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BAD CONTROLS! Oh, the bad controls...


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They should have gone with what works very well in SW space sim shooters like XWing vs TIE Fighter, XWing Alliance, and JTL. There were mouse players in JTL who were very good, and they had no problems with the standard controls.


The moving reticule is a horrible idea, and the throttle control is atrocious. YPR control is is the worst I have ever seen. The lack of a first person view doesn't suit me either.


The addition of mmo powers that make moves for you is beyond ridiculous. The physics of it aren't that great either, but I could live with it if everything else was decent.


If people think the controls are great, then they have never played a free shooter that actually had great, and responsive controls.


I'm not going to bother anymore. I don't like how they set up the control systems at all, and I am not going to do something that I don't find fun.

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I have played a lot of fighter flight simulators in my days, including many Star Wars ones (Rogue Squadron, X-Wing, etc.) and I have never seen worse controls in this type of game.


I don't use a joystick, I use the WASD keys to control direction, and Q and E for roll.


I never in my life would have used the mouse to control direction, and it makes no sense, especially if the mouse can move outside the field of fire. I constantly find myself trying very hard to keep the mouse in the center reticule, trying to avoid the mouse being way off to the side of the screen because I'm trying to turn as fast as possible to keep up with the cycle of circling around an enemy, hoping to obtain a stable firing position within the next century, while the enemy is doing the exact same thing. Flight sim game mechanics aside, I really want a setting to control ship direction with WASD or the arrow keys, like a traditional flight sim game.


Maybe it's just me, but I am having a really hard time getting along with these controls while at the same time fighting with the lag that my computer forces me to suffer through even at the lowest graphics settings.


IF it was a real mistake or poor choice, we wouldnt see people dominating, everyone would end up with 0-1 kill

It takes a lot of practice but its mostly a L2P issue more than a game issue.

Edited by Osoygatitalove
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I have played a lot of fighter flight simulators in my days, including many Star Wars ones (Rogue Squadron, X-Wing, etc.) and I have never seen worse controls in this type of game.



Guess you never played Star Wars: Galaxies then......as it's pretty much the same set up they used.....

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Guess you never played Star Wars: Galaxies then......as it's pretty much the same set up they used.....


LOL no. Not even close.


Your ship didn't follow the reticule in JTL

The reticule was locked in JTL

YPR control was more precise in JTL

JTL had no "powers" that flew your ship for you, or gave your ship a defense chance that might cause a shot to miss

You didn't have to hold your walk button to move at max unboosted speed in JTL

You could make throttle percentage presets in JTL

Your camera wasn't way above, and behind your ship in 3rd person view in JTL, and it could be adjusted

You could have a 1st person view in JTL

Controls weren't so touchy in JTL

You could use a joystick, or gamepad for more precision in JTL


Did you actualy play JTL for more than a minute?

Edited by Hambunctious
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I love the people who say "Learn to play" here. I don't care if a bunch of people are able to fly this way. I gave it a shot one evening and the controls blow chunks. I'm just not going to do it anymore. No flight stick = I'm not playing. I'm pretty sure there are a LOT of people who feel this way. This was BW's chance to get a bunch more people to the play the game. I bet there's a big percentage of the people who only subbed to play GSF who aren't going to do so for another month. Luckily I love the ground game and have that to go back to.
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LOL no. Not even close.


Your ship didn't follow the reticule in JTL

The reticule was locked in JTL

YPR control was more precise in JTL

JTL had no "powers" that flew your ship for you, or gave your ship a defense chance that might cause a shot to miss

You didn't have to hold your walk button to move at max unboosted speed in JTL

You could make throttle percentage presets in JTL

Your camera wasn't way above, and behind your ship in 3rd person view in JTL, and it could be adjusted

You could have a 1st person view in JTL

Controls weren't so touchy in JTL

You could use a joystick, or gamepad for more precision in JTL


Did you actualy play JTL for more than a minute?


I think the answer to that would be no. :D


I miss JTL.

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The best advice I can give is play on the tutorial until you have a grip on all the controls. I probably spend an hour making new keybindings and learning what they meant. You will get used to keeping your mouse in the middle. I swore the second day that I played GSF that swtor changed the sensitivity of the reticule but it's just me getting used to the controls lol.
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The controls are a bit off. Third person mouse controlled PVP space combat is nothing new, mouse control can work brilliantly. With GS it feels like like your moving a mouse cursor that your ship desperately tries to chase about, rather than the mouse movements controlling the ship.


The games OK its not great. For me it doesn’t feel like I’m controlling a Star Wars ship more a nitrous boosted blimp. I have no problem with the abilities, its the basic controls the same game has been done so much better.


Really looking forward to the expansion, and its really annoying I find it a bit disappointing :(

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I've played a lot of flight sims (IL-2, lock on, x-wing vs tie fighter to name a few) and when I heard about this I was hoping for joystick support. However having played it I find nothing wrong with this control scheme and don't see how they could being in joystick support with the off boresight aiming these fighters have. I for one think this control scheme is well designed, as the number of people with joysticks is quite low they have designed a control scheme that works with what all swtor players must have. Keyboard and mouse.
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If they would develop another control scheme, they would also need to find a way to balance both schemes. If some guys could aim one direction and steer the other one, people using the current scheme would be gimped bad. I myslef love these controls, so do my guildies.


And for the joystick guys, you are playing a space combat minigame in a mmorpg, not a space sim. Plugging in joystick for GSF would be like switching to steering wheel to drive in GTA. Of course, some people do it, but its unneccessarily complicated. Not to mention there would be need for another control interface... Too much unneccessary work for devs.


Solution for haters is simple, if you dont like it, dont play it. I am in similar situation with normal pvp, so I just avoid it, problem solved.

Edited by Slivovidze
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Clearly the game that GSF takes its inspiration from was freelancer which was known to have bad controls and got the same reaction as GSF did for it. Thats why other fighter games never used the freelance style it just doesnt work for fighter games. The stand out feature that made freelancer so good was its open world free roaming and it never pretended to be a proper space shooter like GSF tries to.


I think this must mean that Bioware are working on a free roam space segment. Otherwise it odd to choose to copy the controls of a game known for its bad controls and not copy its great open world free roam. If thats true great otherwise this is just a pretty basic space shooter with very dumbed down controls.

Edited by Tellenn
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Yah I just can't get into this all that much, was exited when I started, but it got real boring real quick, there is no "feel" to the flying at all. Don't get me wrong, I think bw has done a fantastic job with space combat, it is really fun, but the controls are just horrible, I played a lot of flight sims, and I feel like a fish out of water withought the stick.


Now I guesse I can just suck it up like a buttercup and just do what everyone else has to put up with, but the joy of this game and everything else in life; it's just an option.

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Buy Freelancer and practice in a really fun game where you won't lag. Then uninstall all extra non gamey programs off your pc (do a fresh format reinstall, have 8 gig of ram and 2 year old or new video card and maybe an SSD) for swotor.


If you played Freelancer and probably many other games, these controls are intuitive easy and I am having a blast. Maybe it's you guys that are flying away from me in a straight line hoping I don't have the range upgrade on my proton torpedoes (hint, I do).


I played Freelancer only ONCE. Only a few missions, to be exact.


Then I uninstalled it.


Its controls were HORRIBLE.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Freelancer was a great open world game. Would be my favorite space game ever apart from the controls.


I have hopes thats where GSF is heading with having these controls a freelancer clone with open world pvp and pve.

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They should have gone with what works very well in SW space sim shooters like XWing vs TIE Fighter, XWing Alliance, and JTL. There were mouse players in JTL who were very good, and they had no problems with the standard controls.


The moving reticule is a horrible idea, and the throttle control is atrocious. YPR control is is the worst I have ever seen. The lack of a first person view doesn't suit me either.


The addition of mmo powers that make moves for you is beyond ridiculous. The physics of it aren't that great either, but I could live with it if everything else was decent.


If people think the controls are great, then they have never played a free shooter that actually had great, and responsive controls.


I'm not going to bother anymore. I don't like how they set up the control systems at all, and I am not going to do something that I don't find fun.


I warned them plenty of times about their foolish "movable" targeting reticle nonsense in PTS. They didn't listen.


I asked them to implement joystick support to attract more players in PTS. They didn't listen.


Do you know what's so foolish about the devs? If they followed traditional dogfighting games format, they wouldn't have alienated folks like us. Instead they wanted to try something weird. So they decided to make a targeting system that has never ever been used in the history of dogfighting games. Also they refused to support joysticks for this game even though we made threads after threads asking for joystick support. They are literally shooing their customers away! If they made GS more like BF4, Ace Combat, World of Warplanes, Hawken, etc. more players would be playing this game.


I am not saying GS is a failure. It seems to be receiving many positive reviews from players who haven't played many dogfighting games. But if they made it to be more like successful dogfighting games i mentioned above, it would've attracted more players. But again, Bioware devs live in an alternate universe where nonsense makes sense.

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I warned them plenty of times about their foolish "movable" targeting reticle nonsense in PTS. They didn't listen.


I asked them to implement joystick support to attract more players in PTS. They didn't listen.


Do you know what's so foolish about the devs? If they followed traditional dogfighting games format, they wouldn't have alienated folks like us. Instead they wanted to try something weird. So they decided to make a targeting system that has never ever been used in the history of dogfighting games. Also they refused to support joysticks for this game even though we made threads after threads asking for joystick support. They are literally shooing their customers away! If they made GS more like BF4, Ace Combat, World of Warplanes, Hawken, etc. more players would be playing this game.


I am not saying GS is a failure. It seems to be receiving many positive reviews from players who haven't played many dogfighting games. But if they made it to be more like successful dogfighting games i mentioned above, it would've attracted more players. But again, Bioware devs live in an alternate universe where nonsense makes sense.


lol a typically they didn't do what I told them to do so it sucks and they are dumb because I know everything and completely understand why they choose to go this route.


The entitled ranting is getting old. You have no facts to back up any of your complaining, just what you like better and because you do it means they alienate an enormous potential player base who will now never play it. A completely emotional response.


Ask yourself critical questions use critical thinking, why did they go this route, is X in a business sense worth the resources, does X provide an advantage to those that will use it over those that won't, is it cost effective, can we meet release goals if we include x, ect.


It's fairly clear most people can't get that far as they can't see past their own emotional feelings and have no clue how a business + development works.

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