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In all seriousness, why'd you leave Feken?


Edit: Cause you know, this game is fo realzzzzz


only a handful of people from infamous actually transferred any toons, most made a new toon. even that was a handful of people. we never left BC as a guild together... we just made alts on bastion to check it out and i personally was excited for it, at first. then i realized how late the a teams queued which sucked bc our two best healers that we did have on that server are both east coast and usually log long before the good teams queued.


alas, it was not meant to be. the bastion is too strong for us! ran back home ;)

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only a handful of people from infamous actually transferred any toons, most made a new toon. even that was a handful of people. we never left BC as a guild together... we just made alts on bastion to check it out and i personally was excited for it, at first. then i realized how late the a teams queued which sucked bc our two best healers that we did have on that server are both east coast and usually log long before the good teams queued.


alas, it was not meant to be. the bastion is too strong for us! ran back home ;)


Considering rated is garbage on bastion anyway this guy is just trolling thinking hes decent because he plays on a PvP server.

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You're pretty much all missing the point and I'm not sure if it's on accident or on purpose.


A) My issue with premades is their attitude, not that they're premades.

B) I'm not trying to be top tier, run with the top group, min/max my char, go into intensive keybindsd, or any such thing. I'm just trying to have fun and play normal.

C) I'm trying to play with normal pugs and normal people. That's what's fun to me as well as the majority of my viewers, who are also do normal pugs and normal people.

D) My attitude is in line with normal pugs and normal players, which attitude is in direct conflict with the hard core pvper mind-set. The difference being, I can objectively see both, and most people either can't or don't care.

E) The videos are supposed to be about having fun relatively for both teams. If they can't win, they can't win but we won't shove their nose in it, and we expect the same.


I only keep trying to get the point across because it's so incredibly mind-numbingly frustrating to hear the same 5 things repeated to me over and over. Nearly all of you keep repeating the same thing. It's the same thing from the pvp forum and every other competitive game's forum out there. There is only a small minority that wants to be at the absolute top or compete for the top. The rest are just trying to have fun. Pvp isn't going to be serious for me, and that seems to bother a lot of people. That's why I made the video. It was for medium-level pvp. So if I complain about high level pvp getting into my medium-level pvp it actually makes perfect sense for me to say that.


You can disagree but it's irrelevant because you aren't trying to do anything other than play. I'm trying to make videos of us having fun with mid-level play. I'm trying to show people how to make friends. I'm trying to show people how to have fun. And instead we get ruthlessly stomped into corners and told it's our fault.


Well folks that's the high-tier pvp mentality. Everyone knows it. But you ignorantly defend it ignoring everything outside your very small area of understanding while the rest of us throw our hands in the air unable to either meet a common understanding or even communicate on a basic level.


Until which point in time it becomes in your best interest to preserve the community, you will gladly tear it apart because it's all you have. If all of us normal folks stopped queing you'd be screwed because either a) you'd finally have to fight each other without us around or b) you wouldn't even get games. And you would only have yourselves to blame. There is nothing WRONG with how we pvp. There's nothing WRONG with our mindset, it's just different than yours.


This isn't some real life struggle over resources, life, or power, it's just a damn game. All of your points in regards to "adapt and overcome" are IRRELEVANT. It's just a damn game. We can play it however we want, and we're playing in our sandbox, and nobody wants to play in yours *shock* so you come and kick our crap over.


It's typical bully griefer troll cyber-bully harassment behavior. It's the text book definition. It's costing Bioware money/subs, it's chasing even more people away from pvp, and dwindling what little community we have left. I'm trying to make videos for our side of the community. Your side already has videos.


If you want to keep stomping in our sandbox, you have to at least recognize that it has to be sustainable. Telling us to adapt or leave is going to end up with empty pvp queues because we won't do it because we simply don't care that much. We're just trying to have fun.


I don't know how many other ways to say this. I'm not even trying to convince you. I just want it written down because I want there to be absolutely no misunderstandings, excuses, or misconception on how/why I feel/say/do what I do. I'm making these videos for PEOPLE LIKE ME. People like you ALREADY HAVE VIDEOS. I'm going to continue being who I am and that's all there is to it. Just from now on I won't call out guilds negatively anymore. I understand why that was upsetting to Infamous and that's not in line with my morals/ethics/beliefs.


It's like the whole sandbox analogy. Go to your own videos and talk about this crap. You don't need to come to mine and do it. This's my sandbox for people who think like me. You have your own sandbox for people who think like you. It's typical bully mentality 101. I don't care if you don't like hearing it, it's true. Go make videos talking about how everyone needs to adapt as you 3-cap every novare and civil war, double cap every hypergate, etc.. Then the rest of you can go pat you on the back for how awesome you are. I don't care. I won't come there and tell you what I think, because I don't care. Now stop worrying about what I do and get back in your own sandbox. :csw_tattooine:

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that's the problem hoss. everyone has to share the same sandbox.




Why should Infamous pre-mades have to play any differently from your own pre-mades? Stop blaming your bad losses on Infamous/BioWare/exploiters/anything other than yourself. If you and your friends knew how to play your classes and win Warzones then you wouldn't get smashed every night. You're running around in Advanced Prototype, wearing Tank gear, not engaging in melee and instead back-pedalling spamming Missile Blast and capping your Heat bar so you can't use any of your other abilities. You call yourself a "Tank" and yet you all you do is sit on the node all day. You don't do any tanking, you don't help protect your healers or guard switch.


I queue solo against Infamous. I queue with friends against Infamous. I never experience any of the problems you do, and I can tell you right now...it's 100% a problem with you and your inability to play the game correctly.


And by the way, there is no Ranked scene on Begeren. I don't know where you got that idea...Kickball maybe? Kickball is not on every night, and it is not the same as proper Ranked competition.

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I pay the same amount to subscribe as you, If I want to que solo or group with friends I have every right.


Sorry to come off as a douche but this is a Mmo, aka a multi player game.


Fact is, people play to win in every MMO. Go try Eve or even WoW and tell me people dont try. The objective is to win, not to casually slouch through each game while expecting others to do the same. And right now 4v4s are dead, and aren't nearly as entertaining as 8v8s were and never will be until pvp is balanced.


Why do you think players augment their gear? Why do they bother getting geared in the first place? To make themselves stronger, to give them a better chance at winning. Just like how I joined infamous so I could get carried through warzones.


I'm sorry we don't all cater to your play style and help your channel grow. Que pub side and tell me how GD has no problem bashing faces in. Because I've been on the receiving end of GDs premades and its not pretty.


Competition is what made BC great, and the pvp community took a major dump when server transfers came out. Ive continued playing TOR in hopes of BC getting its best players back and for 8v8 to return.


So in the meantime ima go into work tomorrow, and if my boss yells at me again... I'm gonna take my frustration out on you and every other player who ques for regs.

Edited by Bellumpvp
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So in the meantime ima go into work tomorrow, and if my boss yells at me again... I'm gonna take my frustration out on you and every other player who ques for regs.


You really take this far to seriously. I think it would be better if you quit swtor and take a break from Video games you seem a tad red in the face.

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only a handful of people from infamous actually transferred any toons, most made a new toon. even that was a handful of people. we never left BC as a guild together... we just made alts on bastion to check it out and i personally was excited for it, at first. then i realized how late the a teams queued which sucked bc our two best healers that we did have on that server are both east coast and usually log long before the good teams queued.


alas, it was not meant to be. the bastion is too strong for us! ran back home ;)


This. Server transfers happened. ITK moved. Weekly ranked games stopped. A few of us got bored and decided to check out the Bastion. Most leveled alts, either because of involvement in active raid groups, or because they couldn't afford to pay the $20. But alas, we never had enough players to form an 8-man team.


I personally quit shortly after server transfers. I picked the game up again not too long ago and found there was nobody from the guild left on the Bastion, and the quality of pvp in general had taken a dive. I grit my teeth, queued for regs and got my gear up-to-date, then transferred back in order to at least be with friends.


I think I speak for everybody in the guild when I say we aren't trying to be jerks when we play. Apologies if it comes across that way. A lot of the time (at least in my experience) what's perceived as an "infamous premade" isn't one at all. I'll queue solo, get in a match and find one or 2 other guildies in it. I'm not saying premades are a bad thing, just that (contrary to popular belief) members of Infamous do not derive pleasure out of picking on the under-geared or less-skilled. We do, however, try our darndest to win!

Edited by agsyjuco
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I don't think Infamous is the problem here. There's just not enough people queueing up, so people always seem to get the same group over and over again.


Pubs always had quality over quantity (compared to Imps).

Imps just got to get their poodoo together..


:cool: Oh Daz, where you at Daz, stop recruiting mediocrity 'cause you ain't rollin' nobody :cool:

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Considering rated is garbage on bastion anyway this guy is just trolling thinking hes decent because he plays on a PvP server.


You guys win against DP yet? Instead of saying it's garbage, why don't you set something up bbeboi!

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