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10 Good
  1. Seriously love everything about this little addition except the way they implemented Gunships... THIS IS NOT TO SAY THEY ARE OP ... just fracking stupid. They do not belong in Star Wars, the movies modeled their battlescenes off of WWII aerial battles... not Call of Duty quick scoping. The whole point of Spaceflight is to go ludicrous speed and fly through your enemies debri... and yet there is a whole class of ship who is only doing its job when its SITTING THE FRACK STILL. How pointless is that? Should have just given people the option to be turret gunners on bombers/capitals/sattelites ... also, the FPS genre needs to be eradicated, its ruining the entire gaming industry.
  2. Any kind of 'shooter' Mechanic in what was SUPPOSED to be Free form SPACEFLIGHT is ****** *** D*mned FUBAR.... there is NO fracking way this trash should be in a Star Wars game. Call of Duty Space edition... f*ing lame
  3. I don't care if they' need a nerf or not... they should be removed from the game and reworkes because its **** ***** ***** ***** ***** d*mned stupid to have 'snipers' in a spaceship game. Especially in what amounts to the closest thing we're gonna get to a modern X-Wing/TIE fighter game.
  4. Check your mouse sensitivity or lag. Camera Angle has never once caused me to self destruct... oversensitive mouse controls and overcorrecting is the culprit. Its supposed to be hard, otherwise C3PO wouldn't have freaked out about Han flying INTO the asteroid field. I find the challenge of weaving between the obstacles one of the more fun aspects of the game, especially when the Gunship thinks he can hide from me in a tight space. ....I want a full on asteroid field map, complete with moving and colliding asteroids... that would be awesome... or a map set in the aftermath of a great fleet battle, 5-6 destroyed capital ships with orbiting debri and periodic explosions and venting gas ...
  5. What people seem to be missing is that its not about any ship being 'overpowered' ... its simply the abject FRACKING IGNORANT STUPIDITY of putting in a type of SPACE FIGHTER whose main goal is to stand still... its mother fracking insulting. This is STAR WARS, not Call of Duty... bass turds at EA forgot that apparently. Don't Nerf gunships... make them real spaceships please.
  6. Nerfbat the gun and sensor dampening in exchange for being able to maneuver while firing... This is Star Wars, the idea of sitting still in a Spaceship is just fracking stupid!
  7. Screw any potential balance issues... they just don't make logical sense. Midget deathstars that have to stand still to fire... its just down right stupid. If this was a Star Wars space battle in the movies the Capital ship turbo laser gunners would have a field day. They should have given them a cool down to double the range of whatever laser cannon they had equiped or to fire two primary weapons at the same time.... this space sniper malarky really breaks the immersion of being in a Star Wars style spaceship battle... when was the last time even the Capital ships just hovered... the only thing in the HISTORY of the F*ing Star Wars universe that stopped before it shoots was the Death Star. Gunships need to be entirely rethought, the way they are currently in the game IS. NOT. Star Wars.
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