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a question and an idea


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Greetings all,


question: how are you guys flying the missions so far? Are you focusing on flying and leveling 1 ship or are you switching between strike/scout/gunship and trying to master all at the same time? Just wondering.


idea: wouldn't it be cool if we could take on a capital ship? Maybe each faction has a capital ship that has to be defended in a certain time frame?

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I'm treating GSF much like the ground game. I have one "main" ship, and the others are "alts". I primarily just use my Ocula scout (since I was dumb enough to pay for it in the Cartel Market), and for a portion of each match I'll use one of my other ships just for some req's.


I definitely want to see some different types of matches besides point domination maps. Taking down Republic and/or Imp destroyers would be super sweet.

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question: how are you guys flying the missions so far? Are you focusing on flying and leveling 1 ship or are you switching between strike/scout/gunship and trying to master all at the same time? Just wondering.


I use all five of my ships, and if I die I select the ship which is the best counter to the current situation of the match.


idea: wouldn't it be cool if we could take on a capital ship? Maybe each faction has a capital ship that has to be defended in a certain time frame?


The AI in which bioware has designed aren't worked as intended. Expect a wider variety of content for space when they figure it out in the hopefully not too distant future.

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I use all five of my ships, and if I die I select the ship which is the best counter to the current situation of the match.




How is daily requisition bonus working then? Since I just stick to one ship from start to the end rofl. How much time do you have to play to get it, do you need to end the fight on that ship or?

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How is daily requisition bonus working then? Since I just stick to one ship from start to the end rofl. How much time do you have to play to get it, do you need to end the fight on that ship or?


What you do while in any given ship is what req you get with it. I routinely switch ships based on what is needed at the time. If we have too many strike fighters, I switch to gunship. If they have a lot of gunships I use one of my scouts (pure scout if they have a lot of gunships, advanced scout if they have a few so I can dogfight using quad cannons against other scouts and fighters). If we have a lot of gunships I use a fighter.


Being a specialist means that you can end up trying to shoe-horn yourself into a bad situation. Be flexible and you can maximize the destruction you can accomplish.

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What you do while in any given ship is what req you get with it. I routinely switch ships based on what is needed at the time. If we have too many strike fighters, I switch to gunship. If they have a lot of gunships I use one of my scouts (pure scout if they have a lot of gunships, advanced scout if they have a few so I can dogfight using quad cannons against other scouts and fighters). If we have a lot of gunships I use a fighter.


Being a specialist means that you can end up trying to shoe-horn yourself into a bad situation. Be flexible and you can maximize the destruction you can accomplish.


I hadn't thought about switching between ships in a battle. I guess mostly because of the cost to move ship requisition to fleet requisition. I'll have to try switching things up from my strike. It does make since, from a team perspective, to be flexible and be ready to jump to a different role should the need arise.

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I hadn't thought about switching between ships in a battle. I guess mostly because of the cost to move ship requisition to fleet requisition. I'll have to try switching things up from my strike. It does make since, from a team perspective, to be flexible and be ready to jump to a different role should the need arise.


Oh, trust me...doing it this way does mean you upgrade slowly. But the upgrades don't make a HUGE difference. I consider them mostly QoL improvements for my ships heh. I actually don't turn my ship req into fleet req...ever. Figure I'll just earn it all the normal way and make do.


Though I do find it hilarious when someone rages out because they are fully upgraded and getting shot down repeatedly.

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Oh, trust me...doing it this way does mean you upgrade slowly. But the upgrades don't make a HUGE difference. I consider them mostly QoL improvements for my ships heh. I actually don't turn my ship req into fleet req...ever. Figure I'll just earn it all the normal way and make do.


Though I do find it hilarious when someone rages out because they are fully upgraded and getting shot down repeatedly.



People are getting fully upgraded already? It's been open to subs for only 4 days so far. That's in insane amount of play time.


All of that aside, this expansion is definitely proving that gameplay is more about skill than how you equip and upgrade your fighter. Still, it does suck getting sniped by a gunship, no matter the skill level (ace or noob).

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