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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Elect Your Backup Guardian Representative Here


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Elect Your Backup Guardian Representative Here


What Is This?

Now that 2.5 has dropped the Top 3 Questions are going to begin again starting in January, which is only a month away. As many have pointed out recently, the Guardian Rep Andrew_Past has been curiously absent from the forums of late and its caused some worries that the class is unrepresented. Since we haven't heard from Andrew I thought it would be prudent to elect a backup representative in case Andrew is permanently gone or unable to fulfill his duties so we aren't left scrambling last minute to elect a new Rep AND compose questions. Granted its still early Dec but this way people have some time to discuss and nominate who they would like as the backup.

What If Andrew Comes Back?

Technically Andrew is still the Rep, so if he comes back its still his job. As long as he's able to fulfill his duties then we are covered. Sometimes life happens have you have to take a break. If the community would rather have the Backup represent them then that's a conversation between Andrew, the backup, and the community.


What Should We Be Looking For in a Backup Rep?

The rep doesn't need to be the undisputed master of all three specs, be topping the dps charts while simultaneously theory crafting. What the rep should be is someone who understands the strength and weaknesses of all three specs, be willing to lead and direct conversation without forcing his/her opinion or agenda on everyone, and is capable of effectively communicating the concerns of the community to the developers. The person should also be ACTIVE on these forums quite a bit, not some guy who no one really knows or is buying votes.


If you'd like to nominate yourself or someone you know go ahead. With that lets begin and good luck to all.

Edited by ArenCordial
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You can print your "A vote for me is a vote for traditional Jedi robes" banner in between matches. ;)


Vote for me is having me to tell the devs whatever you want. It's not like I am going to ask them about a hood toggle, traditional Jedi robes and 500 dps boost even though I'd love to. In this order ;]


Just saying, a top 5 spot in the leaderboards would be a leverage... Shame pvp is dead on my server and queuing for rated is a pain : [



Anyway, for now I will nominate JohnnyMadDog and I think we should all do the same just to hope and wish for some kind of an unreal dev reaction. His style will definitely make us noticed and remembered from all other classes!

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Elect Your Backup Guardian Representative Here


What Is This?

Now that 2.5 has dropped the Top 3 Questions are going to begin again starting in January, which is only a month away. As many have pointed out recently, the Guardian Rep Andrew_Past has been curiously absent from the forums of late and its caused some worries that the class is unrepresented. Since we haven't heard from Andrew I thought it would be prudent to elect a backup representative in case Andrew is permanently gone or unable to fulfill his duties so we aren't left scrambling last minute to elect a new Rep AND compose questions. Granted its still early Dec but this way people have some time to discuss and nominate who they would like as the backup.

What If Andrew Comes Back?

Technically Andrew is still the Rep, so if he comes back its still his job. As long as he's able to fulfill his duties then we are covered. Sometimes life happens have you have to take a break. If the community would rather have the Backup represent them then that's a conversation between Andrew, the backup, and the community.


What Should We Be Looking For in a Backup Rep?

The rep doesn't need to be the undisputed master of all three specs, be topping the dps charts while simultaneously theory crafting. What the rep should be is someone who understands the strength and weaknesses of all three specs, be willing to lead and direct conversation without forcing his/her opinion or agenda on everyone, and is capable of effectively communicating the concerns of the community to the developers. The person should also be ACTIVE on these forums quite a bit, not some guy who no one really knows or is buying votes.


If you'd like to nominate yourself or someone you know go ahead. With that lets begin and good luck to all.


There is no rep as far as I'm concerned. He lost his job...because he doesn't represent us.


I'm sure he had to deal with personal/real life issues...which is fine...but if you can't be here to represent...you can't be a representative. It's as simple as that.


Nothing against him and it definitely has nothing to do with why he had to go at all...it's just that if something takes you away for this long of a time...you need to step down and let someone else who is here represent.


It's not a consultant position...it's a representative position.


This new election should be for the NEW Rep...not a backup.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Then elect a new rep. Keep this post clear and just focus putting names forward.


Grallmate if he's willing.


If not, I throw my hat into the ring. My main is a Guardian. I am not a huge PvPer anymore but big on PvE. I've played all the specs in NiM level content. I also have a Sentinel that I've taken through NiM content as well. And I post here a lot heh.

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...all the way.



If you research Aren's post history, you'll find it full of intelligent and insightful information. Aren is the most mature and responsible candidate for the new position, if the new position needs to be filled.


People, put aside your favorites, and don't be blinded by uncertainty. Arencordial is the best option for a guard representative that you have. This isn't a popularity contest. I've spoken highly of him in the past, and he has always been active in the day to day forum progressions. Aren is usefull, intelligent and experienced with the guardian class. He would have my vote, and he should have yours as well.

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I will not abide by Andrew running back and taking the job. He lost his chance... and got out of touch with the game.


As for my candidate; I don't see any problems with picking any of these three: Grallmate, Aren or Alec.


And no Jonny. Actually... someone convinve Johnyy to go slinger. Maybe he can corrupt slingers and get a nerf for the peace of mind ofrest of DPS specs.

Edited by Manweth
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KBN has declined and we need someone who is regularly on the guard boards. The only real criteria is someone who will take the majority opinion of the boards to the devs, contributes substantially to our discussions (aka someone who actually posts), and knows at least one facet of the Guardian class (be it PvP, PvE tank, PvE dps, etc).


So let's keep this thread focused on suggesting names of people who fit that bill and leave the discussion of Andrew and Johny for another thread. I figure we give this a week and a half, get a list of names, make sure they're willing and then have a vote thread that runs for a week and a half.

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Like I said in the main Rep Thread, I would like to nominate Luckygunslinger and myself. I love the spec, and we need a buff to our execute, and DEFINITELY need more consistent sustained dps.


I go a little more in detail in other threads, but I love the spec, its the only 55 i have that i play with any seriousness and I want to see it at its deserved potential.


I play Vigilance Guardian and raid in it as my primary raid spec. My current best parse is around 3.2k dps on the 1.5 million dummy. I do not tank for raiding, but I get the general gist and feel,and I have several guildies who play it VERY competitively.

Edited by lordbadtamaru
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I also nominate "lordbadtamaru" aka Rydarus. He is a damn good Guardian DPS familiar with both Spec's, well acquainted with the history and progression of Guardians, and has a very balanced view of PVE and PVP. He's also in the same guild as Keyboardninja (who himself has declined taking on an additional class rep spot) so I take that as an extra layer of "security".



Having played Juggernaut DPS extensively myself, I also wish to see Guardians/Juggernauts get a proper rebalance as well. As long as a good rep gets chosen I'm fine.

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And I forgot, Alec_Fortescue is a great choice as well.


He parses pretty well and has an intelligent view on the spec.


Nah, I am just too vocal.


Also I didn't raid or do any pve operations (the "real thing" ones) since the Dread War, so. My computer can't handle it anymore and I am waiting to get my tax back in January to buy a monster of a machine ;]

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Any one of several Guardians could be picked for Rep. The question is what will Bioware respond with? I think with the new questions we need to say flat out what we want. I'm kinda done with the "We feel we need a buff" crap. That kind of thing only gets us the "Ohhhh we feel sorry we will work on a nerf and disguise it as a buff talk."



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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy New Year Everyone,


I just wanted to thank Hadyn, Manweth, and Marb for their confidence in me but I'm afraid I must turn down nominations at this time. My wife is due next month and I bet you the universe would have it that she goes into labor as we are finalizing questions and we don't need an absentee rep. I wouldn't do that to you guys :).


Anyway I think for my money





would be good suggestions. I'm also not sure if Alec has turned down nominations and haven't seen Grallmate around (though that might just be me). Could I get some clarification from those two if they are accepting/declining nominations?


Anyway if anyone else would like to chime in please do. I think I'll be keeping the thread open till at least they announce the date our questions are due.

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