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Hood up armor?


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Guess no one else read this post with picture.



boss drop loot from level 50 operation (raid)...

medium armor chest piece = hood up robe.

Yeah let's hope that everyone is into raiding... and it is not even black.

Why can't we have hood up robes for the leveling phase is beyond me.

We're not asking a lot. Just that the gear shown in the progression video is made available.

Edited by Ethern
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Because someone need to continue the "NPC's have nicer stuff than we do" series:




Final boss of the Esseles flashpoint is a marauder in, guess what, Black robe with a hood! ;)


Whereas these guys are CALLED "sith marauders", Red robe, with hood, that players cant get....





So, we keep seeing that NPC marauders are in robes and hoods, so can we soon get an answer as to why players aren't allowed to look like that? We know you are reading this biwoware, it's your job as moderators ^^


At least we now got one robe with a hood, from a raid, and its red and not black. ><

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I'm really surprised this thread hasn't attracted a Dev post with how long its been going on.


Yea it's frustrating. I'd realy like a dev post on our "situation". It's not hard nor allot of work to implement some medium hoods up armor that already exists in the Game as heavy armor, yet this whole thread is just being ignored :(

Edited by Cebo
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Guys don't let this thread die! BW must answer us!keep posting your gear frustrations!its over 30 pages and noone answered! this is unnacceptable!


WE WANT OUR ROBES!!!! at least gief us some gear with a hood and a cape and we'll be different from the sentinels! Stop screwing our connection to our character! i'm still using the damn BT robe...........its absolutely ridiculous!how difficult is to dye republic gear and make it usable for us!


STOP IGNORING US!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Dougs
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That look is cool and if it fits you, i'm sure we're all happy. even though that look doesnt fit to many of us who have a different conception of our characters "role". the best would be having both style looks!
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guys i just realized this is a great mistake from Bioware for sure!!i'm on a quest (won't say which one so i don't spoil) where there's a couple marauders wielding 2 sabers and all of them have a hood up armor!!!! just the way we all want:PP
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Between act 2 and 3 when you have to

go kill Darth Vengean

there also are some mobs that are called Sith Marauder and every single one has a robe and a hood, not to mention knee-high boots instead of piece of **** tight leather.


Seriously, I can't imagine what were they thinking when giving players random skirts and batman capes and then slapping us in the face with properly looking npcs all over the galaxy.

Edited by gibmachine
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Everytime I see one of the various "maruders and the lack of good looking gear" thread ... I'm bumping it because something needs done, maybe bioware will let us know something if these threads are always up top of the marauders section.

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Between act 2 and 3 when you have to

go kill Darth Vengean

there also are some mobs that are called Sith Marauder and every single one has a robe and a hood, not to mention knee-high boots instead of piece of **** tight leather.


Seriously, I can't imagine what were they thinking when giving players random skirts and batman capes and then slapping us in the face with properly looking npcs all over the galaxy.


^ This.


I just did that quest, and now I'm on Belsavis, and it is FULL of Sith Marauders wearing HEAVY ARMOR. They look perfect, the iconic sith warrior from the progression video (and, you know, the movies). But they're NPCs, and killing them won't drop that armor.


So we're stuck with robocop.

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As someone who just recently decided to roll a Marauder and is loving it... this is disappointing. Like someone just popped my balloon.


How do you think I feel, I'm almost 50! I want to re-roll juggernaut now, that Entropic Assault set at level 40 is EXACTLY what I want to wear, and I can't. But my guildies are pressuring me to keep it up and hit 50 so I can raid with them.


I've been wearing [Marauder's Robes] for like 20 levels, and apparently I'll wear them the rest of the game. They sure named those correct!


On the one hand, thank goodness for the modding system, so I can at least wear something that looks vaguely right, and keep its stats relevant.


On the other hand, I simply cannot believe how bad the options are for marauders.


And the worst part is: Juggernauts get EVERYTHING. All the armor styles we have access to, juggernauts get too. Not only can they wear the same things we do (since they can wear heavy and medium) but there are heavy armor variations of all of our medium armor looks. But there are also a TON more looks that only juggernauts get access to.


I've counted at least 6 different armor models for black or red sith robes with hoods over armor, that look really cool.


On the other side, Jedi Guardians get the same treatment, really cool armor with robes over it, the classic look.


And... it seems Jedi Sentinels get robes too. Not the armored ones the Guardian gets, but I see tons of Sentinels in proper jedi brown robes.


But for some reason, NPCs get the black sith robes, jedi get the black sith robes, juggernauts get black sith robes, but marauders get the worst of both worlds: we don't get robes, but we have to wear dresses.


I spent forever looking for some hood up robes for the marauder, but at this point I'd just like a few more options for hood down armor. Just... something that looks vaguely sith!

Edited by miliways
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How do you think I feel, I'm almost 50! I want to re-roll juggernaut now, that Entropic Assault set at level 40 is EXACTLY what I want to wear, and I can't.


I hear you. I didn't really look into the gear before I rolled a Marauder, I just like the idea of the class and assumed I could look the way I want to. That Entropic Assault set looks pretty amazing. As I said, disappointing, gearing up should be something to look forward to.


I'll probably end up sticking with one set as well then if I get something I actually like. I'm just starting out though, we'll see.

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