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Can't modify starfighter loadout when queued for ground warzone?


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Consensus is the 5 ships in your active hanger, and their current loadouts, are what determines your "rating" as to who you get queued with. This is not confirmed though.


EDIT: Oh sorry, I missed the "Ground Zone" part. That was silly. In that case, I have absolutely no idea. :o

Edited by DAMossimo
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Ground and Space PvP seem to share the same queue.


If you've queued up for one, you can not queue for the other. When queued for space pvp, you cannot change your character's talent tree. When queued up for ground pvp, you cannot change your hangar loadouts.


It's awful and I hope they separate them.

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Lets just say, that when you queue up for a battle, what really happens is, "you" jump into your fighter, lift off and start heading to the battlefield. Hard to switch loadouts inbetween flight... :)


But ye in all seriousness, as others have pointed out, its the same as with ground PVP, you cannot "respecc" while queued.

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