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Dumb things people do in PVP and why they are dumb


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Unless you are both on voice comm I doubt he knew you were healing him. And if you are you should call out "casting heal on <name>"


I think what he meant by that one is going inside the bunker while there is still a huge fight going on. It does no one any good because 1) you are AoE bait 2) you leap/smash bait 3) you are not fooling anyone or being clever trying to cap right next to it, everyone can see you and ... read 1 again 4) you LoS any heals that are coming from a healer on the side. 5) you will have more success range capping somewhere on the edge closest to your side (at least I always do).

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Just because someone typed that doesn't mean you have to follow. Feel free to come up with your own strategy. Though it's amusing when someone do that when there are no stealth in the team.


If you're attacking, you want to run down the middle and then attack the side that has the lowest amount of visible defenders. If you're defending, you want to jump down to that second platform and stay there until you can see which side most visible attackers are heading toward. Obviously you can't account for stealthers, so you have to make a judgment call.



Appropriate against a solo stealth defender.


Nope. If the defender is an operative, you'll just get hit by grenades every few seconds. If the defender is an assassin, you'll quickly be made aware of the one use lacerate has in the entire game. :D Instead failing to double capture the door, why not put your time toward killing that single defender?


It's a free medal! Also considering the totally made up score of 590(730) - 565(820). Getting an orb is obviously the better option than going for 2 cap.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I prioritize doing the best I can to win, even when the situation looks bad.


Unless you are both on voice comm I doubt he knew you were healing him. And if you are you should call out "casting heal on <name>"


If they have fly text on, they knew who was healing them. My name is constantly shoved into their faces in big green text.

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If you're attacking, you want to run down the middle and then attack the side that has the lowest amount of visible defenders. If you're defending, you want to jump down to that second platform and stay there until you can see which side most visible attackers are heading toward. Obviously you can't account for stealthers, so you have to make a judgment call.


So like I wrote, you don't have to listen to what someone else suggested.


Nope. If the defender is an operative, you'll just get hit by grenades every few seconds. If the defender is an assassin, you'll quickly be made aware of the one use lacerate has in the entire game. :D Instead failing to double capture the door, why not put your time toward killing that single defender?


Err, then he unstealthed himself, which means you can actually attack now; double capping is to force him out of stealth.


If they have fly text on, they knew who was healing them. My name is constantly shoved into their faces in big green text.


Nobody's going to pay attention to that flytext in the middle of a large fight, how would he know you haven't switched to someone else?

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I'll add a pet peeve, which is inefficient use of the map medpacs.


When I'm solo guarding East/West in Novare and someone on their way to the opposite turret eats the medpac with full health. ***. They eat it because they think it helps the opposing team more than us, but it really doesn't when I'm solo guarding. That medpac is my safety net if more than 1 stealther or smuggled group plans a surprise attack. There's a reason my phasewalk is set up right next to it.


Or on defense in Voidstar, the first thing some defenders do is eat the medpac with full health. ***. That medpac helps you more than the attacking team. Worst case scenario for an attacker when he's low and it's not available is he gets killed and respawns immediately. Worst case scenario for a defender is he gets killed and gets stuck behind a door with 4 ticks.


Lastly, eating the medpac with near full health when I'm about to get it at low health. I will say, in a recent Voidstar, a teammate was about to do this with 80% health, and stopped, and let me take the medpac at 30%. I gave him an MVP for the heads up play and being aware of what's going on around him.

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So like I wrote, you don't have to listen to what someone else suggested.


And I don't. However this bad advice means 1) he doesn't know what he's doing, and 2) he's trying to lead other people who don't know what they're doing. It can have a negative impact on a PUG team.


Err, then he unstealthed himself, which means you can actually attack now; double capping is to force him out of stealth.


He'll unstealth himself after your resolve bar is maxed out. Until then he'll sleep one of you, and then sleep the other one when the bomb is just almost planted. It's a terrible strategy in a match type all about completing objectives in the fastest amount of time. You've invited that stealther to waste the time of two attackers. You've faced a net loss.


When it's your turn to sleep, the other guy is slowly planting the bomb and his resolve metre is going down, meaning he can take more darts before hitting max resolve. Why would you even play like this when it's so easy for one person to guard and the other to plan the bomb? If he comes into dart range to stop the bomber, just hit him. It's even worse when you consider that if one of you uses stunbreak, you can plant the bomb and another sleep dart so soon will probably cause one of you to hit max resolve. Then he will come out of stealth to fight for a bit before cloaking out and starting all over again. Using stunbreak makes you a nice target for whirlwind though, so you lose either way. And of course your entire game plan hinges on that stealther just playing with you forever instead of calling for help to kill both of you. Why would you ever spend minutes of your attacking round playing sleeping games with a stealther? Don't try to tell me that you're wasting his time either. You're not. He's a defender. If you weren't there, he would still be at that door, defending it. You only wasted your own time.


Like I said before, you wasted precious time in a match type all about preserving time. Now instead of allowing that stealther to have fun at your expense, both of you could have added two extra attackers to put pressure on the other door.


Nobody's going to pay attention to that flytext in the middle of a large fight, how would he know you haven't switched to someone else?


Some people will! Responsible people who are team players.

Edited by HaoZhao
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And I don't. However this bad advice means 1) he doesn't know what he's doing, and 2) he's trying to lead other people who don't know what they're doing. It can have a negative impact on a PUG team.


If you think you know better then you need to pipe up.


He'll unstealth himself after your resolve bar is maxed out. Until then he'll sleep one of you, and then sleep the other one when the bomb is just almost planted. It's a terrible strategy in a match type all about completing objectives in the fastest amount of time. You've invited that stealther to waste the time of two attackers. You've faced a net loss.


As opposed to what? One guy caps and the other one watches? Are they union?


When it's your turn to sleep, the other guy is slowly planting the bomb and his resolve metre is going down, meaning he can take more darts before hitting max resolve.


Won't go down far enough. Dart=800 resolve, it had to drain to 175 for the 2nd dart to not give you a white bar.


Why would you even play like this when it's so easy for one person to guard and the other to plan the bomb? If he comes into dart range to stop the bomber, just hit him.


Did you forget he's stealthed?


It's even worse when you consider that if one of you uses stunbreak, you can plant the bomb and another sleep dart so soon will probably cause one of you to hit max resolve.


So don't use stun breaker if you aren't white barred.


Then he will come out of stealth to fight for a bit before cloaking out and starting all over again. Using stunbreak makes you a nice target for whirlwind though, so you lose either way.


You can cc him and cap when he pops out.


And of course your entire game plan hinges on that stealther just playing with you forever instead of calling for help to kill both of you. Why would you ever spend minutes of your attacking round playing sleeping games with a stealther?


So if we know a stealther is guarding a node we should just give it up for good? If the other team had 2 stealthers guarding 2 nodes in CW I should just chalk that game up as a loss, right?

Edited by anwg
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You don't know who the squishiest guy is, though. That's the problem if you're not running a premade.


The main problem I see with players is that everyone wants to be the hero and more often than not, they end up being the reason their team lost.

They try to three cap on Alderaan (leaving the other two unprotected), they don't call incomings until they're 20% health, they don't pass in Huttball and, worst of all, they fail to realize that warzones are about getting the objective not topping the DPS chart. I couldn't care less if someone's DPS is 2mil, if they failed to guard a node by being lured away from it and fighting in the middle of nowhere.


Warzones are not about mindlessly bashing buttons to kill the enemy first with complete disregard for your surroundings - that's what Arenas are for.


You hit that one on the nose. PASSING in Huttball. Holy crap! lol I guess we've all been that guy once though. Took me and a buddy a while to figure out how the orbs work. I like this thread though, keeps people in the know and on their toes if they read it.

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You nailed the CW one, it's probably my biggest pet peeve in the game at the moment. It also applies to Novare to some sense although it's not as critical there since you can actually turn that warzone, you just have to spend 5 minutes convincing them that a three-split is a bad idea first.

So that's the reason I think its better to not have any stealthers at all on my team, give or take ops heals. I rather be forced to have a non-stealther guard home-node than to have a stealther potentially screw up the entire game. The ones who can actually play the role are so few and far apart that you will know them by name, with everyone els you'd be better off without them.


Please send more single cappers to your nodes - Please continue to leave only one guard (AHG is a 6sec cap, a double stun in CW and u will lose that node)


With this said I would say OP got about 75% right, I would add, apart from the above which is the dream scenario for every seasoned SWToR team(evenPUGS) to face when they countercap, one more thing and we would cover about 85% - Rotation

Edited by t-darko
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I think what he meant by that one is going inside the bunker while there is still a huge fight going on. It does no one any good because 1) you are AoE bait 2) you leap/smash bait 3) you are not fooling anyone or being clever trying to cap right next to it, everyone can see you and ... read 1 again 4) you LoS any heals that are coming from a healer on the side. 5) you will have more success range capping somewhere on the edge closest to your side (at least I always do).


Wait, what? We are talking PUGs right? Are you playing the same PUGs I play? Well, probably not actually. :D But, really, I've had plenty of matches where the enemy is so sure of themselves that they are fighting "off the bunker". I go into the bunker while in blackout, then unstealth & cap. The enemy is so intent on that fighting, that they fail to noticed they are losing the node.


I've also had plenty of matches where MY team is full of, <ahem>attention challenged<ahem> individuals, and it feels like I'm the only one there who is watching for counter-caps, while every one else is chasing kills all over the map. I've lost count of the number of CW's where I'll stand around mid, watching the node, while the rest of my team has all run up to their spawn spot to "farm" them. And then I have to constantly stop enemy players coming from behind and call my team back to defend. It's like they don't realize there are TWO ways to get to mid. (Yes, I know that some people who run up there are keeping an eye back on the node too, but most don't bother.)


I'd say try it once if it looks like it might work. You never know when the other side is just not paying attention. However, if you see that even one or two of their side *IS* paying attention and stops you, well then be smart enough to not try it over and over and over again. You should say to yourself, "oh, I guess they are watching for that trick, better go try something else!" - and then go try something else.

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Wow dude you put the hammer to the nail man. I hate bads that don't do 1/7/0 in civil war unless it is someone that I know, that is a good stealther. When I am in a premade one of the people in my group guards because it is a waste of time typing and most people don't call until they are about to die. And if you do type then half your team rotates (Over rotating causing major problems in mid) Nice post man hopefully some people read this. They should make this a sticky thread :p
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-Wanting anything other than 1/7/0 at the beginning of a PUG match


1/7/0 is a great way to guarantee a loss against a good team. With so many healers and tanks nowadays, 4 people can stop a cap indefinitely at mid, leaving their team free to get the sides or at least get first tick.

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Wow dude you put the hammer to the nail man. I hate bads that don't do 1/7/0 in civil war :p


Really? This explains so many things ... in so many ways ... and u even call people 'Bads', bet u cry 'why so late call' when the poor sod u send alone get double stunned by the 2 stealthers the other team send against your 1. Been doing this long have we ....?

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Today I was in a pre-made in civil war, we had 2 turrets (snow and mid) and just told the guard to go and have fun by going grass. And someone replied, noooo why would you do that, ... (insert random flame and rage here).

The enemy capped snow and the person said ; "See I told ya !!!" 5 seconds later grass was taken :cool:


We continued doing this, every time the enemy was capable of capping one of our turrets and had an easy win.


Nobody wants to "toilet guard" right ?

Edited by Jorojus
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Today I was in a pre-made in civil war, we had 2 turrets (snow and mid) and just told the guard to go and have fun by going grass. And someone replied, noooo why would you do that, ... (insert random flame and rage here).

The enemy capped snow and the person said ; "See I told ya !!!" 5 seconds later grass was taken :cool:


We continued doing this, every time the enemy was capable of capping one of our turrets and had an easy win.


Nobody wants to "toilet guard" right ?

Still does sound like an unnecessary risk though. In case only one person came to snow, you two could've taken care of that. However, I have seen you play and I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and trust you know what you were doing.

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-Mindlessly attacking that healer who is being guarded and is also protected by another healer.


In my opinion the best way to deal with guarded healers or strong healing tandems is to have your ranged dps set the healer(s) as the Focus Target and use the Focus Target modifier to regularly interrupt casts as needed. Doing this allows you to attack unguarded or vulnerable enemies and exert pressure on the healers at the same time. Limiting overall healing output is almost as good as killing the healers outright. You'll also find that you attract a lot less attention from enemy dps when you're just throwing out an interrupt every 12s than you would if you were to attack the healer outright.


If you can't kill, suppress.

Edited by Plicitous
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