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Devs: When you nerf a component, give full refund of requisition used to upgrade it


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So do you notice when they make changes to the trees for your characters, they give a free refund of the stats? Same principle.


They refund the points b/c they changed the tree's core. What would happen if they say removed a talent box and didn't refund points? But remember you already earned the skill points.

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Punishing players for investing in what looks good, whether it turns out to be a FotM or not, is not fair. Additionally, if BioWare starts arbitrarily nerfing what players have invested time/money into upgrading, then players will stop investing time/money for fear of it being wasted.


The entire history of MMOs says you are wrong on that. Besides, what else are you going to spend all the Req you get after you maxed out your ship on?

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Nope, have to disagree with this.


You picked the "flavor of the month" and you got the full benefit of it, so asking for a refund is akin to saying "give me free the next flavor of the month".


Balance is ongoing, and right now we all know that there are serious balance issues with certain aspects of GSF. At some point there will be a tweak of every single aspect of GSF so what you are asking is pretty much ridiculous.


Even nerfed, whatever you spent req on will still be good, it just won't be the FotM it once was.


I fully agree with the original poster and 100% disagree with you. If I am spending Cartel Coins to convert Ship Req's into Fleet Req's I want my Fleet Req's back. Cartel Coins = a fraction of real money and if I spend real $ to convert Req's I want those Req's refunded.

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Played warcraft for years, so being on the receiving end of a nerf is something that I have grown accustomed to, (played a warlock, so, anyone who's played one, you know what I mean.) This situation however, is quite different, people paid real money for these upgrades, so I am in agreement with the op, however I doubt very much if they will do this.
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If you are paying real money to turn ship into fleet, you get what you deserve.


There is no reason to convert ship to fleet unless you feel you absolutely have to have a ship max'd out immediately and if you do this then you should have to reap what you've sown.


If you actually fly ships and use the ship req to upgrade them, you need not spend a dime. If you choose to spend money to try to gain an advantage...well, it's all on you.


Whenever you play an MMO, you expect changes. That this post was made is proof that changes are expected to be made. So why did you spend real money on something you can get just as easily just by playing the game?


I have no sympathy for anyone who uses the CM ship to fleet req transfer, especially if you know that tweaks or nerfs will most definitely come at some point.

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There is no reason to convert ship to fleet unless you feel you absolutely have to have a ship max'd out immediately and if you do this then you should have to reap what you've sown.


But there is a reason. I enjoy the Scout. I don't enjoy the other ships. Rather than letting my req sit there and be of no value to me, I opt to spend my own $ on it to transfer to the ship "I" enjoy. It's a choice I make with my money that you're free to ignore...but because I am spending my $ on it, I expect it to be treated as anything else I buy...refundable if there's a change.

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But there is a reason. I enjoy the Scout. I don't enjoy the other ships. Rather than letting my req sit there and be of no value to me, I opt to spend my own $ on it to transfer to the ship "I" enjoy. It's a choice I make with my money that you're free to ignore...but because I am spending my $ on it, I expect it to be treated as anything else I buy...refundable if there's a change.


There is no such thing as "refundable if there's a change" there is only refundable if defective, and refunds are not even mandatory anyway as long as the product isn't harming you.


By your logic they should refund everyone whenever they make class changes b/c they might've spent cartel coins for legacy leveling perks.

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There is no such thing as "refundable if there's a change" there is only refundable if defective, and refunds are not even mandatory anyway as long as the product isn't harming you.


By your logic they should refund everyone whenever they make class changes b/c they might've spent cartel coins for legacy leveling perks.

Ever purchase an airline ticket Zoom? If they make a change, I'm not obligated to keep my ticket. They refund skill tree points on class changes as well. It only makes sense.

Edited by TUXs
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Ever purchase an airline ticket Zoom? If they make a change, I'm not obligated to keep my ticket. They refund skill tree points on class changes as well. It only makes sense.


How is this even remotely related to airline tickets? CC is a product not a service.


They are forced to refund skill points b/c they often remove or add talent boxes. They must refund otherwise swtor is going to throw a digital tantrum when a talent box that people have points spec'd into is changed.

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So...you agree that if a skill changes it should be refunded? Good, we agree! :)


I agree that stuff should be refunded if not doing so will cause massive programming failures. I will point out that ship req and upgrades resembles buying gear with comms rather than skill trees. And comm gear can't be refunded once its used for awhile.

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I agree that stuff should be refunded if not doing so will cause massive programming failures. I will point out that ship req and upgrades resembles buying gear with comms rather than skill trees. And comm gear can't be refunded once its used for awhile.


I can always sell the comm gear to a vendor for $ though, so it always has value. The GS skill tree is essentially the same as any player skill tree, the difference being that instead of buying new skills with each level, I'm spending the space req (space XP) to do my "leveling".

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