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Too much discussion on these forums about gunships and nerfs and balance. However, I believe that at this point in the game, it is all about skill.


You must know the strengths of your ship with its given upgrades and exploit those strengths by engaging other ships in situations where your strengths prevail over their weaknesses. If however you get CAUGHT in such a situation by another ship, where YOUR weakness is being exploited, then you lose, fair and square. You lose because of a lack of tactical/spatial awareness, or because you are outnumbered by a coordinated team.


With regards to the gunship "issue", just learn to kill them. They are sitting ducks. Hang back, wait for them to obviously aim for someone else, and take them out in one pass. If you can't do it, you are either undergeared (fair enough) or just unskilled.



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Only terrible players cannot counter a gunship. The only advantage the gunship has over others is the range. A lone scout can easily sneak up on a GS and destroy him before he knows whats happened.


I'm curious what you do when you take one hit from an ion railgun at minimal charge and can then never get the gunship into weapon range?

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Only terrible players cannot counter a gunship. The only advantage the gunship has over others is the range. A lone scout can easily sneak up on a GS and destroy him before he knows whats happened.


This would be relevent in a 1 vs 1 situation with no objectives. However since GS is objective and team based your post is completely irrelevent. Not to mention destroying a gunship before pilot knows what happened (in a single run) is impossible, unless gunship chooses to die.

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I seek out the gunship when i respawn and blow it up.......simple.....:i_cool:


Ah, so the technique that makes gunships balanced is to die and try again. Indeed, that does seem balanced. :)


Or, the other common solution: that good players should never let themselves get hit by gunships, essentially relegating any activity except constantly looking for gunships to things done by bad players only. :)


Seriously, there's a reason there is a long and detailed thread, as Yorumi stated. Read it. There are issues with gunships, and they need to be resolved.

Edited by Itkovian
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This would be relevent in a 1 vs 1 situation with no objectives. However since GS is objective and team based your post is completely irrelevent. Not to mention destroying a gunship before pilot knows what happened (in a single run) is impossible, unless gunship chooses to die.


Indeed, well said.

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Ah, so the technique that makes gunships balanced is to die and try again. Indeed, that does seem balanced. :)


It's called situational awareness. You check the skies around you. You check every sensor echo being relayed to you from friendly ships. If you get popped by a gunship during a dogfight, that's bad luck, but it happens. You respawn and get back in the fight. You track that SOB down and kill it. It's a tactical game. Gunships sniping scouts that are in CCM is part of those tactics, since scouts are squishy and lots of damage can make them go *pop!*. Scouts hunting down gunships so they never get that chance is also part of those tactics.


Is that to say there aren't balancing issues? Sure, there are. And they will be worked out over time. GSF's only been live for 2 weeks. It's a common problem with people complaining about a multitude of things. "The game doesn't have enough content." "Balance the classes now." "Add more stuff." "There's so little game compared to that other game that's been out for 10 years." This stuff takes time to do, to make sure the coding works, that it doesn't break something else, that it does what it was intended to do. In the meantime, work around it. Gunships are not the monstrosity that everyone makes them out to be. Neither are scouts. Both can be defeated, if you can outfly and outthink the other pilot.

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I'm curious what you do when you take one hit from an ion railgun at minimal charge and can then never get the gunship into weapon range?

that rarely happens to me as when i see a gunship, i don't make a beeline for it. smart scouts serpentine or keep a wide birth until you're either to the side or behind them. running at a gunship head on is just stupid. if you're still having trouble, then....play as a gunship! the best way to learn how to beat your opponent is to be them.

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Too much discussion on these forums about gunships and nerfs and balance. However, I believe that at this point in the game, it is all about skill.


You must know the strengths of your ship with its given upgrades and exploit those strengths by engaging other ships in situations where your strengths prevail over their weaknesses. If however you get CAUGHT in such a situation by another ship, where YOUR weakness is being exploited, then you lose, fair and square. You lose because of a lack of tactical/spatial awareness, or because you are outnumbered by a coordinated team.


With regards to the gunship "issue", just learn to kill them. They are sitting ducks. Hang back, wait for them to obviously aim for someone else, and take them out in one pass. If you can't do it, you are either undergeared (fair enough) or just unskilled.




The problem with the GSF is matchmaking. It generally doesnt put even nearly equally skilled players together (or worse - puts the team of "elites" and "rookies" in one match). The usual picture I see - 4 ppl having 10+ kills each (on either side), and other barely having 2-3.


How the ***** people are supposed to "learn the basics" if they either "just hang around while the aces do their job" or getting steamrolled by said aces???

Edited by Mad_yojik
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I agree with RC. Any scout with awareness of cover and guerrilla tactics can shoot down a railgunner.


I am a railgunner with half the slug gun upgrades, as well as maxed Ion railer, and maxed out health besides. It doesn't count for anything when a good Scout is out on the map.

Edited by Xakthul
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I agree with RC. Any scout with awareness of cover and guerrilla tactics can shoot down a railgunner.


I am a railgunner with half the slug gun upgrades, as well as maxed Ion railer, and maxed out health besides. It doesn't count for anything when a good Scout is out on the map.


But the problem of who wins simply then rest on whoever shoots first. If the scout pops bypass and load a couple missiles into you, you are dead. If he or she gets a couple taps by your Ion railgun, he or she is dead, because you can follow up with a slugger, and they (with a couple near by buddies) will never be able to fly to you in time. In this case, Gunships obviously have an advantage, because they can shoot a lot sooner than a scout. Even if they have max sensor dampening, that is not an excuse because their reticle will show up around the 5km mark minimum, and you can simply snare then with ion, and booster away.


Yes, scouts are powerful, and can kill you, but with all the utitlites of a gunship, it is only because you let them.

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that rarely happens to me as when i see a gunship, i don't make a beeline for it. smart scouts serpentine or keep a wide birth until you're either to the side or behind them. running at a gunship head on is just stupid. if you're still having trouble, then....play as a gunship! the best way to learn how to beat your opponent is to be them.


So you're solution is to just completely ignore a situation because you havn't yet seen it very often. You can always 100% of the time know where gunships are, close a 15km distance on them before they can even tap their ion rail gun? A ship which can almost perpetually keep anyone more than 10km from them. Your answer is that anyone who gets hit with even the slightest tap from an ion railgun(an aoe weapon) is just a bad player? Am I understanding you correctly?

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pfeh, all i see is gunship players vs other players battle. Its either bad/medicore GS pilots bashing scouts, and other players bashing GS for being powerless against maxed lvl GS. Forums at their best.

For more intelligent conversation about GS problems, with great points and ideas, please visit this topic:



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How the ***** people are supposed to "learn the basics" if they either "just hang around while the aces do their job" or getting steamrolled by said aces???




You do like the pilots of old. Grab the same ship as one of your teammates and stick to him like glue. You have to be a wingman before you become the wingleader.


As a matter of fact, sticking in groups is generally good advice that will carry you well even after you've gotten dozens of matches under your belt. Don't try to be a solo hero and your kill/assists will skyrocket in this game.

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But the problem of who wins simply then rest on whoever shoots first. If the scout pops bypass and load a couple missiles into you, you are dead. If he or she gets a couple taps by your Ion railgun, he or she is dead, because you can follow up with a slugger, and they (with a couple near by buddies) will never be able to fly to you in time. In this case, Gunships obviously have an advantage, because they can shoot a lot sooner than a scout. Even if they have max sensor dampening, that is not an excuse because their reticle will show up around the 5km mark minimum, and you can simply snare then with ion, and booster away.


Yes, scouts are powerful, and can kill you, but with all the utitlites of a gunship, it is only because you let them.


If you're in a gunship and see my Flashfire making a head-on run at you, and you think I'm going to be an easy kill because you can shoot first, you're going to be rethinking your strategy as you're waiting to respawn. This isn't idle boasting, I've made too many kills in a head-on with gunships that left them scratching their heads as to why they couldn't hit me.

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Ah, so the technique that makes gunships balanced is to die and try again. Indeed, that does seem balanced. :)


Or, the other common solution: that good players should never let themselves get hit by gunships, essentially relegating any activity except constantly looking for gunships to things done by bad players only. :)


Seriously, there's a reason there is a long and detailed thread, as Yorumi stated. Read it. There are issues with gunships, and they need to be resolved.


And if you as a scout get up on a GS, you auto kill them. There's an issue with scouts- in dogfights they auto win- but that's intended, just like how the GS- with it's one trick pony ability to kill at long range- can kill at long range. You're just angry because it takes a good player to do well at scout, while any bad can play a GS decently- but that's always the case, there has to be a beginner class for your average player.


Scouts are far better than GS, anyone can see it- if there's a nerf it'll be there.

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It makes a sound for me when a gunship is charging up a shot while aimed at me.


This is why, as a gunship, I charge my shot without targetting someone ...


It may end up giving away the gunship too much but I kind of wonder if it would be a good idea to have the warning sound for anyone within the railgun's firing arc when it's charging.

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