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GS needs to lose or change the railgun...PERIOD


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i think we are talking about 2 different types of leading the target, i am talking about if a person is going across the screeen in font of you you lead them so your charge and release will happend when your cursors and them are together


Yes we are but it's not really necessary to do that since you just need to be over the middle ring when you release.

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Anytime I need a new target and there's no one thoughtfully flying through my targeting reticle, I cycle through the list of targets looking for Gunships.


Haha, same here. I take note of who is flying gunships to start and I keep my eye out for them. If I spot one of them, I'm on them like stink on a monkey. It's pretty funny watching them try to run and flee the whole match as they can't outrun anyone.

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One shot? Really? I one shoted a guy once, scout. Pretty sure he was probably new player with no upgrades. So far, my dmage is around 1000 up to 1500 on full charge if it crits. That isn't one shoot.


I've been one-shotted from no damage to dead in a moderately upgraded striker, so I have to disagree.

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I am perfectly ok with a gunship having superior amount of firepower and defense against other ships but the railgun needs to be removed or changed in such a way to make a game more balanced. To the point where it eliminates camping. I wanted to play Galactic Starfighter to fly around and see how I fare against others in an actual dogfight.


If I want to play a game with camping snipers, I will go back to Call of Duty.


Seriously it honestly is not fair to me or other players that want to actually enjoy this and do objectives and win to be sniped by a bunch of cowards with little to no skill to be able to deal one shot kills with more than double or up to triple the range of any other weapon for any other starfighter.


Basically me and anyone else that likes to pilot strike or scout fighters has to get within 7000m and stay within that range to fire a single missile that deals 800-1000 damage.


But the gunship people can sit as far back as 15000m charge up and just pick us off with no way to really evade or dodge the shots or even know we are being locked on? It is not like the gunship has any real disadvantages to the other fighters, they can move just as well as a strike fighter as far as maneuvering but are a little slower.


My suggestions is to either force the ship to be moving, have a much longer recharge time based on charge up time, or reduce its power and or range.


HAVE YOU TRIED just flying at a gunship head on, going behind him and then just blowing him apart from behind.

Scouts can actually destroy a gunship before they even reach it anyway with some accurate shooting.


You will see more strike fighters in this game than any other type of ship????

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I've been one-shotted from no damage to dead in a moderately upgraded striker, so I have to disagree.


Really? As striker?


Can you give more info? My biggest hit is 1500 average, full load. Mind you, I have only tier 4 upgrade, don't have tier 5 on gunship with 20% crit. I can assume with crit that you can take striker in one shoot (but that has to be one lucky crit)

Strikers take 4 to 5 hits (not full ofc, lets say sth with half power, around 600-700). I never got one shooted on my striker. As I said, not saying it is impossible, just that isn't sth that is worth mentioning in argument that GS are op.

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Really? As striker?


Can you give more info? My biggest hit is 1500 average, full load. Mind you, I have only tier 4 upgrade, don't have tier 5 on gunship with 20% crit. I can assume with crit that you can take striker in one shoot (but that has to be one lucky crit)

Strikers take 4 to 5 hits (not full ofc, lets say sth with half power, around 600-700). I never got one shooted on my striker. As I said, not saying it is impossible, just that isn't sth that is worth mentioning in argument that GS are op.


You're doing something terribly wrong, too, if you take THAT many hits to the face. When you get hit once, you should press 'R' to see where the Gunship is, and then fly in the opposite direction/LOS if you're low...


And to the OP: l2p

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Tonight i finally stop playing GS becouse everytime i would get close to a turret Snipe Snipe Sniper by a gunship rigth on top of the satellite so even if i get close to try and kill it the satellite just fires at me tried with several diferent ships even tried to snipe it but he allways gets first shot and thats just 1 ship when theres like 2 or 3 theres no point there is no warning where the shot comes from and it is just to easy for 2 or 3 ships to dominate a map
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and how do you know which dot that looks like all the other dots is a gunship so you can take care of it?


Actually, this one is easy. You tab or click through your targets and look at the top right of your screen. It shows what you have targeted.

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Tonight i finally stop playing GS becouse everytime i would get close to a turret Snipe Snipe Sniper by a gunship rigth on top of the satellite so even if i get close to try and kill it the satellite just fires at me tried with several diferent ships even tried to snipe it but he allways gets first shot and thats just 1 ship when theres like 2 or 3 theres no point there is no warning where the shot comes from and it is just to easy for 2 or 3 ships to dominate a map


you're trying to attack a satellite on your own?

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