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The controls are atrocious! Add roll up/down and toggle for disable mouse navigation.


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And that is why I laugh at majority of those who want joystick support.


I applaud your honesty at claiming you only want a joystick for a preferred playstyle. Majority of the people arguing for it including the OP try to convince me that it'll be more "real" and/or Joysticks dominate over keyboard/mouse.


I laugh at people who claim the keyboard/mouse is better too. You recognize there is no difference and for that you have my respect.


As outlined in your quote, they would have to intergrete the support for the Joystick in such a manner in that it's done well. This of course means that which ever comes first, needs to be done CORRECTLY before the other will do as well.


If the controls really do suck as the OP claims. A Joystick will not improve the experience. It will suck just as terribly.


I have already explained to the OP the proper maneuvering. Focus on using Pitch and Roll to angle your aircraft quickly in the direction you need it to be facing and use Yaw for small corrections while attacking. The controls as they are now support this very well. For faster turning do not boost and throttle down for tighter faster turns.


As the game is now they would need a mouse lock feature to to work since with joysticks, you won't get the same turning rate with a floating target recticle. Oh wait... isn't there one somewhere in the Z X C V line of keys? *checks keybinds*


If people knew what they were talking about I wouldn't be laughing so hard at their pleas for joystick support. *snerk* Roll up/down. What is he trying to somersault his ship in place or something?


If more of you were honest in saying you want joystick support because it's a preference and recognize your performance will not improve with one, I for one would care less.


So because I did not use the word "pitch" my argument was invalid? Great logic there... Grow up. You knew what I meant, but weren't able to be mature enough to address the points I made? But I did notice how you've still avoided answering the question of whether a key binding for "pitch" is a silly idea. Of course, this is my best guess at the argument you're trying to make.


I don't believe I ever said that the joystick feels right. But I did say that it is incredibly hard for me to acclimate to because of decades of gaming with traditional joystick controls.


Yes I'm aware that joystick controls are not an easy task because of their analog nature. It would be nice to have that, but what I'm asking for is a key binding for changing nose down and up "pitch" of the craft. I didn't find it. Did I miss it? Seriously, I'll shut the hell up if you can point this out to me.


If the controls really do suck as the OP claims. A Joystick will not improve the experience. It will suck just as terribly.

So let me get this straight, because that statement is illogical. I'm saying (from my own personal experience) that a new/optional control method (for GS) would improve my gaming experience, but you're saying that it won't improve my experience... And you base this on...? The best I can figure for what you're trying to say is "You suck at GS because you're a loser. And you'll always be a loser because you suck"? Your debate skills are truly scary!


Did you seriously just make the argument that preference does not improve performance? So you've never moved a skill button from one bar to another or changed the sensitivity/speed of the mouse? So you'd be just as happy and effective with a 800x600 screen resolution?


Learn to think before you speak. (Yes, both meanings of that last sentence are intended.)

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If I had to steer my Ship with a Joystick/Gamepad, I would probably kill myself.

Seriously, how can anyone take that ancient devices over a gaming-mouse?


Who would be making you use a js? nobody is saying remove keyboard and mouse lol.


Also gamepads and joysticks aren't any more ancient that a mouse, if you cant understand why someone would want to use one then you just don't only experience would change your opinion but why would you come here and complain about something you wouldn't even use?

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Can the joystick people put all their comments into 1 or 2 threads? There's no need for 5 new joystick threads every freaking day. You're all saying the exact same thing.


They'll all go away when they add support. until then I would expect a new one everytime someone tries this game out for the first time and tries to map their js or game pad .

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I can't understand why the people who like the current control scheme feel the need to tell the people who want an alternative one that they are wrong. If using a joystick is inferior, why do you care so much? We'll be easier to kill. How about get off your "learn to play" high horse already.
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Question: What good is a roll/up down button going to do for you in space where there is no up or down.


Half the issues people have with GSF would be solved if people stopped thinking like they are on a flat surface.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Really? I didn't think that was a difficult concept. No matter how you're facing, up is up from the pilot's perspective.


Right, but I see droves of pilots that always orient their ship to their starting orientation. I which point I laugh pick some crazy weird angle to attack from and shoot them out of the sky because they can't pull themselves out of a 2D mindset. These are probably the same people that are trying to navigate by their minimap.


as for the OP rolling on your side and side strafing would be exactly the same as your up/down keys.

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So because I did not use the word "pitch" my argument was invalid?


You'd be surprised how much using correct terminology not only commands more respect but also adds more credibility to your argument. Even a casual pilot would read "Roll up/down" and scratch their head wonder just what the bloody hell you were trying to do as there is no such maneuver.


However even the worst pilots know what "Pitch" is. This is why we have universal terms.


...but what I'm asking for is a key binding for changing Pitch of the craft. I didn't find it. Did I miss it? Seriously, I'll shut the hell up if you can point this out to me.


IF there is one it's under preferences. Look at the bottom you will find a new tab labeled "Starfighter Keybinding" right next to "Key Controls" for the ground game. Chances are it's under movement.


So let me get this straight, because that statement is illogi-


Let me stop you right there.


That statement means the following:


There is no difference between Keyboard/Mouse and Joystick.


If the CONTROLS on one or the other are terrible. The other will be just as terrible.


This in no way reflects the skill of the player. I have excellent reflexes but I do poorly because the ship cannot keep up with me. No amount of stacking components brings the ship to MY STANDARD.


You believe the controls are terrible.


For all we know you could be an excellent pilot if the controls were better.




If Keyboard/Mouse sucks=Joystick sucks.


If Joystick=Best Control then Keyboard/Mouse=Best Control


Therefore if you think that Keyboard/Mouse control is Terribad, you are going to discover that Joystick is just as Terribad.


So you've never moved a skill button from one bar to another or changed the sensitivity/speed of the mouse? So you'd be just as happy and effective with a 800x600 screen resolution?




I learned and conformed to the base standard. Moving skills around to group them doesn't change what they do. I am adaptable. I have survived playing the games as they have meant to be played. The controls of an aircraft don't conform to what I want them to be. I have to adapt to each one.


I'm sure you're asking why then why I want the ships handling to ajust to me when I say I ajust to other standards.


Well we can't always get what we want now can we? Hypocritical of me but then...


...that's just my preference.


Learn to think before you speak. (Yes, both meanings of that last sentence are intended.)


You have much to learn Grasshoppa.

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Well, I also would like to ask BW to add the damn stick already. I can (and actually DO) play GSF with mouse and KB, and for that combo controls are good. But i'll enjoy it a LOT more with 'stick. It'll add a new layer of comfort for me.


P.S. KB+Mouse fans, please stop posting your "learn to play" stuff, absolutely nobody asks to remove your style of controls, we are just asking that devs add controls we are comfortable with :D

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As the game is now they would need a mouse lock feature to to work since with joysticks, you won't get the same turning rate with a floating target recticle. Oh wait... isn't there one somewhere in the Z X C V line of keys? *checks keybinds*
You should try the mouse lock keybind. It doesn't work in any way that is useful. It just locks your ship movement and removes the targeting reticle and HUD so you can move a mouse cursor around the screen to click on ability buttons etc. Your ship movement is locked out of mouse control. Edited by septicbrainfluid
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"I prefer using the KB/mouse, and that is why they shouldn't ever put in js control."


Fantastic argument, I too am all for alienating players for absolutely no reason whatsoever.


If they put in joysticks....


1) JS user will complain that the controls are putting Js at a disadvantage and mass QQ.


2) the JS option will be better and mousers will QQ that they have to buy archaic hardware to be competitive.


There is no way BW can win, ignoring an issue is actually better, because they can atleast definitively say that all players are on equal footing.

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I like it, feels like X-WING, the best starfighter game to date for SW, I remember having to use my whole keyboard in action, that was some game and thinking, here you get 8 buttons max, pfff easy weasy, you'll get used to it, don't worry.


Need to get X-WING back on my harddisk, damn that was a good game

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You should try the mouse lock keybind. It doesn't work in any way that is useful. It just locks your ship movement and removes the targeting reticle and HUD so you can move a mouse cursor around the screen to click on ability buttons etc. Your ship movement is locked out of mouse control.


I never could figure out what that was. Much appreciated.

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I didn't go through the whole thread, so forgive me if someone's already mentioned the same thing. But aside from the strong wording, OP has a good point in advocating alternate mice/keyboard set up for GSF.


I can see how some players would rather not have pitch and yaw linked to mouse and use the mouse for aiming only. This might require some clever rearranging keys to accommodate all six axis's of motion to keyboard, but I think it might be worth the dev's time to look into this.

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