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Hey all,


Me and a few guildies have noticed a large decline in the amount of groups/people that queue for ranked on this server. For the first few weeks of 2.4, solo queues and grouped queues for ranked pop very quickly. Now, hardly anyone queues. Of course, no one wants to sit in queue for 5 hours. Because of this, most groups just wait until another team wants to queue. However, most groups want to queue at odd times or times that do not fit one another. To actually get ranked popping again, I have created this post for one sole purpose:


Post a schedule of when your guild will be able to queue and I will post/update it on this thread. If you are willing to put a team together and do not wish to post a specific time, please right below a point of contact from you guild to have some point of communication. I will start.



<Shots Fired> / <Vicious>


Times able to Queue:


Fridays after 9pm EST

Saturdays after 9pm EST






We can queue almost anytime! If you are interested in running ranked and see one of our members online, please contact them and ask them to forward the message to myself, Rivik, Eztion, or Skyrodd.



<Sky Wardens>


Times able to Queue:





For point of contact for queueing ranked, please talk to Kordeed or Kördeed.






Times able to Queue:


CONTACT US! We are short a healer most times but will put a team together whenever we can


I don't have a specific schedule yet because our main healer is going to be getting some schedule changes with his work soon so I will post again when I find out more, but currently we will try to put together a team when ever we can. Just whisper Taelord / Warr'machine in game on imp side or look up my republic toons in Credit Shot (typically Cèll or Jeicee, the alt code on that is 138). That is the easiest way to contact me for ranked. Sorry I dont have a solid schedule to give everyone yet, but when / if I do I'll post one up here. Until then we will try to throw together a team as soon as we can if anyone wants to queue.




<Valorous Knights>


Times able to Queue:


We mostly queue after 6 p.m. EST on weekdays. Nearly any time is possible on weekends.



We are a semi-casual guild. I have been trying to get a bunch of people from our guild to queue for Ranked with me, but there's always a problem. Some days we lack a healer, other days a tank. It would be helpful if someone also told me when Ranked is most likely to pop. This morning we spent an hour in queue. No pop. My guildies find it annoying to wait for so long so it's hard to get them to queue for ranked again. If any solo players are looking to make a group for Ranked, contact me in game on Aetios.





<The Imperial Guard>


Times able to Queue:





I will be putting teams together as soon as this semester is over (friday)..






Times able to Queue:


Please Contact Varag, Jek'rudo, Tallån, Jel'ah, Veed, Moltar, or any Zodiac member


Zodiac would like to get involved in Ranked. Many players are on later at night. You can also catch me during the day. You can message me on Varag or Jek'rudo and I can see if we have a team ready to go. You can also message Tallån (a is alt-0229). You can also ask Jel'ah, Veed, Moltar, and anyone else in Zodiac to make a guild announcement to see if anyone is interested. See you on the battlefield!





Please post the times your guilds/teams can queue and who to contact for ranked. Thanks!

Edited by Atof
update for teams
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Oh I forgot to post something here >.> my bad haha, It's finals week so I have been a little busy. As for <Super Dark Side Guild> guild, I don't have a specific schedule yet because our main healer is going to be getting some schedule changes with his work soon so I will post again when I find out more, but currently we will try to put together a team when ever we can. Just whisper Taelord / Warr'machine in game on imp side or look up my republic toons in Credit Shot (typically Cèll or Jeicee, the alt code on that is 138). That is the easiest way to contact me for ranked. Sorry I dont have a solid schedule to give everyone yet, but when / if I do I'll post one up here. Until then we will try to throw together a team as soon as we can if anyone wants to queue.
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I will notify Sky Wardens, although I myself am not sure if I will participate as I am enjoying GSF too much.


GL and I hope someone knocks my juggernaut (Crinntia) off of the best rated jug on server spot. My jug certainly doesn't deserve it lol


EDIT: oh its group ranked. But I will definitely see about getting sky warden's team in, albet we have similar schedule issues as SDSG - all our people like to log in at different times than each other.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Thanks for posting Atul!


I'll ask Kordeed and Connibhar to see when they are available to queue, but every night after 7pm EST works for Sky Wardens (I usually see Kordeed and Conn on at that time, and I'm usually playing an alt). We are almost always willing to do ranked, as long as our guys are online. It'd be nice to see you queue with us again Crinnith, though I know the new space pvp is pretty awesome so I don't blame you for being hooked!

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Would like to hear from some other guilds that do heavy PVP, such as:


<Sithhiker's Guide to the Galaxy>

<The Imperial Guard>


<Night's Radiance>

<Clan Epsis>

<Clan Lulk>


<Coordinating Confusion>

<Knights of Sokan>



<The Guardians>

<System's Commonwealth>

<Wrong Side of Heaven>

<Warzone Junkies>



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In regards to healers. I'd be willing to que in groups when I gear up a little bit more. That way I become less of a liability and more of an asset. ._________. It makes me die a little inside when I get demolished before I can heal anything.
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<Valorous Knights> - We mostly queue after 6 p.m. EST on weekdays. Nearly any time is possible on weekends.


We are a semi-casual guild. I have been trying to get a bunch of people from our guild to queue for Ranked with me, but there's always a problem. Some days we lack a healer, other days a tank. It would be helpful if someone also told me when Ranked is most likely to pop. This morning we spent an hour in queue. No pop. My guildies find it annoying to wait for so long so it's hard to get them to queue for ranked again.


If any solo players are looking to make a group for Ranked, contact me in game on Aetios.

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In regards to healers. I'd be willing to que in groups when I gear up a little bit more. That way I become less of a liability and more of an asset. ._________. It makes me die a little inside when I get demolished before I can heal anything.


When we aren't queuing and you need a tank, let me know. I don't mind!

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Zodiac would like to get involved in Ranked. Many players are on later at night. You can also catch me during the day.


You can message me on Varag or Jek'rudo and I can see if we have a team ready to go.


You can also message Tallån (a is alt-0229). You can also ask Jel'ah, Veed, Moltar, and anyone else in Zodiac to make a guild announcement to see if anyone is interested.


See you on the battlefield!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kind of late on putting us on this thread, but yeah.


<Taking Lives>


Times able to Queue:


Weekdays: after 6pm EST

Fridays after 8pm EST

Saturdays after 8pm EST



Whisper Ja'ango, Flynn'rider, Suura or just search <Taking Lives> on the Imperial Fleet and message any of our players online (as most of us are leveling alts currently, so this would be the most reliable way to get a hold of us). We are trying to do as much ranked as possible, especially on weekends, so don't hesitate to whisper any of our members to set up a ranked team!

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I am genuinely interested in knowing what in the world is with all of these guilds that are trying to "get into ranked" or "train for ranked" doing 8 man premades in regulars.

I mean 8s and 4s are so vastly different, there's no point in blowing off teams that are queuing for ranked to do 8 man premades in regulars.

If you really want to train for ranked without losing rating or whatever. OUTLAWS DEN. Take your 8man, split into 2 groups and practice calling targets and working on strats. That map in the den is VERY similar to one of the arenas already.


I mean, I get it, you don't want to spend all night losing and just getting frustrated. I'm with you there. It's no fun when you feel like you're making no progress.

But come on, if you have no intention of doing ranked just say so. I'm tired of hearing these teams saying "oh yeah we'll queue" and then I see them in 8 man premades in regulars all night.

Just man and woman up and say "We're not good enough to be competitive, our guild just wants to have fun" and be over with it.

People are going to **** talk you either way so just be honest eh?

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