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Strike Fighter or Scout?


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So far I've done about 4 matches and I feel absolutely useless and I get my *** handed to me every single game. Why do I see some people have like 4+ different types of ships? Apparently just because they were subscribed for longer than I am they automatically get better ships?


That sucks.


Just resubscribed yesterday after not playing since June 2012 and I'm already being punished. Lmao.



Anyway, can anyone post some guidance as to what to do for someone who is just starting out in Starship fights with absolutely no perks or upgrades? I'm sure I need to choose one specific ship and upgrade that instead of spreading it around. So that's between the Scout and the Strike Fighter. I don't even think I can buy any other type of ship right now...

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So far I've done about 4 matches and I feel absolutely useless and I get my *** handed to me every single game. Why do I see some people have like 4+ different types of ships? Apparently just because they were subscribed for longer than I am they automatically get better ships?


They gave people a lot of time resub. You will get it too, just later. As for the the other ships, you can unlock those as well if you save up your rewards.


That sucks.


Just resubscribed yesterday after not playing since June 2012 and I'm already being punished. Lmao.


You're not being punished. They're being rewarded.


Anyway, can anyone post some guidance as to what to do for someone who is just starting out in Starship fights with absolutely no perks or upgrades? I'm sure I need to choose one specific ship and upgrade that instead of spreading it around. So that's between the Scout and the Strike Fighter. I don't even think I can buy any other type of ship right now..


Start off by getting your dailies and weekly done, and to claim all your ship daily bonus points.After that focus on upgrades to your missiles for the scout (Sabotage probe), and get a better primary weapon for your fighter.


Red text is mine

Edited by Brimmer
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So far I've done about 4 matches and I feel absolutely useless and I get my *** handed to me every single game. Why do I see some people have like 4+ different types of ships? Apparently just because they were subscribed for longer than I am they automatically get better ships?


That sucks.


Just resubscribed yesterday after not playing since June 2012 and I'm already being punished. Lmao.



Anyway, can anyone post some guidance as to what to do for someone who is just starting out in Starship fights with absolutely no perks or upgrades? I'm sure I need to choose one specific ship and upgrade that instead of spreading it around. So that's between the Scout and the Strike Fighter. I don't even think I can buy any other type of ship right now...


I am just going to break it to you: you might not be good at galactic starfighter. The learning curve is much higher than regular TOR. I would recommend using scout, but if you are dying quickly you need to maneuver. I find strike fighters okay, but the scout's speed seems to be a better advantage.

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Actually it's not that i'm dying quickly anymore...I just do like no damage whatsoever...seems like people are one shotting me when I do actually die. Whereas I seem to do pathetic damage with my lasers.


The default weapon for both crafts are rather weak. After a few upgrades, or the purchase of a heavier gun, you'll do a ton of damage.

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Actually it's not that i'm dying quickly anymore...I just do like no damage whatsoever...seems like people are one shotting me when I do actually die. Whereas I seem to do pathetic damage with my lasers.


That's the gunship, the craft you are missing. Its secondary causes it to stop moving, and you attempt to snipe. The basic one takes 3 seconds to charge up, then it will often 1 shot a scout. It's an instant hit weapon with a range of 15KM. Usually you will hear the missile lock beeping sound if they are aiming at you while charging.


So, the main trick is any time you start to hear the beeping, MOVE IT. Don't wait for the missile fired message. Duck behind stuff, boost out of there, etc. They can only hold the full charge for a few seconds before running out of power.


From there, again, they're stationary. If they got a shot off, you can press R to target them, else you will need to find them. Just start going through targets until you see a gunship. DO NOT FLY STRAIGHT AT THEM! Watch the window to see if they are aiming in your direction ( The ship will be looking straight out of the screen. ) If it is, just run away. Once they go to a different target, boost up to them ( but still not straight at them. Either aim a bit to the side of them, or come in behind. ) From there, you can start ripping into them. They will immediately boost off straight ahead: but their engine power is very tiny. You can easily keep behind them and just burn em down.


Just remember, a gunships strength is that secondary ability which fires straight ahead. Avoid that, and they have no chance.


Also: A few more simple tips: Use your secondary ability to scare people. It's very rare you get a full missile lock, and actually hit the target. Instead, use it to scare them. Flying through a tight spot? Start a quick lock with no intention to finish it...and watch as they panic slam into a wall.


Next: Remember that lasers have fall-off, as well as accuracy. Get really close to get the big damage. Below 500m is ideal, though very difficult.


Search for ships slower than you. This way, you can use your better maneuvering and speed to get right in behind someone. At that point, their only hope is a 3rd person kills you. This is your goal: Perfectly behind them, and just match speed and blast away. When they boost, you boost.


Use the turrets! Those turrets around the capture satellites are perfectly accurate, and will shred scouts. They'll mess up strike fighters pretty good too. Any time you have a satellite, try to fight immediately around it. If the enemy has the point and the turrets are up, do NOT fight anyone near them. Only fight turrets when the area is empty, or from outside of their range.


Range is the biggest thing. The range of lasers, and even most rockets, is incredibly short. Feel free to run straight away from an enemy ( as long as you can outrun them. ) Even though they will be behind you and looking straight at you..they can't do anything at all after the 1/4 second it takes to cover 5km at full speed. Typically, once you go around a rock or something, they will break. Just make sure you don't try this on someone that can actually give chase, as you just gave them your backside. Everyone else though will have to break off and change targets. This when you turn around and go back in...this time right behind them.

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So far I've done about 4 matches and I feel absolutely useless and I get my *** handed to me every single game. Why do I see some people have like 4+ different types of ships? Apparently just because they were subscribed for longer than I am they automatically get better ships?

One of the wonders of GSF is that there are no "better" ships. There are *different* ships. Scout is fast, maneuverable, fragile, has access to utility hardware like dampening, beacons, etc. Strike Fighter has a versatile arsenal for any short to mid-range occasion. Nice armour, nice shields. Major disadvantage next to Scout - engine boost pool melts faster, less turning speed. Gunship is the least mobile, but it has long-range weapons. Leave it unattended and you'll get a lot of holes, approach it and it's on the defensive.


If you get your rear end handed to you on a regular basis, you have noone else to blame but yourself. Stop flying in predictable pattern, work on your aiming skills, review your controls - manage your speed, don't be afraid to use full stop (X) when appropriate (hint - NOT in a massive firefight with blaster bolts and missiles flying around), practice using engine maneuvers (barrel roll, turns and dives), rotate your craft, because it pitches faster than it yaws, you might want to use strafe keys, in addition to rotation and acceleration.


As for ship types, I think you'll feel right at home with the Strike Fighter. It's a very solid, well-rounded ship. Has mid-range and short-range blaster cannons by default - very useful to switch between them, and guided missiles, which are exceptionally annoying to a lot of players - psychologically, as well as physically.


Personally, I run mainly as Scout, because I feel right at home with tight maneuvers and short to mid-range precision shooting.

Edited by Helig
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I for one love the Strike Fighter and have barely played as anything else. I'm also consistently top damage in matches (occasionally beat by a Gunship) so I feel like I have a decent handle on it. I use the standard Republic loadout (Rapid Fire/Heavy Laser and Concussion Missiles). My strategy is really just to use my teammates. If I'm under attack from multiple sources I take evasive action. If I'm not, I try to approach allies that are under attack and use their pursuers' smooth approach vectors/reduced throttle to blast them away without having to bother leading them. I also use the Concentrated Fire co-pilot active ability, the crits really stack fast. Most players I've found will continue attacking if they've caught scent of an easy kill, even as you utterly annihilate them from their six.


That's another thing to keep in mind. Even if you've got a kill in sight, if you start taking damage while your throttle is reduced, get out of there. Also, Strike Fighters seem to be pretty capable of destroying Gunships. Sometimes I'll boost straight at one, reduce throttle in range of my heavy laser and start blasting while locking a missile. They've yet to outlive me in that scenario, not once, even when they're firing at me. The only ones that survive are the ones that flee, and by then it's usually too late.


As far as those dogfighting entanglements go, I find myself in them often and they're not really ideal. I can usually defeat other Strike Fighters this way, but Scouts are annoying to contend with. Typically I try to head towards allied Gunships while evading, prioritizing shaking their locks and boosting when I'm clear of them. Gunships love Scout kills and I'm sure they'll thank you for getting them in the clear and open.

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^Great response above. I take it you mainly play as a Scout? I'm still toying around with both of them. I didn't realize that each ship has points that have to be purely designated to the ship that the points were earned on...


ATM yes, but I have had success with each of them. With the gunship, the trick is finding a good spot with your back against a wall, and multiple escape routes. Start sniping...and the moment someone fires at you or tries to missile lock...bail. Unless they are flying straight at you. Then just swat them out of the sky.


Strike Fighter plays similarly to the scout, but you'll usually get less direct success unless someone is dumb enough to let you hit them with a missile. I would like it if the missile could lock faster, and from further away...but had a dead zone below something like 2km. ( Think torpedoes like in Hunt for Red October. They take a moment to arm for safety. ) This means dodging would be more about after they have been fired, rather than just breaking the lock over and over.


Strike fighter is pretty decent at hanging around a satellite to cap/defend though. You can move in and out of the beams to keep scouts off of you, and gunships from hitting you. Plus, you can take a number of hits, and even bump into the satellite. Scouts on the other hand need to play it pretty careful, and have to move pretty slow to follow you around the satellite...making them more vulnerable.


The best counter for this so far I have found is using the scout to fly out away a bit, then come in from above or below and get a full round in the person. This usually causes them to try and run for it...at which point you show them their error by filling their rear full of laser:) If they just switch to the other side of the satellite though...their shields will recharge before you actually kill em. At this point, you probably just have to have a strike fighter and follow them around, or get good at gunship sniping between the pillars...several times back to back.


The ship requisition isn't entirely stuck to the ship. You can use cartel coins to convert some to fleet requisition. Fleet Requisition works on all the ships. Fleet req will be spent if you try to buy something, but don't have enough ship req.


Example: If you have 750 ship req, and 250 fleet req...when you try to buy a 1,000 req upgrade, it will say something like "You only have 750 ship req. Purchasing this upgrade will also use 250 fleet req. Are you sure this is what you want to do?"


If you have that on your strike fighter, but want an upgrade on your scout which has 0 ship req: You can convert the 750 strike fighter, into 750 more fleet. Then, on the scout, it would say you have 0 ship req, so it will cost you 1000 fleet req.


Note: Before you go upgrading, make sure to read EVERYTHING about it. There's a detailed tooltip option in the starfighter settings, make sure to check that. Also read the flavor text. I accidentally bought a plasma cannon for my gunship thinking it would just do more damage. However, in the flavor text it mentions it does the damage over time. So...the basic gun would do the 1600 damage instantly. The plasma gun would do 1800 over like 10 seconds. DOH! Also, there's just plain a lot more in there you want to know about. ( Note that the "Damage" numbers are actually DPS. )


Finally, be aware that upgrades get more expensive fast. First 1 is 1,000. Second is 2,500. 3rd is 5,000. ( This is per item though, not ship wide or anything. So it's pretty cheap to get tier 1 upgrades...but getting those lower ones can take quite awhile. )

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Anyway, can anyone post some guidance as to what to do for someone who is just starting out in Starship fights with absolutely no perks or upgrades? I'm sure I need to choose one specific ship and upgrade that instead of spreading it around. So that's between the Scout and the Strike Fighter. I don't even think I can buy any other type of ship right now...


I'd say... Go for as many ship - and even companion - unlocks as you can early on by converting ship req to fleet req and see what fits your playstyle... Than begin upgrading that specific ship, unlock the components first, find what suits you best and proceed to upgrade those.

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So far I've done about 4 matches and I feel absolutely useless and I get my *** handed to me every single game.


I had exactly the same problem.


I can only say that it is better to actually use the Ship Requisition to do a few upgrades.

And, using the active abilities also helps a lot.


And you might try out which ship better suits your personal playing style. I had severe problems with Scouts & Strike Fighters, only the Gunship is in which I'm halfway good.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I starter with the starfighter, since I really liked the look of the 5K fleet comm bought ship. I was terrible. TERRIBLE. I switched to the scout ship to use the x2 bonus and... wow. I did so much better. I like the speed and abilities I have. When on the starfighter, I NEVER got a missile off. NEVER. The lock on was so slow that i'd never get anything in my lock on long enough. The scout lets you just fire them off. The abilities I have allow for reg, shields, roll, and health regen. I feel like I can at least compete.


Though, getting one shotted by gunships does suck.

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I've started a tips/help resource here on the forums. You can check the thread out here. It's a collection of the tips i've seen around forums, in game, and answers to the questions I see asked a lot.


Scouts are for softening up enemies, or finishing them off. The Strike Fighters are meant to do the heavy lifting. If you're trying to take on Fighters 1v1 with a scout, you're probably going to lose a lot. The game is new now, so you'll run up against enemies who don't know how utilize their ship's full potential, but as time passes, you'll see this start to pan out more and more. You're more of a 'support' ship. Your assists column is what you'll probably want to focus on as a measure for success. If you want to focus on the damage or kills column, Strike Fighters and Gunships are your friends.

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These are some great tips for everyone. I've been rolling around as a scout, but I think I'm going to go heavy on my strike fighter today. I just missed the gunship subscription date, which is too bad because my previous PvP experience has primarily been on WoT, so a long-range TD in space sounds like something I'd like. I wonder how folks are getting around the, in my opinion, crazy mouse sensitivity? Using a mouse for flying is about the most unnatural thing I can think of, but even in WoWP (which has very similar controls) it doesn't seem this difficult to line up good shots. Until they (hopefully) allow mouse sensitivity to be changed, any tips?
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Actually it's not that i'm dying quickly anymore...I just do like no damage whatsoever...seems like people are one shotting me when I do actually die. Whereas I seem to do pathetic damage with my lasers.


It might be personal preference, but i'd recommend the strike fighter with heavy lasers if you're having a hard time doing damage. Sure the DPS isn't the best, but it's accurate and individual shots do good damage. Best of all you won't have to do any fancy flying to get into range.


Next time you're coming up on the target, shuttle your power to weapons and start plinking away at 'em the second they enter max range (like 6km). And of course, remember to aim at the lead reticle and only fire when it turns red.

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Strike Fighter plays similarly to the scout, but you'll usually get less direct success unless someone is dumb enough to let you hit them with a missile. I would like it if the missile could lock faster, and from further away...but had a dead zone below something like 2km. ( Think torpedoes like in Hunt for Red October. They take a moment to arm for safety. ) This means dodging would be more about after they have been fired, rather than just breaking the lock over and over.


I actually am finding a lot of success playing a strike fighter are somewhat longer range. I use concussions with a ion/quad setup though I'm thinking of dropping the ion maybe for a heavy. I also use range extenders. I avoid getting into a 1v1 close range dogfight because it's not productive. Instead at 7km range it's quite a bit easier to lock on concussion missiles, and the quad range extended has a range not much shorter than the missiles. If I do get in a close range fight I tend to run for a satellite or group of allies who will distract my target and let me re-estabilish a greater range.


For me I found clusters to be too weak and the range is terrible, and since the strike isn't built for speed it's better to expand your engagement radius than try to get in close to fight.

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So, to get my daily bonus on my scout (which I will probably never use, I love the T6 Pike too much), I played 2 matches and wow, okay, I suicided 4 or 5 times over those two matches, even once on the little tower on the Repub capital ship...let that last one sink in. This is why I don't own a 500 horsepower car.
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Strike Fighter plays similarly to the scout, but you'll usually get less direct success unless someone is dumb enough to let you hit them with a missile. I would like it if the missile could lock faster, and from further away...but had a dead zone below something like 2km. ( Think torpedoes like in Hunt for Red October. They take a moment to arm for safety. ) This means dodging would be more about after they have been fired, rather than just breaking the lock over and over.


Actually, I have to say that strikes are quite powerful, including the missiles, against experienced players. There are ways to break locks, but a lot of it depends on range and the locker's skill at maintaining locks.


It does take some experience to recognize proper launch envelopes, mind you, but when you've gotten the hang of it, as well as blasting away with lasers AND locking missiles, they really are quite effective. Proton torpedos work very well at long range, concussion missiles are wonderful at medium range and pack quite a punch, and cluster missiles are extremely easy to use (though, granted, are somewhat weak).


The main advantage of Strikes is their versatility. That second primary or secondary weapon really enhances the different uses of the Strikes, granting additional capabilities that are very useful if the pilot knows how to employ them.


Just remember, there's more to fighter combat than winning the turning fight.

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I am just going to break it to you: you might not be good at galactic starfighter. The learning curve is much higher than regular TOR. I would recommend using scout, but if you are dying quickly you need to maneuver. I find strike fighters okay, but the scout's speed seems to be a better advantage.


The person you directed this to played like 4 games. Also, all of those getting the 5+ kills prob were testing it for weeks.

Edited by reclipsed
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Scout is my favorite and Strike is the weakest, imo. I tear things up on my Scout, but then I play to maximize mobility and have pumped all my requisition into it's weapons.


On my Strike, I can never stay on things long enough to kill them, and it seems like when I do actually hit things, it does like no damage.


My personal preference is 1. Scout, 2. Gunship, Distant 3rd Strike.

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