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Life Day gear recycled from last year?! LAZY


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You do realize that all of this "stuff" is just digital data stored in a server somewhere right? That alone makes your rant somewhat silly because none of this is tangible goods. Anyway, the overall theme I got from your rant is that you want to remain "special" because you have these digital stuff which few others have and you are pissed over the fact that more people will now have the chance to get it as well. That about sums it up right?


Here's a news flash, BW makes the game to cater to as many players as possible and that is what drives their decision to make certain content/event accessible to everyone, including the recycle of old content. You are not the only one that is sustaining the business known as TOR so no, they are not going to be all that concerned over your need to feel "special". Quite frankly, neither does the rest of the playerbase so you may want to get over yourself one of these days.



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Walmart is selling the same Christmas stuff as they did last year.





LOL. Yep, that's pretty much how ridiculous you sound Rileysoph. The best part is, every single player in the playerbase who follows dev tracker knows it. ;)

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Honestly, who really expected Life Day to be a one-time thing? Honestly?


Holiday stuff in MMOs is not only normal, but expected. If you bought up a bunch of stuff thinking that it'd never come back, that's your bad judgement.


I fully expected to see it come around again and lo, here it is. As expected.


And while they say they won't bring it back next year..guess what...they probably will.

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Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!





Lets not forget that life day was a planned event before you decided to make a cash grab at the last minute with it. I know players who are still pissed about that.

Edited by GhostShaman
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Please to be extending this until the end of January, por favor.


In all seriousness, wow. Snowball fights, ftw


I'd be cool with having snowball fights until the end of winter (for those of us in the northern hemisphere).

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Patch 2.4: 4v4 Warzone Arenas.


Patch 2.5: Space PvP combat.

The majority of the pvp community doesn't like Arenas and quite frankly, we never even asked for it. Most of us r bored of it.


Gsf has been generally received negative feedback, while most of the rest has been mixed. some ppl say it's cool for a short-term period of time, but then grow into tedium, the rest think its clunky and its just Arenas but in space.


The pvp community is still getting shafted.


Yeah, because there isn't a PvP component to the Gree event. :rolleyes:


Plus, PvP just got a present... Galactic Starfighter.



Refer to the pst above. Plus the Gree event was generally negatively received by the PvP community.


Don't believ me ? Go on the pvp forums and signup on pvp servers and ask us. Still getting shafted.

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The majority of the pvp community doesn't like Arenas and quite frankly, we never even asked for it. Most of us r bored of it.


Gsf has been generally received negative feedback, while most of the rest has been mixed. some ppl say it's cool for a short-term period of time, but then grow into tedium, the rest think its clunky and its just Arenas but in space.


The pvp community is still getting shafted.



Refer to the pst above. Plus the Gree event was generally negatively received by the PvP community.


Don't believ me ? Go on the pvp forums and signup on pvp servers and ask us. Still getting shafted.


The majority of players like GSF. Maybe one in ten thousand players are going to post on the forums about something they like, if that. Whereas about one in ten are going to complain about what they don't. Wonder why BW keeps saying they won't do polls for things that matter because people will misjudge the results? You are the definition of that logic.


This is a thread about the life day event. Get your retarded off-topic pvp bull**** out of this thread.

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The majority of the pvp community doesn't like Arenas and quite frankly, we never even asked for it. Most of us r bored of it.


Gsf has been generally received negative feedback, while most of the rest has been mixed. some ppl say it's cool for a short-term period of time, but then grow into tedium, the rest think its clunky and its just Arenas but in space.


The pvp community is still getting shafted.



Refer to the pst above. Plus the Gree event was generally negatively received by the PvP community.


Don't believ me ? Go on the pvp forums and signup on pvp servers and ask us. Still getting shafted.


I don't doubt that SOME people feel that way. On the other hand SOME feel that PvP in this game is fun and is finally getting some much needed attention.


IMO, any FP, OP, WZ, Arena, Daily, Event, etc. gets stale if you focus your play on it too much. That's why we have so many things to do... so we can switch it up and do something different for a bit.


Personally, I like the arenas, btw. Those are what brought me to PvP and I still get excited when I see one pop for me, even though it's kind of rare.


Anyway, long story short, you don't speak for the PvP community. Different people have different tastes and opinions. Try to focus on the things you like and make constructive suggestions for additional features that you would like to see.

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I don't doubt that SOME people feel that way. On the other hand SOME feel that PvP in this game is fun and is finally getting some much needed attention.


IMO, any FP, OP, WZ, Arena, Daily, Event, etc. gets stale if you focus your play on it too much. That's why we have so many things to do... so we can switch it up and do something different for a bit.


Personally, I like the arenas, btw. Those are what brought me to PvP and I still get excited when I see one pop for me, even though it's kind of rare.


Anyway, long story short, you don't speak for the PvP community. Different people have different tastes and opinions. Try to focus on the things you like and make constructive suggestions for additional features that you would like to see.

That is where i stopped reading...

Edited by IStillWantMySWG
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No i just refuse to debate w/ ignorance.


No, you don't want to debate with anyone who has a different opinion from you. If you have shown anything in this thread (as well as that deleted TOR mediocrity thread) it is that you have this sense of superiority where your opinion is absolute and can not be questioned by anyone. It is as if you have a monoplogy on correct opinions. How laughable.


You know, if I wanted to I could sit here all day and point out every single one of your posts where you have blatantly utilized generalizations such as "just about everyone says so and so". By repeatedly utilizing such logical fallacies you have essentially broken the very first rule of any debate but I digress. Secondly, maybe people in your circle agrees with your opinions but have you ever heard of anecdotal evidence? If you can claim that everyone you know hates GSF then my own personal experience of having many guildies who are actually enjoying it would be equally valid. If anything my own experience could technically trumps yours considering the guild I belong to is one of the largest (if not the largest one) on Shadowland, numerically speaking of course.


I am curious about one thing though. Just where do you get your sense of superiority from? Are you particularly successful in real life where, you know, things actually matter? Is your *verified* intelligence quotient high enough to be placed in the Mensa society? Are you some globally recognized professional gamer with developers calling round-the-clock to get your take on their projects? Please, all you have is an exaggerated sense of self-importance.


P.S: If you truly want to accuse others of ignorance, you may first want to stop writing like a 9th grader who got a D in English. Now if English was your second language then I wouldn't be so harsh but your style simply fall into the undereducated and lazy category, both of which are defining traits behind that "ignorance" word you are so fond of labeling others as.

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No, you don't want to debate with anyone who has a different opinion from you. If you have shown anything in this thread it is that you have this sense of superiority where your opinion is absolute and can not be questioned by anyone.

No, any1 who says that pvp has been getting some long deserved attention is delusional. Rly says alot about their character.


You know, if I wanted to I could sit here all day and point out every single one of your posts where you have blatantly utilized generalizations such as "just about everyone says so and so". Essentially you have repeatedly violated the very first rule of any debate which is utilizing logical fallacies. However, I won't do that because my gut also tells me that you will just come up with some type of inane retort along the lines of "but it is true because I heard so and so". Maybe in your circle that is the case but have you ever heard of anecdotal evidence? If you can claim that everyone you spoke to hates GSF then my own personal experience of having many guildies who are actually enjoying GSF would be equally valid. If anything my own experience trumps yours considering the guild I belong to is one of the largest (if not the largest one) on Shadowland.

big guilds tend to be filled w/ pve'ers and casuals, your argument is now invalid because casuals haven't ben getting shafted.


I am curious about one thing though. Just where do you get your sense of superiority from? I mean you do write like you have a monoplogy on correct opinions after all. Are you particularly successful in real life where, you know, things actually matter? Is your verified intelligence quotient high enough to be placed in the Mensa society? Are you some globally recognized professional gamer with developers calling round-the-clock to get your take on their projects? Please, all you have is an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

It doesnt matter, this is a gaming forum and as a valued customer I am entitled to post my criticisms.


P.S: If you truly want to accuse others of ignorance, you may first want to stop writing like a 9th grader who got a D in English. Now if English was your second language then I wouldn't be so harsh but your style simply fall into the undereducated and lazy category, both of which are defining traits behind that "ignorance" word you are so fond of labeling others as.

I graduated from Harvard law.

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I hardly feel it's a bad thing to have the same items come back during a holiday period.

I missed the chance to get these items last holiday season so looked forward to their return this year so I can purchase them again, the items will always be valuable for 11 months of the year because new players who were not around during the holiday period will sign up and buy them on the GTN.


New items are not a bad thing but the permanent removal of items which are listed in a collection screen is. Why would a player want to sign up to a game where he can never complete his collections because he was unlucky enough to sign up a month late.


Maybe I am wrong with how I feel but it seems that never bringing these items (or others from the Cartel Market) back in the future isn't a great way to make people want to join the game. I feel the same about the mini-pets which you can only obtain via buying Cartel Coins from Amazon.com, a site which wont let most people outside the US purchase form making it US only items.

There will always be ultra-rares, exclusives and limited editions in MMORPGs ... it's an attraction of the genre. Some are significant to the masses while some are significant only to collectors. I kind of agree with the op in that limited edition becomes less of a limited edition, and ultimately a disappointment, if it keeps being reintroduced. A childhood collecting football trading cards taught me that.


But in the same breath, Eric has a very valid point with regard to the Collections system not being available last season. That's a core infrastructure consideration. What this simply does is allow players who can now use the Collections system the ability to use it for Life Day items. It also allows collectors who are willing to spend the CCs the ability to purchase Life Day items and sit on them for future GTN sales. Maybe they'll have a new and different bundle for next year.


That fact that they are being officially "retired" after this season is welcome news though. Unbeknownst to her, I bought my wife a Life Day bundle for Christmas that I am going to have to impatiently sit on for a couple of weeks.

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No, any1 who says that pvp has been getting some long deserved attention is delusional. Rly says alot about their character.


Calling others delusional and ignorant for expressing their opinions speak volumes about your character. Whether you like it or not, the FACT is BW HAS added PVP content to the game. Whether someone likes that content or believe it to be adaquete is another story entirely (which falls into the opinion category) but PVP still received "attention" none-the-less.





1. notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.


BW must have *taken notice* of the PVP aspect of TOR when they chose to implement Arena and GSF, correct? It would be rather difficult for a developer to implement something without looking at the existing content first.


You need to understand that your personal misgivings can not be misconstrued into facts in any shape or form


big guilds tend to be filled w/ pve'ers and casuals, your argument is now invalid because casuals haven't ben getting shafted.


So you are now in the business of defining my guild for me? Would you also like to critique my guild's structure and how our events/ops calender should be run as well? Honestly this is priceless. In my original post I pointed out how you are prone to making generalized claims and what did you respond with? Yet another generalized claim. *Shakes head*


It doesnt matter, this is a gaming forum and as a valued customer I am entitled to post my criticisms.


Yet you certainly do not refrain from criticizing other "valued customers" as if they aren't entitled to their opinions or their opinion is worth less than yours. Is your money more valuable than others? Did you dip your hundred dollar bills in 24 carat gold or something? Are you even remotely aware of the term... hypocrisy?


I graduated from Harvard law.


Yet you type like you graduated from Harvard communtiy college. In all seriousness, if you are trying to impress me with your pedigree then you have failed miserably. I actually know for a fact that Harvard accepts a lot of otherwise subpar students due to family donations and alumni connections. Their law school is particularly notorious for that kind of *special* admission rules. Try again.


For a law school graduate, you are quite poor at the art of making an argument. Makes me wonder if you even passed your bar.

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Calling others delusional and ignorant for expressing their opinions speak volumes about your character. Whether you like it or not, the FACT is BW HAS added PVP content to the game. Whether someone likes that content or believe it to be adaquete is another story entirely (which falls into the opinion categry) but PVP still received "attention" none-the-less.





1. notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.


BW must have *taken notice* of the PVP aspect of TOR when they chose to implement Arena and GSF, correct? It would be rather difficult for a developer to implement something without looking at the existing content first.


You need to understand that your personal misgivings can not be misconstrued into facts in any shape or form

I kno wat attention means tyvm. I graduated from Harvard law. Oh and if u were as intelligent as ur trying to make yourself appear tobe, EAware has removed more pvp systems than actually added. Yes its fact theyve added onto pvp, but we've been getting shafted more and more and now our player-base is on life support due to their incompetence.


So you are now in the business of defining my guild for me? Would you also like to critique my guild's structure and how our events/ops calender should be run as well? Honestly this is priceless. In my original post I pointed out how you are prone to making generalized claims and what did you respond with? Yet another generalized claim. *Shakes head*

Yea pvp guilds are not even the closest at being even one of the biggest guild. Ranked wzs were removed so try again.


Yet you certainly do not refrain from criticizing other "valued customers" as if they aren't entitled to their opinions. Is your money more valuable than other people's? Are you even remotely aware of the term... hypocrisy?

Something many defenders here are prone to displaying


Yet you type like your graduated from Harvard communtiy college. In all seriousness, if you are trying to impress me with your pedigree then you have failed miserably. I actually know for a fact that Harvard accepts a lot of otherwise subpar students due to donations and alumni connections and their law school is particularly notorious for that. Try again.


For a law school graduate, you are quite poor at the art of making an argument.

Idc if i am or if im not impressing u. I'm not trying to impress any1 here. I'm just a professional analyst in the mmo industry giving my critiques. Don't liek them? Well l2ignore_function.

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