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Kills and assists


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I think the kill should be awarded to whoever did the most damage to the target in the past 60 seconds or so. It is just frustrating to chase someone for a minute, get their health down to 15%, and for someone else to come and get the killing shot.


How about just adding a new "Would Have Killed" column and a hot key you can press any time you're sure that you would have killed somebody if your kill hadn't been "stolen"? Because any algorithm other than giving credit to the actual killer involves some degree of speculation. E.g., how do you know the target wasn't just about to make an evasive maneuver, pump up shields, or some other way of getting away at the last the second?


Also, not giving the actual killer credit might have a demotivational effect -- maybe the would-have-been-actual-killer sees that the target is almost dead and goes for another target instead. And then the target evades you and gets away (so nobody gets the kill).


It's not like you don't get any coffee just because you *only* assisted. :)

Edited by eartharioch
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This would also combat the problem of people purposely killing themselves to avoid giving away a kill. And this isn't something some people do by accident. I've seen people with 40% accuracy and 10 kills in a match, turn and boost in a straight line towards an asteroid when I have a missile locked on and chasing.
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Can you give me a reason why having an E-peen is bad? This is a competitive online game predicated on killing others to prove your own skill. The kill and assist count is implemented for a reason. If you are happy with zero kills each match whilst doing the most damage, that is your own opinion and you are entitled to it. Do not interfere with mine. Edited by xOxDarkyxOx
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I NEVER get awarded for a kill.

ONLY for supports.


It's almost as if scavengers are sitting there, waiting until some insane moron has reduced an enemy's "health" so much that they can get an easy kill - and get awarded for it.

Of course they would never do supports themselves. They always wait until someone has "contributed" enough. After all, they are after the medals, not the teamwork, and those who get most kills get most medals.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I take good pride in my assists, because a lot of times someone will kill themselves trying to get away. Still, a kill is better. If someone crashes within seconds of getting shot by me, I feel like it was my doing and my kill. I would like credit.
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The is no "I" in E-Peen.


Meh, if your team wins and you are highly involved through damage, assists or kills, what difference does it make?


Some matches I'm tops in kills other its assist, generally it's all about luck as to who gets the final shot.

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I think the kill should be awarded to whoever did the most damage to the target in the past 60 seconds or so. It is just frustrating to chase someone for a minute, get their health down to 15%, and for someone else to come and get the killing shot.


Well since it isn't possible to make a ship stall, rendering it useless without killing it, the only way to bring the ship out of the action is by destroying it; thus only the killing blow really changes the outcome. You may not like it but doing a lot of damage does not guarantee a kill.

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I want to vote for this change too, kills should go to who did the most damage , if they want they can add a kill shot category. Right now the kills category is useless and the leader board defaults to show the most useless stat which is crazy.


Right now if I want to see who did well dogfighting wise I look damage + kills and assists.

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The is no "I" in E-Peen.


Meh, if your team wins and you are highly involved through damage, assists or kills, what difference does it make?


Some matches I'm tops in kills other its assist, generally it's all about luck as to who gets the final shot.


Why does it need to be that way? what is the point of putting up a stat on the leader board that is based on luck? much less making the leader board default to show that stat as an over ranking in the match.

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Why does it need to be that way? what is the point of putting up a stat on the leader board that is based on luck? much less making the leader board default to show that stat as an over ranking in the match.


So what you are really saying is that you are upset with the default sorting criterium for sorting the leaderboard?!?


If anything, I'd suggest that you look at medal count for the best indication of your performance. But in the larger scheme of things, you need to appreciate all of the different stats for different reasons. That's why the have different "MVP" medals for the categories.


IMO, the beauty of GSF is that each match is much different than the last because strategy, tactics and coordination are so vital to your team's success. That is a lot different than ground PvP.


My basic point is that depending on the circumstances, I can be a key member of the team for a variety of reasons. When I'm in a Gunship Kills & Damage matter to me most, in my scout my Kill-to-Death ratio is what I use to judge my performance, in a Strike Fighter it is usually Assists & Damage that matter to me.


Just my $0.02, but I definitely don't think a change is needed.

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I want to vote for this change too, kills should go to who did the most damage , if they want they can add a kill shot category. Right now the kills category is useless and the leader board defaults to show the most useless stat which is crazy.


Right now if I want to see who did well dogfighting wise I look damage + kills and assists.


The current method does allocate kills to whomever did the most damage, just as a percentage, not an absolute value. To get a kill, you have to do 100% (or more) of the targets current health. Anything less than 100% is less than a kill, so is called an assist.


Also, while any given encounter may seem to have too much of an RNG element to it, over a long period of time, whoever is attacking more enemies and doing more damage is more likely to have more kills (and more assists) than other people.

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And how are assists determined? Do I still get credit if I damage an opposing ship but eventually abandon target?


To my knowledge yes, assuming somebody eventually kills it. If the match ends without it dying (after you hit it), nobody would have killed it, so there would be no Kill to Assist. Other than that, I don't know of any timeout, so if you hit it, and somebody destroys it later, you (and everybody other than the killer, who gets it marked as a kill) gets the assist.

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I am inclined to agree with the OP. The kill vs assist metric is bad and gives incentive to people to run off and dog fight from objective A to B and back rather than help their team.


Perhaps the kills and assists should be combined like in the ground game PvP matches. Then on mouse over it could show kills and assists.

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Can you give me a reason why having an E-peen is bad? This is a competitive online game predicated on killing others to prove your own skill. The kill and assist count is implemented for a reason. If you are happy with zero kills each match whilst doing the most damage, that is your own opinion and you are entitled to it. Do not interfere with mine.


Kills are far from the point in GSF. Skill is about damage done and NOT dying. In fact, being an assist leader is far more important than putting the final shot in. Anyone can put in the final shot. ANYONE. Any clueless moron can happen upon a 90% damaged enemy and shoot him down. SKill is not measured by kills.

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The current method does allocate kills to whomever did the most damage, just as a percentage, not an absolute value. To get a kill, you have to do 100% (or more) of the targets current health. Anything less than 100% is less than a kill, so is called an assist.


Also, while any given encounter may seem to have too much of an RNG element to it, over a long period of time, whoever is attacking more enemies and doing more damage is more likely to have more kills (and more assists) than other people.


So if someone shoots a guy until he has a sliver of hull left and no shields and I fly by and one shot him it wont count as a kill for me?


If that's the way its working im fine with it, Its just that everyone is always complaining that im stealing their kills because im usually #1 in kills. And I would personally like to know how many kills im getting rather than how many lucky shots im getting.

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These threads are *almost* as good as watching idiots full stop under the beacons and get wasted.


I fly a scout, and often have assists sitting in the double-digit range. Kills usually in the 3 to 4 range. This is completely anecdotal, but the times I've managed really high kill counts, our team has ended up losing. Conversely, if I can pull down 10+ assists, we're going to curbstomp the enemy side.


GSF is about objectives. Objectives trump kills. Some of the most enjoyable matches I've played in have had our side flowing like water to the weakest-defended beacons. We'd capture it, hold it a while, and when the enemy came in force, give some token resistance to keep them chasing kills, and direct the bulk of our force at their beacon.


They would edge us out in kills by the end, but we've crushed them in control score.


If you're worried about your kill count, you need to L2P.

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Kills are far from the point in GSF. Skill is about damage done and NOT dying. In fact, being an assist leader is far more important than putting the final shot in. Anyone can put in the final shot. ANYONE. Any clueless moron can happen upon a 90% damaged enemy and shoot him down. SKill is not measured by kills.


Yes, you are 100% correct and that is exactly what the Kill count means in the current scheme. However, with the change I suggested, kills would no longer be based purely on luck with "any clueless moron" being able to get the kill count.


These threads are *almost* as good as watching idiots full stop under the beacons and get wasted.


I fly a scout, and often have assists sitting in the double-digit range. Kills usually in the 3 to 4 range. This is completely anecdotal, but the times I've managed really high kill counts, our team has ended up losing. Conversely, if I can pull down 10+ assists, we're going to curbstomp the enemy side.


GSF is about objectives. Objectives trump kills. Some of the most enjoyable matches I've played in have had our side flowing like water to the weakest-defended beacons. We'd capture it, hold it a while, and when the enemy came in force, give some token resistance to keep them chasing kills, and direct the bulk of our force at their beacon.


They would edge us out in kills by the end, but we've crushed them in control score.


If you're worried about your kill count, you need to L2P.


Also, i'm pretty sure some people are misunderstanding my intent, like this one. I'm not saying chasing kills is what you should be doing, as that will not win the game for anyone. What i'm saying is that what someone puts effort towards should be credited to that person.


It's like saying only one person gets objective points and it's whoever got to the node first or last. It simply isn't fair. While a kill count does not actually mean anything, it's a "reward" for your effort, just like any of the other columns on the score board.

Edited by xOxDarkyxOx
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The current method does allocate kills to whomever did the most damage, just as a percentage, not an absolute value. To get a kill, you have to do 100% (or more) of the targets current health. Anything less than 100% is less than a kill, so is called an assist.


This is all completely wrong. Currently if you do 99.9% of the damage to shields and hull and someone flies in and takes the last 0.01% you lose the kill and get an assist. That's why the message flashes, "player X killed player Y".

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This is all completely wrong. Currently if you do 99.9% of the damage to shields and hull and someone flies in and takes the last 0.01% you lose the kill and get an assist. That's why the message flashes, "player X killed player Y".


This is how I understood it worked, and I thought they also confirmed that on the live stream Friday. If it is like this it needs to be changed.

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