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I don't know what the heck is wrong with this game that it sometimes crashes for no apparent reason, but it's getting old. Happens enough to be annoying. I can cope with it when I'm just doing anything but PvP but I am on the WORST server for Imp PvP and it crashes w/ no error/no rhyme or reason in the ONE GAME of the night that we were going to win (and did win, my buddy was still in it).


Seriously, either fix whatever causes these drops or please for god sakes give us cross-server PvP so at least I don't have to tolerate being on the losing side so much that when it drops me from a win I don't want to rage at every person developing this game.

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I feel like you're using an issue that was fixed a long time ago to mask your complaint about no cross server pvp.


What issue was fixed long ago? I literally have a random closing of my client every time I play.


I am seriously to the point of rolling PvP on republic side on Harbinger part of the time now just because between the faction imbalance and my crappy luck with my drop tonight during a winning match (mind you a partial pre-made was the other pub team rolling tonight and demolishing us every other game, not even close to competitive) has me to the point of not even wanting to PvP anymore.


I am mostly just whining cause it's gotten to me so bad tonight but still...cross-server pve and pvp queues should be the highest priority imop. And fixing whatever the hell causes these random crashes of the client that I have literally had since beta.

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What issue was fixed long ago? I literally have a random closing of my client every time I play.


I am seriously to the point of rolling PvP on republic side on Harbinger part of the time now just because between the faction imbalance and my crappy luck with my drop tonight during a winning match (mind you a partial pre-made was the other pub team rolling tonight and demolishing us every other game, not even close to competitive) has me to the point of not even wanting to PvP anymore.


I am mostly just whining cause it's gotten to me so bad tonight but still...cross-server pve and pvp queues should be the highest priority imop. And fixing whatever the hell causes these random crashes of the client that I have literally had since beta.


Sorry that your having this issue, but it sounds like it's on your end, perhaps some software conflict. I say this because not only have I never had this, but I've only heard of a few who have, and it tends to be either their computer (hardware or software) or their internet connection. Now I can't say for certain that it is one of these things, but the chances are it is.

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IDC i graduated from Harvard law. Do you have any credentials , didn't think so? bye


Someone from Harvard wouldn't type as horribly as you and would at least sound like they have a brain in their head. No one believes you.


Besides, even if you did graduate from Harvard, that is not a 'credential'.

Edited by Icebergy
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IDC i graduated from Harvard law. Do you have any credentials , didn't think so? bye


A Law Degree is not a credential when it comes to mangling the English language, especially since a lawyer can produce a legal document that is completely unreadable, and then claim (with a straight face) that it uses perfectly good english.

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IDC i graduated from Harvard law. Do you have any credentials , didn't think so? bye


Ha ha ha that's the best **** I have heard all week. You also are probably neck deep in vajaj and have to beat the women off you with your elequite speaking and haterific attitude telling all the girls how swtor wronged you and can't get any action tonight because you have taken a stand making multiple accounts so you can reenforce all negativity no matter how contrived. "Sorry ladies, I must go on the offense tonight and fight against the giant beast that wronged me and violated me in a way we cannot speak of".


Now I can really see that vs the other truth of what you really are.

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I don't know what the heck is wrong with this game that it sometimes crashes for no apparent reason, but it's getting old. Happens enough to be annoying. I can cope with it when I'm just doing anything but PvP but I am on the WORST server for Imp PvP and it crashes w/ no error/no rhyme or reason in the ONE GAME of the night that we were going to win (and did win, my buddy was still in it).


Seriously, either fix whatever causes these drops or please for god sakes give us cross-server PvP so at least I don't have to tolerate being on the losing side so much that when it drops me from a win I don't want to rage at every person developing this game.


Well, since the server itself is not crashing, cross-server PvP would do nothing to solve your problem.


I didn't read all of the posts, so not sure if you mentioned what system you're running. Anyway, try updating to the latest graphics drivers. If the problem persists, reinstall the game. If the problem persists, contact customer service, or submit an in-game ticket.

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Sorry that your having this issue, but it sounds like it's on your end, perhaps some software conflict. I say this because not only have I never had this, but I've only heard of a few who have, and it tends to be either their computer (hardware or software) or their internet connection. Now I can't say for certain that it is one of these things, but the chances are it is.


This! Double check your drivers, especially video drivers. Run a couple malware programs to verify your system is "clean" - I suggest spybot search & destroy and lavasoft ad-aware - both free and I use both myself. I bet you find something.

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Sorry that your having this issue, but it sounds like it's on your end, perhaps some software conflict. I say this because not only have I never had this, but I've only heard of a few who have, and it tends to be either their computer (hardware or software) or their internet connection. Now I can't say for certain that it is one of these things, but the chances are it is.


This is the ONLY GAME that has this issue and it's done it since beta and I know other people who have the same issue.


(Edit to sound like less of an A to the qoute person). I don't appreciate when people suggest because they don't have an issue that it doesn't exist. I personally think it is lack of good compatibility to variety of hardware on Bioware's part as this has been an ongoing issue -- see the most recent Radeon issues.


It is the responsibility of a developer to make their game compatible with various hardware, and I really find it hard to believe you NEVER have a random crash. I just had one zoning into a planet for no apparent reason.



To the other attempts at being helpful and suggesting drivers and malware. My PC has had this problem with SWTOR even despite previous wipes and reinstalls of Windows and of course everything else. I run multiple malware programs as I work in telecommunications and have had to help people clean up their god awful machines as part of my job in the past, my drivers are up to date but it has done it before the most recent Nvidia drivers when I had to hold off on driver updates cause it caused my 660 to have issues with some of the other recent drivers.


It does this whether I'm wired or wireless.


It is not my connection dropping or something interfering w/ my connection; the game just crashes to desktop without giving an error or anything.


I'll be upgrading my PC sometime in the next year, interested to see if I still have it with the new hardware configuration as my current one.


Edit: It also has done it with my original video card and my new one I got in August 2012...


Edit: The cross-server PvP comment was more a tangent whine because it's REALLY frustrating to have one of these crashes happen during a rare winning match on my server with imp faction. At least if we had cross-server I'd be winning more often so it would make me want to snap less.

Edited by CabelHarn
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Except for the crashing at the end of Esseles/Black Talon that's been going on since 1.5


Or the crashing / disconnect some people STILL experience, whenever they skip the cutscene with Officer Martos at the beginning of the Foundry. I never had the issue but always try to warn people about it... Some eventually learn about it the hard way.

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The only time I ever crash in the game is during the jump to lightspeed during BP and BT, though there is a workaround for that. If you're crashing constantly, there are probably some software/hardware/driver compatibility issues.


Random crashes, never, except maybe during the first few weeks of the game.

Edited by chuixupu
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This is the ONLY GAME that has this issue and it's done it since beta and I know other people who have the same issue.


(Edit to sound like less of an A to the qoute person). I don't appreciate when people suggest because they don't have an issue that it doesn't exist. I personally think it is lack of good compatibility to variety of hardware on Bioware's part as this has been an ongoing issue -- see the most recent Radeon issues.


Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that your issue didn't exist, merely that it might be a conflict on your computer. Your reply seems to suggest that it might be a hardware conflict, which is unfortunate since this is probably the hardest one to fix.


I don't know enough about this to suggest anything, again I don't mean to offend. Sorry that you are having this issue.

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