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PvP Games are horrible


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Honestly they just are. If you dont have a decent group to play with youll fail most of the time.


You basically get frozen constantly by enemies and pushed back all the time. Its just so OTT the amount of times you get pushed back its unreal.


Some lvl 10 noob killed me and I was level 28, we had the same health and everything, it had nothing to do with how I play, he just managed to somehow damage me alot quicker than I could to him. Completely unbalanced.


PvP at the moment in general is dead, today I killed about 3 people on Tatooine, I was looking around for about 3 hours and only killed those 3 in that space. I could have levelled up twice.


No skill involved, its whoever hits first wins.

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Some lvl 10 noob killed me and I was level 28, we had the same health and everything, it had nothing to do with how I play, he just managed to somehow damage me alot quicker than I could to him. Completely unbalanced.



On that note I recommend that you should cancel your subscription, delete your character, uninstall the game, crack the disks in half and set your PC on fire.

Edited by Hardwear
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If you dont have a decent group to play with youll fail most of the time.


Bad Group = Loss? Since when did this start happening?! Somebody get a Sarlaac Enforcer out here and delete all the good teams characters so the bad teams can win!


it had nothing to do with how I play


You present an interesting dilemma... you are apparently perfect at PvP, yet somebody beat you? Indeed. We need nerfs ASAP. No need for you to try and learn from an experience.


No skill involved, its whoever hits first wins.


You're right. From now on, I'll tell our team that the strategy is to sprint to the other team's side as fast as possible and get the first hit on them so we can wipe them completely and win!



Okay, got all the sarcasm and rudeness out of my system. But seriously, try to organize a group with your guildies so that you actually have communication with your team, and try to learn how to be better from each experience.

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Bad Group = Loss? Since when did this start happening?! Somebody get a Sarlaac Enforcer out here and delete all the good teams characters so the bad teams can win!




You present an interesting dilemma... you are apparently perfect at PvP, yet somebody beat you? Indeed. We need nerfs ASAP. No need for you to try and learn from an experience.




You're right. From now on, I'll tell our team that the strategy is to sprint to the other team's side as fast as possible and get the first hit on them so we can wipe them completely and win!



Okay, got all the sarcasm and rudeness out of my system. But seriously, try to organize a group with your guildies so that you actually have communication with your team, and try to learn how to be better from each experience.


jesus you sound dumber than the OP.

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As a healer in Warfronts I love the games that have been set up, I wish there were more hutt ball arenas and other maps to play on since we can't acutally select the ones we want to play.


The only issue is, the Empire seems to be filled with Inquisitors and Sorcerers :) You can end up being stunned until dead... :( I think some stun Cool Downs should be extended for Warzones and other abilities sped up for classes. :)


However it's the same with all PVP games, one on one I'll never survive, I'm there to keep others alive to do the killing for me despite being able to do a touch of DPS as a scoundrel :)

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The level 10 was better than you, No you cannot steam roll the place anymore. Learn to use your class, My god you have more abilities than others if your 28 , Not to mention i find it hard to believe you only found 3 players while "scouting". Come on mate , Dont rage on the forums its not cool. Merry chirstmas :D
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World of Crowd Control Craft returns


BioWare added tons of crowd control for every class, and the scaling Tenacity (Wintergrasp) buff that equalizes everyone to an extent; because they wanted to cater to casuals who can't figure out how to


- Install voice chat


- Call targets


yea because requiring skill over gear is such a horrible concept >>

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Yeah PvP games are crap at this stage.


1. I died, had to wait in the starter zone for a while... deserter debuff counts down. So then the force field finally disappeared, I got stunned for several seconds right before I could jump down ( lvl 30's and a 41 camped the spawn area, I was lvl 14), was therefore still in the starter zone, and what happened? I got kicked from the pvp game because the deserter debuff went to 0 . :rolleyes:


2. I shoot someone 12 levels above me, he takes around 2k dmg after I fired everything I had with my Commando dmg spec (lvl 18 then). My dmg didn't crit, k he's at least 10 levels higher, right.

He turns towards me and kills me in a few seconds, all crits of 1.5k - 2k dmg.


I'd rather pvp against people around my level.

But unfortunetaly, that option doesn't exist.


Can't say anything about open world pvp, too low level.

Edited by Medjay
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I cant believe so many posts mention PVPing and no one has brought up the excessive amount of CC's this game has with no diminishing returns that are even remotely noticeable. you're all bad.


It's because at least from what I've seen most people don't know how to CC, worst I ever get hit with are stuns and have yet to really get chainstunned to much. That doesn't mean I'm not throwing a stun, interrupting your healer, force lifting that other poorly played Sorcerer and healing the 2 people killing the **** out of your entire team. :p



Basically the game is new, there are a lot of new people to MMOs, and the people in the Warzones are not quite the most skilled players in existence, though there have been a few matches where there was talent on the Sith side and frankly they were some of the closest and most fun matches I've played so far.

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