those that want to dogfight without consequence.


You NEED to change up your tactics. If you know theres a gunship around, then get away from there, find them and kill them. Asking for gunships to be nerfed or removed from the game simply because you are too lazy, dumb or whatever, to counter them is laughable at best.


Gunships don't belong in this game...period. It was a complete mistake on Bioware's part to add them to the game. But alas, here they are, and guess what, here they will stay. They are so over powered for Space PvP, that people are putting together strats based entirely on their Gunship shooter. Teams of three, One Gunship, two Scouts to keep players off the Gunships. When you have people working together to keep their Gunship players active and strats based simply on this, then you know there is something way wrong with that ship. You defending this is not only laughable, but fricken hysterical to a point that I almost straight up fell out of my chair,.

Edited by Wraiven
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This solution to bringing gunships inline isn't hard. lower Bypass to 20%, make the ion rail-gun only apply the slow if its charged to at least 50%, and remove the 100% armor pen on the slug rail gun. Done. Maybe buff shields on GS and additional ~500 points they are pretty squishy. Edited by Flearos
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