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Epic PUB GS win


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So, I recorded this video of a great Republic win. I saw one or two posts in threads saying the pubs were barely winning anything, so I decided to post this epic pub win, it seemed like a loss at first, but we bounced back, just thought people should see.

UPDATED: here is a show that imps aren't losing either, this is from my sith warrior watch this great imperial win


P.S. I am still getting used to the controls and I am only on this an hour a day so I myself am rather clumsy in that video, but I still get stuff done and take out some fighters, watch!

Edited by Sangrar
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I wouldnt say the pubs always win on the harbinger server, that's where I play and there have been a handful of games where the imps have absolutely stomped us because people wouldnt focus on objectives and just flew around shooting things.


Well to be honest it gets boring crushing the imps every time, I sometimes decide to fly around killing them instead of holding objectives just because I can...

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Well to be honest it gets boring crushing the imps every time, I sometimes decide to fly around killing them instead of holding objectives just because I can...


Oh, I do that once in a while as well. But it doesn't matter, because the Pubs on Harbinger just seem to understand how to play objectives. Even if they don't rack up much in the way of kills or damage, they're at least preventing enemies from capping the node, so I always have time to get over there if things get ugly. The Imps, on the other hand, tend to be flying out the middle of nowhere with giant "shoot me" signs hanging on their ships.


I think the ultimate difference is the Pubs have newbs who are merely ignorant, while the Imps have noobs who are just stupid. That saying "Ignorance can be corrected, but you can't fight stupid" definitely seems to be the difference between the factions on Harbinger.

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Pubs have won ~60% of the matches on The Ebon Hawk (at least the ones I've been in).

There was a 1000-5 match and a 1000-8 match, but most have been competitive. Quite a number of close matches where the loser was 950+.

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Pubs have won ~60% of the matches on The Ebon Hawk (at least the ones I've been in).

There was a 1000-5 match and a 1000-8 match, but most have been competitive. Quite a number of close matches where the loser was 950+.


You get far more coms or whatever if you let them make a game of it, but damn, some of those imps are stupid, it's just tough.

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Anyone who says Pubs aren't winning hasn't been on Harbinger, lol!


Agreed. They have definitely won the vast majority of Republic vs. Imp battles that I've been involved in. There was one particularly amazing stomping that I remember where the Imps were getting killed all over the map so much that there were several times that I had to fly around for awhile trying to find someone to shoot as the Imps were all dead and re-spawning, lol.

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Pubs have won ~60% of the matches on The Ebon Hawk (at least the ones I've been in).

There was a 1000-5 match and a 1000-8 match, but most have been competitive. Quite a number of close matches where the loser was 950+.


Hawdy fellow member of the Hawk as well. Almost every single match i been in the Republic side 1.


There was a great match where the Empire side was ahead almost at the halfway point then we took a 2nd satelite right at the halfway point and held on to it for dear life. the Empire side was at 973 before we surpassed them and won 1000 to 986.

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Anyone who says Pubs aren't winning hasn't been on Harbinger, lol!


Aren't we lucky we are pub side on harbinger >_< I can sit under the satellite all game and before i know it my team has 3 capped the harbinger imps :p

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Imps are still taking over on Vanjervalis Chain.


They seem to act like some sort of Horde or Locust schwarm : Taking over 1 satellite as a huge schwarm, then leaving 1-2 defenders there, then the swarm goes to the next satellite ... repeat ad nauseam.


It clearly shows that people who are good in ground PvP are also good in space PvP, because they use the same tactics.


I've lost more than enough matches with 3 imp-controlled satellites having 3 turrets ... Awful. My last result was 240:1000 ... Lost, of course ...

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