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How does RPing with the opposite faction work?


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Is cross faction chat allowed on RP servers? I have a couple characters on this server but rarely play them, and am also guildless. Therefore I have not yet gotten into any RPing. I'm am still a total noob when it comes to RP servers. So If there is no cross faction chat how do you go about roleplaying with the other side? ...or maybe you don't? That would seem like such a waste.
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The other faction, when in their vicinity, can see your /say or your automatic emotes (non custom ones that use /me).

If you are on Nar Shaddaa which allows both factions you can just RP with them using /say and emotes like this:


*Eats soup like she's never eaten soup in her life* "Thanks for the soup, Jedi. I never knew Jedi can make such awesome meals. You're not so bad!"


I hope this helps. I have a craving for soup now.

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RP with the other faction (ON a PvP server such as this) can be risky! Unless you are on Nar Shadaa (Promenade) or Voss (Voss-Ka) you can be attacked mostly anywhere.


My Guild has both Republic and Imperial Players in it, and we RP together often. It works out better for us due to the fact that we are one guild and don't kill each other on sight :p.


Once you are established with the people you are RPIng (Meaning your not going to be murdered on sight for being a Red Dot!) you can RP in the /say channel (As previously mentioned). Remember though, the other faction can't see /emote so be sure to do any in the /say channel!


Hope this helps!

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If you're in the wilds and don't know if someone wants to RP, you can try saying in /say (Want to RP?), or toggle walk mode. Walking can indicate an intent to RP. I've had some fun interactions with people this way, and sometimes due to the RP it ends up in a fight, anyway, which is fine.


I've done this one before... I've gone to a planet with lower level characters, walked up to a cross faction character, stunned them, and started RP'ing. If they RP, I will not kill them if we can justify a reason somehow through RP. If they don't RP, I'll kill them once and move on. RP or Die.

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