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Hats off to the aces!


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I wonder why there is a score board in the first place if it seems to hold so little importance ? Shouldn't it be reworked to rather reflect the team's overall result in terms of Requisition ?


yeah the ladder should totally ignore idividual pvp-ish performance and instead evalutate how 'well' everyone did based on team play tracking stats etc.

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Yes, but my question was rather directed towards the developers ...


It's to me as if they weren't able to build a scoreboard that reflects how much Requisition one gets, or how many Team Points one gets ...


Don't forget, this is still early access...there may well be a more "pertinent" scoreboard come full launch in Feb. We're still kinda almost "Beta testing" this puppy...

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Yes, but my question was rather directed towards the developers ...


It's to me as if they weren't able to build a scoreboard that reflects how much Requisition one gets, or how many Team Points one gets ...


I bet people would get pissed off if individual requisition was listed on the scoreboard at the end of a match. Rage quit maybe! It'd almost be like knowing how much people you work with get paid. People tend to think they are better/more valuable than others, and knowing what your peers make (in dollars or requisition points!) typically isn't a good thing to know! I'd be shocked if they added it.


While it isn't entirely clear to me how requisition is earned, I believe I've read it is weighted more towards taking/guarding objectives than it is towards kills/assists/damage.

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I don't know where anyone gets 30 kills and 100k damage from, I didn't think that was possible, Only once have I got up to 17 kills in my scout, I am usually between 5-15 kills and 5-15 assist. Mostly just assist if I am playing my tankish strike fighter and defending a node. I have broken 40k damage once or twice, but usually its around 25-30k damage.


Still glad to have everyone playing just so that the queue is popping, plus as someone else said even the bottom have players make a great distraction ;p

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The most kills I've seen on the Bergeren Colony server is 16 and that was earlier today. The guy had only 1 death, so I thought that was really impressive! He was playng as an Imperial, so it was kinda unerving to see his stats against my Republic collegues in the match, but we still got the win. I like to look at the assists in the final scores tally because that shows the teamwork you and your team are doing. I think the Imperials and Republic in my server have their fair share of top aces, but that doesn't mean it people who only get 1 or 2 kills aren't useful. GS is definelty a team effort and if you didn't have people defending turrets it'd be hard to win.
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When GSF first started I was getting a lot of kills and not many assists or defender points. Then I realized that taking, defending and keeping the nodes is what gets your team the win. So now I defend nodes and wittle enemy ships down to next to no health while the "Ace's" swoop in and finish them off. I hunt gunships that come into my range (if I have a buddy helping me guard) because I know If I see a Gunship with it's back to me I have a very good chance of destroying him before he knows I'm there.

I agree with the Original Poster, Hats off to you guys who get a lot of kill each match, you make my job of taking, guarding and holding a node a lot easier.

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There are many roles in Starfighter. I personally think that if someone got 30 kills in a match they are probably just focusing lower health ships and taking them out. But a kill is a kill. I usually sit towards the top in many matches. I use my scout and get 2-6 kills, 6-10 assists and a lot of objective points(100-180). The key to winning is to not dog fight away from the nodes. Don't let the enemy easily grab a node or kill your turrets while you are chasing down a kill. Also call out a plan or your route at the beginning so everyone can stage appropriately. Learn to navigate the small areas, when I get someone on me, I can usually survive longer or cause them to self destruct because they couldn't fly through the tough areas.
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If anyone gets over 20 kills in a match its because the team they were playing is horrible and their own team is horrible too.


If only that were true. Never done it myself, and I have noticed that I personally do better when the enemy team graciously flies in straight lines and gentle curves in the middle of space, but when certain players come on you can count on them to get a huge kill count in their preferred ship regardless of enemy and friendly team composition.

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If you really want to get Top Damage you need to use your Blasters.


I know this sounds obvious, but I see more Fighters trying to get their missile locks on, and forgetting to be targeting and firing lasers in the meantime.


I just got out of a game where I did 75k damage. I could have boosted this easily more if I were going after turrets. Their stationary nature makes them easy damage boosters for my score.

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If you really want to get Top Damage you need to use your Blasters.


I know this sounds obvious, but I see more Fighters trying to get their missile locks on, and forgetting to be targeting and firing lasers in the meantime.


I just got out of a game where I did 75k damage. I could have boosted this easily more if I were going after turrets. Their stationary nature makes them easy damage boosters for my score.


Yeah I started out using nothing but blasters, but as I got upgrades I became more reliant on my cluster missiles or sabotage pod over the past week I've swung back to blasters realizing that I do more damage and get more kills with blasters.

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Unless you're using clusters, it is difficult to maintain lock and fire on a maneuvering target at the same time. If you could lock onto the lead indicator, that would be another story.


I get accused of cheating because I'm able to lock protons onto scouts at close range. What they don't realize is that I am giving up blaster shots to do it. Luckily once the proton is off, I just need a few hits with blasters (yay shield piercing!) To finish them off. Consequently, you get a good amount of kills, but end up with relatively very little damage done.

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I fly a pike and I use the heavy lasers protons and ion missles most the time with the upgrades on my clusters as I aquire req now but yea I get my protons off all the time and honestly its a wash on damage the only really good thing about the missles is it scares people for the most part as soon as they hear the beeping they turn an run so its good for peeling off your wing man

on my gs prelaunch I cold average 20+kills and 20 or so assist on my gunship

durning early access I have elected to fly a pike and now I average 5-10 kills and 15+ assist and 20-35k damage almost every match cept the fast 3 cap ones but all I do is try to assist my wing men or take out turrets cause lets face it blasters with armor piercing trash turrets In 2 hits

but im not in it for the kills or assist or damage or objective points alone im in it for all of it because they more you do the more you get


for exsample you take a node u defend a now you kill 8 turrets you kill 5 people your assist 5 people that is atleast 4-5 medals and with no bonus req gets you around 500 ship req plus 50 fleet so the more you do in a match the more you get that's why you seem a person at a node defending 1 mind and then flyiong off the next some times

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If only that were true. Never done it myself, and I have noticed that I personally do better when the enemy team graciously flies in straight lines and gentle curves in the middle of space, but when certain players come on you can count on them to get a huge kill count in their preferred ship regardless of enemy and friendly team composition.


Trust me, what I said is correct. I don't care how good you are, if youre flying against a team that is good too your kill count is going to be less. And if your team is also good your kill count will be less because they will get some of the kills you would have got.


The perfect storm (that happens quite often) Is two teams that both are low skill and about evenly matched with the exception of one really good player on one of the teams. Then you will see the 30 kills and 80k+ damage scores.


Because you have the perfect circumstances. Even teams= a long game to rack up the numbers, Low skill enemy = easy and fast kills, Low skill allies= no competition.

Edited by Mallorik
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When GSF first started I was getting a lot of kills and not many assists or defender points. Then I realized that taking, defending and keeping the nodes is what gets your team the win


I also get more ship requisition playing on my scout playing objectives. Around 250-300 more on average. On my gunship i can get nice numbers but usually end up with around 600~ ship req. On my scout i'd usually get around 900 per match depending on how many satellites i attack and defend.

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