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One shot on my strikefighter by a scout?


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So twice today in a match, I got one shot through shields with no lock on by a scout. Someone said it was a combination of crew skill and damage capacitor or some ****, but seriously. I hear scouts whining about being one shot by gunships, but they can do it to? Pot meet kettle.
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This is why I really wish GSF combat was logged through the combat log. It would let us see what damage was actually done to us, were we really one shot, or had we previously taken damage and then someone else comes in and just finishes us off with one shot.
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I dunno what kinda fighters you've been seeing that are squishy, cause mine seems pretty beast :p


I'm seeing a lot of people complain about Strikes that don't know how to fly them. I primarily flew scout, and when I switched over had to learn a little different approach. I gotta say though, you are right. My strike is pretty beast as well!

Edited by Svarthrafn
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So twice today in a match, I got one shot through shields with no lock on by a scout. Someone said it was a combination of crew skill and damage capacitor or some ****, but seriously. I hear scouts whining about being one shot by gunships, but they can do it to? Pot meet kettle.

I really doubt it was an actual 1-shot. But I can believe it was heavy burst damage. Line up the shot, overcharge, Bypass, LLC at 500 meters, dumbfire rockets (no lock-on). Did blow up a few people like this, but it's really not easy to line up, unless the target is flying in predictable patterns (like going straight for a turret, completely ignoring you). It's like trying to land a railgun shot at a knife range, sans charging, but while being in the thick of the fight.

Edited by Helig
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Very unlikely that it was a true 'one shot' - people have a bad habit of applying that term to any quick kill. Most of the time it's just that you dont realize you're being shot at before you take critical damage.


With shield bypass or critical boost, using burst lasers and rockets on my flashfire, I can take out even a gunship in under 3 seconds as long as the rockets land. I've done the same to both scouts and strike fighters as well, and they die even quicker.

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I'll tell you exactly what it was that you were hit by, but you have to promise to keep it a secret!






You were hit by burst laser cannons + rocket pods. Bypass was probably involved, too, as well as damage capacitors. Just go look at the upgrades for those two weapons and notice how nicely the rate of fire can line up. The end result is massive burst damage that can happen quickly enough to seem like a one-shot even though it's generally a two-shot.

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You were hit by burst laser cannons + rocket pods. Bypass was probably involved, too, as well as damage capacitors. Just go look at the upgrades for those two weapons and notice how nicely the rate of fire can line up. The end result is massive burst damage that can happen quickly enough to seem like a one-shot even though it's generally a two-shot.


Yup, my thought too. Laser+rockets pods are quite lethal. Done it many times and yes, it looks almost like insta-kill. Of course it needs a lot of skill on a moving target (no lock on rockets), or in most case (MY case) a sitting target like an unsuspecting sniping gunship, or a strikefighter flying right at (or from) you. Do not undersestimate the firepower of that little ship if you stay in the middle of its reticle :D

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Do Rocket Pods have a lock on timer since they don't actually lock on to anything? or are they instant?


Can be fired at any time, no lock required, the rockets are not instant. As best as I can see, they have travel time and require the pilot to lead the target to hit with them, but they're pretty damn fast at close range. If I'm hitting with my cannons, I'm probably hitting with my rockets unless the target is in the 4km+ range, then the velocities don't match up as much.


Also, they have major -accuracy per degree issues along with built-in inaccuracy at max range, like cannons do. So, ya gotta really place them correctly and then hope they hit. Worthwhile though if ya get good with them!

Edited by Xnemth
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I "one shot" people from time to time in a Scout. It's not really a one shot but I'd guess it can appear that way:


- Overcharged Blasters, Rocket Pods, and Crit Boost Crew on someone flying straight or gunship sniping. Pretty fast but not quite one shot...


- Get two players coordinating this at the same time though, and POOF.

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The original poster is right. I found myself also today being repeatedly killed in 1 shot by scouts.


I have to look up how they did it, probably a combi of activating several things at once, but still.. this shouldn't deter us from the central point:


That gunships and scouts can one shot people is lame and gameplay breaking. When I first heard about starfighter I was exited, but after trying it for myself I'm very disappointed: user unfriendly controls, unable to hang still in the air and shoot, target circle needs to be a distinct colour so you actually can more easily spot where your mouse is targetting, missile lock on is too slow or too fast depending on which type you use, and finally whoever gets to satellites first ends up deciding the outcome of the match.


Most importantly: I was looking forward to dogfighting people. This one shot crap is completely taking the fun out of it. I know there were some missiles in Episode 2 and such, but as far as the original goes it was about dogfighting each other. With the system the way it is everyone might as well roll a gunship, hide at 15k range and wait for the first person to actually fly into range and 1 shot them.


My suggestion: reduce the damage from all secondary weapons, or buff both main weapon damage, health and shields for all ships.

Edited by Morkatog
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Oh and btw, scouts > strike fighters, unless the fighter is geared and has a great player behind it. Reason being theyre just too damn squishy


Dunno what mods your flying with but fought strike fighters where it took ages to just to remove their shields. (I play a scout by the way.)

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I imagine a lot of this will settle out too once everyone starts maxing out their ships. RNG + Veteran vs New = A lot of crazy stuff can happen. It is nice to know it's probably not a '1 shot' per se, but knowing you can go from full to dead in the blink of an eye still makes you want to /headdesk repeatedly.
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There are a couple of ways to get one shot in Starfighter, but it's relatively difficult and fairly rare, especially if you're not letting your opponents do it.


1) Crit Proton Missile. Boom! Long lock, can be evaded or out run, and you have to actually crit.


2) Gunship slug w/ Bypass. Easiest to do and most annoying, but still hard to be lined up if you're aware and Bypass has a cooldown. Primary reason I hunt any Gunship I see, as they can't nail you while they run or respawn.


3) Tag teamed by two fighters with Blaster Overcharge and Rocket Pods while you fly straight. If you let that happen, well that's your fault isn't it?


4) Anything with shield pierce when you're low on hull. Tough to avoid once you're low, though having the (slow) hull repair copilot obviously helps. By far the easiest way to die suddenly.

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