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Event currency


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just to clarify.... aren't the cartel market certificates both BoL and stackable? I realize it went through a few iterations to make it that way (they were first stackable and BoP, then they were BoL and not stackable, but now they're BoL and stackable)


I'm ultimately indifferent either way. I think the current implementation is fine especially since the things you buy are BoL, but I guess I just wanted to point out that not all items fit those 3 descriptions.

My guess is because the helix components pre-date the Cartel certificates and they'd have to do a massive overhaul to the Gree system to change them and decided that it wasn't worth it.
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Hey folks!


The answer to your question may not be what you are expecting, it is actually technical limitation which is causing the Gree currency to be character bound. Within our current system we had a few options:

  • The items are character bound and stackable (the way it works currently)
  • The items are non-stackable and bound to Legacy. (we did not choose this option to avoid a cargo bay somewhere full of currency)
  • The items are fully tradeable (these are meant to be earned, at least for now)

Those were our options from a tech standpoint and our justification for the decision we made. Hope that makes sense!




Makes, perfect sense, hope you guys can surpass this limitation soon.


Thanks for the clarification

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See, this is why no one representing dev team wants to answer questions. No matter what they say there is always some genius that has solution to all development problems of the world.

Then I would suggest that if they're that sensitive to questions from their customers, they are in the wrong position. Responding to your customers feedback should be one of the top priority jobs of a CM.

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Then I would suggest that if they're that sensitive to questions from their customers, they are in the wrong position. Responding to your customers feedback should be one of the top priority jobs of a CM.


You are right, the answer was given yet people think they have been invited to discussion. I personally feel that people answering the questions in forums are not authorized or not qualified to participate in these discussions. Suggestions and questions are mostly based on hypothetical conditions, while anything posted can and will be used against them.

Just to add one more thing, responding to customer feedback is also very vague. In most cases an answer to a feedback is "thank you for your input." If you were in this position you would realize that you can not agree nor disagree with customer opinion. You just accept it and provide response based on current company policy. There is no discussion involved at all.

This means that asking a question, receiving a response then asking a 'what if' follow up question, is not likely to get a response.

Edited by ELRunninW
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You are right, the answer was given yet people think they have been invited to discussion. I personally feel that people answering the questions in forums are not authorized or not qualified to participate in these discussions. Suggestions and questions are mostly based on hypothetical conditions, while anything posted can and will be used against them.

Just to add one more thing, responding to customer feedback is also very vague. In most cases an answer to a feedback is "thank you for your input." If you were in this position you would realize that you can not agree nor disagree with customer opinion. You just accept it and provide response based on current company policy. There is no discussion involved at all.

This means that asking a question, receiving a response then asking a 'what if' follow up question, is not likely to get a response.


This is a bit off topic, but I do agree with you...they're in a "no win" position where every word is dissected unfairly...but they know that going in to the position and have to act accordingly. Letting your customers know they're being heard and valued is still important, even if you can't get the answers they wish, the least we should have is a "Just wanna let you know I'm passing this feedback along" once in awhile. Right now, Dev Tracker goes back 2 freaking weeks...that's excessive.

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So how come you have a technical limitation with the Gree currency but not the bounty contract currency? What is the technical limitation, if you know?


The contracts awarded are not bound. The limitation is that they cannot have a stacking item bind to Legacy. Stacking items have to either be bound to character or or not bound at all.

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I have a good memory ;)


But in all seriousness, I think they don't necessarily mean opposite things. The system could be like this with such (good) rewards because they can't technically make the helix's as BOL. But I would still like some clarification on this.


Not necessarily...if you look at eric's quote he said that they specifically wanted the gree tokens to be earned, not traded or sold or whatever. BoL isn't trechnically doable right now, so the only option is to go out on toon at a time and earn. and Jesse's comment doesn't conflict with that. She's saying that they wanted you to EARN them per character so someone with limited charectars wouldn't have a significant advantage. no matter which side of the cow your looking at, Bio still wanted them as BoP.


And as stated previously, there are other weapons available from other fractions that are always available. so it's not a rarity thing. it really just boils down to this :


Even if we were to somehow convince Bio that Jesse and eric were making up reasons why Bio did it, it should be obvious at this point that BIo meant to do it.

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Hey folks!


The answer to your question may not be what you are expecting, it is actually technical limitation which is causing the Gree currency to be character bound. Within our current system we had a few options:

  • The items are character bound and stackable (the way it works currently)
  • The items are non-stackable and bound to Legacy. (we did not choose this option to avoid a cargo bay somewhere full of currency)
  • The items are fully tradeable (these are meant to be earned, at least for now)

Those were our options from a tech standpoint and our justification for the decision we made. Hope that makes sense!




But what's keeping you from making these character bound tokens serve the sole purpose of being traded in bulk to a NPC in exchange for one unstackable, legacy bound token? Event rewards could then be purchased using 1-4 of these legacy tokens. Doubt people would think four item slots wouldn't be enough to be an inconvenience.


I don't participate much in the pve part of this event so things can remain like they are for all I care, but it seems like there are some clear workarounds that could be applied to get around these tech limitations (assuming that's the reason for the current implementation of the tokens).

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Hey folks!


The answer to your question may not be what you are expecting, it is actually technical limitation which is causing the Gree currency to be character bound. Within our current system we had a few options:

  • The items are character bound and stackable (the way it works currently)
  • The items are non-stackable and bound to Legacy. (we did not choose this option to avoid a cargo bay somewhere full of currency)
  • The items are fully tradeable (these are meant to be earned, at least for now)

Those were our options from a tech standpoint and our justification for the decision we made. Hope that makes sense!




Cartel certificates are BoL and stackable. Whoever told you this is ignorant or lying, Eric.

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Cartel certificates are BoL and stackable. Whoever told you this is ignorant or lying, Eric.


The Gree event came several months the Cartel Certificates. Its possible that this limitation was something that existed previously, but they later overcame.

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Hey folks!


The answer to your question may not be what you are expecting, it is actually technical limitation which is causing the Gree currency to be character bound. Within our current system we had a few options:

  • The items are character bound and stackable (the way it works currently)
  • The items are non-stackable and bound to Legacy. (we did not choose this option to avoid a cargo bay somewhere full of currency)
  • The items are fully tradeable (these are meant to be earned, at least for now)

Those were our options from a tech standpoint and our justification for the decision we made. Hope that makes sense!



First and foremost - thanks for the reply Eric. Always good to get straight-forward, informative answers, they are very much appreciated.


That being said, in terms of the reason itself: wow, that is somewhat... concerning. I'm not trying to read too much into things but if *this* is a technical hurdle the team can't overcome, I'm a little worried. (And I'm not saying just because it seems like a small thing in terms of gameplay mechanics it must be a small thing in terms of programming - I know that's not how things work; BUT as has been pointed out with the Cartel Certs, it's clear this technical limitation has been overcome with at least some items - updating the existing items or at the very least swapping them out should be doable.)

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See, this is why no one representing dev team wants to answer questions. No matter what they say there is always some genius that has solution to all development problems of the world.


This was exactly my thought, too. Can't believe someone dug out a message from February or so just to give contra (more or less) and request a "clarification".


On the other hand, I would have liked BoL helixes, too. Who wouldn't. ;)

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Good question because Cartel Certificates are bound to legacy and those are stackable.


Good question! Cartel Market Certificates actually break our normal rules that our items need to follow in order to be considered "valid" by development tools --they're a special exception. Certainly there is a lot of desire to for this change to happen based on the feedback in this thread, I will make sure the dev team is made aware of it. Keep in mind that although this is a possible change, it would not be a simple change to make and it can be a risky change since the item is already live!


Hope that makes sense!



Edited by EricMusco
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Good question! Cartel Market Certificates actually break our normal rules that our items need to follow in order to be considered "valid" by development tools --they're a special exception. Certainly there is a lot of desire to for this change to happen based on the feedback in this thread, I will make sure the dev team is made aware of it. Keep in mind that although this is a possible change, it would not be a simple change to make and it can be a risky change since the item is already live!


Hope that makes sense!




Thanks Eric! That would be very cool.

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Good question! Cartel Market Certificates actually break our normal rules that our items need to follow in order to be considered "valid" by development tools --they're a special exception. Certainly there is a lot of desire to for this change to happen based on the feedback in this thread, I will make sure the dev team is made aware of it. Keep in mind that although this is a possible change, it would not be a simple change to make and it can be a risky change since the item is already live!


Hope that makes sense!




Well done Eric! TY!

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Good question! Cartel Market Certificates actually break our normal rules that our items need to follow in order to be considered "valid" by development tools --they're a special exception. Certainly there is a lot of desire to for this change to happen based on the feedback in this thread, I will make sure the dev team is made aware of it. Keep in mind that although this is a possible change, it would not be a simple change to make and it can be a risky change since the item is already live!


Hope that makes sense!




Thanks for the reply and for passing this on to dev team.

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Good question! Cartel Market Certificates actually break our normal rules that our items need to follow in order to be considered "valid" by development tools --they're a special exception. Certainly there is a lot of desire to for this change to happen based on the feedback in this thread, I will make sure the dev team is made aware of it. Keep in mind that although this is a possible change, it would not be a simple change to make and it can be a risky change since the item is already live!


Hope that makes sense!




Couldn't you just change the currency for the items in the vendor, adjust the new rewards to the new legacy bound item. For the old components just have a 1:1 trade in the same vendor.

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Good question! Cartel Market Certificates actually break our normal rules that our items need to follow in order to be considered "valid" by development tools --they're a special exception. Certainly there is a lot of desire to for this change to happen based on the feedback in this thread, I will make sure the dev team is made aware of it. Keep in mind that although this is a possible change, it would not be a simple change to make and it can be a risky change since the item is already live!


Hope that makes sense!




Wait, what? So essentially your point is "Oh, um... I guess you found it out, I'll have to ask the dev team if they want to change it"?


I mean, you literally just completely lied. It's not a tech limitation. It has never been a tech limitation. We've known since the first gree event that the reason they're bind on pickup is because you didn't want the people with more 50s, you know, those people who put more time into your game, to have an advantage over those who didn't care or didn't support the game quite as much.


I'm sorry, but this is a bit over the top. If the community manager is going to straight-up lie about something we've known the contrary answer to for over a year, who can we trust?

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Wait, what? So essentially your point is "Oh, um... I guess you found it out, I'll have to ask the dev team if they want to change it"?


I mean, you literally just completely lied. It's not a tech limitation. It has never been a tech limitation. We've known since the first gree event that the reason they're bind on pickup is because you didn't want the people with more 50s, you know, those people who put more time into your game, to have an advantage over those who didn't care or didn't support the game quite as much.


I'm sorry, but this is a bit over the top. If the community manager is going to straight-up lie about something we've known the contrary answer to for over a year, who can we trust?


I agree with this post. I don't find punishing people who have put alot of time into your game to be a good solution to anything.

Edited by theSCARAYone
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