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Space PvP Shout-outs!


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Really Bibi? You have to keep coming into this thread to try and make this point?


You play an MMO, there is no REAL PVP here. If you want REAL PVP, play starcraft/dota/fps.


Keep your sideshow in the regular pvp threads. It's pretty clear nobody here cares what you have to say.


Don't feed the trolls. Everyone was doing an excellent job of making him wonder why nobody paid attention to him until you opened your mouth. Besides, him nor any of his buddies have even tried it. Well except Werko, who I saw in one game, blew him up three times in a row, then I think he left cause I didn't see him for the rest of the game and he's never queued again.


Oh well!



Like I said tho, dont feed the trolls :p Again. :p

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Don't feed the trolls. Everyone was doing an excellent job of making him wonder why nobody paid attention to him until you opened your mouth. Besides, him nor any of his buddies have even tried it. Well except Werko, who I saw in one game, blew him up three times in a row, then I think he left cause I didn't see him for the rest of the game and he's never queued again.


Oh well!



Like I said tho, dont feed the trolls :p Again. :p


Someone who does both ground and space needed to step up and tell it like it is. Don't worry, I won't charge you for my services

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Someone who does both ground and space needed to step up and tell it like it is. Don't worry, I won't charge you for my services


Don't worry, I fit in that category as well, which is why i reiterate - don't feed the trolls. I know them far too well. You'll annoy them far more by ignoring them. Now he gets to go tell his buddies 'OMGOOSE, I FINALLY GOT THEM TO RESPOND IN THAT GSF THREAD I AM SUCH A GOOD TROLLOL.'


In other words, you gave him EXACTLY what he was looking for.

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Don't worry, I fit in that category as well, which is why i reiterate - don't feed the trolls. I know them far too well. You'll annoy them far more by ignoring them. Now he gets to go tell his buddies 'OMGOOSE, I FINALLY GOT THEM TO RESPOND IN THAT GSF THREAD I AM SUCH A GOOD TROLLOL.'


In other words, you gave him EXACTLY what he was looking for.


Don't talk to Courtney like that...



I respect her...

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Don't talk to Courtney like that...



I respect her...


Thanks Bibi...


No hard feelings, just don't bully the poor GSF players, some of us might get protective. You wouldn't punch an 8-year old for wanting to climb trees, would you? :rolleyes:

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Gotta just shout out to the Ebon Hawk flyers of the Republic.... you folks are great and I spend way too much time climbing into my ship to fly with you.


:D Yay for Republic fighters, keeping the skies and atmospheres safe since Before the Treaty of Coruscant!


Shout out to White, Ded'i, infidel and Mont--Man, I can't remember how to spell it, but Kerem and I had you guys in two games and we were screaming at each other about you guys.


Great flying! Hopefully next time, I'll learn how to actually use the bomber, it's way too much fun.

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You've always been one of the pilots I respect/fear most on the Republic side :)


I really would like to fly a StarGuard type on Imperial side. There's something super appealing about having both Heavy Laser Cannons and Rapids (though imagine if StarGuards could take BLC's!) but unfortunately the Rycer / Enforcer options are just too damned ugly for a sophisticated, TIE Fighter-loving Sith like myself.


Well I certainly appreciate it mate, I do try!


Yeah it's a damn shame that the SFs for Imps are so damn ugly! It's ok, y'all got the better looking Bombers and GSs by a mile!


Damn you Nilian and your S-13 Sting. I know I suck in GSF but what you do is simply humiliating.

Good job.


Heh, never my intention to humiliate! Just figured that I'd show the Imps some love by flying for 'em every now and then!

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I have a special place in my heart for the following:




Courtney - One of the most fun people to fly with or against. A true lover of gamesmanship.


Balor - I ain't gonna be able to fly a bomber like that. Ever.


Kvikorma - My gold standard. Best pilot I've seen yet on either side - and there's a lotta good pilots.


Large - Thanks for the tip on the Charged Plating. Much appreciated.




Ded'i - If there's anyone more fun than Courtney, it's Ded'i. But it's been neck-and-neck in my experience.


Rainous - The first gunny I ever really feared. Rain still makes me a little nervous.


Delphi - The second gunny I ever really feared. A true perfectionist of the art of sniping.


Grixx - One of the sickest Scouts in the Imperial Fleet and an excellent dogfighter.


Not an exhaustive list.

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Shout out to Liantra, Andern and Gis'ella, had some great chase me matches today.


You were a giant pain in the arse today sir! I didn't know that EMP shut down weapon swapping until it was too late!


Great flying!

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