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Why werent the ships we know used?


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There was a whole selection of imperial and republic fighters, bombers, interceptors, and gunships in the game already - you can find them throughout the fleet hangars, landed or patrolling the skies on planets, and in the old space missions.


Why, then, did they add entirely new ships to GSF that dont look anything like what they should? The republic ships seem to be similar, but imperials have these weird new ships that dont look anything like imperial craft should.


Think we'll end up seeing more later on?

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I think the Blackbolt and the Sting look pretty spot on to what's in game already with the Sting looking like a proto TIE. The Novadives also look like the PvE pub ships while the Flashfire looks like a proto A-wing (so I'm okay with that).


I totally agree with you about the Rycer though. I think they could've done much better. I have no clue what they were going for as either an Old Republic model or as an iconic Star Wars ship.

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1. The existing ship models are not brand new, some of them are ingame already. Just the other day I spotted the model for the republic strike fighter in a hangar on a story mission for my bounty hunter.


2. They have plans to release more ship models via the cartel market. It is a rather hot seller relatively compared to the paint jobs etc (based on my own observation) so I don't think you have to worry about that.

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There was a whole selection of imperial and republic fighters, bombers, interceptors, and gunships in the game already - you can find them throughout the fleet hangars, landed or patrolling the skies on planets, and in the old space missions.


Why, then, did they add entirely new ships to GSF that dont look anything like what they should? The republic ships seem to be similar, but imperials have these weird new ships that dont look anything like imperial craft should.


Think we'll end up seeing more later on?


While I do somewhat agree with you that they could have used more of the already existing in game ship models, like for example use your class ship as the gunship. I do agree with what everyone else is saying, that most of the GSF models are used else where in the game, not 100% sure if they have been since launch or if they where "retconned" in some time after while they where working on GSF.

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Just the other day I spotted the model for the republic strike fighter in a hangar on a story mission for my bounty hunter.

Well that's because it's the republic "bomber" from the PvE missions. The question is why didn't they use the imperial bomber (the one that features prominently in the new loading screen...) as a basis for the strike fighter model, instead of creating an entirely new one that doesn't really look anything like existing models.

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Well that's because it's the republic "bomber" from the PvE missions. The question is why didn't they use the imperial bomber (the one that features prominently in the new loading screen...) as a basis for the strike fighter model, instead of creating an entirely new one that doesn't really look anything like existing models.


They are using it as the model for the Imperial Bomber though, which was in beta but won't be in live servers until Feb. Still need to be balanced a bit as it was very OP back in beta (think massive shields and drones that can target players and kill them autonomously).

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The Imperial strike fighters and gunship really are the greatest disappointment of GS for me(well, excepting perhaps the truly awful faux-English accent I have to listen to at the start of every match - please Bioware, if you insist on using Yanks with rudimentary-at-best accent impersonating ability, at least give us an option to mute her). The bomber and the scout are fantastic, but the strikes and gunships look completely mismatched, like they're just random civilian ships with a quick grey paintjob and an Imperial logo slapped on the side.


I suppose it's a good thing I'd already decided to focus on the Sting.

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The Imperial strike fighters and gunship really are the greatest disappointment of GS for me(well, excepting perhaps the truly awful faux-English accent I have to listen to at the start of every match - please Bioware, if you insist on using Yanks with rudimentary-at-best accent impersonating ability, at least give us an option to mute her). The bomber and the scout are fantastic, but the strikes and gunships look completely mismatched, like they're just random civilian ships with a quick grey paintjob and an Imperial logo slapped on the side.


I suppose it's a good thing I'd already decided to focus on the Sting.


thats not a yank..its a canadian.....:eek:

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thats not a yank..its a canadian.....:eek:


Their country of origin is less important than the fact they're awful at English accents and hearing them makes me want to flood my tympanic cavity with acid as it would be a less painful experience. Seriously, if they're not going to bother to use people who actually have the right accent, the least they could do is run the prospective fake accents past an actual Brit so they pick one that doesn't sound like we're listening to the Queen after she's had a stroke.

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I notice a lot people calling the flashfire an a-wing but if you look at it it's a NovaDive with its wings folded forward. There's a hangar, in hoth I think it is, which has both types there and it's very clear it's the same fighter just with its wings folded.

My SWTOR encyclopaedia book says this about the liberator-class starfighter (NovaDive): "Swivel-mounted wings allow the Liberator to be stored aboard larger vessels with impressive efficiency, often catching enemy forces by surprise when multiple squadrons are deployed from a single starship."

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While I do somewhat agree with you that they could have used more of the already existing in game ship models, like for example use your class ship as the gunship.

They couldn't do that, the class ships are humongous compared to starfighters. To give an example, the BT-7 Thunderclap is 97 meters long. I don't know exactly how big a gunship is, but it seems roughly equivalent to a Y-Wing which is 16 meters long. If you suggest the Defender instead, it's 94 meters long. The smallest Republic class ship, the XS Light Freighter, is 88 meters long. So you get my point. They'd be gigantic, you could literally fit a few starfighters inside one class ship easily.

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I notice a lot people calling the flashfire an a-wing but if you look at it it's a NovaDive with its wings folded forward. There's a hangar, in hoth I think it is, which has both types there and it's very clear it's the same fighter just with its wings folded.

My SWTOR encyclopaedia book says this about the liberator-class starfighter (NovaDive): "Swivel-mounted wings allow the Liberator to be stored aboard larger vessels with impressive efficiency, often catching enemy forces by surprise when multiple squadrons are deployed from a single starship."


I think it means the wings swivel up like with old American WW2 navy fightercraft. There is no way they could bend forward to make the flashfire, the joint would be insanely fragile.

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Still if you look at the NovaDive in the GSF window you can see the hinge point and a grove along the hull that the wing slots into.

You're absolutely right. Those screenshots make it obvious that a Flashfire is just a NovaDive with the wings rotated forward, like a pocket knife with the blade folded in.


My guess is that the developers had originally planned for ships to have foils that fold in and out like X-Wing foils, but at some point during development they scratched that idea (ran out of time, couldn't figure out a good use for them, whatever). Since they had the art resources for the foils folded and unfolded, they just made them two different ship models.


I know someone said they saw an old trailer where one of the Republic striker ships had foils that opened up, so I'm betting that this is what happened.

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They couldn't do that, the class ships are humongous compared to starfighters. To give an example, the BT-7 Thunderclap is 97 meters long. I don't know exactly how big a gunship is, but it seems roughly equivalent to a Y-Wing which is 16 meters long. If you suggest the Defender instead, it's 94 meters long. The smallest Republic class ship, the XS Light Freighter, is 88 meters long. So you get my point. They'd be gigantic, you could literally fit a few starfighters inside one class ship easily.


This just made me think a real fun future expansion could be to allow one of these ships per side in a match. And each would have a 4 player crew with different responsibilities. So maybe you would queue up with your friends and select the character ship you want (each could have different stats) Then it puts you in a match where say one group are pirates trying to stop the other group from reaching a destination. still 12 vs 12 but 4 on each side have a transport ship, the rest are escort.

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I always liked the multi-player ships in starwars galaxies. They took a minimum of 3 people to operate properly - one pilot, at least one gunner (using a turret that had to be manually aimed), and someone inside the ship running around repairing systems and putting out fires. Most of them had multiple turrets, so a 4-5 person crew wasnt unusual.


It'd be interesting to have that kind of thing built into galactic starfighter here. One player pilots and has access to missiles or forward firing weapons, two players are put on turrets, and another can repair systems through minigames inside the ship (while being able to see all the action through the cockpit/windows).

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There was a whole selection of imperial and republic fighters, bombers, interceptors, and gunships in the game already - you can find them throughout the fleet hangars, landed or patrolling the skies on planets, and in the old space missions.


Why, then, did they add entirely new ships to GSF that dont look anything like what they should? The republic ships seem to be similar, but imperials have these weird new ships that dont look anything like imperial craft should.


Think we'll end up seeing more later on?


It is so they can spin it off as an iPad game, that is why there is no real hanger, no real ships, no ship interiors, only pictures of companions.


GSF is not really part of the MMO, it is an appendage like a tumor or a child born with an extra arm.

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