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Kills and assists


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And how are assists determined? Do I still get credit if I damage an opposing ship but eventually abandon target?


I believe dying clears you of an assists, but as long as you stay alive you'll get it when someone else shoots them.


This is all completely wrong. Currently if you do 99.9% of the damage to shields and hull and someone flies in and takes the last 0.01% you lose the kill and get an assist. That's why the message flashes, "player X killed player Y".


No, it's completely right. Reread his post.


If I do the last 0.01% of a ship's total health then I'm doing 100% of its CURRENT health.

Edited by MCaliban
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You get 1 more medal by getting 8 kills as opposed to getting 8 assists


Ravage - 8 kills

Ace - 5 kills

Quick Draw - 2 kills


Fighter - 8 kill assists

Support - 4 kill assists


So i guess the "anger" is warranted. As long as you get 2, 5 and 8 kills though you should be set for that match. That is the most medals/ship requisition rewards that you will get for the kills category.

Edited by paowee
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Fact is, if you didn't get the killing blow, you didn't get the killing blow. A tad frustrating, but that's how it works, really is how it has worked since people have been dogfighting as far as I know.


If there is to be a change, unless the person that gets the kill show does more than 50% of the damage, you could argue that both people should get an assist.


Calling it "not fair" is going a bit far though, and frankly changing this is a waste of programming resources.

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I think the kill should be awarded to whoever did the most damage to the target in the past 60 seconds or so. It is just frustrating to chase someone for a minute, get their health down to 15%, and for someone else to come and get the killing shot.


The Same thing happens in regular PVP, u can hunt, shoot, cut, stab, blow up and chop your victim to almost nothing, then someone else comes along and does one thing or two and takes your kill from you. Now that P&%^es! Me OFF!!!


So if they aren't doing any thing for that, then they can't do any thing for Star fighters pvp, Neither.

And if they fix it for one they better fix it for the other as well.

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Heres my deal though... What exactly am I supposed to do? Should I keep my distance, and just watch 2 of you dogfight Well I'm not. I see a fight, I'm moving to it. I've had too many fights that started 1 vs 1 turn into 2 vs 1, and often I'm the 1.

Now I'm forced to get defensive, and get out. That target I was working, is now someone's easy kill.


I think long-run, it evens out...


In fact, if you see me in a 1 vs 1, please jump in... just shoot in amongst us, one of us needs relief.

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I think the kill should be awarded to whoever did the most damage to the target in the past 60 seconds or so. It is just frustrating to chase someone for a minute, get their health down to 15%, and for someone else to come and get the killing shot.


If you spent the past 60 seconds uselessly plinking at the enemy's shields and then letting them recharge, then I come in and actually kill the guy, it is my kill not yours.


I see a lot of ships flying around with 20-30% hp and full shields, when I use slug railgun to finish them off I saved everyone else a huge hassle.

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So i guess the "anger" is warranted. As long as you get 2, 5 and 8 kills though you should be set for that match. That is the most medals/ship requisition rewards that you will get for the kills category.


Honestly... I don't think it is. I'm not sure the medals really mean anything other than keeping a tab on what you were up to.


Quoting from one of the developer blogs:

For example, if you damage an enemy player but a teammate swoops in and finishes them off, you both get the full reward for defeating that ship. Source


I don't think the anger is justified. I think it is mostly riled up because the devs haven't given us a method in game to view how our actions actually contributed to our requisition reward. If the stats list were either itemized or sorted in such a way to indicate that just attacking a ship or completing objectives was the source of rewards, people wouldn't be so fixated on the killshot. I'd honestly be happier if the stat completely went away in favor of a combined assist / kill count.

Edited by Luneward
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Honestly... I don't think it is. I'm not sure the medals really mean anything other than keeping a tab on what you were up to.


I can confirm this is true. I had a match last night where I got just over 1800 Reqs and only had 6 or 7 medals, 0 kills and 2 assists. I captured something like 5 satellites that game and destroyed 6 or 7 turrets.

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The most important thing is victory. Kill stealing is not wrong, it just means enemies are getting killed faster. So if I get kill stolen, I don't mind (ok, there's a momentary pang of dissatisfaction at my failure to kill faster, but I'm a grown up, I can deal *grin*).


If you really care about your stats, look at your damage, that's much more significant... but someone with low damage and high objective probably contributed just as much to your victory as someone with high damage and few objective points.

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You get 1 more medal by getting 8 kills as opposed to getting 8 assists


Ravage - 8 kills

Ace - 5 kills

Quick Draw - 2 kills


Fighter - 8 kill assists

Support - 4 kill assists


So i guess the "anger" is warranted. As long as you get 2, 5 and 8 kills though you should be set for that match. That is the most medals/ship requisition rewards that you will get for the kills category.


Medals don't generate requisition.


If you want to maximize requisition, focus on capping and switching ships.

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Well, in my personal list of anecdotes, the opposite was rather true.


Which had puzzled me.


Maybe you fly a Gunship or Strike Fighter? I rack up loads of assists in my Scout, but in the few times I have flown it, many more kills in my Strike.


This is all just spinning wheels though. We all know that if the killing blow didn't grant a kill, the same people would be getting frustrated over THAT too.


Medals don't generate requisition.


If you want to maximize requisition, focus on capping and switching ships.


How does that work? Do you get the full req reward on all the ship types you use during a match?

Edited by Svarthrafn
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In a good team you have two to three players going after the same target. Who ever gets the kill doesnt matter because you are taking out the baddies quickly and moving on to the next one. When we do guild runs we always stay in groups of three and we always watch each others backs. As long as one of us isnt getting attacked all three is focusing down one person. Damage and accuracy> support/assist > kills in our book.
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If you are that concerned with kills I don't want you on my team because its apparent you aren't a team player.



Kills have little to nothing to do with your skill level in GSF. Kills are simply a count of who put the last bit of damage into the enemy fighter.

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I think the kill should be awarded to whoever did the most damage to the target in the past 60 seconds or so. It is just frustrating to chase someone for a minute, get their health down to 15%, and for someone else to come and get the killing shot.


Mmm nope, kill is not so important like ground PvP. Assist and reward for it works fine, you gain medal for it.

Last is very satisfying to have the "last shot" :D

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The most Reqs I have ever received was just over 1800, and I only had 6 scoreboard medals. So i'm pretty sure that medals are not the only thing giving Reqs.


That was one of the first matches you did that day wasn't it? You get a bonus that is only good for the first couple of matches on each ship that resets everyday. The most I have gotten on a non-bonused match was just over 950 req with 15 medals.

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Assists are just as important imo, as are the other stats, if our team wins the match that's all that matters to me (more req).


If it helps any, third party stat trackers in the past have always taken assists into account for a K/D Ratio...

for example:

((Assists/2)+Kills) / Deaths = K/D


2 Kills, 6 Assists, and 1 Death would be a K/D of 5:1 using the example formula above.


Of course ideally one should be looking at a combination of all the stats to gauge how they are doing :)


Just an example of another way to look at it rather than counting kills only in the default score screen sorting.

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That was one of the first matches you did that day wasn't it? You get a bonus that is only good for the first couple of matches on each ship that resets everyday. The most I have gotten on a non-bonused match was just over 950 req with 15 medals.


Not at all. I had been playing for a good 6 hours at that point. I have been trying to work out where Reqs come from. I am certain that you get a lot of them for capturing a satellite. I have been testing and I regularly get over 1500, and rarely get under 1000. I have gotten over 1000 in a game that my team lost.


That 1800 is my highest number, and that game I basically just flew around satellites long enough to capture them. My final stats were 0 kills, 1 assist, less than 10k damage, 6 medals... but I also captured 5 satellites and destroyed 6 turrets.

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How does that work? Do you get the full req reward on all the ship types you use during a match?


You get a req reward for the actions that ship performed during the match. I tend to start a match with a scout so I can assist in capturing satellites, then swap to gunship or strike the first time I die so I can help hold them.


And yes, capturing grants a fair amount. Dustotepp probably has a better idea of what grants req than I do though. I usually get 1.1k-1.2k on a bonus win, and 600 for a non bonus win. But I'm usually sitting back on defense or assisting on a contested satellite than actively trying to capture.

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Legacy Medals don't -

- but Score Board Medals do !


No they don't. Eric confirmed a while back that scoreboard medals in GSF have no bearing on requisition gain. They are completely unrelated. Medals are there strictly for bragging rights. It does not work like ground PvP at all. He also confirmed that assists count the same as kills in the same post as I recall.

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