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Life Day gear recycled from last year?! LAZY


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Clearly you didn't read the small print. You are mocking me for wanting to be unique? I get my entertainment out of being unique. I wouldn't mock people who want to be boring and unoriginal, like you.


And again, I was expecting another "dont like it dont play it" response from people like you.


Unique items should cost a lot of money. Like the spectral tiger from wow usually costing around 500-1000 or Tyrael Hilt that sells for over 1k on ebay. Actually, you find that the more unique or exclusive an items is the more expensive it will cost. That's why you don't see a Ferrari every day. BW should add an item that cost hundreds of dollars.


As for Life of Day returning, big deal. Every company that has Holiday events that are tied to the cash shop always bring the event back each year. Usually, they add a few new items, but they some times don't.

Edited by Knockerz
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Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!




I'll hold you to that Eric next year Eric! God have mercy on your soul if I see you at Gamescom Cantina tour 2015!

Edited by Taratahi
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There should have been a small difference from last year's items imo. Both sides have valid arguments and I know what it's like spending hundreds of dollars and millions of credits chasing "unique" items only to see the market flooded with them again. What can you do in the end though? Can't please everyone.
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A few weeks ago life day stuff from last year were selling on the GTN for millions because they were SUPER RARE and UNOBTAINABLE and the people who had them could show everyone that they were there, that they were in the game since that time, that they participated in the event.

Well, there's a big difference between being listed on the GTN for a price and selling for that price. I see ridiculous prices listed all the time. I had some of that Life Day stuff and sold it and I had to re-list it over and over to get a decent sale price on it as it wasn't really in demand all that much. I've seen people listing that butt ugly snowblower mount for millions on the GTN. Doesn't mean people were actually paying millions for it. I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than have that ugly mount, even for free. I don't remember BW ever saying that the Life Day stuff would be permanently retired....just like the packs aren't permanently retired. I expected this stuff would be returning for the holidays....just like the Gold Scalene armor returns periodically....just like cartel packs return periodically. So that's why I sold extra Life Day stuff before they announced any return of that stuff to the CM.


Frankly, no one really cares whether you played the game in Dec. of 2012 and were in the game since that time and purchased any Life Day stuff back then. If you dress up in your Life Day Robes and circle the Fleet on that snowblower thinking that people are jealous or envious of you then I weep for you, lol. By the way, you basically disproved your own argument because the stuff can be bought and sold on the GTN. So someone could have started playing the game 2 weeks ago and bought this stuff on the GTN even though they weren't around last December. Bound gear/rewards earned through an event are different than gear/loot which can be traded and sold. People don't have to do anything to "earn" that stuff. It's just bought.

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Because I felt unique in game when I had stuff that people could no longer obtain. I get some of my entertainment out of being unique, showing off my equipment etc...thats how it's reduced my fun. I don't want to be boring and unoriginal like you. I role play a lot and for me this has kinda ruined my experience


Sounds like the real-world considerations of whether other players can buy gear or obtain gear from the game jumps the world of roleplaying. I don't RP, but seems like that would break the rules. If somehow Life Day ties into your roleplay....which I highly doubt....then it should only ruin your fun 1 day out of every 3 years since Life Day was only celebrated once every 3 years during this timeframe in the SW universe. Well, unless your RP is that your character celebrates Life Day year round....sort of like people who leave their Xmas lights up all year. Maybe your RP is your character being an obnoxious show-off who trolls the Fleet trying to brag about his/her "unique" gear. Regardless, if your "fun" revolves around showing off your equipment and you seriously think that anyone else cares about your Life Day gear, then you have quite a wild imagination and I'm sure you can creatively find a way to work all this into your RP, lol.

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And i'm expecting a lot of replies which say "special snowflake" obviously those people have never experienced what it's like to be unique before and would prefer to be boring and unoriginal.


It's a bit irritating that, by now, you're the odd one out in quest ot social gear ;)

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However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!




D: Wait! wait! wait! are you saying that this year's life day's items are not going to return anymore after this christmas?

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I am rarely opposed to decisions you make but this time I agree with the guys that was an irresponsible act. I understand your reasons for adding them back but there are much bigger reason not to.

You have to realize there is an economy in game on which many depends and study carefully and base their decisions on. I for one, bought many items with CC I didn't need as an investment, I also kept those super rare items for the longest time, even thru financial problems with credits, just to keep their value growing, when I could've made an easy 20mil, it Is now worth next to nothing, and people in the future will bank on the fact that items will be back.

Crafting is already dead, now this.

When u do what u did, people lose faith in the system and the economy, no point in spending cc on unique items if they won't be unique, you devaluated my nest egg drastically. Think about all the repercussions, I will spare you the 3 pages of impact something like this has.

I am really disappointed and quite angered by your lack of tact.




Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!



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You people aren't getting it. THIS THREAD CAME BACK FROM THE VOID!




Wonder if it will get deleted...again?


the "my God have mercy on your soul" was a bit much and probably borderline threatening...


There are things worthy of complaining about..there are things not worthy of complaining about..there are things complained about simply to complain about something. Funny, some stations ALWAYS play the same TV show 24hours a day during this season (we all know what show and probably which station(s))....Problem is, we simply just turn it off.


People complain about free items, people complain there isn't anything done for <insert holiday/event etc.>. IF something is done, they complain about what was given...


I really feel sorry for gift givers in this society...Where Christmas ALWAYS comes with a list. Whatever happened to being thankful for what you get, what you have, and appreciate what others do for you?

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Wonder if it will get deleted...again?


the "my God have mercy on your soul" was a bit much and probably borderline threatening...


There are things worthy of complaining about..there are things not worthy of complaining about..there are things complained about simply to complain about something. Funny, some stations ALWAYS play the same TV show 24hours a day during this season (we all know what show and probably which station(s))....Problem is, we simply just turn it off.


People complain about free items, people complain there isn't anything done for <insert holiday/event etc.>. IF something is done, they complain about what was given...


I really feel sorry for gift givers in this society...Where Christmas ALWAYS comes with a list. Whatever happened to being thankful for what you get, what you have, and appreciate what others do for you?


This whole thing was a either a brute force troll, which worked because he got THE moderator to comment on it, or it's one of the worst cases of entitlement I've ever seen. Anyone who doesn't expect holiday items to show up every year is dumber than a box of rocks.

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This whole thing was a either a brute force troll, which worked because he got THE moderator to comment on it, or it's one of the worst cases of entitlement I've ever seen. Anyone who doesn't expect holiday items to show up every year is dumber than a box of rocks.


no offense to rocks....

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This whole thing was a either a brute force troll, which worked because he got THE moderator to comment on it, or it's one of the worst cases of entitlement I've ever seen. Anyone who doesn't expect holiday items to show up every year is dumber than a box of rocks.


I fully agree to that.


This is Eliticism at its purest form : Sopmeone expects to be able to have super-duper-rare items no-one else has - just for feeling more Exclusive, more Elite and more Superior over everyone else !


This is like ... Someone glueing posters everywhere within the town that he or she has just bought the super-rariest of all rare items within town - and doesn't anyone else to have something even remotely similar !


Call me a Commie of you want to - but this kind of behaviour is something I just don't like. Because it is a clear and forceful destruction of a thing called "humbleness".

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Because you can't comprehend the fact people ROLE PLAY. Go look up what role playing is.





Source that no one cares? Thanks




From your tone i can tell you are very boring and unoriginal.


This guy clearly has an incredibly over-inflated opinion of himself.


Life day is a lore 'holiday' which takes place every year. You want to talk roleplay? How's this for roleplaying: Bringing back the same items would make more sense than having new ones for the same holiday.


Deal with it.

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Ah, sheesh. I can remember various holiday events in other MMO's, that I literally waited a full year to come back again, cause I knew they'd have some specific items that I might nab the second (or third) time around. I'm not even vaguely concerned to see the same stuff from last year, all over again. Even if I'd love to see some new stuffs, too.


I really do want a Red-Nosed Tauntaun, sigh.

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Seriously though BW, I think instead of putting all these nifty clickies and whatnot onto the CM you should make very detailed quests for them, similiar to and even longer than the HK quest and not a rep grind and buy. Sorry OP but this would mean the items would most likely be BoP and ruin the 'credit grab' but you'd still have the items to show off or utilize. Plus, adding permanent quests like these regularly will make for a more emersive game and in the long run make new players feel like there are infinite things to do.
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The yellow text to us, is nothing but a pack of lies. He reassures with one sentence, but takes it back with the other, to cover his *****$ so that they can basically do as they like.


Next year they'll tell us there was in influx of new people who didn't get to buy the Life Day Items so they're bringing them back for a 3rd year.


I think people need to learn the difference between Limited Time Only and Limited Edition. Limited Time Only means they're only on sale for a short while. Limited Edition means, only x number are made, and ever will be made, and once they're gone that's it. Those cash shop items will never be Limited Edition, because they plan on squeezing every last buck and credit from our hides as they can.


My solution? Don't buy the ugly *****ed recycled junk. That speeder is butt fugly...it looks like a snowblower that ate a gob or Christmas lights. Who would even want that?

Edited by Lunafox
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My solution? Don't buy the ugly *****ed recycled junk. That speeder is butt fugly...it looks like a snowblower that ate a gob or Christmas lights. Who would even want that?


It's awesome, to drive that thing around in the middle of July, with all those lights flashing and the snow flying out the silly tailpipe! Purely funny! My scoundrel has the most perfect attitude for it, trust me.

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