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Neutral Classes


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Neutral Classes


Bounty Hunters and Smugglers, need to be able to be neutral classes. Kind of like WoW does with the pandas. Do your starter planet, all the way to lvl 10....and before you go pick your advanced class, you have to pick which faction you would be working for. Also this is a great time to make Bounty Hunters and Smugglers a carbon copy of each other (play style wise, and skill wise...instead of BH and Troopers and Smugs and Agents)

By doing this, you would actually be able to play the gunslinger and the scoundrel as run and gunners as seen in the cinematics at the beginning of the game.


Agents On Both Factions


SIS and Imperial Intelligence, both sides allready have an intelligence community, so why not make Ops/Snipers for both factions. Make SIS and Imp Intel carbon copies of each other.....ban prob solved, both sides now have uber dps in snipers....and the ability to play stealther ops.


Troopers for both Factions


Enough said in the title..... Both sides need an infantry class...so why not give both sides troopers. (Yes you narrow minded dolts, the imperials DO HAVE TROOPERS AT THIS POINT....go roll an Imp and you will see how many npc troopers there area.) BAM prob solved, both sides now have commandos/vanguards....


And a final pet peve....give bounty hunters/smugglers the ability to use assault rifles for ther power tech rolls and keep the dual wielding for the whole merc/gunslinger set up!!!!!


So, lets break it down now. Under this new model of mine.....it would look like this :





Jedi Knight

Jedi Consular

(Smuggler if chosen)

(Bounty Hunter if chosen)






Sith Warrior

Sith Inquisitor

(Smuggler if chosen)

(Bounty Hunter if chosen)



Netural classes

Bounty Hunter (lvl 10, before choosing AC pick a faction)

Smuggler (Lvl 10 before choosing AC pick a faction)

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I agree, this would be a great idea, and I wish it had been this way from the start.


To accomplish this, they would need to add alternative class story arcs for the Trooper, Agent, Smuggler, and Bounty Hunter classes depending on faction that you're rolling with. If they did this, they could greatly expand the game and provide new story content all at the same time. It would be awesome!


Unfortunately, I don't think it can happen. It'd be like SWTOR 2, or a massive expansion. Either way, I'd pay more money to play it, but I don't think they have the development team to make this happen.

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not to burst a bubble, but never going to happen.


1) class stories are fixed

2) mirror classes already exist


in essence there already is a smuggler class on imp side, called the operative. Bounty Hunter class is called the Trooper.


Basically what you are asking is to redo the entire story ground up, sorry, not going to happen, and not sure it should.

how do you explain gunslingers and snipers on the same side when they are already mirror classes?

So lets say the DO implement it but leave stories the same, how do you complete your class missions when they are on other faction planets (coruscant for instance)?


What about things like gear, class trainers, companions etc?

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in my link i suggested that the bh/smugs would become carbon copy of each other...



Bounty Hunters and Smugglers a carbon copy of each other (play style wise, and skill wise...instead of BH and Troopers and Smugs and Agents)


I mean I know this would never happen, I think its wishful thinking....but imho I think this is how it should have been released...:eek:

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in my link i suggested that the bh/smugs would become carbon copy of each other...



Bounty Hunters and Smugglers a carbon copy of each other (play style wise, and skill wise...instead of BH and Troopers and Smugs and Agents)


I mean I know this would never happen, I think its wishful thinking....but imho I think this is how it should have been released...:eek:


see thats the problem.


BH/trooper heavy armor classes are tank/dps/healers. troopers use battle rifles and assault cannons Bh use battle rifles and battle pistols.


agents/smugglers light armor classes are dps/healers. Agents use pistol and sniper rifle. Smuggelers use dual pistols or single pistol/shot gun.


so unless you want spies and assassins running around in heavy armor, or your BH running around in light armor it really makes no sense.


even if you re-did everything it still isnt fitting into your stance. I dont remember there ever being BH used by the republic at least in the sense they are used here. They were always a tool used by the imps/hutts.

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Shut up and take my money!


This would have to be a massive expansion because they would have to get voice actors back to do all the stories again. In addition to all the game mechanic changes and additions.


But if they did, I would totally pay the price of a new game for this. It would practically double the game content in terms of solo campaigns. And while I don't see it happening any time soon, there's no reason to say it can't happen. It would be like making a new game which they've done before. They have the resources of EA so I don't see how they couldn't make this work if they wanted to.

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even if you re-did everything it still isnt fitting into your stance. I dont remember there ever being BH used by the republic at least in the sense they are used here. They were always a tool used by the imps/hutts.


See I never understood that. I felt like that was the authors of the expanded universe having no imagination rather than it never happening. It doesn't make sense that only the Empire or Sith would buy muscle to do their jobs. Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it can't. Besides, this is the Old Republic, Bioware can basically do whatever they want in this time era. It's so far removed from the movies that it could have a number of reasons as to why something is different during then.

Edited by GhostRuner
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Agree by nature smugglers and bounty hunters work for themselves and have no loyal alliegence to either imp or republic and as such from when this game was designed for the outset they should have had these as netural classes with class stories that are not statically tied in to either side. It maybe would come down to the dark light choices you make and your own personal morals as to what side you fall from a moral standing and hence depending on your current alingment certain mission would open up as availble but at the same time some would close down to you if you are more light aligned more side missions from republic NPC would be available less imp ones and vice versa. These two clasees should be allowed in essence to to go to both Imp and rebuplic bases to get side missions from both sides depending on curent aligment with their main story quest being soley independent to side. I guess that is difficult as the overall mission balance and numbers needs to be same as other classes, but it would make perfect sense to do that from a class perspective in batting for both sides.


I dont see it being too hard to creat a SIS agent class as the SIS are mentioned alot in the Imp agent class stories and other class stories aswell in general so it would make sense to have such a class as a opposing story to the imp agent.


Both side should have basic infantory classes both sides aswell. :cool:

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This is a good suggestion which shows one of the major game design flaws of SWTOR, the lack of neutral classes. In SWG you could create a character without a preset alignment and while playing the game you could decide if you want to join the imperials or rebels and you could even stay totally neutral and work for the Hutts.


Bioware took a lot of freedom out of Star Wars by limiting the professions to certain factions... I know that totally neutral characters are not possible in this game due to game mechanics but smugglers and bounty hunters should at least be able to chose if they want to play for the republic or imperials.


...the following four classes should be faction specific:

Republic Agent / Imperial Agent

Republic Trooper / Imperial Shocktrooper

Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior

Jedi Counselor / Sith Sorcerer


I think Bioware decided against it because they would have to make even more voice overs. At the moment it is 4 per faction (8)... with those changes it would have been 12.

Edited by Sahee
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I think the whole new Agent thing would be cool, instead of redoing the whole imperial agent class story, they change a few things, they start on hutta like they do now, but during the whole 1-10 process, they make contact with both imperial intelligence and Republic SIS and by the choices you make during the 1-10 process chooses if you join the republic SIS or Imperial Intelligence.


The Imperial Intelligence route will just resume the current class storyline, but the Republic SIS choice has a whole new story, that would be cool, the same could be for the bounty hunter and trooper, by turning them into mercenaries for hire.


It would definately be cool and be a major expansion if (not likely at all) it was implemented.

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I agree, this would be a great idea, and I wish it had been this way from the start.


To accomplish this, they would need to add alternative class story arcs for the Trooper, Agent, Smuggler, and Bounty Hunter classes depending on faction that you're rolling with. If they did this, they could greatly expand the game and provide new story content all at the same time. It would be awesome!


Unfortunately, I don't think it can happen. It'd be like SWTOR 2, or a massive expansion. Either way, I'd pay more money to play it, but I don't think they have the development team to make this happen.


Definitely Swotor 2, it would require a total rewrite of the game, far beyond what an expansion could do. But I agree, it would have been nice if something like this had been available from the start.

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Interesting.... very interesting... I'll be following this.


Be cool if certain classes... could choose to be neutral at the middle or near the end of their storyline if they chose so.

For example... the agent choosing to side with the Star Cabal at the end of their story line could be them choosing to become neutral.


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  • 1 year later...
I know this thread is very old now, but i couldnt find any official response on the matter. I think this idea would be amazing, i know the fact the game is very story orientated makes it difficult, but i feel like it bioware added in this kind of freedom, they would not only get alot more people interested, but it could potentially throw the game in a seriously amazing direction. I dont mind a massive update to add this in :D
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I've always said that Bounty Hunters are neutral, since their allegiance isn't based on creed but rather on who pays them good credit. The same with Smugglers on Rep side. I think the only reason why they're palced in either Imperial or Republic is to balance out the classes and gameplay overall, though in reality they are neutral IMO. Haven't played both yet so I don't know how they actually play out in choosing light and dark side choices.
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