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Thing that annoys you most about GSF?


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For me, it's satellite humping. A lot of players will get right up on a satellite and fly circles around it, preventing anyone from getting a lock on them.


If you think that's bad, wait till you meet the guy who parks his strike fighter wedged into a corner of the sat structure, being completely covered by it from the back and sides, then sets shields full front and blasts anything that tries to attack him from the front. Bugger's annoying as hell.

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For me, it's satellite humping. A lot of players will get right up on a satellite and fly circles around it, preventing anyone from getting a lock on them. You wont be able to hit them from range as they keep dodging in and out of those solar arrays or structural bits, and up close you cant keep a bead on them for lasers. Also seems like even the friendly turrets cant do much about enemies that close to your satellites.


I also particularly hate the capture point on the space map that has force fields all around it. I guess the devs dont realize how clumsy ship handling is at super close range in confined areas like that.


I do fine in open space dogfighting, or even around larger objects, but man are those confined spots annoying =P


Heh Tenacity, I remember you from the pre-launch forums, 2 force users vs 4 force users debates, what species threads etc... I vaguely remember you had a fondness for the Cathar? :D


I'm one of those annoying people that go satellite humping. You don't really have a choice though when you're trying to capture the point and have someone breathing down your neck.


There are a few things that annoy me with GSF...

- There is little sense of impact to shooting someone/getting shot.

- I'm not very fond of the UI, I feel like it doesn't convey critical info all that well.

- No joystick support/cokpit view (yeah I'm one of that crowd, deal with it :rak_03:)

- Mouse sensitivity seems out of whack - whilst the mouse often flies all over the place, I feel like I'm turning a Star Destroyer rather than a nimble fighter even on my scouts. Upgrading to turning thrusters has partially alleviated this, but it still feels kind of inconsistent.


That been said I'm still enjoying it.

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Max sensor boost vs max sensor dampening means a scout can sense a gunship at 13k. As a gunship can only fire up to 15k, that's not bad.


that's like saying in ground pvp "sure [insert op spec here] cant kill you... as long as you play a geared tank" :rolleyes:

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that's like saying in ground pvp "sure [insert op spec here] cant kill you... as long as you play a geared tank" :rolleyes:


If you're in a gunship, you're sensor dampened, so the other gunship can't see you. If you're in a scout, you'll have long range sensors, so there's only a 2,000 m range where they're effectively invisible. (And again, they GLOW)


If you're in a striker, yes, it sucks. Gunships are hard to spot and hard to evade.

Edited by MCaliban
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For me, it's satellite humping. A lot of players will get right up on a satellite and fly circles around it, preventing anyone from getting a lock on them.


Fly a good distance down below or above the node (whichever they are on) and then fly back towards it, you will get the kills every time as then its just some goon flying circles, then they fly faster circles as they think your behind them XD.


It will work enjoy :)

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That's why I prefer rockets over missiles.


However, another issue with missiles that bugs me is that even when I do get a lock and a solid hit, they barely scratch the target. Missiles and projectile weapons seem fairly useless overall, except when they're being used against me =P

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Gunship spam, that annoys me. It's not the Gunship itself, mind you, it's seeing 6 out of 8 enemies in one. Very frustrating WZ to be in when that happens.


I'm surprised I we haven't seen it yet but I'm calling it now; 'teams of stun locking scout ships causing me to unsub' will be the next shoe to drop. I'm doing my part by using the sab probe more on my scout ships now hehe. The few times I have gotten hit with these, it was very annoying.

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The ammount of "nerf this! nerf that!" and "omg XY is sooo overpoweredz!11233" threads.


LOL really?


there has been one each for strikes and scouts that have fallen out of the first 3 pages rather quickly and a few gunship ones still being posted in... does it really hurts so much :rak_confused:


the ground pvp forum is way more toxic and full of complaining but a couple threads about balance is sooo offensive :mon_rolleyes:

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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Yes, really.

Calling for nerfs before the game is even released for everyone is indeed the thing that annoys me the most about GSF. You may of course have a different opinion.


so then how are people supposed to discuss the balance? just ignore it and stay silent because its only been a week, not to mention a lot of people have been playing since the regulators and pts, and even then there were discussions about ship balance, was that too early too? should bombers have gone live broken because it was too early to tell?

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so then how are people supposed to discuss the balance?

I am totally fine with discussing balance... That can however be done without crying for a nerf... especially when all of the threads so far were started by people who simply had no idea how to play the ship they played. Some even lacked the knowledge of the most basic defense maneuvers... That is no basis to calling another ship overpowered.


Especially since there were nerf-calls for all three ship types, it goes to show that at least one of them must be obviously in the wrong. It cannot possibly be that all ship types are overpowered against the others.


On the good side, the game of GSF does not annoy me at all... that is why the nerf-threads are ranked on the top for me.

Edited by JPryde
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I'm bumping this because I am getting completely fed up with teammates who absolutely refuse to guard satellites.


Just got done with a match where we lost despite having a two-cap early on because nobody stayed at the objectives. We capped A and B no problem, but as soon as we did, virtually our entire team took off for C, which the Imps had taken. That left me and one other person attempting to defend A and B, despite me calling in chat for them to get their asses back there to help defend. While the rest of the team tried and failed to take C, we lost A and B after I got ganked in a 3v1.


To make things worse, we actually managed to take 2 satellites back at one point, at which point I called in chat for everyone to just hold the ones we had and not go for the 3-cap (we weren't far enough behind that a 3-cap was necessary at this point). Of course, nobody listened, and they all took off for the enemy satellite again, with the exact. same. results. It was pathetic. Then, after we lost, the would-be heroes were all like "how did we lose?".


Look, I get that people don't want to just sit around doing nothing the entire match, but here's the thing: if you control two satellites, the enemy has to come to you if they want to win. If they don't try to take one of your satellites, they will lose, so just wait for them to come to you.

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The constant number of low level afkers with the 0-0-0-0 stats who are leveling their characters doing exactly nothing.


Its not that fun playing a 8v6 while 2 players just standing in base.


I noticed this too. I'm sure a few of them are fresh players that are still trying to not crash into the spawn capital ship, but it seems to be a small problem that will snowball eventually. I sat at the start watching the battle for a few minutes and was not afk kicked like in ground warzones. This needs to be fixed soon.

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The thing that annoys me most about GSF is that it was ever made in the first place. It just takes away from the rest of the game. I like pvp where I see a person with legs and arms that I can run over to and start fighting. GSF is little tiny dots that represent people that I may be able to fly to and or shoot from a distance. It takes people out of regular pvp queues and that's why I refuse to play it. I hope it fails miserably.
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The thing that annoys me most about GSF is that it was ever made in the first place. It just takes away from the rest of the game. I like pvp where I see a person with legs and arms that I can run over to and start fighting. GSF is little tiny dots that represent people that I may be able to fly to and or shoot from a distance. It takes people out of regular pvp queues and that's why I refuse to play it. I hope it fails miserably.


Translation. Stop likings what I don't like.


Well I got news for you. All I do is play GSF now. I haven't touched ground PvP in a week.


You'll get over it.



As for annoyances...


They need to reduce the head on and high angle penalty for blaster shots. I have done countless fly bys with another fighter and both of us do zero damage.

Edited by Arkerus
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The thing that annoys me most about GSF is that it was ever made in the first place. It just takes away from the rest of the game. I like pvp where I see a person with legs and arms that I can run over to and start fighting. GSF is little tiny dots that represent people that I may be able to fly to and or shoot from a distance. It takes people out of regular pvp queues and that's why I refuse to play it. I hope it fails miserably.


You like pvp where you can run over and start fighting someone.


I like pvp where player skill means something and I wont get repeatedly stomped by facerolling OP flavor of the month classes.


Cant have everything, I suppose.

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