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Sweet Mother of Pearl, DEFEND something, will ya?


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So here's something that keeps happening...

In pre-game chat, targets are agreed upon. I zoom in to my announced target and we take it. Cool!

Then an enemy scout zips in and out (as scouts do, "Hi there, seeya!" quick little buggers) and I watch EVERY OTHER SHIP at the location chase them out to 10,000 km. :confused:

Leaving me alone to defend.

And oh, look, here come the Strikes and Gunships, to tear me a new one, because now I'm ALONE. :eek:



Taking the objective is just the first part! It has to be held!

Now granted, part of this is my own damn fault, because I just don't like flying anything but a Scout, and they aren't the best at defense, but STILL, it drives me nuts to see 3 or 4 Strikes take off after one enemy, and then look the other way and see the whole freaking enemy fleet coming at me.

Grrr grrr grrr...

...okay, I'm done now, I feel better.

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I go under the satellites in that situation, the enemy usually attacks from the top forcing them to maneuver to where I am to get me, and gunships have to go down as well for me to be in their line of sight, it gives me extra time to issue a distress call and get help, because they still can't cap with me hugging the satellite.
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I had a game the other day that started out absolutely great - we capped 3 points at the start, then dropped to two. I defended one point in my scout, got around 6 or 7 kills in a row as the enemy streamed in trying to capture the point. We got up to about 700-800 objective score...


Then all of a sudden all 3 points belong to the enemy, and they win the game because none of our guys can take a single point back. All because everyone wants to go run off and get kills instead of playing around the objectives like they're supposed to.

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I had a game the other day that started out absolutely great - we capped 3 points at the start, then dropped to two. I defended one point in my scout, got around 6 or 7 kills in a row as the enemy streamed in trying to capture the point. We got up to about 700-800 objective score...


Then all of a sudden all 3 points belong to the enemy, and they win the game because none of our guys can take a single point back. All because everyone wants to go run off and get kills instead of playing around the objectives like they're supposed to.


YES! That's my point exactly. And it burns my toast if I'm higher on the board post-game than the players who ran off willy-nilly chasing scouts that they can't catch.

You want kills? If you stay near the objectives...THEY WILL COME TO YOU.

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WHATEVER ship I play, this always happens:



Our "safe" objective loses a sat.


I type:

"C someone back up C"

I fly to C

Two bandits at C, one turret with no health.

I boost to be in range of sat. No turrets up, and outnumbered. I scoot around the sat in a gunship, a scout, a fighter, don't matter. This lasts apparently an aeon while literally no one comes up.


"Losing C"

"Help C"


Eventually I die. Ideally, they have to send a third+ to make that happen, but always with more than enough time for a gunship to waddle over from spawn or A, to say nothing of the fighters and scouts busy stroking it midfield.


Then we lose the node.



Now, occasionally, we will have capped the other two in this time. I'm fine with those times. But often that is not the case, and often this lack of backup ends the match. It just feels bad when out of twelve pilots there's maybe two others who give a crap about winning the match.



At least they aren't botting yet, just new. There's that.

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I don't see people leaving the satellites to chase an enemy so much as abandoning the satellites we have because they insist on going for the 3-cap. All too often, we'll take A and B, and then rather than just holding these, the entire team takes off for C, leaving me virtually all alone trying to defend two nodes. Sometimes they'll manage to take C, but too often they fail, and we almost always end up losing at least one of the ones we grabbed at the start. It's really bad when an early 2-cap, which should have been an easy victory because the enemy wasn't very organized, turns into a 3-cap defeat because my teammates made zero effort at defense. Then after the match, they're all like "how did we lose" after ignoring my repeated calls for help in defending satellites.
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while that is annoying it technically is the ideal tactical use of scouts to draw glory hounds off on a wild goose chase. Kinda makes me think of Red Tails actually.


Oh, don't get me wrong...it's TOTALLY good tactics to draw off the cover so another group can hit the target. I'm not in ANY way slamming the scout who plays "bait", that's part of a scouts job. Where I get aggravated is when players FALL for it and let themselves get pulled too far away to keep defending. I mean, if the team's up by 400 points, hey, go for it, but if it's a close match, keep your cool and defend.

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Its the ground pvpers infesting the space game. They think that kills actually give them rewards, when they dont. They dont seem to understand what an objective based map is about.


Garbage lol I'm a ground pvper and a satellite humper we understand what needs to be done.

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So here's something that keeps happening...

In pre-game chat, targets are agreed upon. I zoom in to my announced target and we take it. Cool!

Then an enemy scout zips in and out (as scouts do, "Hi there, seeya!" quick little buggers) and I watch EVERY OTHER SHIP at the location chase them out to 10,000 km. :confused:

Leaving me alone to defend.

And oh, look, here come the Strikes and Gunships, to tear me a new one, because now I'm ALONE. :eek:



Taking the objective is just the first part! It has to be held!

Now granted, part of this is my own damn fault, because I just don't like flying anything but a Scout, and they aren't the best at defense, but STILL, it drives me nuts to see 3 or 4 Strikes take off after one enemy, and then look the other way and see the whole freaking enemy fleet coming at me.

Grrr grrr grrr...

...okay, I'm done now, I feel better.


It's annoying when that happens. I break off the fight myself if I find myself straying too far from the satellite. Defending isn't a glamorous job but someone's gotta do it! :p

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I agree that people should learn objectives. However, a scout is made for weaving a node. Strikes are better at being slightly off the node picking off the node weavers. Since I roll deflection armor, I don't get oneshot by gunships in my scout. When I get hit by a gunship, I can then target the gunship and los them while weaving the other side of the node. In the end you are just surviving until reinforcements arrive.


People need to notice when the green nodes are flashing... and drop everything to fly there. Only need one or two pestering gunships... everything else can be ignored to kill those on node.

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Oh, don't get me wrong...it's TOTALLY good tactics to draw off the cover so another group can hit the target. I'm not in ANY way slamming the scout who plays "bait", that's part of a scouts job. Where I get aggravated is when players FALL for it and let themselves get pulled too far away to keep defending. I mean, if the team's up by 400 points, hey, go for it, but if it's a close match, keep your cool and defend.


I understand and agree.


Disclaimer when starting out I was one of the very guys you're complaining about but I've gotten much better just chasing enemies away and then returning to the sat. Still working on perfecting defense but it is way more fun than just aimlessly searching for a dogfight.


Some just go into hulk smash rage tunneling when they get shot at.


and thank you for the laugh, this is perhaps the best description of that attitude I've seen played out in GSF.

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I have another problem that keep happening when I'm in a bad group.


I take a node and defend it, the enemy takes the other two and then nothing happes... My team isn't taking any node, they just keep dog fighting. So I fly off to one of the nodes, kill the turrets, kill the defender and take the node. And while I'm doing that I see the node I left with three turrets are now being taken! So I leave the node I just took, go back to the previous one and take that and well... the circle goes on...

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I have another problem that keep happening when I'm in a bad group.


I take a node and defend it, the enemy takes the other two and then nothing happes... My team isn't taking any node, they just keep dog fighting. So I fly off to one of the nodes, kill the turrets, kill the defender and take the node. And while I'm doing that I see the node I left with three turrets are now being taken! So I leave the node I just took, go back to the previous one and take that and well... the circle goes on...


I've had to do this at times.

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I have another problem that keep happening when I'm in a bad group.


I take a node and defend it, the enemy takes the other two and then nothing happes... My team isn't taking any node, they just keep dog fighting. So I fly off to one of the nodes, kill the turrets, kill the defender and take the node. And while I'm doing that I see the node I left with three turrets are now being taken! So I leave the node I just took, go back to the previous one and take that and well... the circle goes on...




Story of my life.

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