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Levelled up gunships - nerf time!


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I have to toss in my 2 cents one final time just to inform all of you NERF advocates this:


I was on the PTS and GUESS WHAT?????






Fact of the matter is gunships would have ZERO success if players wouldn't get so caught up on taking revenge on that last scout that blasted em a'la dogfight, allowing the gunship to just sit there picking people off while eating a jelly doughnut and twiddling their thumbs.


Before you cry about gunships, remember, they HAVE BEEN NERFED ALREADY, and you should make your next game's goal to be a gunship destroyer.


Then you will see just how tough they really are.

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I was on the PTS and GUESS WHAT?????






What does that have to do with anything? Things get nerfed because they are overpowered, not because they haven't been nerfed yet.

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Ill tell you what it has to do with anything:


My strikefighter will take out your gunship, my scout will take out your gunship, your gunship is a slug that is as good as dead after it hits me just one time.


Any further questions?


Yeah, you just said you got hit. You're already dead. How do you kill them after that?


Gunships with sufficiently upgraded rail shot and using the shield bypass active one-shot. That's the issue.

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Yeah, you just said you got hit. You're already dead. How do you kill them after that?


Gunships with sufficiently upgraded rail shot and using the shield bypass active one-shot. That's the issue.


You can only one shot a ship if that ship is severely undergeared and unskilled. As a fully upgraded Gunship pilot, trust me on that. If i go up against a similarly geared and skilled player, i dont stand a hope in hell of getting even a 3 shot kill, unless he's afk.

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You can only one shot a ship if that ship is severely undergeared and unskilled. As a fully upgraded Gunship pilot, trust me on that. If i go up against a similarly geared and skilled player, i dont stand a hope in hell of getting even a 3 shot kill, unless he's afk.


Actually, its possible to mathematically kill a scout, regardless of their upgrades , in one shot(and yes there are people out there doing this). Max level railgun does 1144 damage THROUGH shields with shield bypass active up(65% shield piercing), and ignores 100% of DR. A scout with maximum hp has 1140. So one-shot.


On crits you'll one-shot strike fighters no matter their upgrades. And the player still has their shields up when they die in both these circumstances.


2-shots on non-crits against strikes.

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I have never been one shotted by a gunship outside the PTS.


In the PTS gunships totally needed a nerf and they got it, and I think it was done just right because I have NEVER been one shotted by any gunship, EVER on a live server, and these days I sit around in GSF q all day and don't even play my toons anymore.


When I do get hit by a gunship, I have never had a problem flying straight over to it and making a quick meal out of it.


I think the balance is great as is, and I think a 100% fully upgraded gunship should one shot a fresh un-upgraded scout, it's bloody fair considering scouts are the undisputed kings of the sky.


A fully upgraded gunship can't one shot an un-upgraded strike fighter.


Everything seems to be working as intended from where I am sitting.

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A fully buffed gun ship is over powered. Its not a play style I enjoy in a dog fighting flight sim to sit at 15k range and one shot people but having seen it happen time and time again it will force GSF down a certain play style, after all the scout class can't do much when they are one shot 7k before they get in range.


Now I don't find GSF to be overly great and so its not going to effect me too much once the gunships take over not going to hurt me too much. But given the preferred status and free to players haven't even seen GSF their experiences will probably be as bad as people that are currently going up against fully fitted gunships. Which is unlikely to make for a fun experience.

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Yes, yes it can.

1144 damage*1.5 on a crit is 1716 damage, well over the 1450 base hp of a strike fighter. A shield bypass crit will one-shot a strike fighter.


Well on the PTS this was the entire argument that triggered the nerf:

One shot an un-upgraded scout yes, but strikefighter should be a no, so they nerfed the gunship to put it back into line, or so we were to think.


Are you SURE about this, have YOU tested it personally with guildies or just heard it from so many noobers that it rings true?


Because if it IS true, then what the hell did bioware nerf?!?!?!?

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Well on the PTS this was the entire argument that triggered the nerf:

One shot an un-upgraded scout yes, but strikefighter should be a no, so they nerfed the gunship to put it back into line, or so we were to think.


Are you SURE about this, have YOU tested it personally with guildies or just heard it from so many noobers that it rings true?


Because if it IS true, then what the hell did bioware nerf?!?!?!?


I've had it happen to me personally. Its actually how I became aware that the shield bypass active had been re-added to the game.


Also, it one-shots fully upgraded hp buffed scouts on a normal shot(shields irrelevant since we're only talking about the direct hull damage from bypass here).


Its more an issue of shield bypass than their dps really.

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I don't care if they' need a nerf or not... they should be removed from the game and reworkes because its **** ***** ***** ***** ***** d*mned stupid to have 'snipers' in a spaceship game. Especially in what amounts to the closest thing we're gonna get to a modern X-Wing/TIE fighter game.
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I don't care if they' need a nerf or not... they should be removed from the game and reworkes because its **** ***** ***** ***** ***** d*mned stupid to have 'snipers' in a spaceship game. Especially in what amounts to the closest thing we're gonna get to a modern X-Wing/TIE fighter game.


I don't agree at all.



However, this is the real debate- do we have snipers? We do currently, and I really like them. But if we have them, how good should they be?


And here's the problem. In WoW and SWTOR and MOST MMOs, no one is allowed to one shot anyone, and two and three shots are normally considered serious problems. However in a shooter, this is standard, as long as the shots in question aren't autohit and require setup.


It also means that all of the "I have this much armor / I have this much shield" all are thrown away. Instead it's "how many shots to score a kill?". And if something makes that number smaller (because it's a number like 1,2,3, or 4) then it's worth doing, even if it makes you weaker. So that really works against the whole customization mentality, and the whole thing where these are supposed to be a field of values.



I think:


1)- The number of hits to kill should only be 1 if the opponent has done nothing to help themselves- aka, full upgraded gunship versus naked scout.

2)- The number of hits should only be 4 if the shot is breaking their systems somehow.

3)- There should be some give and take betwixt the 2 and the 3 shot things, and if you take a build that offers three-shots, you should get other compensation- easier locking, faster firing, interesting debuffs, something.

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ive become quite good at a gunship, but i play all 3 types to get the best knowledge of each.


i too as a gunship gain many many kills, assists etc, BUT on the occasion theres a player of equal skill stops that.


example, theres a guy that plays a strike fighter and every game he sees me he seems to make his lonly mission in game to kill me, stop me, one game i was left alone getting 30 kills, he showed up, i got 3 kills. for his 12 times he kill me, i killed him 3 times.


the point is think of a gunship like snipers in regular pvp, leave them to free roam they will rip any team apart, focus them 1st they die quick.


gunship balence is great right now, and when i see a gunship i struggle to kill as a gunship i will either get a team mate to distrct him while i slowly move in and kill him, or i swap to a scout or fighter and take them out no problems.

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As queue times go up and fewer and fewer casuals are bothering to play, it naturally happens that the people that fly gunships have them fully outfitted and know what they are doing I find its time to hang up the pilot suit till next month when a new influx of people will be coming into the flight sim.


As it stands the system is not causal player friendly, though I did see a post of someone that played 4 to 8 games and considered himself causal so don't know what someone that plays 1 or 2 games is considered a liability? But this style of game isn't setup well for snipers and with upgrades it becomes even more obvious. The maps don't offer the same sort of cover or restrictions that a standard PvP 'ground' game does.


Who knows if EAware will fix it or if from now on GSF will bring in a new map and lots of paint jobs to be sold in the Cartel market and then forgotten as it never lives up to the hope people had for a real space sim style game.

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Yes gunships snipe hard, yes they hide with dampened scanners, and yes they one hit scouts... also take the first scout you get, put dampening to the max and get the crewman with dampening, fly high above the fight, and look for the signs of gunship, they won't look up since all the fight is going near the satelites down below. You see them? Now feel like the falcon, think like the falcon, be the falcon... hit F1 and drop down on that mo fo blasters blazing unloading your rocket pods screaming "RUN LITTLE PIGGY RUN!!". If you didn't get the kill than they are on the run, and you can chase them, this is your game now, not theirs. Just... try not to run head on when they see you... it's just not your style.
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I found gunships pretty dull to play. Even with an non upgraded gunship, fresh out of the box I got some instakills. I agree with the camp that they kill what otherwise is a great dogfight. Honestly, I dont have much respect for the gunship crew... and what I mean by that are the people that have leveled up their gunships to be virtually untouchable. When I see their names pop up.. all they play are gunships... I have more respect for the Cash Cowboys (people who paid real money to get an edge in), than the gunship firing line. Some of the worst matches I have been in are 2/3 gunships. Where there really isnt any fighting going on... It doesnt matter which side youre on. If they are particularly organized, they will have 3 up front sniping... and 2 in the rear covering the front 3s ***. all thats needed from there are a couple of strike fighters who dont mind only getting credit for holding objectives.


Im no PvP ace by any means... And if I get smoked in a dogfight than I doff my cap to whoever got me.


I dont think the gunships should be 'nerfed' per say, but the game would be more interesting if there were a limit on how many could be fielded at once. Still... when I see the gunship group, I just leave. No fun and no more interest in playing.


Best games, win or lose has always been the big mosh pit. I have lost plenty of games there... but it was fun as hell.

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the point is think of a gunship like snipers in regular pvp, leave them to free roam they will rip any team apart, focus them 1st they die quick.


gunship balence is great right now, and when i see a gunship i struggle to kill as a gunship i will either get a team mate to distrct him while i slowly move in and kill him, or i swap to a scout or fighter and take them out no problems.


Really? Ok, than let's give snipers in ground PvP a one-shot ability and stack 4 of them in the middle of a PvP-map and let's see how "balanced" they are... :rolleyes:

Edited by Sindariel
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1) develop counter-tactics then. Flush them out.... don't just sit around and wait to take it up the keester.


2) Nerfing a ship class =/= appropriate counter-tactic.


Clue: maneuver and evade tactics are both underutilized skills in GS by the masses IMO. Gunship jockeys think they are role playing hull-down tanks... so teach them otherwise.


The keester remark made me lol, nice.

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