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Need help with Darth Zash


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Now 1st of all I am a novice at this game, but I have ploughed through to Level 36 with my Sith Inquisitor but when coming up against Zash ( who is level 30 ) I am basically getting my butt handed to me...I have looked up various tips and tactic's and I still cannot beat her...think I have tried like 50 times to progress the story. So I have abandoned that and I am basically trying to level up some more.


Anyone who has done this can they help me?? Also I heard you can do it as a group but I tried this with someone and It didn't work ( Do I need to drop my companion and add a player who can help me as my companion?? )





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You don't need to drop a companion. The reason your friend wasn't allowed in was probably because they were also an inquisitor. You can't have two of the same class in a story mission instance, unless they toggle it on in their settings (it's called something like 'Allow access to same class in Story Areas.'


I think this is done to stop people accidentally getting story spoilers for their class when helping someone. You have to actively decide to turn this on.



If this is not the reason then it is probably a glitch of some sort.

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Im new to this, but I think you will have abilities that are termed "CC", i think.


These help break casting spells. So, if she cast a spell-i dont know, since I haven't played it-then you can stop her from using it. Maybe its causes Mega Damage.


the casting bar should be below her health.


Anyway, try that if your not already doing it



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Well, first of all are you an Assassin or a Sorcerer?


^^What this guy said.


Judging by your initial post, I'm guessing you've never chosen an advanced class, or you'd refer to it instead of "Inquisitor." The first thing you should do next time you log in, if this is the case, is go train your advanced class (you should have done this at level 10). You can do this all on the fleet. Your power will shoot up no matter which you choose.


It's hard for us to give advice to you if we don't know whether you're playing an Assassin or a Sorcerer, however.

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Now 1st of all I am a novice at this game, but I have ploughed through to Level 36 with my Sith Inquisitor but when coming up against Zash ( who is level 30 ) I am basically getting my butt handed to me...I have looked up various tips and tactic's and I still cannot beat her...think I have tried like 50 times to progress the story. So I have abandoned that and I am basically trying to level up some more.


Anyone who has done this can they help me?? Also I heard you can do it as a group but I tried this with someone and It didn't work ( Do I need to drop my companion and add a player who can help me as my companion?? )






Like others have mentioned it's hard to give advice without knowing which AC you are playing. But the basics to beating her for either are interruptions, I believe. Send Khem in first, make sure Khem is geared to a reasonable degree. Use overload/jolt when she is casting high damage abilities or her self heal. If you use these smartly instead of on cooldown it should stop her spamming heals and prolonging the fight.


Are you using stims/medpacs? Don't forget heroic moment and any legacy skills like unity etc to give you a boost/extra health. At the time of fighting her I was speccing between a madness and darkness sin. I failed on the first attempt as a madness spec because I honestly didn't know what to expect and just pulled aggro and facerolled the floor.


Stuck a shield/dark charge on and respecced to darkness and it was easy, I was level 31 at the time. So if you're an assassin and aren't fussed about respeccing for the fight I would go for that. Although if you're assassin dps you might prefer to learn how to beat tough opponents in your own spec. If you're sorc I can't say I've played them, but the interrupts/companion assistance should be enough, plus you're able to keep your distance to avoid the worst aoes.

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Thanks guys, I am sure I choose an advanced class at Level 10, I think I chose assassin ( wielding a double bladed light saber but I will check when I next log in ) my damage rating is only like 230-260 is this correct??? as I said I am a noob a this type of game



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Thanks guys, I am sure I choose an advanced class at Level 10, I think I chose assassin ( wielding a double bladed light saber but I will check when I next log in ) my damage rating is only like 230-260 is this correct??? as I said I am a noob a this type of game




You would know by now if you're using a double bladed saber. It resembles Darth Maul's saber from the movies.

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I think by level 36 you will know if you have an AC or not. :eek:


For every class there are two advanced classes, and then per advanced classes there are three skill trees. It's pretty impossible to not progress through these and notice them. And yes if you have a double bladed lightsaber you are an assassin, but since you're unsure of this I'm worried you haven't specced anything at all.


Take a look at that flashing branch icon in the top middle of your screen and choose a tree to spec into if you haven't already. Darkness is a tank spec, Madness and Deception are DPS. Make sure you use your ligthsaber charge buffs at all times; dark charge is for tanking and the others are for DPS.


Take a look here as an example.

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Thanks guys, I am sure I choose an advanced class at Level 10, I think I chose assassin ( wielding a double bladed light saber but I will check when I next log in ) my damage rating is only like 230-260 is this correct??? as I said I am a noob a this type of game




If you are able to use double blade you are definitely an Assassin. I don't remember the fight exactly, so no tips on specific tactics from me, but here are some general pointers:


1. Make sure you are using Willpower gear (comms, implants, mods in moddable pieces) - it is your primary main stat (check noxxic.com for info on the importance of other stats for your AC).

2. Use a healing companion if available.

3. Make use of "line of sight" - when the mob casts, try to run behind cover, like a pillar or something - that will break their casting.

4. Make use of stims and medpacs - remember you can use a medpac once per fight, so make it count when you use it, your stim is willpower ofc.

5. You have a heroic moment ability (channel the force) and a damage mitigation skill only usable with an active companion - be sure to use those when the companion is still alive - one will heal you for a minute and the other reduces damage you and your companion take. Channel the force alone makes a substantial difference.

6. As other posters mentioned, it is perfectly fine for someone, including other classes, to help you with the fight. There are friendly people out there, you can always try asking someone for help. Another player + their comp = zash's old *** kicked.


Hope I was at least a little helpful. Good luck.

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I think by level 36 you will know if you have an AC or not. :eek:


For every class there are two advanced classes, and then per advanced classes there are three skill trees. It's pretty impossible to not progress through these and notice them. And yes if you have a double bladed lightsaber you are an assassin, but since you're unsure of this I'm worried you haven't specced anything at all.


Take a look at that flashing branch icon in the top middle of your screen and choose a tree to spec into if you haven't already. Darkness is a tank spec, Madness and Deception are DPS. Make sure you use your ligthsaber charge buffs at all times; dark charge is for tanking and the others are for DPS.


Take a look here as an example.


Cheers, checked again I am an assassin and I do have a Darth Maul lightsaber lol! I will try the advice given from you kind people and see if I finally kick Zash's *** :D

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5. You have a heroic moment ability (channel the force) and a damage mitigation skill only usable with an active companion - be sure to use those when the companion is still alive - one will heal you for a minute and the other reduces damage you and your companion take. Channel the force alone makes a substantial difference.


Just a quick note about this bit, the damage mitigation skills you're talking about are unlocked by reaching Dark Side rank 5 and Light Side rank 5, respectively, or by paying to unlock them in the Global Unlocks section of your Legacy. This guy is clearly a very new player and probably does not have those abilities. The basic Heroic Moment, though, is definitely a good call for any tough fight while soloing.

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All of these other people are leading you in the wrong direction. If you can't beat a solo quest, it's almost certainly the case that you and/or your companion are underleveled and/or undergeared. If your level is high, check your gear. Green level 21 gear isn't going to cut it, friend. Go to the GTN and buy gear to your level. I recommend getting a full set of adaptive pieces and filling them with mods from planetary commendation vendors. Gear is really, really important in this game. Never assume that you're equal to an enemy because of your level alone. Gear is what will make or break you in every fight. Good luck.
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All of these other people are leading you in the wrong direction. If you can't beat a solo quest, it's almost certainly the case that you and/or your companion are underleveled and/or undergeared.


Undergeared maybe, underlevelled? Nope. They already said they were six levels above Zash.


Could be a gear issue, but that could also be combined with just really needing to get to grips with all the little tricks of the trade that you generally don't need while levelling, until one of those occasional nasty boss fight comes along and smacks you in the face.

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Undergeared maybe, underlevelled? Nope. They already said they were six levels above Zash.


Could be a gear issue, but that could also be combined with just really needing to get to grips with all the little tricks of the trade that you generally don't need while levelling, until one of those occasional nasty boss fight comes along and smacks you in the face.


If he's 6 levels over, even gearing shouldn't be an issue. This sounds more like an interrupt issue.

OP, watch to see what Zash is casting that's doing so much damage.


I just completed the sage story, and the last boss I had to fight had one ability that did 46k damage in one hit. Even the best geared tanks at level 55 can't survive that. The trick is to interrupt them mid'cast. Once I realized what I had done wrong in the first attempt, my second run at him was easy. :)


Make certain you use your interrupt abilities when he's casting that one.

There is a cool-down on your interrupt, so you don't want to use it on other abilities, just that one.

Knowing what each of your abilities can do is the key.

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Bringing the Healer-Comp doesn´t work here. He has to run with Khem Val.


All you can do is check your gear, if you dont have Biochem yourself buy some medpacks that heal you and Khem at the same time and most important at all story-bossfights, know your interrupts,stuns and pushbacks.

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What server do you play on bro? I'd be more than happy to help you with this fight if you're still having trouble.


Tomb of Freedon Nadd is the server I use, probably wont be on it until Sat morning I am guessing.

Also I have been looking on the cartel network. is the investigator armor any good for my current problem regarding whooping zash's blonde backside??:D

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It will help you look good while getting your backside kicked ? :D


At least I will look good lol.....Ehhhh seriously I am rubbish and need help as failed again this morning before work! Thinking of downloading it to my work computer but think i'll get fired for not doing my work hehe.


Oh well time to keep trying over the weekend :D

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Well tbh I didn't have any trouble with this fight at lv 31 with lv 22 gear and VERY undergeared Khem Val (starting gear).


I suggest using your Heroic moment, it helps a LOT. Heals you and your companion for 3% of your health every secon for a minute

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At least I will look good lol.....Ehhhh seriously I am rubbish and need help as failed again this morning before work! Thinking of downloading it to my work computer but think i'll get fired for not doing my work hehe.


Oh well time to keep trying over the weekend :D


It was a hard fight but I'm not sure why it is so difficult with your level.


Are you interrupting her heals?

Do you know what's killing you?

How far do you get her health down before you die?

Are you using medpacs/stims?

What level is your gear?

Are you sending Khem in first?

Are you using heroic moment?

Have you specced into a branch of your advanced class?

Have you upgraded your skills at the skill trainer?

Does your gear have the correct stats? (willpower/endurance for you)


Sorry if some of these seem really obvious, it's just always best to double check. :D

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