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Why dont you fly a scout?


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I really like the two missile selections along with heavy or quad lasers I get on my T6 Strike Fighter. Also, probably because I haven't flown it much, just enough to get my daily reqs, I pretty much suck with the scout's handling. I think I had 6 suicides in the same match yesterday.
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Some people are underestimating the scout.. when in fact some of the highest damage done so far according to this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=703085 are made by scouts...



Jaxin - Scout - Alpha Company - Jung Ma - 92947 damage

Fírehawk - S-12 Blackbolt - Rogue Elite - The Harbinger - 65544 Damage

Fírehawk - S-12 Blackbolt - Rogue Elite - The Harbinger - 26 kills and assists

Jaxin - Scout - Alpha Company - Jung Ma - 24 kills

BardaTheHobo - Scout - The Harbinger - 16 kills



I'm sure these people are great pilots and can do well on fighters as well.. but scouts seem to be doing well in the hands of good players

Edited by paowee
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Some people are underestimating the scout.. when in fact some of the highest damage done so far according to this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=703085 are made by scouts...



Jaxin - Scout - Alpha Company - Jung Ma - 92947 damage

Fírehawk - S-12 Blackbolt - Rogue Elite - The Harbinger - 65544 Damage

Fírehawk - S-12 Blackbolt - Rogue Elite - The Harbinger - 26 kills and assists

Jaxin - Scout - Alpha Company - Jung Ma - 24 kills

BardaTheHobo - Scout - The Harbinger - 16 kills



I'm sure these people are great pilots and can do well on fighters as well.. but scouts seem to be doing well in the hands of good players


Scanning down the list it seems your kill streaks list doesn't make sense when taking into consideration the kills list above it. For example the guy with #1 kills has no deaths in that game(highest I've ever seen was a bomber with 27 kills in closed beta).


The top two damage numbers are quite impressive, though I imagine that has high correlation with extended game lengths(most games are 2/3 capped and end with the opponent having 500 points or less in my experience).

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In SWG I PVP'ed in space a lot, and my favorite ship to fly was the A-Wing. In that game, the skill of the player that crafted it for you mattered, and I had one that had more mass points than any on my server (traded a player city for it in fact...).


In this abomination of a space fighter sim, the scout doesn't seem especially agile (or is that the awful controls), or fast, and if a heavier fighter breaks wind in your direction you are dead.


Given how awful this thing is designed, the only way to get anything out of it is to fly the most heavily armed thing you can get, since pilot skill is IRRELEVANT, and at least having heavier guns and armor helps make it matter if you manage to get something to blunder into your sights.

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In this abomination of a space fighter sim, the scout doesn't seem especially agile (or is that the awful controls), or fast, and if a heavier fighter breaks wind in your direction you are dead.


Given how awful this thing is designed, the only way to get anything out of it is to fly the most heavily armed thing you can get, since pilot skill is IRRELEVANT, and at least having heavier guns and armor helps make it matter if you manage to get something to blunder into your sights.

That's just ridiculous. The scout's boost can last almost indefinitely, which makes it by far the fastest ship type. The turning radius of a scout is incredible, you can literally fly rings around other ship types (especially gunships) which makes it harder for them to track you with close weapon fire. And saying that pilot skill is "irrelevant"... My only guess is that you haven't yet figured out how to play Galactic Starfighter.

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Scanning down the list it seems your kill streaks list doesn't make sense when taking into consideration the kills list above it. For example the guy with #1 kills has no deaths in that game(highest I've ever seen was a bomber with 27 kills in closed beta).


The top two damage numbers are quite impressive, though I imagine that has high correlation with extended game lengths(most games are 2/3 capped and end with the opponent having 500 points or less in my experience).




What's wrong with the guy with with the most kills? He had zero deaths. Which means 24 kill streak

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What's wrong with the guy with with the most kills? He had zero deaths. Which means 24 kill streak


At the time you had another person with less than 24 kills listed as the one with the highest kill streak. That's what I was pointing out.




The guy with 19 also had 0 deaths.




looks like you've already fixed that one as well though

Edited by Vandicus
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In SWG I PVP'ed in space a lot, and my favorite ship to fly was the A-Wing. In that game, the skill of the player that crafted it for you mattered, and I had one that had more mass points than any on my server (traded a player city for it in fact...).


In this abomination of a space fighter sim, the scout doesn't seem especially agile (or is that the awful controls), or fast, and if a heavier fighter breaks wind in your direction you are dead.


Given how awful this thing is designed, the only way to get anything out of it is to fly the most heavily armed thing you can get, since pilot skill is IRRELEVANT, and at least having heavier guns and armor helps make it matter if you manage to get something to blunder into your sights.


This is something I keep seeing, and laughing about. The great pilots in SWG are getting their arse handed to them because they are totally unable to adapt to a different control schem. The fact is that player skill has a HIGHER meaning in GS than it ever did in SWG. I was considered a great pilot in SWG...here I am a middle pilot with flashes of brilliance.


I also notice so many people "hate" it or say it "sucks" because they can't jump in and immediately be great at it. They jump in and get shot down fast and hard with no idea what is going on, rage because they aren't as good as they think they are, and just throw a tantrum and never touch it again. I've pointed that fact out to a few friends, who after giving it a second try and actually playing more than 5 rounds...have come to love it for just how much your skill and ability to read the enemy matters. The fact is...GS plays a lot like any WW2 fighter simulation...event he hornet nest effect is exactly how those battles played out.

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This is something I keep seeing, and laughing about. The great pilots in SWG are getting their arse handed to them because they are totally unable to adapt to a different control schem. The fact is that player skill has a HIGHER meaning in GS than it ever did in SWG. I was considered a great pilot in SWG...here I am a middle pilot with flashes of brilliance.


I also notice so many people "hate" it or say it "sucks" because they can't jump in and immediately be great at it. They jump in and get shot down fast and hard with no idea what is going on, rage because they aren't as good as they think they are, and just throw a tantrum and never touch it again. I've pointed that fact out to a few friends, who after giving it a second try and actually playing more than 5 rounds...have come to love it for just how much your skill and ability to read the enemy matters. The fact is...GS plays a lot like any WW2 fighter simulation...event he hornet nest effect is exactly how those battles played out.


Pretty much all this.


I see a whole lot of whiney SWG fans who can't adapt to 2013. I find the current control scheme very easy to learn and I haven't had any problems turning, aiming and finding my way around.


Are there some bugs and things that need cleaned up? Yep. But at least I didn't have to find Joe Schmoe on Planet X to CRAFT my freakin star fighter.

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In SWG I PVP'ed in space a lot, and my favorite ship to fly was the A-Wing. In that game, the skill of the player that crafted it for you mattered, and I had one that had more mass points than any on my server (traded a player city for it in fact...).


In this abomination of a space fighter sim, the scout doesn't seem especially agile (or is that the awful controls), or fast, and if a heavier fighter breaks wind in your direction you are dead.


Given how awful this thing is designed, the only way to get anything out of it is to fly the most heavily armed thing you can get, since pilot skill is IRRELEVANT, and at least having heavier guns and armor helps make it matter if you manage to get something to blunder into your sights.


Try and use some logic here: if other people are doing well and you're not and all of these people are using the same control scheme, then isn't it possible that, maybe, you're doing it wrong?

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Just wondering why people fly anything other than a scout. Ive tried the other two classes, and besides sniping satalites until someone notices you or shooting long range missles I don't see why anyone would use them.


Because I'm better at sitting in the same spot, shooting at people 13k away while they frantically try to escape from you than I am at dogfighting.


When I played a scout, I died 5 times. When I played a gunship, I didn't die at all and was third in kills and first in assists.

Edited by MCaliban
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For you SWG people, I played and hated swg when it released, came back and stayed subbed for JTL till it went f2p.


I absolutely hated A-wings, I was a heavy x-wing guy all the way and in GSF I started out in a strike fighter but stuck to a scout as soon as I tried it. It just feels more dogfight friendly.


And for the guy saying old swg people are getting whooped, yeah the controls might screw up some flight people, but their spatial awareness over compensates for the crap controls and I think the ones that were good in the other games with real controls are good in this one too, at least the ones I know are.

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Because I'm better at sitting in the same spot, shooting at people 13k away while they frantically try to escape from you than I am at dogfighting.


When I played a scout, I died 5 times. When I played a gunship, I didn't die at all and was third in kills and first in assists.


I hardly ever die in a scout. The scout has some of the best maneuvers and evasion abilities. I the last match just ended, I had 3 ships target me and try to take me down they could barely hit me cause I kept flying through parts of the satalite and LOS them. Also it has some of the most rapid shield recovery.


It literally took 5 ships to finally bring me down (I was the only one defending the satalite) but by that time we had pretty much won the match


I think alot of people are not fully understanding the role of a scout. Yeah they have weak haul's compared to the other 2 in straight up dogfighting match. However when it comes to completing the objective. The scout beats them all.


They are the first to capture the satilite and they're turning and speed capaabilities make them hard to snipe down for gunships and hard to keep up for strikers.


I may not get the most kills in a match, but the other side is not taking a satalite while I am there.



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I use every ship available to me that I have unlocked so far (Novadive, Flashfire, Star Guard, Pike). It all depends on the situation and how the match is going. I usually start with Nova to get a quick cap on the sats. If the enemy team is using more than 3 gunships in a 12v12 (2 for 8v8) then I get on my Flashfire and hunt them down. But mostly I play my Star Guard and wind up at the top of the charts. I use Pike only if we need the extra firepower. I don't have the Gunship unlocked and it really doesn't fit my playstyle so I might not bother -- they're too easy of a kill.


You can watch my GSF gameplay vids at: twitch.tv/swtorplayer95 or youtube.com/swtorplayer95

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I see a whole lot of whiney 2013 fans who can't adapt themselves to a joystick.


What does that even mean? That they aren't able to use a joystick if they could? That they are whining because they can't use a joystick? Are you railing against the other person's post, or are you agreeing with it?


Word to the wise, taking somebody's comment and trying to flip it around does not automatically make for wit.

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I prefer my Strike Fighter. It can take more of a beating and dish out more damage than a scout ship. With upgrades to boost its speed, with damage and range upgrades on the rapid fire lasers, and with an upgrade to cluster missiles with an upgrade for reduced lock time, it holds up just fine in battle. Some of the speed gap is narrowed and it has quicker firing weapons without losing much damage or range capabilities. Makes it more able to handle dogfights with scouts.
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I see a whole lot of whiney 2013 fans who can't adapt themselves to a joystick.

As I said in another thread, joysticks are basically gone. Yeah, I used them a lot in the 90s when gaming and I had one for SWG but good luck finding one in an electronics store these days. Game controllers that resemble console controllers have essentially replaced them. On Newegg where I shop for computer components (which is one of the major online retailers for such things) there are 7 total joysticks (including out of stock or discontinued models) while they have over 1500 kinds of mice and over 100 kinds of game controllers.


I just checked Fry's, another electronics superstore, they have 4 different joysticks compared to over 250 mice.


Flight sims have moved on from joysticks these days. I loved using a joystick because when you fly a real fighter plane that's what you'd use, and if feels authentic. And having every button you need just on the one stick, available pretty much to your flying hand, that was great. But those days are long gone, and new games don't cater to them anymore. Maybe one day they'll get a resurgence, but not now.

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Just wondering why people fly anything other than a scout. Ive tried the other two classes, and besides sniping satalites until someone notices you or shooting long range missles I don't see why anyone would use them.
Queued into Kuat last night and everyone decided to try it with an all-scout team that had varying loadouts. We split off into 3 squadrons, raced toward and captured all 3 objectives before the reps knew what hit 'em ... and never looked back. I captured my assigned objective and didn't encounter one bogey the entire WZ. Will probably never see a match like this again.



Edited by GalacticKegger
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