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The controls are atrocious! Add roll up/down and toggle for disable mouse navigation.


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Seriously, mouse only? No joystick support? I hope the devs are embarassed, because the controls are just stupid. I can't stand to pilot that train wreck!


1. Add Joystick support. What annoys me most is that centering the mouse is a pain. If you want to turn fast, you have to turn up your mouse speed, but then that makes basic turning a freaking nightmare!


2. Until then, can we have a hotkey for pitch down and up? Then we could use arrow keys, or anything else, to pilot the ship and just use the mouse to move the targeting reticle. Why would you add a hotkey for roll left/right and not roll forward/back?


3. Add toggle to the effect of, "Mouse can turn ship. This way, I could use my D-Pad to pilot the ship (because of step 2) and the mouse wouldn't throw me off course whenever it hit the edge of the targeting circle.


So you tried to do something different and have the weapons be swivel mounted. Good thinking. But don't forget about the thousands of people who have always used a joystick or D-Pad. Whoever the game designer is for that part needs to be reamed... After flying two games, I decided the navigation was so stupid and frustrating that the rest of the features and hard work means nothing because the lack of control customization pisses me off to no end!

Edited by Graushwein
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The concept is great but they definitely should of went with a more simple mechanict. Its quite a difficult learning curve to control the fighter with your ASWD buttons but still have the fighter pull left, right, up or down with your mouse controlling the reticle.


I understand they felt the need to be different from other Space PvP MMOs out there like STO. But personally Id have preferred to see them take a page from STO and utilized the control mechanic or something similar to that of STO. Which at this point still has the superior Space PvP.


In its current style I feel like it might alienate more players then bring in the potential they thought it would have or at least the potential it would of had with a simpler control mechanic. I dont know how much of it they can change without having to scrap the whole thing or if theyre even willing to think about redesigning the control mechanic. I just hope theyre open to some criticism that could make this a better PvP experience and get more people into it. Understandably though, not everyone is wiling to cross that hump betweeen PvE and PvP and that is unfortunate but just the way MMOs are.

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Seriously, mouse only? No joystick support? I hope the devs are embarassed, because the controls are just stupid. I can't stand to pilot that train wreck!


1. Add Joystick support. What annoys me most is that centering the mouse is a pain. If you want to turn fast, you have to turn up your mouse speed, but then that makes basic turning a freaking nightmare!


2. Until then, can we have a hotkey for roll down and up? Then we could use arrow keys, or anything else, to pilot the ship and just use the mouse to move the targeting reticle. Why would you add a hotkey for roll left/right and not roll forward/back?


3. Add toggle to the effect of, "Mouse can turn ship. This way, I could use my D-Pad to pilot the ship (because of step 2) and the mouse wouldn't throw me off course whenever it hit the edge of the targeting circle.


So you tried to do something different and have the weapons be swivel mounted. Good thinking. But don't forget about the thousands of people who have always used a joystick or D-Pad. Whoever the game designer is for that part needs to be reamed... After flying two games, I decided the navigation was so stupid and frustrating that the rest of the features and hard work means nothing because the lack of control customization pisses me off to no end!


Your whole post is a waste as you obviously don't grasp how it works. You don't need to move the mouse far at all to max out your turn. Which means that centering it is easy. Also joystick isn't required due to the way this works and you would have much worse accuracy with it anyway.

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1. Add Joystick support. What annoys me most is that centering the mouse is a pain. If you want to turn fast, you have to turn up your mouse speed, but then that makes basic turning a freaking nightmare!


2. Until then, can we have a hotkey for roll down and up? Then we could use arrow keys, or anything else, to pilot the ship and just use the mouse to move the targeting reticle. Why would you add a hotkey for roll left/right and not roll forward/back?


3. Add toggle to the effect of, "Mouse can turn ship. This way, I could use my D-Pad to pilot the ship (because of step 2) and the mouse wouldn't throw me off course whenever it hit the edge of the targeting circle.



1) Get over it already. There is no difference between a Joystick and a Keyboard/Mouse set up. Nether has an advantage over the other. If you're having trouble turning take your thumb off the space bar, get your finger off the W key and put it on the S key to SLOW DOWN.


2) The kriff is a roll up/down? Are you trying to Aileron Roll, Barrel Roll, or Loop? There are only three axis on aircraft. X being nose up/down (Pitch), Y which is nose left/right (Yaw), and Z which is the line through the aircraft that rolls it left/right (Roll). If you're trying to strafe then hit the shift key+direction you desire to strafe in.


3) The mouse already turns the ship in the form of Pitch/Yaw control. Now use your roll left/right to add the third axis and maneuver like a true pilot. The ship will go forward unless you stop completely always.


The controls are fine. The base number on the ships turning rate are atrocious and need to be ramped up. WITHOUT the turning thruster component.

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Pitch, as in nose down and nose up. Every flight simulator I've ever played functions like a pilot's stick. Forward goes down, back goes up, and the sides roll the craft. So that is how aerial games have always worked. Now, you add a mouse into the mix, it is the opposite and in conflict. You're used to the mouse going up with forward and down with back, they are opposite. Even if you invert the mouse to compensate, then you got something that looks like a mouse pointer but doesn't act like one. You can try to defend it all you want, but it goes against decades of standards and does not make accomodations for those who want something that the industry has conditioned us to use for decades.
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Pitch, as in nose down and nose up. Every flight simulator I've ever played functions like a pilot's stick. Forward goes down, back goes up, and the sides roll the craft. So that is how aerial games have always worked. Now, you add a mouse into the mix, it is the opposite and in conflict. You're used to the mouse going up with forward and down with back, they are opposite. Even if you invert the mouse to compensate, then you got something that looks like a mouse pointer but doesn't act like one. You can try to defend it all you want, but it goes against decades of standards and does not make accomodations for those who want something that the industry has conditioned us to use for decades.


You cannot fly this game thinking you are substituting a mouse for a joystick, youll die a lot. About the only thing that transfers to this game from flight games is situational awareness. The mouse flies nothing like a stick, when you turn left the ship banks left and pitches up, roll is analog with keyboard keys and the game has no real yaw at all.


You have to relearn flying if youre used to a stick to have a chance in this game as it is now.

Edited by Mallorik
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Seriously, mouse only? No joystick support? I hope the devs are embarassed, because the controls are just stupid. I can't stand to pilot that train wreck!


1. Add Joystick support. What annoys me most is that centering the mouse is a pain. If you want to turn fast, you have to turn up your mouse speed, but then that makes basic turning a freaking nightmare!


2. Until then, can we have a hotkey for pitch down and up? Then we could use arrow keys, or anything else, to pilot the ship and just use the mouse to move the targeting reticle. Why would you add a hotkey for roll left/right and not roll forward/back?


3. Add toggle to the effect of, "Mouse can turn ship. This way, I could use my D-Pad to pilot the ship (because of step 2) and the mouse wouldn't throw me off course whenever it hit the edge of the targeting circle.


So you tried to do something different and have the weapons be swivel mounted. Good thinking. But don't forget about the thousands of people who have always used a joystick or D-Pad. Whoever the game designer is for that part needs to be reamed... After flying two games, I decided the navigation was so stupid and frustrating that the rest of the features and hard work means nothing because the lack of control customization pisses me off to no end!


Stick to your guns, and don't listen to the fanboys telling you it's fine as is.

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The mmo crowd simply don't get it. I've been getting 10+ kills every match. It isn't a matter of the controls being hard they really aren't. I played freelancer quite a lot so it was easy to pick up straight away. Its the fact they just aren't nearly as much fun as similar games with stick control. Lacks the immersion of a game using an appropriate controller.


Those mouse turners claiming they will smoke joystick users. I think you'll find those wanting stick support are the serious gamers who own sticks.

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you see, that's just the thing. I can't configure the controls to work the way I want them to. The configuration possibilities are tiny. I have a d pad and I want to use a mouse. I think that is the best way for me, as an individual, to excel in this game using my previous experience with flight simulators.how freaking hard is it to add a feature to allow the up and down keys to point knows down and up? That is what I'm looking for, ultimately. I can use a left handed d pad and a mouse at the same time. This would allow me to use the d-pad to control the craft like a plane, but also use the mouse to target more effectively at the same time. That is, as long as the mouse did not affect navigation of the craft. All I'm looking for is a few options, and I'm amazed that at least one of these two things is not there.
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everyone plays with the same system, so, fair...



that being said, if you go into your gsf keybindings, you'll find roll and strafe keys. rebind those however you want.


it does not work if you can't use the pitch up and down key binds because they are not there. fair? I'm not sure you know what that means. If we all have access to the same key binds, then it is still fair. it would be unfair if I had access to capabilities that others did not.

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Funny how only keyboard warriors want the controls changed. Notice how they dont say in addition either?


Tell me about it. They only care about a stick so they can "feel like a real pilot".


It's atheistics. The maneuvers haven't changed a bit (and I'm okay with that) and the current controls reflect that.


The fact I'm having to educate people with the terminology is proof enough stick controllers are placebo for them so they can "fly better".

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Tell me about it. They only care about a stick so they can "feel like a real pilot".


It's atheistics. The maneuvers haven't changed a bit (and I'm okay with that) and the current controls reflect that.


The fact I'm having to educate people with the terminology is proof enough stick controllers are placebo for them so they can "fly better".


I think you're on to something. Maybe they have bigger ***** envy.

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So... Anyone going to actually discuss the topic instead of trying to convince others that their perspective is the only one that matters? (I'm not talking to the few that don't fit into this category.)


Seriously, what does it hurt to add new features to the interface that these people defend? It wouldn't thange how they do things, just allow more options. I can't understand why people think that this notion is deserving of (what they think) are insults.


Just because it works for you, doesn't mean it is right for everyone. Especially when it can be augmented with minimal effort.

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Tell me about it. They only care about a stick so they can "feel like a real pilot".


It's atheistics. The maneuvers haven't changed a bit (and I'm okay with that) and the current controls reflect that.


The fact I'm having to educate people with the terminology is proof enough stick controllers are placebo for them so they can "fly better".


For my part I'd like to have (properly done) stick support added along with the current set up. Would using a stick make me a better pilot? In all probability no, I'm doing just fine with the current set up. Would I have more fun using a stick? Assuming they did it well then yes I would enjoy using my stick more.


I'm by no means against have good keyboard support and if that's your cup of tea more power to you. But I would really like (well done) stick/gamepad support added for those of us who prefer it.


Heck make it interesting by having it directly impact gameplay: mouse allows you to utilize your blaster's firing arc at the cost of loosing accuracy as you reach the edge of the arc (as is currently); sticks/pads lock crosshairs at the center, you loose the ability to use your blaster's firing arc but get rewarded with a slight boost to accuracy if/when you are able to maneuver your ship to line up a shot.

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Theres no reason why there shouldnt be multiple control setups for every user. Keyboard/keyboard + mouse/gamepad/joystick etc. All the game has to do is recognise the input and allow the keys to be rebound. It's a fairly simple coding exercise that would take maybe 30 mins to an hour of an interns time. Edited by renegadeimp
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I actually rather like the controls tbh. I just wish that they made the orange mouse indicator brighter and more vibrant when you go outside of your firing arc. I keep making sharp turns and losing track of my mouse... then being stuck in a turn only to end up in a wall because I couldn't re-center it in time.
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....Assuming they did it well then yes I would enjoy using my stick more...



And that is why I laugh at majority of those who want joystick support.


I applaud your honesty at claiming you only want a joystick for a preferred playstyle. Majority of the people arguing for it including the OP try to convince me that it'll be more "real" and/or Joysticks dominate over keyboard/mouse.


I laugh at people who claim the keyboard/mouse is better too. You recognize there is no difference and for that you have my respect.


As outlined in your quote, they would have to intergrete the support for the Joystick in such a manner in that it's done well. This of course means that which ever comes first, needs to be done CORRECTLY before the other will do as well.


If the controls really do suck as the OP claims. A Joystick will not improve the experience. It will suck just as terribly.


I have already explained to the OP the proper maneuvering. Focus on using Pitch and Roll to angle your aircraft quickly in the direction you need it to be facing and use Yaw for small corrections while attacking. The controls as they are now support this very well. For faster turning do not boost and throttle down for tighter faster turns.


As the game is now they would need a mouse lock feature to to work since with joysticks, you won't get the same turning rate with a floating target recticle. Oh wait... isn't there one somewhere in the Z X C V line of keys? *checks keybinds*


If people knew what they were talking about I wouldn't be laughing so hard at their pleas for joystick support. *snerk* Roll up/down. What is he trying to somersault his ship in place or something?


If more of you were honest in saying you want joystick support because it's a preference and recognize your performance will not improve with one, I for one would care less.

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